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2008-04-23 3:10 PM
in reply to: #1357669

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Berkley, MI
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose

Great job everyone! 

 I did my first real brick last night, 20 miles biking (longest ever) and then a 5k run.  Well yeah - I am not so used to the bike, so the run was a walk/run with a lot more walking than running! 


I at least know that I have work to do!  Tonight is swimming and biking!

2008-04-23 3:13 PM
in reply to: #1357718

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Berkley, MI
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose
I just updated my tracker online and it appears that I can hit my target if I stick to my training plan... this means NO MORE SICKNESS!
2008-04-23 10:31 PM
in reply to: #1302970

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose

Great brick, Jeniferlynn....I just checked out the spreadsheet and everyone is doing so great!  I have no doubt that we will hold first place by the end of Sunday (just log it, and don't forget the double times/distances for races!!)....

I made it to the gym and did a spinning class and then swam, putting my overall total at nearly 99%...so close!  30 min of biking and running will top it off, and since I have a du on Sunday, it's in the bag, baby, 110% ya!

Thanks to you all who inspired me today--it was a very very very long day with the sickies.  We survived and hopefully will be back to normal tomorrow!!!

2008-04-24 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1358621

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2008-04-24 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1302970

Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose

With my jog yesterday I broke my run total from last year...

Planning on at least 50miles today on the bike after work.  This will leave me with 100miles of biking, 5miles of running, and 500 meters of swimming to reach my goals for the month.  Shouldn't have a problem reaching those goals. 

2008-04-24 1:34 PM
in reply to: #1302970

Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose
Congratulations on everyone's work toward the goals. I just finished my swim goal of 20kyds. Almost there with the run. I will after Saturday, and looks like a need a little extra on the bike.

2008-04-24 3:10 PM
in reply to: #1359558

Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose
oweiss - 2008-04-24 11:54 AM

With my jog yesterday I broke my run total from last year...

Wow!  It's just April -- think what you can do over the rest of the year.

2008-04-24 3:12 PM
in reply to: #1302970

Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose
Alright!  Way to go Team Moose!  It's sounds like everyone is rocking and rolling and meeting/exceeding their monthly goals!  Keep up the good work everyone! 
2008-04-24 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1302970

Robbinsville NJ
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose
Got in a really good (for me) 1000 in the pool tonight. Lifted for about 45 minutes and a very easy 3 mile run. Will need to get in some more swim time by the end of the month but shouldn't be a problem.
2008-04-25 9:55 AM
in reply to: #1302970

Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose

1600 in the pool, which brings me to 103% of my goal.  I also rode my bike to work today, so I'm going to take the scenic route home to log some minutes toward that goal this afternoon.

Nice work everyone - no flower avatars here!

2008-04-25 10:31 AM
in reply to: #1302970

Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose
Great job everyone! I should be able to reach my 100%, but I don't think I'll get much extra. I still have about 6 1/2 hours that I need to get off the books by next Wed. If I can squeeze in a couple hour bike ride this weekend I should be good.

2008-04-25 4:04 PM
in reply to: #1302970

Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose

WOW! everyone is doing so good!! how much fun will it be to WIN?! we just have to hold on to it for 5 more days!! we can do it!

 as for me, i'm back from an 8.5 mile run that was supposed to be 10 miles. note to others: don't have to run by the car to do the last 1.5 miles of a run that had you dehydrated and HOT. won't do that again :-) and i think it's officially time to take all the long runs to the beach to avoid baking in the So Cal sun. I am going to get my last swim in as soon as the pool opens for lap time again and then I'll just have 1 hour of biking to do while I'm out of town, which will be no problem since the hotel where I am going has a gym.

 Good luck on the final push everyone!! let's win this! :-)

2008-04-26 12:55 PM
in reply to: #1302970

Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose

It's snowing and windy here today. My calendar must be wrong. It is the end of April, right?!?

Instead of a long ride this morning I went to spin class, which was a pretty good workout. I'm going to brave the elements this afternoon and get a 4 mile run in.

