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2008-06-05 8:09 AM

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Chatham, Ontario
Subject: Open water swim - how to overcome fear???
Ok - I did my first open water swim last night in the same habour that will host a triathlon next weekend and I was very freaked out!

The first thing I saw was a snake. YUK. Then, little minows were jumping around the surface and the sea weed kept touch me! YUK. YUK.

I had so much trouble staying calm, breating and relaxing. HELP!! How do I overcome this fear? Any suggestions would be very much appreciated!

2008-06-05 9:47 AM
in reply to: #1446664

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Open water swim - how to overcome fear???

It sounds like you are doing the Leamington triathlon and I noticed your question about the Loaring in another thread. Leamington harbor is not a pleasant place to learn open water swimming. There are lots of boats, weeds and garbage. I do most of my open water swim practicing at Cedar Creek beach, which is much like the swim for the Loaring, or at the east side of Point Pelee. These areas are a little cleaner, safer and more pleasant.

Panic attacks during your first few open water swims, particularly during races, are very common. It's particularly bad early in the year when the water is cold. Get in as much open water practice as you can, wear a wetsuit, and don't swim alone. Start off by just floating, getting used to the temperature, and getting used to having your face submerged. I really like Seal Mask goggles for the extra visibility and they keep water off of a large portion of your face. If I get a little uncomfortable in an open water race, which I still do after 30 races, the key for me is to keep my heart rate low and find some open water where I am not being bumped around. Concentrate on a much slower stroke rate than in a pool, with lots of gliding, and getting into your own rhythm.  On race day just let everyone get a 10 second head start on the swim if you are not comfortable. You will just catch them on the bike

As a last resort if you really don't feel ready for the Leamington sprint, they have a nice try-a-tri in the pool on the Saturday.

2008-06-05 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1446664

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Extreme Veteran
Chatham. Ontario
Subject: RE: Open water swim - how to overcome fear???
Don't worry about the fish or snakes, come race day with 100 or more people they soon dissappear.  The harbour is not the prettiest swim out there.  Key thing to do is stay calm.  Definetely get in the water a little before so you can overcome the temp change.  Worse case is that you swim slow and loose a little time but you have the biggest part of the race left on the bike and the run to catch up.  Let us know how you make out.  It is a fun race.
2008-06-05 12:43 PM
in reply to: #1446664

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Subject: RE: Open water swim - how to overcome fear???

ditto on what the others said. Once you get in the water for warm up, stay there, line up to the rear of your group to avoid the masses. You can always wave over a kayak or seadoo and rest to regroup yourself once you start the swim. In past years the seaweed is worse along the shoreline on the last leg of the triangle, so you want to stay over a bit and at points here you can walk.

Good luck

2008-06-06 7:14 AM
in reply to: #1446664

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Subject: RE: Open water swim - how to overcome fear???
If you know someone with a boat, get them to take you out to Crystal Bay at the south end of the Detroit river.  The water is calm, and you can see a fair distance.  It might be a nice first step.
2008-06-10 9:49 AM
in reply to: #1446664

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Chatham, Ontario
Subject: RE: Open water swim - how to overcome fear???
I found this great article that I feel has put it all into prespective!

Just wanted to share.

2008-06-10 11:32 AM
in reply to: #1446664

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Subject: RE: Open water swim - how to overcome fear???
Nice article Tracey.  Thanks.
2008-07-06 10:19 PM
in reply to: #1446664

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Subject: RE: Open water swim - how to overcome fear???

I did my first open water swim about 4 weeks ago, a few days before my first tri a tri.  This weekend I am doing a sprint, so I had exactly 5 weeks to get over the panic that set in during my first race.  I am feeling pretty confident that I my heart rate will stay under control this time. 

