BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-03-29 6:54 AM
in reply to: #3946905

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2012-03-29 7:11 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Best of luck to all of you racing this weekend. I love the few days leading up to a big race. Taper madness is like a straight shot of adrenaline into the blood stream. Race smart, race hard!
2012-03-29 8:44 AM
in reply to: #4117903

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
TSimone - 2012-03-28 8:15 PM
rymac - 2012-03-26 9:20 AM

Kim -Texas70.3
Chris -California70.3
Nikki -Texas70.3
James - 10 miler
Ryan - 10 miler 

Anybody else?

Good luck guys!  Race with attitude!

And Tiffany! Best of luck - may the conditions be in your favour and you all finish happy and strong! :D

2012-03-29 8:47 AM
in reply to: #4118293

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Fred D - 2012-03-29 7:54 AM Happy Thursday morning everyone. Busy day for me and my wife is out of town for a few days, so lots of daddy daughter time. Hoping to swim later this aftnoon.

Have fun with your girls!

I slept in this morning - we both did - so the run will happen after work. Last night's swim and yesterday's early bike wiped us out.  It's supposed to be an interval run with longer intervals so that should be interesting. 

I did get some good stroke feedback last night - there was a second coach at the pool who was providing some awesome feedback and it was good.  I really don't pull all the way through my stroke so that should give me some power.

2012-03-29 9:21 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
I hope everyone racing this weekend has a safe and great race!
2012-03-29 10:16 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Its up in the air if I am racing this weekend. Too much has happen this week. Last Saturdays interval I over stressed my left hamstring. My Suburban blew its motor. Our oldest daughter (24) will go to Hershey Medical Center Monday for a biopsy of pancreas. Not good and we are freaking out about that. Eva (our female German Shephard) has severe hip displaysia. To top if off BIG problems at work. All in order, so a bad week for me. God truly loves me to test me like this. Sorry to be the the bearer of my bad news.

2012-03-29 10:58 AM
in reply to: #4118734

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

tasr - 2012-03-29 11:16 AM Its up in the air if I am racing this weekend. Too much has happen this week. Last Saturdays interval I over stressed my left hamstring. My Suburban blew its motor. Our oldest daughter (24) will go to Hershey Medical Center Monday for a biopsy of pancreas. Not good and we are freaking out about that. Eva (our female German Shephard) has severe hip displaysia. To top if off BIG problems at work. All in order, so a bad week for me. God truly loves me to test me like this. Sorry to be the the bearer of my bad news.

James, wow, that is a crazy tough week!  I hope that there is some good news a clearer skies on the horizon.  Racing is definitely optional with all of that going on. 

2012-03-29 11:21 AM
in reply to: #4118734

Norwalk, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

tasr - 2012-03-29 11:16 AM Its up in the air if I am racing this weekend. Too much has happen this week. Last Saturdays interval I over stressed my left hamstring. My Suburban blew its motor. Our oldest daughter (24) will go to Hershey Medical Center Monday for a biopsy of pancreas. Not good and we are freaking out about that. Eva (our female German Shephard) has severe hip displaysia. To top if off BIG problems at work. All in order, so a bad week for me. God truly loves me to test me like this. Sorry to be the the bearer of my bad news.


Stay strong, racing is the least of your problems, we all do this for fun. I keep telling that to myself also as i have had some stuff going on also.

2012-03-29 1:48 PM
in reply to: #4118734

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2012-03-29 2:09 PM
in reply to: #4117903

Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
TSimone - 2012-03-28 8:15 PM
rymac - 2012-03-26 9:20 AM

Kim -Texas70.3
Chris -California70.3
Nikki -Texas70.3
James - 10 miler
Ryan - 10 miler 

Anybody else?

Good luck guys!  Race with attitude!


Absolutely...I will be cheering for all of you...and interested to see what Lance does this time!

Have fun out there!

2012-03-29 2:35 PM
in reply to: #4118734

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

tasr - 2012-03-29 8:16 AM Its up in the air if I am racing this weekend. Too much has happen this week. Last Saturdays interval I over stressed my left hamstring. My Suburban blew its motor. Our oldest daughter (24) will go to Hershey Medical Center Monday for a biopsy of pancreas. Not good and we are freaking out about that. Eva (our female German Shephard) has severe hip displaysia. To top if off BIG problems at work. All in order, so a bad week for me. God truly loves me to test me like this. Sorry to be the the bearer of my bad news.

James, that's a hell of a lot.  Hang in there, one thing at a time my friend.....   Sending you good thoughts on all fronts

2012-03-29 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3946905

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
James that a lot of stuff going on at the same time. Thinking good thoughts regarding your daughters testsMe and the bike are in Austin. Bike is reassembled and seems just fine. Tired though. The day started early
2012-03-29 7:29 PM
in reply to: #3946905

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2012-03-29 7:31 PM
in reply to: #4119827

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2012-03-30 1:30 AM
in reply to: #4119827

Extreme Veteran
Northampton, UK
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
Fred D - 2012-03-30 1:29 AM I think I speak for everyone here in saying that our thoughts and prayers are for James and his daughter. Racing and triathlon is fun but a very minor speck in comparison. As always, anything you need James, I will try my best to do for you!
Agrred 100%. Sorry to hear all that James, that's more than I would wish on anyone at all, let alone all in one week!
2012-03-30 4:46 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!


