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2011-02-02 9:08 PM
in reply to: #3336389

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-02-02 8:02 PM
Plainsman AU - 2011-02-02 6:17 PM Just pulled the trigger on a set of Planet X race wheels.     That'll make me go faster!

16 seconds faster can't compare to training HARDER! Seriously dude, just go out and ride like the wind...

Good point.  Actually I only have 1 set of wheels for both my bikes, so I really need another set.  These will be my everyday training/race wheels...50 mm clinchers.  not that expensive, and I will train harder.

2011-02-02 9:56 PM
in reply to: #3335016

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Sin City
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-02-02 7:50 AM

You probably thought with the Hawaiian breezes blowing in my face, I would forget what today is....but I haven't!  WHO THE HECK IS RACING THIS WEEKEND?  And you better have some details to share.

For the rest of us slackers, do you watch tv, use music or have to have companions when you train? what's your philosophy on the topic?

Not racing until April....*siiiiiigh*

Trainer rides - I watch TV. Most of the time it's something simple - I can't watch TV with captioning on, focus on reading and do bike intervals! ;-)  If it's an easy ride, such as 30 min moderate/high spin, etc, then I'll watch whatever. 

Everything else - I go "naked". I think I'll try bringing my iPod and put regular beat music on there just to break up the monotony.   Bike rides, I go with cycling group from time to time.  I found that I tend to push it a little more/better when I'm with a group.   I would *LOVE* to be able to go on my rides with one other person that is about on my pace or better.

2011-02-02 11:48 PM
in reply to: #3335016

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New York
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-02-02 11:50 PM

You probably thought with the Hawaiian breezes blowing in my face, I would forget what today is....but I haven't!  WHO THE HECK IS RACING THIS WEEKEND?  And you better have some details to share.

For the rest of us slackers, do you watch tv, use music or have to have companions when you train? what's your philosophy on the topic?

No racing for me.

I mostly train with my boss.. Actually, it works out perfectly.  I can take a 2.5 hour lunch to SBR and there are no issues with the office .  Most of the time my boss is with me over lunch.  What really works for me is that he's definitely more fit than me, but within reach so I'm constantly pushing myself to keep up with him.  He's done many HIM and is training for his first IM (IM China) in May.  

When I train alone & indoors, I have to go to the gym.  I need more than an ipod to keep me distracted.  Our gym is set up where all the TM, Spinners, etc. are facing the weight area, so I usually check out what people are doing to get ideas on other exercises to incorporate into my training.  

When I'm outdoors & alone, it's just me & the road.  The ipod messes up my breathing and cadence.  
2011-02-02 11:54 PM
in reply to: #3335834

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New York
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kt65 - 2011-02-03 5:20 AM Did I really just say "have a good weekend everyone?"   Crazy's only Wednesday!


I know you were directing this out to Asia Wink.  Thursday & Friday are holidays for Lunar New Year, so it's the w/e for me!

2011-02-03 7:30 AM
in reply to: #3336628

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Sadly I think my month of slacking has worn the callus off my butt.

5th day in a row on my bike and I am sore.

must HTFU!  (Literally)
2011-02-03 8:32 AM
in reply to: #3335016

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-02-02 10:50 AM

You probably thought with the Hawaiian breezes blowing in my face, I would forget what today is....but I haven't!  WHO THE HECK IS RACING THIS WEEKEND?  And you better have some details to share.

For the rest of us slackers, do you watch tv, use music or have to have companions when you train? what's your philosophy on the topic?

No racing for me.  Skiing on Saturday...must take advantage of all of this new snow!!!  Sunday will be spent in a gym at a wrestling tournament.

I like to train with others buy my schedule isn't very supportive of it.  There is a group here that does a lot of group activities...weekend rides out side all winter, "celler dwellers" group trainer sessions during the week, runs, etc....I just can't fit it in.  So running and biking is typically on my own.  I really like swimming with a group (or at least another person doing the same work out) because I tend to push myself my harder then when I am alone.

