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2007-03-13 10:59 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Have a great vacation at Key West Laura. You almost have me convinced that I should never use the term "dreadmill" again.

Kat, you and your Mom are in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully it is all good news on the 20th.

Question for everyone. When I was a very dedicated runner many years ago, I would replace my shoes every 300-400 miles depending on the wear. How often should I replace running shoes. My LRS told me to replace my shoes the same number of times that I run per week, per year (i.e. 3 times per week=3 new pairs of shoes a year). Of course, with swimming and biking added to the mix I don't build up those run totals like I used to. I will be rotating two different Asics shoe models at the suggestion of the LRS.

2007-03-13 11:18 PM
in reply to: #722062

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I have heard the same 300-400 mile suggestion. I started having foot pain and associated knee pain from favoring the foot at the end of last year. I got a new pair of shoes for Christmas and the pain miraculously disappeared within a couple of days. I plan to get new shoes (or pull out the additional new pair from the closet) when I start to feel the same indications, paying extra attention to any discomfort when I get close to the 300 mile mark.

The March swimming is going, well, swimmingly, and the running is becoming addictive. I'm running 5-6 days a week with 1 long run, 2 pace runs (soon to be 1 pace run and 1 hill session), 2 easy shorter runs, and one medium distance easy run. Actually following a training plan has produced some rather startling improvements in my run times and perceived endurance. 12 months ago the prospect of running a full 5k, even at a very easy pace, seemed impossible. Now I have just warmed up after 5k. Breaking 10 min/mi is no longer a stretch goal and my pace run tonight was 4 miles @ 8:30.

I've set a goal of 10 min/mi for my June marathon, but my long easy runs are closer to 9:30. If I really put my mind to it, I would love to break 4 hours for my first marathon, but where would that leave me for my next one? We'll see where my motivation takes me, but I am guaranteed a PR as long as I cross the finish line!
2007-03-14 7:24 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

This week I'mnot very exercise oriented.  I have mid-terms this week so I'm kinda in a tunnel-vision mode.  I have a 5K on the 25th and my first indoor tri on the 26th.  I'm going to use the indoor tri as a way to gauge my training so far.  McFuzz and I are still trying to decide if I'm doing a tri in both June and July or just one or the other.  I know that I'm doing one in mid-August.



Edited by BAMBAM66 2007-03-14 7:26 AM
2007-03-16 12:29 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hey Madisonians (and those willing to drive to Madison),

Fleet Feet in Madison is putting on something called the Black Earth Brick on Saturday, April 7th, 2007 at 8am. We are leaving from their store on our bikes at 8am, riding the 15 miles Black Earth, running the 2 mile or 10 mile running race ($5 at 10am), and then riding back for 15 more miles. They are offering to drive your shoes/stuff to Black Earth if you are one of the first 40 people to RSVP with the store. They'll also have someone watching our bikes at the race. It's also the store's birthday week so we will be having cake when we get back to the store.

I've never run the Black Earth race before, but they are a pretty good group of people. The last race they introduced me to was the S-No-W Fun Run if that is any indication.

It sounds tough to beat for five bucks and it would be nice to put a couple of faces with the avatars if you've got the time to make it.
2007-03-21 7:35 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hello Whizzzzzz Posse!!!!
We are nearly finished with the great month of March, which came in like a lion and is going out like a slightly smaller lion. Hmmmmpf. I never believed that adage anyway...
How is your training coming along? How do you feel? Specifically, some things to consider and think about:
  • How do you feel motivationally? For those of us with races in September and beyond...we've got at least 6 more months of this training stuff. How do you feel? Are you taking rest days/recovery weeks to keep yourself fresh and motivated?
  • Aches and pains? Recovering? Getting worse? Are they hindering your training? How are you handling this?
  • IT'S ALMOST SPRING! I **know** how hard it is to wake up and be enthusiastic about running down stairs and jumping on the trainer.
  • Has this whole training thing become a habit for you? How do you handle set backs, busy times at work, family obligations, etc etc?
  • Do your workouts have structure and purpose? How are we doing with the junk miles?
Just some things to consider and ponder, because I know you've got nothing else to think about today, March 21, 2007. Kiss
Have a wonderful day, whatever is on your docket, and remember to keep your fingers crossed for Kat, who is finding out health news about her Mom either yesterday or today!
Check in, and let me know how it's going!

