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2011-06-28 2:44 PM
in reply to: #3571098

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
cbrave - 2011-06-28 9:53 AM
popsracer - 2011-06-28 8:11 AMI have kind of had to take advantage of opportunities as they come up and Vineman has so many great attributes that its hard to pass up.
Can't make the decision for you but would love to see you there and do what I can to encourage you during the race.

2011-06-28 6:01 PM
in reply to: #3570869

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
It would be great to see out there!
2011-06-29 11:34 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
Well, I pulled the trigger today. I've had a pretty good month of volumes but far short of what would make me feel a little better about this.

I know I need to get in as many longer rides as is feasible. My goal is 3 four hour rides before tapering. I do not think that I'll gain much from many longer runs at this point and do not want to risk injury. I'll be in walk/shuffle mode anyway. I hope to just maintain my current swim/run fitness and and really focus on my bike.

Any words of wisdom in the area of cramming for this would be appreciated. I've kept accurate logs since January.
2011-06-30 12:17 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Northridge, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

My wife and I will be up from LA for the race...third trip for us (I did the 70.3 in 2008 and then, in 2009, she did Barb's Race while I did the Full)...this time she's doing the bike leg on a relay team and I'm along for the trip.  However...

Thing is:  I've been doing all her long rides with her and am coming off running Boston in late April, so I'm starting to feel like jumping into the race.  The mileage is there on the bike and run and I'm not worried about the swim.  Hopefully it'll sell out and I won't have to talk myself out of it.

Either way, hope to see some of you up there...more than likely as you run by while I'm cheering...

2011-06-30 9:17 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread


Looking forward to some meet-ups in a month. 

Pops, my advice is the same I give my protege's in the mentor thread.  Choose a race strategy consistent with your training.  If you're long rides are only 4 hours, take it easy on the bike to deal with the last 2-3 hours as they come.  (Unless of course, you're riding 100 miles in 4 hours, in which case ignore my advice.

2011-06-30 6:34 PM
in reply to: #3574555

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
McFuzz - 2011-06-30 7:17 AM


Looking forward to some meet-ups in a month. 

Pops, my advice is the same I give my protege's in the mentor thread.  Choose a race strategy consistent with your training.  If you're long rides are only 4 hours, take it easy on the bike to deal with the last 2-3 hours as they come.  (Unless of course, you're riding 100 miles in 4 hours, in which case ignore my advice.

Thanks for the advice. I'm pretty comfortable on my long rides and since I just came off an HIM plan my paces were a bit faster. Last long ride was 18.5mph with comparable elevation gains. I'll scale that back to 17 for the race. I've starting conferring with my local mentors on game day strategy given what I'll have to bring to the line. I just want to finish under the cutoff. I know I'm fit enough so pacing properly and being smart/adaptable that day will increase my odds. I saw its supposed to be 97 degrees in Windsor next week. Hope that doesn't keep up. 95+ would be not be good.

2011-06-30 9:29 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Steve, I was looking at your logs.  It looks like you are biking in the 65 mile range, so you can go 80 95 100 taper or 80 95 taper.  Your long run is 13 ish you could go with a long run of 14 15 16 taper or up your mid week runs to 7-8s with a long in the 14 16 17 range and then taper.  Swim wise you are doing 1200 yards, probably do some low intensity 2000, 2500s and peak with a 3500 in two to three weeks.  Then just steady casual pace for the swim, like you said 17 mph ih for the bike maybe even 16.5 if it gets windy and then do a jog run for the run,  perhapse 4:00 jog 2:00 walk as long as that holds and drop it if needed.  Your training vollume is similar to some others who are already signed up.

Todd, your logs look decent enough to do this.  I did Boston with you so am in the same position.  As long as your legs are solid you could hit it, just hold back a touch on the intensity.   

2011-07-01 12:42 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Oh and numbers for June:

June's totals:
Bike:46h 42m 29s  - 800.09 Mi
Run:22h 54m 36s  - 161.1 Mi
Swim:13h 00m 30s  - 32500 Yd

I am not able to work any intensity, but am able to get some distance in.  Muscles holding for now, but not 100 percent.  Last two weeks of build form e now and then 3 week taper. 

2011-07-01 6:57 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
That green square on your calendar is this race!!
2011-07-01 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Wow -- we sure are getting close. I've got two more big weekends to nail down nutrition and everything, and then I'm into my taper.

Baowolf -- those are some huge numbers! Nice work! Mine...


