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2009-09-28 12:54 PM
in reply to: #1873369

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
Thanks for the heads up. I was wondering when they would be loaded.

2009-09-28 8:27 PM
in reply to: #1873369

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread


I just put the routes into mapmyride so that you could also see the elevation (check the box on the side of the screen that says "show elevation"........shows that YES the courses are FLAT!  That said the bike couse looks "more" complicated compared to last year---just more turns/coverleaf type turns but no big deal....also for those doing the full---don't forget that the run is 2x the above posted out/back!!
2009-09-29 6:19 AM
in reply to: #1873369

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
The course does look more complicated, but I am sure there will be tons of volunteers out there to help direct everyone.

The two lap run will definitely be cruel to see the finish line, but to turn around and head back out for another 13.1 miles.
2009-09-29 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1873369

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread

At least it's only two laps so when you see the finish on the first lap you know that NEXT time you'll be done!!  I did a HIM in May that was a three loop run that you literally ran along a fence that seperated the finish chute from the loop---tough to have to go by the finish two times (especially since there was a hill at the beginning of each loop) before getting to finish---the first time wasn't bad because it gave you a "goal" but the second time was cruel!!!!

2009-09-29 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1873369

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread

Thanks for posting the routes.  It looks interesting.

Early there was some talk about a hill on the run.  It doesn't look like there is one. 

2009-09-29 9:06 AM
in reply to: #1873369

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
Yeah I keep hearing about a hill on the run---that's part of the reason I did the routes so I could see the elevation....doesn't seem to show on the route----anyone have any local knowledge???

2009-09-29 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1873369

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
OK I just went to look at the discussion board at the B2B website and the "hill" mentioned is Ann St---they say short but a hill---hard to see on mapmyride (even looking at sat. view)----that said it's all of a block on Ann St so any "hill" is extremely short....
2009-09-29 10:06 AM
in reply to: #1873369

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
Looks like the bike has just enough of a up and down to keep it interesting vs completely flat. Even though that is pretty flat.

The run looks as flat as you can get.
2009-09-29 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1873369

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread

Do you want to see the actual Hill?

Go to Google maps:

Then use this address:  301 S Front St, Wilmington, NC 28401

Hit the street view then use the arrows to turn the view towards the river and there's your huge arse hill

It's a little climb, but even if you walk that little section to keep the HR in check your not going to lose that much time.  It also looks like there's a rise on Front St too, but nothing huge to worry about.

Edited by rottieguy 2009-09-29 12:22 PM
2009-09-29 12:40 PM
in reply to: #2432174

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
rottieguy - 2009-09-29 1:19 PM
It also looks like there's a rise on Front St too, but nothing huge to worry about.

That is a really cool feature to view the course.

I agree. I could not tell if it was the picture or what, it definitely looks like S Front St is a steady climb. No hill, but a long, slow, leg eater. At least I get to fall down it after making the turn.
2009-09-29 2:34 PM
in reply to: #1873369

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
Thanks Rottie!!!  I was trying to look at street view (but while in mapmyride---duuhhh!!!) last night....

2009-09-29 3:09 PM
in reply to: #1873369

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Nevada City with my BABY!
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread

Hey guys.... ARM WARMERS...last October I ran 3 marathons in 20 days...all in cold areas. Something I picked up was to take a pair of tube socks, cut the toes out of them and wear them as arm warmers until you get hot, then peal them off. Then keep them with you in your jersey until a water stop and throw them out then.

just a thought!

2009-09-29 3:31 PM
in reply to: #2432591

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Chapel Hill, NC
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
Sweetcorn - 2009-09-29 4:09 PM

Hey guys.... ARM WARMERS...last October I ran 3 marathons in 20 days...all in cold areas. Something I picked up was to take a pair of tube socks, cut the toes out of them and wear them as arm warmers until you get hot, then peal them off. Then keep them with you in your jersey until a water stop and throw them out then.

just a thought!

I love the idea of disposable arm warmers, thanks! I plan on packing some cheap $5 walmart gloves for the same reason. I don't want to count on getting anything I put back into my special needs bags returned to me, so I don't want to put anything costly in there.

Wow, 3 marathons in 20 days - you are hard core!
2009-09-29 8:41 PM
in reply to: #2432174

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
rottieguy - 2009-09-29 1:19 PM

Do you want to see the actual Hill?

