BT Development Mentor Program Archives » SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!! Rss Feed  
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2014-12-07 8:18 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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2014-12-07 8:22 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Alright, headed to Cali to run a marathon. It's been a crazy training cycle but I'm ready to run!


2014-12-08 2:43 AM
in reply to: Fred D

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Great to see you back at it Matt, I noticed your reappearance on Strava.  

Threshold trainer ride on Saturday and a 90 minute run on Sunday for me.  If I had been smart I would have done them in the opposite order as Saturday had temps above freezing while Sunday was a couple of degrees below and windy.  Made for a bit of a miserable final 6k into the wind on the return home. 

Salty, can't wait to hear about the marathon!

2014-12-08 6:05 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Did the first longer run (with Kim - The Better Half) today - just over 10.  I'd almost forgotten the feeling of a distance run - a different kind of "pain."  I use quotes because it's not really pain, just that mix of tired and little achy that comes from pushing distance and is different from pushing speed.

Anyone else get that after pushing distance up?

All in, though, it really felt great to just keep running.  How was everyone else's training this weekend?  Still in off-season mode, or starting to structure toward races?


Matt, good to see you in the mix again. Nice work on the run. I think you are doing a early half this coming season correct? Anyway nice to see you posting. I enjoy your witty posts. As far as my training. I will be starting a 100/100 runs on the 15th as a part of the ST challenge. Should be fun as I also have challenged myself to do a 13.1 mile run once a month throughout the winter and spring. I am also looking forward to seeing how I fair with ST folks. Couple of other things with the 100/100 challenge that I have committed too are; all outdoors runs, minimum of 3 miles and straight 100 days of runs.
2014-12-08 7:54 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by BrotherTri

Matt, good to see you in the mix again. Nice work on the run. I think you are doing a early half this coming season correct? Anyway nice to see you posting. I enjoy your witty posts. As far as my training. I will be starting a 100/100 runs on the 15th as a part of the ST challenge. Should be fun as I also have challenged myself to do a 13.1 mile run once a month throughout the winter and spring. I am also looking forward to seeing how I fair with ST folks. Couple of other things with the 100/100 challenge that I have committed too are; all outdoors runs, minimum of 3 miles and straight 100 days of runs.

If you do the full 100 runs you will end up probably somewhere between 30 to 40th in the standings.

Start easy. Do not underestimate how tired of running you are going to be by day 100. I have done it 3 years now and am still learning.

My plan is locked and loaded. I am looking forward to this.
2014-12-08 8:05 AM
in reply to: marcag

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by marcag

Originally posted by BrotherTri

Matt, good to see you in the mix again. Nice work on the run. I think you are doing a early half this coming season correct? Anyway nice to see you posting. I enjoy your witty posts. As far as my training. I will be starting a 100/100 runs on the 15th as a part of the ST challenge. Should be fun as I also have challenged myself to do a 13.1 mile run once a month throughout the winter and spring. I am also looking forward to seeing how I fair with ST folks. Couple of other things with the 100/100 challenge that I have committed too are; all outdoors runs, minimum of 3 miles and straight 100 days of runs.

If you do the full 100 runs you will end up probably somewhere between 30 to 40th in the standings.

Start easy. Do not underestimate how tired of running you are going to be by day 100. I have done it 3 years now and am still learning.

My plan is locked and loaded. I am looking forward to this.

Nice Marc! I didn't know that. I did it as a self challenge last year. I got too 63 days straight runs then started doubling to get 100/100. I ended up at 163/163, but that was with some double up days. I started off slow and ez. The real challenge was when I stated doing some longer runs. Those few days after were tough. Really the toughest part was all the runs were outside.