Edited by Whizzzzz 2007-03-21 7:49 AM
2007-03-21 8:17 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

For me this month has been HARD!! I missed all of last week's training because I was so wrapped up in projects and tests (it ws mid-terms) that I quite literally just couldn't find the time without dippping into the sleep time.  I had a 5K planned (&signed up) that I will have to miss out on because of a prior commitment (didn't realize they were on the same weekend) BUT am doing the indoor tri. 

The indoor tri is one that the local tri-club uses to generate interest in the sport.  I'm using it to see how well my training is going so far and where I need to work more at.  It is a 10 min swim (pool), 20 min bike, and 15 min run (track).  My goals for each are: 350 yds, 12 miles, and 1 1/2 miles.  Those are prety consistent with what I do during my training sessions, maybe a little more. 

I think my first real tri will be in mid-June (Indiana Downs).  McFuzz did this one last year with his brother and he said it was pretty good.  Not a friendly race (nobody cheering other participants on, etc.) but a good race to use as a first.  I think I'm excited but right now I'm worried about not living up to my times on Sunday.  Pani has set in!!!

I will continue to run 5K's each month but doing more than 2-3 tris in one season puts a crimp in the budget, if you know what I mean.   I am so ready for spring to finally be here.  I'm tired of cold, running indoors (could run outside but every time I go to run outside it's raining and I won't run in the rain for fear of falling ) and using the stationary bike.  I have a mountain bike that I can ride but it's so heavy that I'm actually starting to hate it.  I can't wait to be able to find a road bike, at least, that fits me and is the right price. 

Two of the girls in McFuzz's group have become a great kick in the pants for me. We are  students, parents (one  is a single mom) and such.  Matter of fact, we made a deal that we would each get out and do something today that it tri related.  It is spring break for me and I thought that I would be doing something every day---well, I am but it isn't exercise related.  It's 2 weeks or more of house work, laundry and basic running around that has piled up. 

Well, that's my sad little tale  Oh woe is me  

Hope to get outside in between raindrops today.

2007-03-21 8:50 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

On the running shoe/mileage question I ran a pair of shoes I loved up to about 800 miles before switching them out, and honestly I still think about running in them once in a while.  I certainly wouldn't want my advice to result in injury for anyone, but I'd say 3-400 miles is when you need to start considering if your shoes are holding up.  If you get that soreness like you've been on your feet all day but haven't really changed your routine then it is definitely time to change.  Don't forget to visually inspect them too, especially from the bottom and sides.  From the side look for spots where the EVA foam (softer white stuff) may be compressed or showing deep wrinkles.  Other things like peeling/missing/worn through tread are more obvious. 

I think saying 300 miles is being a little over cautious, especially from a store that wants to sell you more shoes.  On the other hand I'm NOT recommending 800 miles.  That was just an example and maybe I just got lucky.

2007-03-21 9:02 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
2007-03-21 9:04 AM
in reply to: #731194

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Crystal Lake, IL
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Whizzzzz - 2007-03-21 7:35 AM
Hello Whizzzzzz Posse!!!!

Before I respond to this post, I have to mention this.  I met up with Whizzzz last Sunday at the Half Marathon in Cary, IL to cheer on some friends.  If you ever have this opportunity, do not pass it up.  She's fun to be around and cheering on a race is fun in itself.  Check my log from Monday for a more detailed account of the experience.  There is no one else more enthusiastic about what we do than Whizzzzz. 


