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2010-04-24 10:10 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
5K was nice...  Jogged first mile 12:15.  Finished with 12:59 mile average, so I am happy with it.

Legs are tight and stones hurting just a little.

2010-04-24 12:39 PM
in reply to: #2813733

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Good job!  Hopefully you're seeing a solid turn for the better, pain wise.

otter_sh - 2010-04-24 10:10 AM 5K was nice...  Jogged first mile 12:15.  Finished with 12:59 mile average, so I am happy with it.

Legs are tight and stones hurting just a little.

2010-04-25 1:05 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
great job steve!   i can't imagine being tough enough to race with pain like that. 

i got my bike in yesterday  morning, had to cut off a couple of miles but no big deal.  at least i got it in and stayed dry.

trying to redo my schedule and stack most everything at the first of the week so i can have fresh legs next weekend for my 5K.  did the course last thurs and didn't do well (added 4 minutes from last year).  i always race faster, and it was at the end of the day so i'm hoping those are 2 big differences.  since last year this was my first ever race i'm certainly hoping to best my time this year.
2010-04-25 1:15 PM
in reply to: #2813733

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
otter_sh - 2010-04-25 9:10 AM 5K was nice...  Jogged first mile 12:15.  Finished with 12:59 mile average, so I am happy with it.

Legs are tight and stones hurting just a little.

Way to go! I hope you feel better soon.

Today I'm doing a 1.5 hr spin class and tomorrow I'm going to try and swim a mile. This will be my 3-4th attempt. Usually I swim a very slow and sad 1/2m and call it a day.
2010-04-25 9:19 PM
in reply to: #2815069

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washington state
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
LaurenCO - 2010-04-25 11:15 AM
otter_sh - 2010-04-25 9:10 AM 5K was nice...  Jogged first mile 12:15.  Finished with 12:59 mile average, so I am happy with it.

Legs are tight and stones hurting just a little.

Way to go! I hope you feel better soon.  

X2!!!   You really toughed it out this weekend!

Edited by deehtz 2010-04-25 9:21 PM
2010-04-26 10:00 AM
in reply to: #2815863

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

How'd everyone else do?

My long run was great, beautiful weather (to me).  My bike ride was a near bust, but I slogged through 30 wet miles so I could earn my t-shirt!

2010-04-26 10:13 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Hey there!

It was kind of a so-so weekend for me.  The weather here has been nasty for the last 3-4 days.  It did slow down long enough for my 10k race on Saturday morning though.  The temps were decent and since it was overcast, we didn't have to worry about sun, but the humidity was brutal!  It was like running through pea soup.  I don't think I've ever been so dripping wet, just from sweat, after a 6 mile run.  No PR (wasn't expecting one), but I did beat last year's time by a little over a minute, so I'm happy with that.  Sunday I ended up skipping my workouts, partly due to the weather, partly because I had some things that needed to get done around the house.  I'd been putting them off for too long - seemed like a good day to get some of them done.

2010-04-26 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
great job janet - awesome that you were able to better you time from last year PR or no.  some races just aren't PR friendly.

i got my bike in this weekend, but i had to cut it off at 10 miles instead of 12.  i was going to a conference and i had to cram the ride in before hand b/c it was supposed to be thunderstorming afterward. 

Even on fairly flat spots, I'm still having trouble getting much faster than 10 MPH.  Could that be my bike or do I need to do some serious quad strengthening work?  This weekend was about that pace, but it was a fairly hilly ride.  Like a big dork I got scared going down hill and hit the brakes to slow myself down.

Yesterday I kicked some serious @$$.  We had a tornado warning Saturday night and Sunday was beautiful, but we were left with some seriously high winds (around 30mph).  Add that to my running course being on the river and it felt like someone had a bungee cord trying to hold me back.  My 1st two miles were at 11:30 paces - which felt great for such a hard run.  I tackled a big hill for mile 3 and had to add a little walking in.  My over all pace was 11:59, but I felt great afterward.  It certainly wasn't your standard 12 minute mile and I felt like a champ for being able to pull that great of a run out!

I've got a 5K this weekend.  Last year I ran this same race - it was my first ever.  I'm really wanting to improve, so I'm shuffling my schedule around so that I can have fresh legs for the race.
2010-04-26 2:49 PM
in reply to: #2816803

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Brooke - I'd bet cash money that your speed issue is bike related.  While better bike fitness is always good, your speed will improve immensely with a road bike.  My speed went up approx 4 mph on the day I bought my road bike - seriously.  That was the first day I saw 19-20 mph on my speedometer (flat, fair tailwind).

Fantastic run!  Not easy!

Edited by BikerGrrrl 2010-04-26 2:49 PM
2010-04-26 9:57 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Hi everyone!