As for distractions...when I am inside on the treadmill or trainer, I watch TV.  When running outside, I typically don't listen to music unless I am wearing a hat to help hold the headphones in.  I have yet to find a pair of headphones that will stay in my ears once I start sweating (which I tend to do a lot of!).

Good luck to racers and race simulators!

2011-02-03 9:20 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
No racing. But we are having amazing weather out here. 5C(41 F) right now. Love living close to the mountains. We get chinooks that blow in, melt the snow and warm this place up. Amazing the crazy weather out east.

Training - running with the dog= No ipod. No dog= 50% ipod.

 Trainer - usually tv(ironman races,etc) But I have a 2 new fav shows to watch 
Pawn Stars- probably partly because we ran by it in Vegas and
Arrested develpment - have all 3 seasons on DVD. What a clever, well written show. Anyone else watch it?
2011-02-03 9:37 AM
in reply to: #3337022

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
TrevorC - 2011-02-03 7:20 AM No racing. But we are having amazing weather out here. 5C(41 F) right now. Love living close to the mountains. We get chinooks that blow in, melt the snow and warm this place up. Amazing the crazy weather out east.

Training - running with the dog= No ipod. No dog= 50% ipod.

 Trainer - usually tv(ironman races,etc) But I have a 2 new fav shows to watch 
Pawn Stars- probably partly because we ran by it in Vegas and
Arrested develpment - have all 3 seasons on DVD. What a clever, well written show. Anyone else watch it?

We totally watched that show and loved it. So funny. Our new favorite along those lines (sorta) is Modern Family. We find that show a total crack-up and, sadly, see ourselves in the characters a bit more than we care to admit, ha!

I have a bunch of Ironmans on Tivo -- should work through those on some trainer rides, perhaps. And I'm with you on the weather, Trevor -- the ickier it is in the east, the sunnier it is here. I'm about to do my 2nd long ride of the year outside, which is a total gift. I thought for sure all of these would be on the trainer through April. I'll take what I can get!!!
2011-02-03 9:42 AM
in reply to: #3337069

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kkcbelle - 2011-02-03 9:37 AM
TrevorC - 2011-02-03 7:20 AM No racing. But we are having amazing weather out here. 5C(41 F) right now. Love living close to the mountains. We get chinooks that blow in, melt the snow and warm this place up. Amazing the crazy weather out east.

Training - running with the dog= No ipod. No dog= 50% ipod.

 Trainer - usually tv(ironman races,etc) But I have a 2 new fav shows to watch 
Pawn Stars- probably partly because we ran by it in Vegas and
Arrested develpment - have all 3 seasons on DVD. What a clever, well written show. Anyone else watch it?

We totally watched that show and loved it. So funny. Our new favorite along those lines (sorta) is Modern Family. We find that show a total crack-up and, sadly, see ourselves in the characters a bit more than we care to admit, ha!

I have a bunch of Ironmans on Tivo -- should work through those on some trainer rides, perhaps. And I'm with you on the weather, Trevor -- the ickier it is in the east, the sunnier it is here. I'm about to do my 2nd long ride of the year outside, which is a total gift. I thought for sure all of these would be on the trainer through April. I'll take what I can get!!!

I LOVE Modern Family.  It is so funny and I'm big fan of The Middle.  It's nice to see normally paid people on TV in normal houses and they are not white trash.  And I'll say I'm a big fan of Cougar Town too.  Hate the name and thought the show was stupid but it grows on you and usually has a very nice or sobering ending each week.
2011-02-03 10:19 AM
in reply to: #3337069

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kkcbelle - 2011-02-03 8:37 AM
TrevorC - 2011-02-03 7:20 AM No racing. But we are having amazing weather out here. 5C(41 F) right now. Love living close to the mountains. We get chinooks that blow in, melt the snow and warm this place up. Amazing the crazy weather out east.

Training - running with the dog= No ipod. No dog= 50% ipod.

 Trainer - usually tv(ironman races,etc) But I have a 2 new fav shows to watch 
Pawn Stars- probably partly because we ran by it in Vegas and
Arrested develpment - have all 3 seasons on DVD. What a clever, well written show. Anyone else watch it?