Have a great weekend everyone.


2008-04-26 2:23 PM
in reply to: #1363500

Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose
Sheesh!  Snow?  Really?  And here I was complaining that it got down to 50 degrees.  Good luck with that snowy run!  You're a braver man than I!
2008-04-26 8:56 PM
in reply to: #1302970

Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose
I did my first ever century ride today, so my biking miles are complete!  It was a very interesting ride, through the countryside of south Alabama.  Lots and lots and lots of hills -- ugh!  The other "interesting" thing was the number of dead animals on the roads.  We've decided to rename the ride from the Boll Weevil 100 to the Road Kill 100.
2008-04-26 9:03 PM
in reply to: #1302970

Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose

Congrats, Cheri!  Post a link to your race report when it gets done....assuming you are writing one up.  I am pretty much ready for my duathlon tomorrow.  Have to be out the door by 530 AM....ugh!!!!  Why don't  more races start at noon, especially when it's still freeeeeezing at 8 am???

2008-04-27 6:39 AM
in reply to: #1302970

Reading, Berkshire (UK)
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose

WAY TO GO TEAM!! We will win this challenge

I've finished my bike and run goals and will finish my swim goal on Monday. I'll also get some more running done before Thursday. No races for me (my first is in three weeks) but congratulations to everyone taking part. 


2008-04-27 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1302970

Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose
Good morning!!  Please remember to update your totals in the spreadsheet tonight.  We'll do an update tomorrow.  The challenge ends on Wednesday, so get out there and finish up your goals. 
2008-04-27 2:18 PM
in reply to: #1302970

Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose
Hey all, finished my duathlon and will do rr soon.  Time 1:45.  Won the Athena division!  I will post a link in a bit.  Maybe pix, we shall see.
2008-04-27 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1364732

Berkley, MI
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose

Way to go Medusa Ann!  Wooo hooo!


I am very happy to report that I am at 110% of my running and my biking - greatly due to the 40 mile bike ride that I did yesterday, and the SUPER brick that I did today in preperation for my du next weekend.   I will hit my swimming in the next few days!   Being sick helped me get back on track somehow.

GREAT job Mighty Moosies!


2008-04-27 4:46 PM
in reply to: #1302970

Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose


there's the race report....

 I haven't updated the spreadsheet yet, but I will spend some time this evening making sure everyone's numbers are accounted for.  Please have a look at your totals, and if you have raced, please add double for those events!


2008-04-27 8:01 PM
in reply to: #1302970

Robbinsville NJ
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose
Great job Leslie! Also finished my Du today so will be adding 58 miles bike and 17 run! Actually got 2nd in AG so happy with that especially given the cramps in my calves that killed me on the bike and 2nd run. Hope to have the Race Report tomorrow but no results posted yet so don't know any times yet. Gotta get me one of those timer thingamagiggies.
2008-04-27 10:32 PM
in reply to: #1302970

Eden Prairie, MN
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose

Great job Leslie!! Way to start the season.

I've got my numbers in. I'm going to swim and run on Mon. and Wed. and bike on Tuesday and I'll be all caught up. I won't get much above 100% though, but I'll just be glad to finish my goals. This last week has been the most training volume that I've had all year. I think that's due to the challenge and not wanting to let the team down, plus I really don't want to have a flower avatar. It's not manly or cool. Now, a picture of me standing in a bucket looking like a dork to practice T1's, that is cool and manly. :-)

Edited by ScotInMinnesota 2008-04-27 10:33 PM
2008-04-28 6:02 AM
in reply to: #1365502

Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose
Great job on the races and the century ride everyone. I did my 1/2 mary and got my PR.
2008-04-28 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1365623

Berkley, MI
Subject: RE: Team Mighty Moose

Fred Little - 2008-04-28 7:02 AM Great job on the races and the century ride everyone. I did my 1/2 mary and got my PR.


Way to go Fred!!!!!!!

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