June's totals:
Bike:32h 45m 31s  - 542.23 Mi
Run:20h 23m 26s  - 145.94 Mi
Swim:11h 49m 36s  - 24637 Yd


And with that, I'm off to the pool to see what swimming 4250 nonstop feels like.........

2011-07-01 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Thanks, solid numbers there yourself.  I will anti in for a 4500 yard swim today as well.  Not sure if it will be continuous, depends on how the shoulder feels. 

2011-07-01 9:39 AM
in reply to: #3273204

Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Here is my handy work. That green square is keeping me motivated. Keep up the good work people

June's totals:
Bike:41h 50m 04s  - 805.32 Mi
Run:18h 54m 51s  - 150.21 Mi
Swim:10h 43m 31s  - 41040.42 Yd


2011-07-01 10:18 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
June's totals:
Bike: 16h 32m - 302.1 Mi
Run: 15h 15m 08s - 93.4 Mi
Swim: 6h 16m 52s - 20650 Yd

I hope someone leaves the lights on for me
2011-07-01 11:29 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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San Francisco
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Baowolf and Trooper, those are some serious training numbers (even more than my training for UMC!).  Way to go!

2011-07-01 1:59 PM
in reply to: #3576904

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Extreme Veteran
Spokane, Wa
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
Sorry I'm late to the thread but, I had a couple of questions. I think I did IMCda with a couple of you guys before. How does the bike course compare to Cda? Is it a brutal bike? I have a friend that's looking at trying to hit the time bonus and he was wondering.
2011-07-01 2:22 PM
in reply to: #3577219

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Some of you guys are hitting some amazing volumes. Great job!! 

My totals are just OK I suppose.  This is about all I can fit into my crazy schedule.  I did miss one long bike (100+mi) session, but I still have 2 more in the next 2 weeks.  Long runs haven't been as long as I would like, but I did have a pretty good base before IM training started so I'm not overly concerned.  I'm planning to run/walk at Vineman.  Swim is coming along nicely.  Did a 5000+ session where cramping didn't completely limit me (Woohoo!)  so I'm feeling confident on that... finally!  I was a bit worried last month about that. 

We are almost there...  Jeez... what will I do after Vineman? 

June's totals:
Bike:24h 10m 43s  - 285.8 Mi
Run:14h 18m 06s  - 83.19 Mi
Swim:7h 41m 05s  - 19258.59 Yd

Edited by ecpasos 2011-07-01 2:30 PM

2011-07-01 2:37 PM
in reply to: #3577265

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
ecpasos - 2011-07-01 2:22 PM

We are almost there...  Jeez... what will I do after Vineman? 

Good question!  Take care of things you've been putting off with IM training (home repairs, take the wife out to dinner, etc.). 

It's good to have a few ideas for the post-IM malaise/funk.  In my case, I have a warrior dash in Sept (maybe a HIM too) and MCM in Oct. 

2011-07-01 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
Scott the Vineman bike course is easier than CDA.  The road quality is not as good, but you have rollers of  30 to 75 feet elevation gain instead of CDA's rollers of 100 to 150 foot elevation gain the hills are also not nearly as steap.  There is only 1 somewhat significant climb and it is a hill not a mountain.  So maybe 250-350 foot climb and not nearly as steap an incline as the CDA climbs.  I don't know the exact numbers but not as hard as CDA.  I did Vineman 2 years ago and CDA last year.  If your buddy is that fast he may miss the wind that picks up on the 2nd lap as well.  Tell him to watch those waterbottle launches on the railroad tracks.
2011-07-02 10:40 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Tahoe City, CA
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
Wow! Seeing all those numbers is making me more nervous than I was before. I'm about 8hrs/swim, 24hrs/bike, and 17hrs/run. I have a 106mile ride and a couple 16mile runs under my belt. Pretty sure I'll cross the line, but I guess I should think about increasing my goal time a bit. ; )
Nice work to everyone! Enjoy your tapers and I hope to meet some of you soon!
2011-07-02 12:03 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Ok, here's my totals.  Been plagued with a few injuries, just got over an ankle injury then I just strained my back 2 days ago!  Have to take it easy this weekend but hopefully I'll be able to put in some good training the next 2 weeks.  My run totals are about half of what I wanted but I feel good with a run/walk strategy.  Swim feels great, doing masters workouts has helped a ton!  Did a few open water ocean swims that have given me some good confidence! Gonna do another century ride if the back feels ok, if not lot's of walking and swimming for me

Monthly totals:
S:  26350.00 M - 10h 15m
B:  423.70 Mi - 19h 47m
R:  54.18 Mi - 7h 44m 01s
Str:  30m

Did a small swim and walked a few miles this morning.  Came to Palm Dessert this weekend to do some heat training (it was 115 yesterday!), but of course the back just won't let me train.  Hopefully this back eases up in a day or 2!!!  I feel good about crossing the line, just have to watch my pacing and adjust per my training and I should be good to go.