Edited by tasr 2012-03-30 5:01 AM

2012-03-30 5:01 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED


Pennsylvania’s new bike safety law to take effect April 2
The new law requires motorists to leave a 4-foot “cushion of safety” when passing a bicyclist. To achieve this cushion, drivers may cross a roadway’s center line when passing a bicycle on the left, but only when opposing traffic allows.
Drivers attempting to turn left must also yield the right of way to bicycle riders traveling in the opposite direction.
“The differential in speed is the biggest safety challenge with motor vehicles and bicycles sharing our state’s roadways,” said PennDOT Secretary Barry J. Schoch. “I urge all drivers and cyclists to learn the rules of the road to better share our highways and make travel safer for all.”
The new law also calls for bicycle riders to use all reasonable efforts to avoid impeding the normal flow of traffic. When there is only one travel lane, bicyclists may use any portion of the lane to avoid hazards on the roadway, including maintaining a safe distance from stopped and parked cars.
Bicyclists and motorists are reminded to obey all traffic signs and signals. PennDOT also recommends bicyclists always ride predictably and signal their intentions before proceeding so that motorists have a chance to react.
For more information on bicycling safety, visit


2012-03-30 5:04 AM
in reply to: #3946905

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2012-03-30 5:48 AM
in reply to: #4120180

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Fred D - 2012-03-30 6:04 AM I like the law.... But will it be observed by drivers?

I doubt it will even get enforced let allow adhered too.  Not very positive from me. 
What I fear is that it will lend some into a false sense of security. 

2012-03-30 6:23 AM
in reply to: #4120180

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Fred D - 2012-03-30 3:04 AM I like the law.... But will it be observed by drivers?

It will be observed by those that already give us plenty of room

2012-03-30 6:26 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

I am going swimming here today.  I might only do one lap though.  At 900 feet that should be good enough

Within Zilker Park's 358 acres lies one of the crown jewels of Austin - Barton Springs Pool. Three acres in size, the pool is fed from underground springs and is, on average, 68 degrees year-round.

2012-03-30 7:33 AM
in reply to: #4120205

Norton Shores, MI
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

As I type this it is snowing out of my was 80 last week.  Tomorrows trail race is going to be extra is in lowlands right next to the river..I will be using an old pair of shoes no doubt.

That bike law is good.  I agree that it will not change many drivers but it will have an effect on some which is a good thing.

James:  Sorry to hear everything going on.  Hope everything works out for the best.

Kim:  That swim spot looks awesome.  68 is perfect wetsuit temp in my opinion.

I did some alternating tempo intervals this morning on the trainer 85-95%FTP.  It was nice to be working hard on the bike again.  Planning on a swim this afternoon as well.

Have a good weekend!

2012-03-30 8:25 AM
in reply to: #4120207

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED
bzgl40 - 2012-03-30 6:26 AM

I LOVE the Barton Springs Pool...enjoy, Kim!

Can't believe it's race weekend already...just have to stay focused for a 1/2 day of work. Unfortunately, I decided to schedule my observation for today, too. Here's hoping I can at least stay focused and on my game for that. Smile

2012-03-30 9:04 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Good morning!  Very sleepy this morning.  There are several optional workouts on the plan for today but it also says 'optional rest day' i am thinking i am just going to do my little kettlebell workout and call it day.  I did a good run interval workout last night

That law would be awesome.  I've often thought about how cars should really act like bikes are tractors - i am from a small town - but really if tractors weren't so big people would pass them just as dangerously as they do bikes.  I just don't get why everyone is in such a rush - what harm is it slow down for mere seconds to give someone a bike some room?

2012-03-30 10:32 AM
in reply to: #3946905

Subject: RE: Fred D's Ironman/Half-Ironman focused Mentor Group --CLOSED

Our idiot moonbeam governor Jerry Brown vetoed a similar 3 foot law in CA.  From a blog:

"California Governor Jerry Brown vetoed SB 910, the legislation which would mandate a minimum three foot distance for motorists passing cyclists when the speed is greater than 15 MPH.

In his veto message, Brown writes, “Caltrans and the California Highway Patrol have raised legitimate concerns about other provisions such as the 15 MPH requirement. On streets with speed limits of 35 or 40 MPH, slowing to 15 MPH to pass a bicycle could cause rear end collisions. On other roads, a bicycle may travel at or near 15 MPH creating a long line of cars behind the cyclist.”"

Duh. did he read it?

Anyway.   Quick ride yesterday around our local crit circuit to get a feel for the aero helmet, then went to the gym and swam 800 or so.   Working from home this a.m., then driving down to Oceanside about noon for check in etc.  I love all the stuff that comes with racing.  Even the stress. 


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