Glad to hear everyone's weekend went well.  Read the earlier question regarding practicing sighting on the swim portion.  It is something I always forget about building into practice, but something I wish I did more in the middle of a OWS race.  Thanks for the reminder, since I have my first tri next month!

Did my 5K on Saturday, overall a good run and I was happy with the time.  Makes me realize I do need to be running a bit more, but I am struggling (really struggling) with my family's schedule and finding time to train.  I wish I was better with time management and not such a procrastinator when I do get some free time.  Right now time seems to be my enemy.

Anyone else?

2010-04-27 7:45 AM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
I'm on the procastination band wagon...  Hooked up to 24 hr BP monitor today, so no workout planned....

Kidney stones, tired muscles and a BP cuff, oh what a day.....

2010-04-27 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2818949

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, Minnesota
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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Fantastic run, Marcie!  Did you always feel like you were turning, running on a track?  Or were there good straight stretches?

I honestly have no idea how one could schedule around a family and training.  I struggle with my own little easy life.  I am always flipping things around to fit them in, worrying, etc., and the only other person I have to deal with his my husband (who totally supports my training).  I hope you can eventually find a balance that works for you and your situation!

2010-04-27 10:50 AM
in reply to: #2818949

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

That doesn't sound very fun.  Did they tell you no workouts with the cuff?  Would you like us to encourage you?

otter_sh - 2010-04-27 7:45 AM I'm on the procastination band wagon...  Hooked up to 24 hr BP monitor today, so no workout planned....

Kidney stones, tired muscles and a BP cuff, oh what a day.....

2010-04-27 1:59 PM
in reply to: #2819600

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Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-27 10:50 AM

Fantastic run, Marcie!  Did you always feel like you were turning, running on a track?  Or were there good straight stretches?

I honestly have no idea how one could schedule around a family and training.  I struggle with my own little easy life.  I am always flipping things around to fit them in, worrying, etc., and the only other person I have to deal with his my husband (who totally supports my training).  I hope you can eventually find a balance that works for you and your situation!

No, the track was so huge, I felt like I was running pretty straight.  I am not much of a Nascar fan, so I had no idea how huge those tracks really are.  It was neat.

Yeah, I struggle with guilt a lot too, since I work 40 hrs a week, and don't get to see the kids too much during the week.  I've been trying to get creative with some training that I can do with them (double stroller for the small kids, bike for my older son, and I run, long walks, etc) but I don't feel like I get a great workout then, but I get the quality family time.  It's a trade off, and I have to remind myself that I really am doing this for fun....I have enough stress in my life!!!!  So, I have been having fun with the training I can do.  But.....doesn't make it any easier on race day when I wish I trained more. 

2010-04-27 4:12 PM
in reply to: #2818544

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Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
swimmom2002 - 2010-04-26 9:57 PM

Hi everyone!

Glad to hear everyone's weekend went well.  Read the earlier question regarding practicing sighting on the swim portion.  It is something I always forget about building into practice, but something I wish I did more in the middle of a OWS race.  Thanks for the reminder, since I have my first tri next month!

Did my 5K on Saturday, overall a good run and I was happy with the time.  Makes me realize I do need to be running a bit more, but I am struggling (really struggling) with my family's schedule and finding time to train.  I wish I was better with time management and not such a procrastinator when I do get some free time.  Right now time seems to be my enemy.

Anyone else?

You know, when I started with running and tri training both of my kids were already teenagers and pretty much past the "needing mom" stage (plus my DH is great about taking care of things like that) so I thought it'd be a good time to start doing something for myself.  It's been 3-1/2 years and I still struggle with fitting it in.  Even though our son is now off at college and our daughter is in HS and doing her own thing basically, I still feel guilty about going to the gym or off for a run or ride almost every evening.  I do skip the workout or do some re-arranging when needed (daughter has track meet/son is home for the weekend), but it's the "everyday" days when nothing's going on, no plans or anything, and I still get the guilty feeling at times.  I guess I feel like, now that we have the free time, I should be spending it with the DH.  Not exactly the same issues you have, but I could still use an extra hour or so in the day for "me" time!
2010-04-28 7:09 AM
in reply to: #2819602

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-27 11:50 AM

That doesn't sound very fun.  Did they tell you no workouts with the cuff?  Would you like us to encourage you?

otter_sh - 2010-04-27 7:45 AM I'm on the procastination band wagon...  Hooked up to 24 hr BP monitor today, so no workout planned....

Kidney stones, tired muscles and a BP cuff, oh what a day.....

Dr did not say no workout with BP monitor, but it would have been a pain every 1/2 hour to stop and let it take a reading and it was only set slightly above my normal BP in office, so it might have gotten above range. 