Can you believe it's already July!!!

2011-07-02 12:12 PM
in reply to: #3273204

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Murrieta Calif.
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
July 30th is getting so close!! Less than a month now! I had a low back injury last month! Ironic for a chiropractor to injure his back, I know!! I have not been able to put much training in as a result! Mitch and I are supposed to go on a good hard long ride tomorrow and this will kinda determine if I am going to be able to race or not! I talked Mitch into this, so I would feel like I let him down if I backed out so if I can, I will definitely be there!

2011-07-03 12:59 AM
in reply to: #3273204

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Yay finally got some heat to train in up here, 117 mile bike ride in 92F temps, went through 160 ounces in fluids.  Towards the end that 95 F temp water was just not as refreshing as it was at the beginning.  Still some muscle issues, but was able to get through the ride without incident, just discomfort.  I have a 17 mile run on order for tomorrow.  Keep it strong guys, but avoid high intensity at this point in the training.  Just get in the last couple of long rides/runs and call it good for taper.  Carying a lot of fatigue and then hitting intensity hard ... has resulted in a number of muscle pulls for folks at this point in the training.  Better to not risk it if you are not in the possible podium group (and no I am not in the podium group).  It looks like we have a few that are going to rock this race, a bunch that are going to feel really good about their times and then we have a number of folks who are nursing injuries that are just going to have to have a long day 8(.  Crossing the line is where it is at, anything better is just gravey.  Stay strong, stay safe and I will seeya at the race.

By the way, are we all going to meet up after the athlete's lecutre outside the gym the day before the race?  We have done that in the past if folks are interested. It helps if someone has a BT shirt to draw everyone else in.   


2011-07-03 6:31 AM
in reply to: #3578781

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread
Baowolf - 2011-07-03 12:59 AM

By the way, are we all going to meet up after the athlete's lecutre outside the gym the day before the race?  We have done that in the past if folks are interested. It helps if someone has a BT shirt to draw everyone else in.   

Definitely interested in a meet-up.  Lunch or dinner on Friday (and I have a BT shirt).

2011-07-03 11:32 AM
in reply to: #3578781

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Extreme Veteran
North Carolina
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Congrats on getting some heat....I've been fortunate to have been able to train in some pretty stout Heat and Humidity the last few weeks here in North Carolina. I'm hoping that it will pay off for the race later this month. Janelle (runnergirl) and I are pretty excited about meeting all of y'all....




2011-07-03 12:35 PM
in reply to: #3579010

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Vineman Full Ironman : Official Thread

Hey Everyone!

So I did my first 100+ ride yesterday. Training called for a 30 minute brick run after.  My nutrtion seemed good. I was consuming 300 cals per hour on the bike via Acccelerade and lots of water, although I might have tried to take in a bit more h20 based a calculated deficit of about 9oz/hour.

I had some problems throughout that I can fine tune for the IM (i.e. loose shoe cleat, chafing shorts, raw hands).  But there's one issue that I'm not sure about.

During the run portion, I was only able to do 20 minutes.  I started to feel light headed and my stomach quesy. I had to walk the rest of the way home. When I got home, I had to lay down with legs elevated for 5 minutes before I felt ok.  I used a 9 min / 1 min  Run/Walk strategy during this.  Didn't seem to help much.  I could feel myself going downhill after the 1st 9 minutes.  Temps started around 70 deg in the morning, but when I started the run it was around 100 deg so it was pretty hot.

I'm thinking maybe I went too hard on the bike or I'm not acclimated to working out in this heat?  This was the 1st bike/run where temps got over 90.  Should I tone down my paces?  Should I stay in Z1 longer on the bike (i.e. more than the 1st 30 miles)?  Maybe I need to do a 4 min/1min run/walk instead? 

I only have one more long bike/brick session next Saturday to experiment.  Any suggestions?



Edited by ecpasos 2011-07-03 12:38 PM
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