Great time to ask these questions.  I just went through about a month period where I slacked off.  I've never really felt like I needed a break to avoid burnout before and I still don't think I was burned out at the time.  However, being a slacker while I went through illness and then vacation and working my way back into it has me WAY MORE EXCITED for the upcoming season than I thought I would be in mid-March.  I am so STOKED!  I can't wait for my first race which is a 5K in 6 weeks.  My legs are bouncing just sitting here thinking about it. 

No question - the hardest thing about missing workouts for a week or a month is getting over the guilt and getting back into it.  It is HARD!  But you know what?  Nobody cares.  Nobody else at the gym cares, and nobody here on BT cares.  You are the only person that feels bad about it.  Don't let it bug you.  Even your own body doesn't care.  It will simply respond to the workouts once you start them up again.  So just work your way back into it.  I now feel better/faster than I did before my break.

Right now my biggest problems are fitting in bike and swim time with the aggressive running training schedule I've set for myself.  After my break I realize that's a nice problem to have.  I'm just glad to be training consistently again.  Looking down the road a little bit my biggest concern is getting in 3-5 hour bike rides in preparation for my HIM this summer.  I just don't know when I'm going to find the time.  I'm going to have to leave the house at 3am on Saturday mornings, which makes me nervous about drunk drivers. 

It's almost 2007 race season, gang!  WOOOHOOO!  Here we go!


2007-03-21 3:21 PM
in reply to: #731194

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
# How do you feel motivationally? For those of us with races in September and beyond...we've got at least 6 more months of this training stuff. How do you feel? Are you taking rest days/recovery weeks to keep yourself fresh and motivated?

I'm really looking forward to getting a schedule so I can schedule some races. I'd like to get in a couple of Oly races this season and a Marathon at a minimum.

# Aches and pains? Recovering? Getting worse? Are they hindering your training? How are you handling this?

I've go a sore R upper arm. It acts like a tendon injury. I'm icing it after workouts and before bed. I wrapped it in vet (coban) wrap for a bike ride and that helped.

# IT'S ALMOST SPRING! I **know** how hard it is to wake up and be enthusiastic about running down stairs and jumping on the trainer.

It is spring here (East TN) - I hope it warms up in DC by the time I get there. I went on a long run in Tampa just to enjoy the warmth (it was raining, but I didn't mind at all)

# Has this whole training thing become a habit for you? How do you handle set backs, busy times at work, family obligations, etc etc?

I've done better than I expected in keeping a reasonable training routine going since I knew I was moving. Work has suffered for this as I've taken most of the vacation time I had built up, but I've spent a fair amount of time with friends and family.

# Do your workouts have structure and purpose? How are we doing with the junk miles?
Structure, yes. Purpose - sure as long as "keep on keeping on" is a purpose. I decided to go ahead and sign on with an online coaching service (D3) and see how it works. It's kept me from running up junk miles because I just don't have a lot of focus at the moment.

I rotate shoes often. I run in shoes for 3 months, then wear them for work for 3 months, then toss them (or send them to my mother for farm wear). When I don't need them for work shoes, I may increase the wear to 6 months. (I prefer using date to miles ran as it's easy to keep up with)

Road Bikes
Go ride the models you're considering. I have a hard time finding a decent fit because I have long legs and a short torso. Most bike shops look at the pedal/saddle fit and ignore how far I reach to the handle bars.
2007-03-21 5:04 PM
in reply to: #731335

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Awwww shucks, Marty, you're going to make me cry! Kiss

Thank you for the nice compliment.

Do what you love, love what you do.

2007-03-21 7:35 PM
in reply to: #731194

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
1 - How do you feel motivationally? For those of us with races in September and beyond...we've got at least 6 more months of this training stuff. How do you feel? Are you taking rest days/recovery weeks to keep yourself fresh and motivated?

Six months seems like forever! Active rest days, if you see yoga on my log, yep, rest day. No recovery weeks--working on my base to be ready for the start of my HIM plan in April. I am not very strong in any of the three sports, every little bit of training is needed. Is that the wrong approach?