2014-12-08 8:49 AM
in reply to: marcag

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by marcag
Originally posted by BrotherTri Matt, good to see you in the mix again. Nice work on the run. I think you are doing a early half this coming season correct? Anyway nice to see you posting. I enjoy your witty posts. As far as my training. I will be starting a 100/100 runs on the 15th as a part of the ST challenge. Should be fun as I also have challenged myself to do a 13.1 mile run once a month throughout the winter and spring. I am also looking forward to seeing how I fair with ST folks. Couple of other things with the 100/100 challenge that I have committed too are; all outdoors runs, minimum of 3 miles and straight 100 days of runs.
If you do the full 100 runs you will end up probably somewhere between 30 to 40th in the standings. Start easy. Do not underestimate how tired of running you are going to be by day 100. I have done it 3 years now and am still learning. My plan is locked and loaded. I am looking forward to this.

I'll probably enter it for fun but no chance of 100/100.  I think I got somewhere around 80 last year and would expect something similar this year depending on how cooperative the weather is.

2014-12-08 9:44 AM
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Edited by Fred D 2014-12-08 9:44 AM
2014-12-08 9:51 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

Did the first longer run (with Kim - The Better Half) today - just over 10.  I'd almost forgotten the feeling of a distance run - a different kind of "pain."  I use quotes because it's not really pain, just that mix of tired and little achy that comes from pushing distance and is different from pushing speed.

Anyone else get that after pushing distance up?

All in, though, it really felt great to just keep running.  How was everyone else's training this weekend?  Still in off-season mode, or starting to structure toward races?


Oh yeah, in fact I am feeling that whole distance pain right now But it's interesting that it's a little different than the soreness I experience from running fast reps or whatever. 

In general though, I think if you are really gradual about upping distance (and not trying to increase speed as well) you can keep that pain to a minimum.

2014-12-08 9:54 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

FYI - Salty PR'd!!

I'll let her dish the deets, but she did, indeed, rock it.



Thank you!!!

Yes, I am SO happy! It is the first time I have successfully executed a marathon. I can't wait to build up my speed! 

Of course I will write a RR soon and fill you in on the details. I learned a lot and would love to share that.

2014-12-08 10:13 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by Fred D

Originally posted by BrotherTri As far as my training. I will be starting a 100/100 runs on the 15th as a part of the ST challenge. Should be fun as I also have challenged myself to do a 13.1 mile run once a month throughout the winter and spring. I am also looking forward to seeing how I fair with ST folks. Couple of other things with the 100/100 challenge that I have committed too are; all outdoors runs, minimum of 3 miles and straight 100 days of runs.

I've always been interested in the 100/100, but honestly it isn't for me. With my schedule it would kill too much of swim and bike time. I also don't think for *me* that it is good to run so many days /100. I do get ALL the arguments for it, just not for me.

As an aside James, I thought about what you said with the leading with the hip and touching the hip on the pull thru today. It really helped I think. Was doing 1:15-1:18 on 100 repeats, which for me is great. Thanks!

Great job on those 100's. Looks like somebody else is going for a sub hour IM swim.

I fully understand that 100/100 runs is not for everybody. I had no expectations and getting through it last year on my own. I did, and now a crack at the big boys. Its still my challenge and for that I have no aspirations of climbing to ST leaderboard. Then again time, family and work are not big concerns for me. Fred you have a much more important job than I have and of course raising your girls. My kids are gone and well the job is not that important. I probably would have never attempted this raising our kids.

2014-12-08 10:14 AM
in reply to: Fred D

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Fred D

Originally posted by BrotherTri As far as my training. I will be starting a 100/100 runs on the 15th as a part of the ST challenge. Should be fun as I also have challenged myself to do a 13.1 mile run once a month throughout the winter and spring. I am also looking forward to seeing how I fair with ST folks. Couple of other things with the 100/100 challenge that I have committed too are; all outdoors runs, minimum of 3 miles and straight 100 days of runs.

I've always been interested in the 100/100, but honestly it isn't for me. With my schedule it would kill too much of swim and bike time. I also don't think for *me* that it is good to run so many days /100. I do get ALL the arguments for it, just not for me.

I think it's an interesting challenge as well, but is also not for me. I might end up accomplishing it on my own. It's just with all the other things I'm trying to learn and incorporate, adding in the minimums for this could get in the way more than help. I already have a high run frequency. What I've been working on is getting in more and better rest. Having an easier day that's very easy. This part in particular is likely to be below the 30' min and I need the freedom to do that. I have a history plugging away too much on these days to make such goals. While I have improved, I think such goals and mindsets have kept me from gaining as much as I could have otherwise. I'm hardly most people though, and this is still a rather useful training tool for many. They need to learn how to do this.