YEs some encouragement would be good...  A good kick in the back side might be more useful.  Did bring my swimsuit to work so I can go right after, if the stones don't get too bad today...   Very tired, do not sleep well with monitor and BP taken every hour, ended up on the couch.


2010-04-28 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2821796

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Steve - we are looking forward to hearing about how your swim goes tonight!  Just try to get in, even if it's a short one.

2010-04-28 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
I hope you feel better soon!!

Edited by LaurenCO 2010-04-28 9:24 AM
2010-04-28 6:45 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Got in a nice 1900 yard swim...  Kidney stones only hurt during stretching and a few laps of kicking, otherwise, just normal tired muscle pain....  Need to get cleaned and stretch a little more...  Probably call the Dr tomorrow to see what he wants to do about this periodic pain, since it does not last long enough for me to take the good pain pills. Smile

Thanks for the encouragement....
2010-04-28 8:58 PM
in reply to: #2824212

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Plainfield, IL
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

otter_sh - 2010-04-28 6:45 PM Got in a nice 1900 yard swim...  Kidney stones only hurt during stretching and a few laps of kicking, otherwise, just normal tired muscle pain....  Need to get cleaned and stretch a little more...  Probably call the Dr tomorrow to see what he wants to do about this periodic pain, since it does not last long enough for me to take the good pain pills. Smile

Thanks for the encouragement....

Nice swim!  Glad to hear you were able to make it to the pool and get some good yardage in.

2010-04-29 12:25 PM
in reply to: #2769762

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
good to see you back at it Steve!

can't add anything to the family conversation either Emily - sometimes my husband whines if i exercise instead of coming home right after work, but he's easy to ignore.  Tongue out  i do worry about if/when we have kids how i'll juggle a job, being a wife, housekeeper, AND mother.  the first 3 are hard enough right now.

2010-04-29 1:50 PM
in reply to: #2825847

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Hey guys.  I wanted to share this good blog post with you, written by my coach:

She talks about, essentially, the concept of "HTFU" or "nut up" as she says (along with a bunch of other funny euphamisms).  But basically what I got out of this is to not let yourself make excuses.  When race day comes along, things won't be perfect, so quit expecting that from your training.  You might be tired, it might be raining, whatever.  You can't keep trying to make the training plan work out perfectly.  Don't allow yourself to have regrets on race day because you negotiated your way out of half of your training plan.

I admit, this is a weakness.  I have a fear she wrote this because she's sick of me complaining   But I think it's human nature.  Find your balance and don't sell yourself short.

Happy reading!

Edited by BikerGrrrl 2010-04-29 1:50 PM
2010-04-29 7:33 PM
in reply to: #2769762

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
Took a nice easy walog to get my prescription from the store.  Since I needed to go and it is under 3 miles, it was a nice change of pace...  No pressure to look at intervals, walked 5 minutes jogged and walked as I felt like it and walked 5 minutes at the end to cool off...  Better than doing nothing....
2010-04-30 8:21 AM
in reply to: #2827294

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, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED

Good idea!  My favorite thing to do is "run" errands.  I don't do it often enough.  I have also found that aerobars are an excellent place to rest a bag of groceries   Our main grocery store is a little place about a mile from home, so we stop there after rides.  My husband watches the bikes and I run in, looking like a dork with my bike clothes and helmet.    Love living in a small town.

otter_sh - 2010-04-29 7:33 PM Took a nice easy walog to get my prescription from the store.  Since I needed to go and it is under 3 miles, it was a nice change of pace...  No pressure to look at intervals, walked 5 minutes jogged and walked as I felt like it and walked 5 minutes at the end to cool off...  Better than doing nothing....

2010-04-30 8:24 AM
in reply to: #2826135

Subject: RE: BikerGrrrl's Group - CLOSED
BikerGrrrl - 2010-04-30 12:50 PM

Hey guys.  I wanted to share this good blog post with you, written by my coach:

She talks about, essentially, the concept of "HTFU" or "nut up" as she says (along with a bunch of other funny euphamisms).  But basically what I got out of this is to not let yourself make excuses.  When race day comes along, things won't be perfect, so quit expecting that from your training.  You might be tired, it might be raining, whatever.  You can't keep trying to make the training plan work out perfectly.  Don't allow yourself to have regrets on race day because you negotiated your way out of half of your training plan.

I admit, this is a weakness.  I have a fear she wrote this because she's sick of me complaining   But I think it's human nature.  Find your balance and don't sell yourself short.

Happy reading!

Loved it!! Put it on my favs and I've been looking through old posts. Esp like "20 Things" and "Running 101". She sounds like an awesome coach.
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