2 - Aches and pains? Recovering? Getting worse? Are they hindering your training? How are you handling this?

Just some tweaky (is that a word?) muscles and little soreness after running outside. We'll see what happens as the training volume goes up.

3 - IT'S ALMOST SPRING! I **know** how hard it is to wake up and be enthusiastic about running down stairs and jumping on the trainer.

Training is an after work activity for me due to our crazy schedules (I work 7:00AM-5:00PM, Eric works 2:00PM-10:00PM). No wake up and work out for me! Unfortunately, I have plenty of opportunities to procrastinate about working out when I get home. I actually like riding my bike on the trainer (at least to a point).

4 - Has this whole training thing become a habit for you? How do you handle set backs, busy times at work, family obligations, etc etc?

I have adopted a "time to go to work" attitude but I couldn't do it if I didn't enjoy it. My mantra for dealing with life as it happens - "Semper Gumby", always flexible. Adjust, adapt, and overcome.

5 - Do your workouts have structure and purpose? How are we doing with the junk miles?

I have used workouts from various sources to have enough variety but still meet my base building requirements to start the 20-week HIM in April. Base building/maintenance = no junk miles as far as I am concerned.

On a side note, Tribadger has been interviewing for a promotion at work the last two weeks. He found out today that he did not get the promotion. I am sure he could use a little inspiration from everyone today.

2007-03-21 8:17 PM
in reply to: #732435

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

You need a step back week. Every 3 weeks... your body needs a little rest in order to absorb what you're throwing at it. I promise you, you won't lose fitness, but rather, you'll be able to surge forward with that much MORE vim and vigor after a well placed recovery week.

I live for my recovery weeks. I "work like a dog", and then relish my rest days and recovery weeks. On my rest days I do **NOTHING** remotely athletic. The most I do is lift a laundry basket. No short spin, no tiny run... no nothing. Just rest. And recovery. Sleep in.

And I stick to my recovery weeks. I swim with a Master's program and I had a 30 minute swim on my docket during my recovery week... well, Master's is a 2500 minimum, 1 hour workout... it took every ounce of will power to stick to my recovery week, not let my fellow swimmers "race" me and LEAVE after my 30 minutes was up. Regardless of their chiding. Tongue out

I could have done more... but my recovery week is simply not the time for me to "work like a dog." I do the dog stuff 3 other weeks of the month. Recovery I enjoy. And I'm still in base training too...we've got a long ways to go. We must pace ourselves... Laughing 

2007-03-21 11:47 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
How is your training coming along? How do you feel?
- Training is coming along well and I feel great, but I am fighting a little bit of a cold at the moment.

How do you feel motivationally?
- Having an epic run (for me) in June AND actually having a schedule to follow has really helped with the motivation. I have a handful of "B" events and other events that I will basically use for training, but my "A" races (June marathon, Sept HIM) seem like they are pretty well spaced to allow for good focused training for both events. It should allow me to mix up the training and stay up for all the exercise.

Are you taking rest days/recovery weeks to keep yourself fresh and motivated?
- Yep, and I have actually started looking forward to those days/weeks rather than dreading them. Finding/adding purpose in each training session has helped a bunch.

Aches and pains? Recovering? Getting worse? Are they hindering your training? How are you handling this?
- Just the normal tired muscles so far. Nothing some good stretching can't help.

Has this whole training thing become a habit for you?
- Absolutely. I look forward to my sessions on most days. It's a little escape from the world of work.

How do you handle set backs, busy times at work, family obligations, etc etc?
- Try to anticipate and adapt my schedule around them. I'm heading out of town for a few days this weekend with the family and plan to move my long run (only 9 miles this week) to Thursday night (normally Sunday) and bag a couple of the other runs. I sacrifice one short easy run and one pace run, but I will survive. After 3 days off in a row, I'll be rarin' to hit the hill workout on Tuesday night.

Do your workouts have structure and purpose? How are we doing with the junk miles?
- They do now. Having a schedule which includes workouts with specific purpose have helped tremedously. What I would have called junk miles a while back now have specific goals (pace, hills, LSD, recovery).