Go to Google maps:

Then use this address:  301 S Front St, Wilmington, NC 28401

Hit the street view then use the arrows to turn the view towards the river and there's your huge arse hill

It's a little climb, but even if you walk that little section to keep the HR in check your not going to lose that much time.  It also looks like there's a rise on Front St too, but nothing huge to worry about.

Hey Guys...I'm a local and run the downtown hills weekly.  The hill on Ann Street is steep but very short!  It'll be about 1 minute of your total run time so don't get too worried about it!  Wilmington is not really known for being hilly so any of you who train on hills routinely will be fine!
2009-09-29 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1873369

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
That's JUST the local knowledge we were all looking for!!!  Thanks so muchSmile
2009-09-30 6:32 AM
in reply to: #2433222

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Chapel Hill, NC
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
canadarn2001 - 2009-09-29 9:41 PM

rottieguy - 2009-09-29 1:19 PM

Do you want to see the actual Hill?

Go to Google maps:

Then use this address:  301 S Front St, Wilmington, NC 28401

Hit the street view then use the arrows to turn the view towards the river and there's your huge arse hill

It's a little climb, but even if you walk that little section to keep the HR in check your not going to lose that much time.  It also looks like there's a rise on Front St too, but nothing huge to worry about.

Hey Guys...I'm a local and run the downtown hills weekly.  The hill on Ann Street is steep but very short!  It'll be about 1 minute of your total run time so don't get too worried about it!  Wilmington is not really known for being hilly so any of you who train on hills routinely will be fine!

Is the run course runable on a regular weekend? I'm heading down there sometime to do the bike course and maybe a 1 hour brick run after. Just wondering if those roads are too busy to run on during a Saturday afternoon.

2009-09-30 7:14 AM
in reply to: #1873369

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
We're under the 40 day mark now! I'm starting 4 weeks of higher volume training. These next three weeks I'm going to get a long ride of at least 90 in (I'd like to get 2 100+ rides in) and runs of 3 hours, a 1:00/1:30 brick and another 3 hour run in. Week 4 is a 3:00/1:30 B/R brick. Good times.

I've cut the swimming down to 2x per week, but I have to get some OWS in my wetsuit done. There will be some cold Saturday mornings at the beach for me.

Is everyone else ramping up the volume?
2009-09-30 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1873369

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
Yep, definitely time to ramp up the volume (if you have not started already). I have several more long rides planned, and I need to turn some of those into bricks. I am trying to keep my runs in the 12-15 mile range, so it decreases any long recovery.

I recently changed my swims over to longer grinder sets (e.g. 3,000 - 4,000 meters), and plan on getting some OWS in with wetsuit/booties (thanks Keyone, the booties came in yesterday).

As for Arm Warmers, Sweetcorn is right on the money. Much easier to put on wet arms, then trying to get a full long sleeve shirt on in T1. Plus, as stated you can always peel them off if you start warming up.

I hope everyone is getting their distance, pacing, nutrition nailed down now.
2009-09-30 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1873369

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
After by 83/6.2 debacle last weekend I'm hoping to get a bit more consistent on my training. I ran 1:20 last night at a slower pace with a friend who's tapering for the marathon and the foot felt much better. The piriformus I stretched and rolled last night so that's feeling better too, for now. No real long training this week for me since I'm going to Denver for the weekend but the following week, when I'm back in Omaha, I'm going to take advantage fo the trail system there (nobody uses it so it's wide open) and get in another 100-mile ride followed, hopefully this time, by a 2-hour run. I really really need to get these in, if for nothing else than to boost my confidence. I also plan to do a 115-miler in the hills of Wisconsin about two weeks before the race, again just to get my confidence up. Then it's taper time. I usually taper for about a week, maybe 10 days, but I'm giving a full 14 days for this race, partly because I'm so sick of training that I can't fathom doing any more!

