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2011-02-04 1:25 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Thanks for all the responses. So in addition to what I posted earlier I added this to the list

  1. Hydration – Bottle, cage, etc
  2. Pump – CO2, Hand. – One of my bicycling mag issues had a article reviewing different hand pumps, going to look at that again
  3. Flat repair kit – Tube, multi tool, tire levers
  4. Saddle bag 

2011-02-04 1:40 PM
in reply to: #3339494

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Horseheads, NY
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
GrapeJuice - 2011-02-04 2:25 PM

Thanks for all the responses. So in addition to what I posted earlier I added this to the list

  1. Hydration – Bottle, cage, etc
  2. Pump – CO2, Hand. – One of my bicycling mag issues had a article reviewing different hand pumps, going to look at that again
  3. Flat repair kit – Tube, multi tool, tire levers
  4. Saddle bag 

You probably want a floor pump too, to pump before you go out for a ride.  Not point in using that little hand pump to try and get 100+ psi if it is not to fix a flat!

Edited by gdale 2011-02-04 2:25 PM
2011-02-04 3:51 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
It has been one of those cruddy days here in Alabama today...35 degrees and a steady rain all day.  I waited and waited hoping it would slack up so I could get my 1 hr. run in.  Finally I decided what the heck and put on my gear an took off.

Everytime that I do this, I end up LOVING it.  Here I am in the freezing cold and pouring down rain running in the bike lane, and cars spraying water on me as they fly by.  I am sure they are wondering what in the world someone would be out running in weather like this for.

It is just a freaking cool feeling to be an idiot sometimes
2011-02-04 5:15 PM
in reply to: #3338031

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
CyborgQueen - 2011-02-03 3:15 PM Bike fit is everything. LOL! I should have known by now...

I took my bike to get my new wheels Mavic Carbone SLs, ready and put on my bike. I decided to ask about getting into more aggressive position, aerobars, and commented that I need a "eye" for the bike fit to see if there's anything that could be adjusted.  There was some adjustments needed. The major one is replacing the handlebars.  It's too wide. The bike guy was asking me if I ever feel like I'm scrunching over, or shoulders soreness. I said yeah. He explained to me that because I have a "men's" bike frame, that the handlebars were men size...too wide. Got a more narrow one, and it's so different right away.

He adjusted the seat position as well.  Hopefully now that I will be more comfortable for longer rides, and feel better in a trainer!

As for aerobars - he says, it's not really worth it because I am doing sprints/olympics (and WHO knows...maybe a HIM, but not now). Most of the races will be in Vegas, and you're pretty much doing a high percentage of climbing.   So, no aero bars for me...lets just hope that my new wheels gets me a little faster. :-P


It was the best money I spent. need to have a refitting with some changes I made along with me changing over the year
2011-02-04 5:24 PM
in reply to: #3339739

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Plainsman AU - 2011-02-04 4:51 PM It has been one of those cruddy days here in Alabama today...35 degrees and a steady rain all day.  I waited and waited hoping it would slack up so I could get my 1 hr. run in.  Finally I decided what the heck and put on my gear an took off.

Everytime that I do this, I end up LOVING it.  Here I am in the freezing cold and pouring down rain running in the bike lane, and cars spraying water on me as they fly by.  I am sure they are wondering what in the world someone would be out running in weather like this for.

It is just a freaking cool feeling to be an idiot sometimes

Amen.  Did a10 mile run when the temp was in the 20's  last week.  Last 4 miles were on the capital crescent trail -- which was covered in an inch of snow at the time.  Was enjoying what I perceived to be the reactions of the cars and pedestrians to my insanity/idiocy.
2011-02-04 7:58 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Picked up my Crux tonight (cyclocross bike), I opened the box, put it back in the box since I won't be using it for 7 months...  Kind of anti-climatic.  Need to pick up the rest of the parts to get it going between now and then.

2011-02-04 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3339104

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Techdiver - 2011-02-04 9:14 AM
GrapeJuice - 2011-02-04 9:55 AM

Also I will be purchasing my 1st bike plus accessories/essentials within the next two weeks and was putting together a list of things I feel I need for training and racing. Here is what I have come up with. Please let me know if you feel I am missing something needed


  1. Bike and fit – 1st and foremost lol
  1. Shoes
  2. Helmet
  3. Trainer – Still Icy out and want to be able to ride at home
  4. Cycle shorts
  5. Pedals – I do have to get these on my own right?
  6. Computer – Entry level that can tell speed, cadence, and distance


And that’s all I can think of.



Nice I am on the hunt for my first bike as well. After a deal just fell through.