Overall, things are going very well. Hope it continues this way!
2007-03-22 8:29 AM
in reply to: #731327

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Of the choices listed here... I'd say the Specialized has the best components and looks like the nicest bike. The Louis Garneau is nice too... and it's RED, but the components are a lower end Shimano. Still good, but not AS GOOD as what you get on the Specialized, which looks to be a mix of 105 and Tiagra.

Shimano has several levels of components. Shifters, derailleurs, pedals, etc etc... they are, from lowest to highest:

  • Sora (which is recreational, good gears, not for racing, necessarily)
  • Tiagra (a step up from Sora)
  • 105 (the first racing level from Shimano, your entry level race components)
  • Ultegra (a step up from 105... smoother, more durable)
  • Dura Ace (What LANCE uses... and what most high end race bikes come equipped with)

FIRST AND FOREMOST, you need to figure out what SIZE you take. A cool bike is only cool if it FITS you and you RIDE it. You are not going to want to ride a bike that does not fit you... Vicious circle. (!!!)

I'd recommend going to a bike shop and telling them what you're up to... get measured. Then buy your bike shoes there or a jersey and shorts, or something. I wouldn't just go get measured and leave. Throw them a bone... make friends with your LBS and they will be happy to help you whenever you need it! Maybe even test ride some of these models if you can find them. You should be able to find Specialized out there pretty easily... Compact geometry can be a little weird... (the LG) but that was for me... I'm quite tall. It was like riding a miniature bike. For you, it might be OK! Laughing

Hmmmmmm..... your thoughts on this???  I'm 5'9" and my road bike is a 54", BTW... Good Luck! New bikes! Always exciting.



2007-03-22 8:40 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I posted my goals for Sunday on my blog page.  They are pretty lofty goals but I believe that they can be obtained---at what price not sure!! I'm going to head over where the indoor tri will be and see if I can swim a little in the pool and use their stationary bikes.  Just want to get a feel for their equipment.

2007-03-22 8:22 PM
in reply to: #732836

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I agree with Whizzzz on using the bike shops. We are fortunate to have 5 or 6 decent bike shops in town. My two favorites are Erik's (no relation, spelled differently), and "Village Peddler" in Monona, Wi. Village Peddler is locally owned. I really like those guys there. VP is the closest to our house, so I like to stop in frequently, to pick up a few things and talk bikes. I've learned a lot, and they are willing to talk to dummies.

Back to the original question. Fit is key. The bike shops that are serious about providing the best service really appreciate it when a buyer is serious enough to come in with their gear, including shoes & pedals. They want it to be right for you. I wouldn't have any problems with the above shops letting me take a bike out for a half hour or more to make sure it is right for me.

Good luck, let us know what you end up with.

We had a very heavy rain last night. Bad for sleeping, but good for washing winter gunk off of the roads. If it's dry enough this weekend, we're getting out for a ride.

Have a good weekend.
2007-03-22 8:33 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Hey you guys! The Posse is expanding! I've received a request from Nate_21 to join the group! He's going to post his general information here in this thread, then we can all add him as a "Friend" in our blogs and inspire the heck out of him! Wink


PS... He was a Provincal level swimmer in Canada! We can pick his brain! Get your swim questions ready, and welcome Nathan! (Nate_21)  

2007-03-23 8:10 AM
in reply to: #635251

Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
Hey thanks a lot for the warm welcome Laura and for letting me join such an awesome group! Also big thanks to those who have already sprinkled me with a little inspiration, that was very pleasent to see this morning.