Hey the Vegas Marathon is on Dec. 6. Some Donks (southern Wisconsin/northern Illinois BTers) are going. Think about it. You know you wanna!!!
2009-09-30 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1873369

Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
Yes, I agree, training is ramping up here as well.  I had a nice 17+ hour week last week capped off by a leisurely 6 hour 102 mile ride.  Big run this week of 16 miles (probably 2:24:00 or so) and another century ride next week.  Just trying to consistently get in 140-200 miles biking with one long ride per week with two shorter rides, 20-30 miles running with one long run per week and two or three shorter runs, one long pool swim each Monday of 2.4 miles and another swim each week of 1 mile. 
This is my first Iron and I have limited training time, so I'm hoping to survive, and would love to see 13:30:00- 14:00:00 and be healthy at the finish line.  What do you think based on this info?
Keep up the training,
2009-09-30 10:53 AM
in reply to: #1873369

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Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread

This has been my least trained IM, but hopefully it will be enough!!  We moved this summer & with 2 kids to settle into a new town my training was next to nothing over the summer.  I am trying to ramp it up now but I have had to do a lot of time on the computrainer (atleast it is flat training, I live in the Shenandoah Valley - there is no such thing as flat here!!) due to schedule.  My one and only century ride will be next weekend, I have had no ows time (there just anywhere to ows here!) but my run feels great and I'm hoping that will carry me through!! 

All those fun races everyone has been doing lately, I've been working!  Out of the last 12 weeks I have been traveling and timing races for atleast the last 8 - eek!  I am racing this weekend at Take Flight (Charlotte) because it is my all time most favorite race, but otherwise I haven't raced since FLA 70.3 in MAY! 

I'm hoping this will be my finish a 13 hour IM in 10 hours or less of training - we'll see in about a month!!


2009-09-30 4:39 PM
in reply to: #1873369

Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
The past few months of training I have not really factored in the cold...I have never trained in the cold, but yesterday I got lost on a bike ride and after the sun went down it got chilly...and it turns out I am not a fan of the cold.  I am glad I realized how cold I will be for the race, and just finished reading this thread last night and have a list of items I need to buy before the 7th.  Thanks for all the insight y'all, gonna stock up on some cold weather gear!
2009-10-01 5:13 AM
in reply to: #2433539

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
keyone - 2009-09-30 7:32 AM
canadarn2001 - 2009-09-29 9:41 PM
rottieguy - 2009-09-29 1:19 PM

Do you want to see the actual Hill?

Go to Google maps:

Then use this address:  301 S Front St, Wilmington, NC 28401

Hit the street view then use the arrows to turn the view towards the river and there's your huge arse hill

It's a little climb, but even if you walk that little section to keep the HR in check your not going to lose that much time.  It also looks like there's a rise on Front St too, but nothing huge to worry about.

Hey Guys...I'm a local and run the downtown hills weekly.  The hill on Ann Street is steep but very short!  It'll be about 1 minute of your total run time so don't get too worried about it!  Wilmington is not really known for being hilly so any of you who train on hills routinely will be fine!
Is the run course runable on a regular weekend? I'm heading down there sometime to do the bike course and maybe a 1 hour brick run after. Just wondering if those roads are too busy to run on during a Saturday afternoon.

The roads are pretty busy in the afternoon.  We usually run in the early morning if we are running downtown, especially if you are crossing the bridges.  I did notice they have changed the run course from last year.  Last year it was also two loops but not an out and back.  Hmm...I imagine you are coming down only for the day when you do come to ride right?  I guess you could run...but just make sure you are very careful especially out on the highway near the Battleship! Wink  If you want really good practice you could come to Wilmington the week before and do the Battleship Half Marathon!! 
2009-10-01 6:12 AM
in reply to: #2435864

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Alpharetta, GA
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
canadarn2001 - 2009-10-01 6:13 AM
If you want really good practice you could come to Wilmington the week before and do the Battleship Half Marathon!! 

Is that the same course?
2009-10-01 8:19 AM
in reply to: #2435888

Extreme Veteran
Wilmington, NC
Subject: RE: Beach 2 Battleship : Official Thread
Coldfire - 2009-10-01 7:12 AM
canadarn2001 - 2009-10-01 6:13 AM If you want really good practice you could come to Wilmington the week before and do the Battleship Half Marathon!! 
Is that the same course?

No, but parts of it are the same.  The run course last year was the Battleship Half Marathon course x 2.  This year they changed the run course and now it is a two loop out and back.  In the half mary course you go over both bridges (Cape Fear Memorial and the Isabelle Holmes Bridge).  In the B2B run you will only be crossing the Isabelle Holmes Bridge as far as I know...
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