It's hard to find a small frame bike however. And no local shops around me carry tri bikes.

yes you have to get your own pedals + shoes. I just switched from the Look KEO Classics to the speedplay and will not go back dual sided entry is great. I got a rear seat back with spare tube Co2 pump and a top bar bento bag for extra stuff

Edited by fowlmood 2011-02-04 9:26 PM
2011-02-04 9:25 PM
in reply to: #3339739

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Plainsman AU - 2011-02-04 2:51 PM It has been one of those cruddy days here in Alabama today...35 degrees and a steady rain all day.  I waited and waited hoping it would slack up so I could get my 1 hr. run in.  Finally I decided what the heck and put on my gear an took off.

Everytime that I do this, I end up LOVING it.  Here I am in the freezing cold and pouring down rain running in the bike lane, and cars spraying water on me as they fly by.  I am sure they are wondering what in the world someone would be out running in weather like this for.

It is just a freaking cool feeling to be an idiot sometimes

Nothing like a good challenge in our works. Way to Go
2011-02-05 7:25 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Wichita Falls
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
question for you running gurus... i have been challenged by a coworker to run 100 times in 100 days... i figured, what the hell and told him i would do this possible without the worry of injury? any strategies that you would recommend?
2011-02-05 7:54 AM
in reply to: #3340318

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
macfights - 2011-02-05 6:25 AM question for you running gurus... i have been challenged by a coworker to run 100 times in 100 days... i figured, what the hell and told him i would do this possible without the worry of injury? any strategies that you would recommend?

Caveat: I am not a running guru.
But if I remember correct, you are in the middle of a huge weight loss and training for your first tri, correct?
And as a bigger guy, there is no way I can see anything safe/smart about trying to run for 100 days straight.
What are your goals? Doing tris? If so, you body needs recovery days to get stronger. Huge chance of injury i think.
I know for me, there is no way i would ever take on a challenege like that. I would get hurt. But i also have different goals too.
Just my $0.02.
2011-02-05 8:43 AM
in reply to: #3340335

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Auburn AL
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
TrevorC - 2011-02-05 7:54 AM
macfights - 2011-02-05 6:25 AM question for you running gurus... i have been challenged by a coworker to run 100 times in 100 days... i figured, what the hell and told him i would do this possible without the worry of injury? any strategies that you would recommend?

Caveat: I am not a running guru.
But if I remember correct, you are in the middle of a huge weight loss and training for your first tri, correct?
And as a bigger guy, there is no way I can see anything safe/smart about trying to run for 100 days straight.
What are your goals? Doing tris? If so, you body needs recovery days to get stronger. Huge chance of injury i think.
I know for me, there is no way i would ever take on a challenege like that. I would get hurt. But i also have different goals too.
Just my $0.02.

I tend to agree with Trevor under most circumstances, but I think you could run 100 days strait if done correctly.  Definitely don't think most of us could just set out and run 3-5 miles everyday unless we have a large base.  I started a few months ago trying to run 3 miles approx 5-6 days a week and it was too much too early.

Barry P over on ST has a running plan that makes alot of sense and has worked for me.  It is designed around running 6 days a week, and I feel like 7 will work fine too.  Here is the link:;search_string=runtraining;#1612485

For 7 days running, you might start out with 4 easy runs of 1 mile each, 2 medium runs of 2 miles, and 1 run of 3 miles.  This would give you 11 miles/the first week.  Then you would slowly increase by approx 10% and spread that 10% across all the runs.

Obviously that is just an example of the mileage, depending on your fitness the mpw would be adjusted.  The key is the consistency of running everyday and running SLOW most days.

I am FAR from calling myself a runner, but running 5 or so days a week has really helped me.  Check out the link, and he has some of the best and most conservative running information that I have come across.

2011-02-05 9:48 AM
in reply to: #3340318

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
macfights - 2011-02-05 7:25 AM question for you running gurus... i have been challenged by a coworker to run 100 times in 100 days... i figured, what the hell and told him i would do this possible without the worry of injury? any strategies that you would recommend?

Could you do it? sure.  Run/shuffle an ez mile everyday.  My question is why would you want to?  Unless you want to be a straight runner and not a triathlete OR you're trying to really improve your running at the expense of other disciplines, I really don't see the benefit of doing it.  Tell your co-worker to do it first while you continue to strengthen your SB and R.
2011-02-05 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3340459

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SSMinnow - 2011-02-05 10:48 AM
macfights - 2011-02-05 7:25 AM question for you running gurus... i have been challenged by a coworker to run 100 times in 100 days... i figured, what the hell and told him i would do this possible without the worry of injury? any strategies that you would recommend?

Could you do it? sure.  Run/shuffle an ez mile everyday.  My question is why would you want to?  Unless you want to be a straight runner and not a triathlete OR you're trying to really improve your running at the expense of other disciplines, I really don't see the benefit of doing it.  Tell your co-worker to do it first while you continue to strengthen your SB and R.