Well here is a bit about myself. As you know my name is Nathan, I am 21 years old, and I'm from southern Ontario, Canada. I grew up playing many sports and found myself competing at a pretty high level in both swimming and basketball. As Laura said I did swim at the Provincial Championships for about 6 years straight and still to this day work as a swimming instructor in the summer teaching kids ages 1-18 with a few adults thrown in. I am more than welcome to answer any swimming questions you guys have! Sadly, I gave up swimming as a teenager to focus on basketball. Played for our Ontario team here and thought I had a real future in the sport until what I call the "dark years" occurred haha. Choose to eat VERY unhealthy foods and drank almost every weekend, sometimes three nights a week while at University. I gained 40lbs and was extremly unactive. At 18 I began "bodybuilding" and have lifted weights 4 times a week for about the last 3.5 years, but usually never did cardio.

Here are my goals and what I want to accomplish. For some reason I have always wanted to complete a triathlon and be one of those "runners". So my first goals for this summer are to train consistently without injury, compete in a 5k race, a 10k race, and a sprint triathlon. I am very much a noobie to this running stuff and training for races and triathlons. Everyday I want to be doing some sort of cardio and get my endurance up so that I can run for an hour without stopping. For some reason that just seems like a good goal haha.

Well anyways hope I haven't bored you guys too much. I am very excited to join this posse and hopefully get to know you guys real quickly! I've read most of the thread so I feel like I know you guys in some way (sorry if that comes of a little stalkerish haha). Off for a little run. Thanks again and big thanks to Laura!
2007-03-24 7:49 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I know I am a little ahead of mysef here, but do any of you who live in the Northern Illinois/Southern Wisconsin area ever get a hankerin' to go mountain biking/have a mountain bike? The MTB season is right around the corner and I'd love to see if I can hook up with any of you to have a day on the trails. Kettle Morraine (John Muir/Emma Carlin trails) is my home turf, but I'm willing to try anyone else's stomping grounds.
2007-03-25 7:26 PM
in reply to: #635251

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McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
One of the more popular trails in the area is at Blue Mounds State Park. I am sure there are more, I will have to do some research. I know there are tons of trails up north in the Minoqua area.

I have been out of mountain biking for many years. I have been thinking about buying another mountain bike and getting back into it just for the fun and variety. I can't believe how many different types of mountain bikes there are--hardtail, full suspension, single gear, disc brakes, etc. I wouldn't even know where to start.

My in laws bought a cabin near Tomahawk last year which got me thinking about mountain biking again.

2007-03-26 8:53 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
OK, went to Juneau this last week.   Had to schmooze, its my job…..  just wish I could do better making a work out schedule.  I am back and seeing all you people hanging tough…
1 - How do you feel motivationally? For those of us with races in September and beyond...we've got at least 6 more months of this training stuff. How do you feel? Are you taking rest days/recovery weeks to keep yourself fresh and motivated?
Well, I had 3 great weeks with rest days, definitely needed rest days.  I was ready for my recovery week and well, it looks pretty puny.   I think I should be albe to stay motivated through the fall.  

2 - Aches and pains? Recovering? Getting worse? Are they hindering your training? How are you handling this?

I did not start from an injury like usual, but I have a number of points of possible falling apart:  feet – years of plantar fasciitism – my feet hate to run, but I am building up the pounding capacity and thinking aobut things like heel strike and such.    Knee – acl feeling strong.   SI joint – not just doing the ab challenge but leading it….   Or something like that.   So, the old bod is holding strong for now.

3 - IT'S ALMOST SPRING! I **know** how hard it is to wake up and be enthusiastic about running down stairs and jumping on the trainer.   I am looking forward to more outdoor work outs – am walking every morning to at least start the day moving and to see the neighborhood flowers coming out…..

4 - Has this whole training thing become a habit for you? How do you handle set backs, busy times at work, family obligations, etc etc?   I do pretty well until I travel.   Have got to be better about that.  

5 - Do your workouts have structure and purpose? How are we doing with the junk miles?  Frankly, if junk is all I got, I just crank it down to a very low intensity day.

Weigh loss - well, not much at all.   about 8 lbs.   what the heck is that about?   Usually when I start from scratch I drop about 10-15 in a hurry and then even out to a slow pace.    I don't eat terribly, but probably drink too much wine and beer.  I am bad about getting breakie before the office.

oh - my big news.  I am gettting braces on my teeth..  