We totally watched that show and loved it. So funny. Our new favorite along those lines (sorta) is Modern Family. We find that show a total crack-up and, sadly, see ourselves in the characters a bit more than we care to admit, ha!

I have a bunch of Ironmans on Tivo -- should work through those on some trainer rides, perhaps. And I'm with you on the weather, Trevor -- the ickier it is in the east, the sunnier it is here. I'm about to do my 2nd long ride of the year outside, which is a total gift. I thought for sure all of these would be on the trainer through April. I'll take what I can get!!!

Oh ya we are slowing morphing into Claire and Phil as well. Lots of similiarities. Anal mom/wife and wanna' be cool Dad. Thats us!!
2011-02-03 10:23 AM
in reply to: #3336903

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
gdale - 2011-02-03 7:32 AM
SSMinnow - 2011-02-02 10:50 AM

You probably thought with the Hawaiian breezes blowing in my face, I would forget what today is....but I haven't!  WHO THE HECK IS RACING THIS WEEKEND?  And you better have some details to share.

For the rest of us slackers, do you watch tv, use music or have to have companions when you train? what's your philosophy on the topic?

No racing for me.  Skiing on Saturday...must take advantage of all of this new snow!!!  Sunday will be spent in a gym at a wrestling tournament.

I like to train with others buy my schedule isn't very supportive of it.  There is a group here that does a lot of group activities...weekend rides out side all winter, "celler dwellers" group trainer sessions during the week, runs, etc....I just can't fit it in.  So running and biking is typically on my own.  I really like swimming with a group (or at least another person doing the same work out) because I tend to push myself my harder then when I am alone.

As for distractions...when I am inside on the treadmill or trainer, I watch TV.  When running outside, I typically don't listen to music unless I am wearing a hat to help hold the headphones in.  I have yet to find a pair of headphones that will stay in my ears once I start sweating (which I tend to do a lot of!).

Good luck to racers and race simulators!

George, I have these and love them...
They are eadbuds, but you turn them into the outer part of your earcanal. Locks them in. Even sweat won't pull them out.

2011-02-03 10:27 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
I cannot wear earbuds due to the shape of my right ear. I wear headphones that fit around the back of my head instead.
2011-02-03 12:11 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
I can't wear earbuds, either!!!  I have no idea why.  I've tried a billion kinds, and nothing stays in.  Oh well.

On a totally unrelated note, Ryan bought me pearl earrings for my birthday!  It's only worth mentioning because every gift I've gotten from him for the last 2 years is tri-related.  Not a bad thing, but it's so nice to get a GIRLY gift for a change!  I love them!
2011-02-03 12:21 PM
in reply to: #3336166

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Tosa, WI
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Plainsman AU - 2011-02-02 6:17 PM Just pulled the trigger on a set of Planet X race wheels.     That'll make me go faster!

Reminds me of one of my favorite bike related quotes.....

"I didn't say buy upgrades, I said, ride up grades!"  Unknown   Laughing

2011-02-03 12:27 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Thanks for the headphone rec. Trevor!  I also can not keep the darn things in my ears.  I don't run outside with them but I like them at the gym and on cardio machines.  The ones you posted a link to are expensive but they look like they are designed to stay IN the ear during workouts.

2011-02-03 1:07 PM
in reply to: #3337546

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Terps421 - 2011-02-03 1:27 PM Thanks for the headphone rec. Trevor!  I also can not keep the darn things in my ears.  I don't run outside with them but I like them at the gym and on cardio machines.  The ones you posted a link to are expensive but they look like they are designed to stay IN the ear during workouts.


x2 Trev.  They do look good.  Just need to decide if I need to I want to listen to music that bad!!!

2011-02-03 2:15 PM
in reply to: #3337640

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
gdale - 2011-02-03 12:07 PM
Terps421 - 2011-02-03 1:27 PM Thanks for the headphone rec. Trevor!  I also can not keep the darn things in my ears.  I don't run outside with them but I like them at the gym and on cardio machines.  The ones you posted a link to are expensive but they look like they are designed to stay IN the ear during workouts.


x2 Trev.  They do look good.  Just need to decide if I need to I want to listen to music that bad!!!