I agree with Suzy, have fun, stay injury free, and you will feel great!

2011-02-05 2:58 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Grape Juice - I have Speedplay Pedals and I love them!  The adjustable float is awesome if you have knee problems at all.  I hope we get to see what all you buy!

Suzy - I'm jealous beyond belief.  Lucky!

As for running every day for 100 days, I don't think I could do it.  I'm all about everything in moderation, so that doesn't seem right to me.  But, if you want to, I'm sure you can find a way!

The weather today in Wisconsin is about 20 degrees, so it was a GREAT run this morning.  First warm run in a long time.  Unfortunately, it's supposed to get colder in the middle of this week, which I'm not looking forward to.  I'm ready for spring now that January is over!

I start half-mary training in a couple weeks, too!  I'm going to start this week adding in another week-day run, and then next week add another, that way I'll be prepared to move from 2 days/week to 4.  I'm actually doing the first half of a Hal Higdon full-mary plan because it will get me up to 16 miles the week before the race, so I'll be fully mentally prepared on May 15.

I also got a new tri-top and yankz for my birthday, so I am fully prepared for the Half Iron this summer!
2011-02-05 3:27 PM
in reply to: #3340335

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Wichita Falls
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

ok all - to answer some of the questions-

1. i am in the USAF so we HAVE to run to pass PT... although, 1.5 miles is NOT a difficult run, the times we have to run it in are hard unless you are semi-conditioned
2. yes, i am in the middle of a huge weightloss... 67lbs so far and i have a goal of 100lbs total... i came from a powerlifting background, but was FAT also!  the USAF doesn't want strong, fat guys anymore...
3. my goal is to do a few sprint's this year and end with an oly... i have also signed up for the USAF 1/2 marathon
4. i don't know why he challenged me, maybe he thought because i push myself to get/stay fit that it would be a fun challenge for me... and i don't back down from MANY challenges

i knew that i could get some good answers from you guys... i don't think that i will be accepting his challenge...


2011-02-05 7:42 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Great ride today.  52 miles, in short sleeves!  Wind picked up and was kinda nasty on the way in - probably good practice for AZ.  Had a couple of riders flat out, not fun to wait for....always the hard part of a group ride.  I was able to hang with the big guys for most of it though, even pulled for a (very short) bit into the wind.  Ankle's feeling better.  Trying to decide when to hit it again - maybe Monday.

Go Green Bay......expecting about 50 people tomorrow, lots of cooking to do tonight!

2011-02-05 8:51 PM
in reply to: #3340735

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
SoccerGK - 2011-02-05 1:58 PM Grape Juice - I have Speedplay Pedals and I love them!  The adjustable float is awesome if you have knee problems at all.  I hope we get to see what all you buy!

Suzy - I'm jealous beyond belief.  Lucky!

As for running every day for 100 days, I don't think I could do it.  I'm all about everything in moderation, so that doesn't seem right to me.  But, if you want to, I'm sure you can find a way!

The weather today in Wisconsin is about 20 degrees, so it was a GREAT run this morning.  First warm run in a long time.  Unfortunately, it's supposed to get colder in the middle of this week, which I'm not looking forward to.  I'm ready for spring now that January is over!

I start half-mary training in a couple weeks, too!  I'm going to start this week adding in another week-day run, and then next week add another, that way I'll be prepared to move from 2 days/week to 4.  I'm actually doing the first half of a Hal Higdon full-mary plan because it will get me up to 16 miles the week before the race, so I'll be fully mentally prepared on May 15.

I also got a new tri-top and yankz for my birthday, so I am fully prepared for the Half Iron this summer!

Perspective is funny isn't it? How a 20 degree day can be considered warm.....
I went for a run here this morning around 10am, and it would have been around 35F. There were so many people out running. It was like a spring day here!!
2011-02-05 9:04 PM
in reply to: #3340756

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
macfights - 2011-02-05 3:27 PM

ok all - to answer some of the questions-

1. i am in the USAF so we HAVE to run to pass PT... although, 1.5 miles is NOT a difficult run, the times we have to run it in are hard unless you are semi-conditioned
2. yes, i am in the middle of a huge weightloss... 67lbs so far and i have a goal of 100lbs total... i came from a powerlifting background, but was FAT also!  the USAF doesn't want strong, fat guys anymore...
3. my goal is to do a few sprint's this year and end with an oly... i have also signed up for the USAF 1/2 marathon
4. i don't know why he challenged me, maybe he thought because i push myself to get/stay fit that it would be a fun challenge for me... and i don't back down from MANY challenges

i knew that i could get some good answers from you guys... i don't think that i will be accepting his challenge...