2007-03-26 9:34 PM
in reply to: #737903

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Silver member
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
bootygirl - 2007-03-26 8:53 PM

oh - my big news. I am gettting braces on my teeth..


How long will you have to wear them? You will love the results... a temporary inconvenience toward a future improvement. Laughing I had them in Jr. high... complete with head gear and the whole nine yards. The most important piece of advice is to wear your RETAINER! 

Good Job, Mary... you travel Goddess!

Happy Monday Night, Posse! Hope all is well. We have put together a couple of really solid months here! We should all be very proud. 

2007-03-27 9:23 PM
in reply to: #635251

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Walworth, WI
Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!
I just got back from a family vacation to Duluth, MN. Took the kids to see their great grandparents and took some time to drive up the Lake Superior lakeshore and drive my marathon route back. They described it as a "relatively flat" course on the website. I guess it is all a matter of perspective, since Duluth is built on the side of very steep hills, but these people have a very twisted sense of "flat". I am very glad that I have seen the course. I now know that hill training will play a much larger part in my training for the next couple of months. After that, Frank's Killer Hill will look like a snack to be savored rather than a daunting killer.

2007-03-28 8:04 AM
in reply to: #635251

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Subject: RE: Whizzzzz's Group -- Full!

Well,  I survived my first mini indoor triathlon.  It was on Sunday.  I had my goals all set, I used the equipment on Friday so that I knew my goals were obtainable.  What I hadn't counted on was: 1) nerves, 2) so many friends there cheering me on, and 3) following advice that is contrary to how I practice. 

The pool water was cold but I didn't do any warm up laps.  I don't usually anyway.  I get in get wet and do a few flips.  This time someone suggested that I get in and swim the first 25 yards real hard and then back off.  I guess my brain wasn't really in gear because I actually did what they said!  I DIED OUT THERE!!!!! I lost my form, my stroke, my rhythm, everything. At practice I swim a good pace.  I was confident I could swim for 10 minutes.  I did swim but I think that half of that 10 minutes was doing the backstroke!!  I've never been so embarrassed in my life. One of my friends even stayed later than she should of (she had a meeting) so that she could watch me!  Fell short of goal by 50 yards. Got out of the pool and dried off.  Next up---stationary bike.

Got up to the stationary bike and was not feeling to trerribly confident .  Got on and started out.  It was a 20 minute flat ride.  Couldn't find the right resistance (I knew I had a good one on Friday) so kept it adjusting it up and down.  Tried to maintain a smile and positive thoughts.  My friend asked me what I was thinking as I was riding along and I told her "I hope that this is like giving birth----after a couple of days I'll forget how hard this is!" Fell short of my goal by 1/4 mile!  By now the track is waiting to chew me up!

Off the bike and to the indoor track.  My legs weren't to bad!  It's 7 1/3 laps for a mile.  I started running when about the 2nd lap my left calf started complaining and knotting up on itself.  I ran for a bit and then walked a few steps.  I did this for a while and then finished the run running.  I lost track of what my laps were.  Other than the calf I didn't feel too bad.  It's alot different to go back-to-back-to-back then it is to even do bricks.  I have done bricks before and not suffered like this.  This was a lot harder than I thought it would be.  The unofficial results had me completing 10 laps ( I did 11 on Friday).  That means I missed my goal by one lap.

Part of me wants to blame the fact that I was out camping over the weekend.  I was on quartermaster staff and, therefore, was on my feet all day.  Part of me wants to blame the fact that McFuzz was out camping also and so I did not sleep very well with him gone.  That is true!  I NEVER sleep very well when he is gone!  The house is always so much cleaner and homework is all done when he isn't home because I can't sleep.  But I think the truest thing that I can say was that I wasn't mentally prepared to have friends there and I wasn't ready for a major case of nerves.  I hope that doesn't happen at my first real tri!

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