Here is what I, started ditching my pool master swim program and getting a day pass to a local conservation area and doing all my swims there. two, found some friends to simulate race starts with me, swimming very close and bumping into me a bit as we started out, three, most importantly I started doing a splash and dash series once a week...yeah, so I've only done three but it really helps. It gives you just enough pre-race jitters to force you to lower your heart rate while you try to swim.  It is a race-like event with a 750 m or 1500 m swim and a 5-7 k run,  the person who runs it does a little stroke improvement lesson before each race if you want to show up 45 minutes early.  I know it is out of the way for you, but it might be worth it.  I noticed you're in essex county somewhere.  I'll give you contact information if you want to email me, but I am not sure if I am allowed to recommend a commercial business on this forum. In any case, there is probably one closer to you. 

four, I also do some imagery when I start to get freaked out and swim too fast.  There is a very heavy woman who swims at my Y who is slow and consistant with steady form.   I just remind myself to swim like her.  If she can do it, I can. 

five,  experiment with breathing, stroking patterns.  I find that counting strokes and breaths is familiar and soothing when I am about to freak out. 

By the way,  those snakes don't like wetsuits.  You'll be fine.  Good luck!




2008-07-07 6:01 AM
in reply to: #1510963

Subject: RE: Open water swim - how to overcome fear???
Hi Katherine,

I noticed in your response that you mentioned the splash and dash. Although I have no fear of the open water swimming, I am VERY slow, having learned to swim just over 3 years ago. We swam at Whittaker the week the races started but haven't been able to make it out again. How many people usually show up? I was thinking the race like atmosphere might push me to swim a bit harder than I do when I swim on my own. Are there all levels of swimmers at the splash and dash?

I apologize for jumping in on this thread. Everything that Katherine has said on how to overcome fear is bang on.

2012-06-30 6:45 PM
in reply to: #1446664


Subject: RE: Open water swim - how to overcome fear???

I did my first open water swim in a sprint tri today. I entered the water feeling confident and then began to gasp after 100 yards or so. I had to swim the whole 300 meters om my back! I have no problem swimming up to 2 miles in the pool. What the heck is wrong?  My husband is going to start taking me to a lake every Saturday, since we have none near here it will have to be a weekend thing.I hope to get comfortable with the water. Any suggestions?I'm feeling very angry with myself! 

2012-07-02 9:49 PM
in reply to: #4288577

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2012-07-02 11:43 PM
in reply to: #4288577

Extreme Veteran
Penticton, BC
Subject: RE: Open water swim - how to overcome fear???
joni78 - 2012-06-30 4:45 PM

I did my first open water swim in a sprint tri today. I entered the water feeling confident and then began to gasp after 100 yards or so. I had to swim the whole 300 meters om my back! I have no problem swimming up to 2 miles in the pool. What the heck is wrong?  My husband is going to start taking me to a lake every Saturday, since we have none near here it will have to be a weekend thing.I hope to get comfortable with the water. Any suggestions?I'm feeling very angry with myself! 

Never underestimate the power of stress (with a little - or a lot - of adrenaline thrown in for good measure).  Lots of good advice here so don't beat yourself up its these "setbacks" that make us stronger in the long run.

2012-07-03 10:39 AM
in reply to: #4291888

Bronze member
Subject: RE: Open water swim - how to overcome fear???
wenceslasz - 2012-07-03 12:43 AM
joni78 - 2012-06-30 4:45 PM

I did my first open water swim in a sprint tri today. I entered the water feeling confident and then began to gasp after 100 yards or so. I had to swim the whole 300 meters om my back! I have no problem swimming up to 2 miles in the pool. What the heck is wrong?  My husband is going to start taking me to a lake every Saturday, since we have none near here it will have to be a weekend thing.I hope to get comfortable with the water. Any suggestions?I'm feeling very angry with myself! 

Never underestimate the power of stress (with a little - or a lot - of adrenaline thrown in for good measure).  Lots of good advice here so don't beat yourself up its these "setbacks" that make us stronger in the long run.

Oh man - i have sooooo been there - both with the panic and the being angry with myself.  As said above there's really no reason to be upset with yourself - it's a learning experience and you're one of a very few who actually get out and face your fear!  Your strategy of going every weekend to swim the in the lake is probably the single best thing you can do.  It  was the main thing that helped me overcome my fear.  I came to swimming only a few years ago. I still get nervous but I do make it through now ... practice practice practice.  The open water is very different from the pool and it takes time to get used to it.

As Bopper said, there are lots of little strategies to keep calm like singing a song to yourself - i've counted strokes, stayed back and wide of the pack,  keep a mantra in your head like 'smooth and strong' - sounds silly but it takes the focus off of where you are. 

Best of luck - do you have another race planned?

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