The part that is good about them is the top rubber piece comes in 3 different sizes to fit all different ears.
2011-02-03 4:15 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Sin City
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Bike fit is everything. LOL! I should have known by now...

I took my bike to get my new wheels Mavic Carbone SLs, ready and put on my bike. I decided to ask about getting into more aggressive position, aerobars, and commented that I need a "eye" for the bike fit to see if there's anything that could be adjusted.  There was some adjustments needed. The major one is replacing the handlebars.  It's too wide. The bike guy was asking me if I ever feel like I'm scrunching over, or shoulders soreness. I said yeah. He explained to me that because I have a "men's" bike frame, that the handlebars were men size...too wide. Got a more narrow one, and it's so different right away.

He adjusted the seat position as well.  Hopefully now that I will be more comfortable for longer rides, and feel better in a trainer!

As for aerobars - he says, it's not really worth it because I am doing sprints/olympics (and WHO knows...maybe a HIM, but not now). Most of the races will be in Vegas, and you're pretty much doing a high percentage of climbing.   So, no aero bars for me...lets just hope that my new wheels gets me a little faster. :-P

2011-02-03 8:20 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Guelph, Ontario
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

wow pretty slow on here today. Without John around to stir things up it can be quite quiet. Did a group run tonight and I think I froze my left nostril. Only the left one not my whole nose. Weird feeling. It wasn't even as cold as the previous two weeks but the breeze just went right through you.

2011-02-03 8:25 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Wow....72 here today.  Had a decent swim after a brutal day of climbing yesterday.  Did major damage at Costco, stocking up for the superbowl.  Have to figure out a way to log a workout pushing the monster carts.

We LOVE Modern Family - except when it gets a little too close to home!!  Wink
2011-02-03 8:32 PM
in reply to: #3338370

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
velcromom - 2011-02-03 9:25 PM Wow....72 here today.  Had a decent swim after a brutal day of climbing yesterday.  Did major damage at Costco, stocking up for the superbowl.  Have to figure out a way to log a workout pushing the monster carts.

We LOVE Modern Family - except when it gets a little too close to home!!  Wink

Looks to me like she is rubbing it in Rob...right after you make a frozen nostril post.  That's rough!!

2011-02-03 8:50 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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san francisco
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Happy Lunar New Year's to all!  Wish me well as I am off to stuff myself silly at a 10 course family style celebration!!!!  I should be very floaty at the pool tomorrow!

Happy Year of the Hare!
2011-02-03 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3338398

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
kt65 - 2011-02-03 8:50 PM Happy Lunar New Year's to all!  Wish me well as I am off to stuff myself silly at a 10 course family style celebration!!!!  I should be very floaty at the pool tomorrow!

Happy Year of the Hare!

YUM!!! I'd like to hear the menu when you get back and are all fat and sassy!  Have fun.
2011-02-03 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3338381

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
gdale - 2011-02-03 8:32 PM
velcromom - 2011-02-03 9:25 PM Wow....72 here today.  Had a decent swim after a brutal day of climbing yesterday.  Did major damage at Costco, stocking up for the superbowl.  Have to figure out a way to log a workout pushing the monster carts.

We LOVE Modern Family - except when it gets a little too close to home!!  Wink

Looks to me like she is rubbing it in Rob...right after you make a frozen nostril post.  That's rough!!

Gee-whiz it was 80F here today......the warm breezes were blowing as we climbed our way through another awesome trail.  Learned how NOT to do stream crossings. 

I've aslo learned there is way more to life than SBR!

Edited by SSMinnow 2011-02-03 10:50 PM
2011-02-03 11:07 PM
in reply to: #3337546

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Terps421 - 2011-02-03 12:27 PM Thanks for the headphone rec. Trevor!  I also can not keep the darn things in my ears.  I don't run outside with them but I like them at the gym and on cardio machines.  The ones you posted a link to are expensive but they look like they are designed to stay IN the ear during workouts.


I wear dirt cheap over the head Sony's and they last about a year before the wires wear out.
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