I like the way you think   Honestly, you have already proven to be highly motivated to train and drop lbs, I really don't think you need the challenge to keep you going.  Plus, you have us to kick you into gear if you don't.
2011-02-05 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Today was one of those "expect the worst and get the best" days.....for a while the weather forecasters have been predicting a big tropical storm starting today....we got our workouts in and thought that was good.  Then the rest of the day was sunny, breezy and warm...gotta love those gifts.  We were also blessed with seeing a second Monk Seal at a different beach which are way cool if you've never seen one.

And even if it rains tomorrow, I don't care because......


Edited by SSMinnow 2011-02-05 9:13 PM
2011-02-05 9:48 PM
in reply to: #3256813

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
Finally had 2 good workouts and a great day watching my son in his last Wrestling match and pinned all 4 of his guys and took 1st place today.

Was up at 4:30am drove an hour to La Junta Swam 4000m with the Main set of 1500m Time Trial. Drove home watched the matches after that went on my longest run ever 13.15 the 1st 6.5 miles was pretty much up hill and against the wind, but it was the long down hill that beat my legs. Did finish strong completed it in 1:45:15 really pleased with the pace. When I got home jumped in to an ice bath for 15mins what fun.
2011-02-05 9:55 PM
in reply to: #3340318

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
macfights - 2011-02-05 8:25 AM question for you running gurus... i have been challenged by a coworker to run 100 times in 100 days... i figured, what the hell and told him i would do this possible without the worry of injury? any strategies that you would recommend?

Like most who have replied, I would not accept this challenge because you have other goals set for yourself.  But if your coworker was willing to make it worth your time, it certainly is achievable as set forward in your post.  I ran cross-country in college (ages ago) and we ran 5 miles most mornings (4-5 times a week, depending on when we were racing) and 2 or 3 miles 3 to 4 afternoons with one long run a week thrown in.  That could net you 7 to 10 runs a week, and still give you plenty of days off over 100 days.  While I still don't recommend accepting the challenge, I believe it can be done without injury.


2011-02-05 10:01 PM
in reply to: #3341119

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Wichita Falls
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
fowlmood - 2011-02-05 9:48 PM Finally had 2 good workouts and a great day watching my son in his last Wrestling match and pinned all 4 of his guys and took 1st place today.

Was up at 4:30am drove an hour to La Junta Swam 4000m with the Main set of 1500m Time Trial. Drove home watched the matches after that went on my longest run ever 13.15 the 1st 6.5 miles was pretty much up hill and against the wind, but it was the long down hill that beat my legs. Did finish strong completed it in 1:45:15 really pleased with the pace. When I got home jumped in to an ice bath for 15mins what fun.

awesome for BOTH you and your son!!!  what weight is he?  i wrestled for most of my life and miss it a lot! 
2011-02-06 6:46 AM
in reply to: #3340756

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Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
macfights - 2011-02-05 4:27 PM

ok all - to answer some of the questions-

1. i am in the USAF so we HAVE to run to pass PT... although, 1.5 miles is NOT a difficult run, the times we have to run it in are hard unless you are semi-conditioned
2. yes, i am in the middle of a huge weightloss... 67lbs so far and i have a goal of 100lbs total... i came from a powerlifting background, but was FAT also!  the USAF doesn't want strong, fat guys anymore...
3. my goal is to do a few sprint's this year and end with an oly... i have also signed up for the USAF 1/2 marathon
4. i don't know why he challenged me, maybe he thought because i push myself to get/stay fit that it would be a fun challenge for me... and i don't back down from MANY challenges

i knew that i could get some good answers from you guys... i don't think that i will be accepting his challenge...


That was what I did my first year. Good planning. I did the same last year but did 2 olympics and ended with a HIM. This year is a repeat of last. Looks like you are making the right decisions.
2011-02-06 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3256813

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed

Anyone using any supplements to fight off getting sick?  Sam and I are sick yet again, I swear I feel like i've been sick since before christmas...

Also, anyone have any exciting plans for the superbowl?  We're pigging out on some brisket, and other snacks.

2011-02-06 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3341127

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: swbkrun with us!!! - Closed
macfights - 2011-02-05 9:01 PM
fowlmood - 2011-02-05 9:48 PM Finally had 2 good workouts and a great day watching my son in his last Wrestling match and pinned all 4 of his guys and took 1st place today.

Was up at 4:30am drove an hour to La Junta Swam 4000m with the Main set of 1500m Time Trial. Drove home watched the matches after that went on my longest run ever 13.15 the 1st 6.5 miles was pretty much up hill and against the wind, but it was the long down hill that beat my legs. Did finish strong completed it in 1:45:15 really pleased with the pace. When I got home jumped in to an ice bath for 15mins what fun.

awesome for BOTH you and your son!!!  what weight is he?  i wrestled for most of my life and miss it a lot! 

He wrestled 285's and he will graduate this year.
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