2014-12-08 10:24 AM
in reply to: brigby1

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Fred D

Originally posted by BrotherTri As far as my training. I will be starting a 100/100 runs on the 15th as a part of the ST challenge. Should be fun as I also have challenged myself to do a 13.1 mile run once a month throughout the winter and spring. I am also looking forward to seeing how I fair with ST folks. Couple of other things with the 100/100 challenge that I have committed too are; all outdoors runs, minimum of 3 miles and straight 100 days of runs.

I've always been interested in the 100/100, but honestly it isn't for me. With my schedule it would kill too much of swim and bike time. I also don't think for *me* that it is good to run so many days /100. I do get ALL the arguments for it, just not for me.

I think it's an interesting challenge as well, but is also not for me. I might end up accomplishing it on my own. It's just with all the other things I'm trying to learn and incorporate, adding in the minimums for this could get in the way more than help. I already have a high run frequency. What I've been working on is getting in more and better rest. Having an easier day that's very easy. This part in particular is likely to be below the 30' min and I need the freedom to do that. I have a history plugging away too much on these days to make such goals. While I have improved, I think such goals and mindsets have kept me from gaining as much as I could have otherwise. I'm hardly most people though, and this is still a rather useful training tool for many. They need to learn how to do this.

Yeah, I like some of these types of challenges as it helps you make habit of training every day. However, I think some people get a little too committed to the streak though and end up ignoring their body and running when they really shouldn't, just to keep a streak alive.

2014-12-08 12:23 PM
in reply to: brigby1

Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

I finally tested out my foot (stress fracture of sesamoid of big toe about 7 weeks ago) on the treadmill with a couple of 15-20 min sessions and things seem to be fine.  It will be nice getting running back on to the weekly training schedule.  In the interim I did manage to get to the pool a lot more and finally got around to using my GoPro to take some stroke analysis video for use by Jorge using me as an example so that I can do the same with my athletes.  I was pleased with the quality of the GoPro video.   If someone wants to post a hotlink to MP4 video here what would be the easiest way to do it?  Google drive?

2014-12-08 12:28 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

I usually upload to Youtube but set the privacy so that you can only see it if you have the direct link.  I had a really hard time with the Google drive videos that Fred posted - it seemed like every time I went back it would fully reload it instead of using a cached version.  My internet connection sucks too bad to be able to view something like that.

2014-12-08 12:30 PM
in reply to: axteraa

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

The difficulties of outdoor riding in Hawaii this time of year...  



CX.JPG (320KB - 3 downloads)

2014-12-08 12:35 PM
in reply to: Jason N

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Jason N

The difficulties of outdoor riding in Hawaii this time of year...  


This makes no sense. Why don't you jump it or go around?

2014-12-08 12:36 PM
in reply to: brigby1

PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Jason N

The difficulties of outdoor riding in Hawaii this time of year...  


This makes no sense. Why don't you jump it or go around?

Definitely need to work on the bunnyhop

2014-12-08 12:39 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Asalzwed

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Fred D

Originally posted by BrotherTri As far as my training. I will be starting a 100/100 runs on the 15th as a part of the ST challenge. Should be fun as I also have challenged myself to do a 13.1 mile run once a month throughout the winter and spring. I am also looking forward to seeing how I fair with ST folks. Couple of other things with the 100/100 challenge that I have committed too are; all outdoors runs, minimum of 3 miles and straight 100 days of runs.

I've always been interested in the 100/100, but honestly it isn't for me. With my schedule it would kill too much of swim and bike time. I also don't think for *me* that it is good to run so many days /100. I do get ALL the arguments for it, just not for me.

I think it's an interesting challenge as well, but is also not for me. I might end up accomplishing it on my own. It's just with all the other things I'm trying to learn and incorporate, adding in the minimums for this could get in the way more than help. I already have a high run frequency. What I've been working on is getting in more and better rest. Having an easier day that's very easy. This part in particular is likely to be below the 30' min and I need the freedom to do that. I have a history plugging away too much on these days to make such goals. While I have improved, I think such goals and mindsets have kept me from gaining as much as I could have otherwise. I'm hardly most people though, and this is still a rather useful training tool for many. They need to learn how to do this.

Yeah, I like some of these types of challenges as it helps you make habit of training every day. However, I think some people get a little too committed to the streak though and end up ignoring their body and running when they really shouldn't, just to keep a streak alive.

Yeah, the 30 runs in 30 days one here is a great start for people trying to do this sort of thing. Too bad it morphed into making the biggest streak possible and has too many people at like 500 -700+ kind of dominating the discussion. I mean, good for them in going that long, but it's lost sight of the original goal of that challenge and I'm guessing may intimidate some of the more shy/quiet people from doing it.

2014-12-08 1:02 PM
in reply to: axteraa

Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Jason N

The difficulties of outdoor riding in Hawaii this time of year...  


This makes no sense. Why don't you jump it or go around?

Definitely need to work on the bunnyhop

Thankfully, they usually put these barriers right after a corner, and on an uphill so I don't even get tempted to try.  Not to say that others haven't done it, but I kind of like my teeth they way they are.

2014-12-08 1:18 PM
in reply to: Jason N

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by Jason N

Originally posted by axteraa

Originally posted by brigby1

Originally posted by Jason N

The difficulties of outdoor riding in Hawaii this time of year...  


This makes no sense. Why don't you jump it or go around?

Definitely need to work on the bunnyhop

Thankfully, they usually put these barriers right after a corner, and on an uphill so I don't even get tempted to try.  Not to say that others haven't done it, but I kind of like my teeth they way they are.

Is there an active lava flow just off camera?

2014-12-08 1:18 PM
in reply to: Jason N

Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by Jason N

The difficulties of outdoor riding in Hawaii this time of year...  


Something is wrong with the photo.................

you are carrying your bike
2014-12-08 1:19 PM
in reply to: 0

Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by axteraa

I usually upload to Youtube but set the privacy so that you can only see it if you have the direct link.  

OK, here goes my first YouTube upload attempt:

These all should have the title "OMG I never dreamed I looked that bad".  Some of the initial input is that I definitely need to work on balance and rotation before I even start working on my pull and kick.  Head slightly up (carryover from sighting in races I think) drops the hips, need to level things out instead of swimming uphill, stop the serpentine motions (seen from overhead) and keep my shoulders, hips and feet within a tighter cyclinder, initiate rotation from hips rather than when I take a breath, and the embarassingly exaggerated scissors-kick.....lots of stuff to work on.  Quest for 1:05 is on.

Edited by Birkierunner 2014-12-08 1:49 PM
2014-12-08 1:23 PM
in reply to: Birkierunner

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!
Originally posted by Birkierunner

Originally posted by axteraa

I usually upload to Youtube but set the privacy so that you can only see it if you have the direct link.  

OK, here goes my first YouTube upload attempt:

These all should have the title "OMG I never dreamed I looked that bad".  Some of the initial input is that I definitely need to work on balance and rotation before I even start working on my pull and kick.  Head slightly up (carryover from sighting in races I think) drops the hips, need to level things out instead of swimming uphill, stop the serpentine motions (seen from overhead) and keep my shoulders, initiate rotation from hips rather than when I take a breath, hips and feet within a tighter cyclinder, and the embarassingly exaggerated scissors-kick.....lots of stuff to work on.  Quest for 1:05 is on.

Do you swim much faster with a pull buoy ?
2014-12-08 1:42 PM
in reply to: BrotherTri

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia ~~~~ Permanently OPEN!!

Originally posted by BrotherTri
Originally posted by Jason N

The difficulties of outdoor riding in Hawaii this time of year...  


Something is wrong with the photo................. you are carrying your bike

Something is wrong when the better strategy in a bike race is to get off the bike.

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