General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman Louisville : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2009-08-27 2:59 PM
in reply to: #2374760

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Lake in the Hills, IL
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
David tri's - 2009-08-27 2:44 PM

So I've been sitting here thinking about the weather. 72*? In Louisville? In August? We've had a very mild summer here in Ohio but I've been trying to train in the heat when I can. In fact, I've been psyching myself up for the heat for an entire year. My training partner has even worn long riding pants and a riding jacket on hot days trying to get ready for the heat. I've got my hydration strategy down, now it looks like it's going to be cool. I feel alittle bit cheated. Anyone else feel this way?

Not at all. I am pretty sure that at about hour 12 I will also be pretty happy that it is not 110 degrees.

2009-08-27 3:54 PM
in reply to: #1742108

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
I am sitting here at the sports club on 4th street live eating dinner. Its amazing here! Got my bib # today. Its 2973. It has to be fate. I live between route 29 and route 73 at home! Can't wait!
2009-08-27 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1742108

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

Does anyone know the approximate half-way point of the swim?

By my guesstimation, it's once you do the turn around, and start heading down stream for a minute, right about the time you pass the eastern edge of the island.


2009-08-27 5:02 PM
in reply to: #2375060

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Findlay, OH
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
kevinlbrown - 2009-08-27 5:44 PM REPOST:

Does anyone know the approximate half-way point of the swim?

By my guesstimation, it's once you do the turn around, and start heading down stream for a minute, right about the time you pass the eastern edge of the island.


No clue but someone told me its .7 miles up stream, so your guess would be pretty close.  I just keep swimming and counting bridges.

2009-08-27 6:19 PM
in reply to: #1742108

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Extreme Veteran
Louisville KY
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Well I worked the checkin today was able to meet few BTers, tnickerson, king03, jungle jenn, and abbier. The biggest question of the day was water temp. and wetsuits. I believe the IM folks will make that call on Friday.

Talking to Jennifer about how IM is cheaping out on some of the items this year, when I got home I looked at my volunteer shirt 100% cotton, the last two years the shirts were better wicking type shirts. IM is kind of tightening their purse strings a little.

Anyway I did snap a pic of Abbie I hope I didn't creep her out to bad. If anybody wants to do a quick ride tomorrow, I could lead one out for you folks while the kids are in school, something flat and easy if its not raining, let me know.


abby.jpg (49KB - 57 downloads)
2009-08-27 7:22 PM
in reply to: #2374760

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Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
David tri's - 2009-08-27 3:44 PM So I've been sitting here thinking about the weather. 72*? In Louisville? In August? We've had a very mild summer here in Ohio but I've been trying to train in the heat when I can. In fact, I've been psyching myself up for the heat for an entire year. My training partner has even worn long riding pants and a riding jacket on hot days trying to get ready for the heat. I've got my hydration strategy down, now it looks like it's going to be cool. I feel alittle bit cheated. Anyone else feel this way?

I sort of know what you mean.  I've been psyching myself up for the heat all spring and summer, and now I'm wondering if I should wear a long-sleeved shirt on the ride!

2009-08-27 7:23 PM
in reply to: #2375191

Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

Tim dude are you stil lpalnning on the ride tomorrow?

2009-08-27 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2375191

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
timdude - 2009-08-27 6:19 PM Well I worked the checkin today was able to meet few BTers, tnickerson, king03, jungle jenn, and abbier. The biggest question of the day was water temp. and wetsuits. I believe the IM folks will make that call on Friday. Talking to Jennifer about how IM is cheaping out on some of the items this year, when I got home I looked at my volunteer shirt 100% cotton, the last two years the shirts were better wicking type shirts. IM is kind of tightening their purse strings a little. Anyway I did snap a pic of Abbie I hope I didn't creep her out to bad. If anybody wants to do a quick ride tomorrow, I could lead one out for you folks while the kids are in school, something flat and easy if its not raining, let me know.

what time and where?  i'm hitting the swim at 0800 and then I need to ride :45 to 1:00.

2009-08-27 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1742108

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
I'll be at the swim at 8am tomorrow....say hi to me!!!
*look for pink vegetarian Splish swim suit!
2009-08-27 7:58 PM
in reply to: #2375275

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Extreme Veteran
Louisville KY
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Sure it has to be after 9:30am and I have to be back to my car by 2:45pm. You name the time and I'll name the place. Do they have swim practice in the morning?

dlltfw - 2009-08-27 8:23 PM

Tim dude are you stil lpalnning on the ride tomorrow?

2009-08-27 8:17 PM
in reply to: #2375323

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
timdude - 2009-08-27 7:58 PM Sure it has to be after 9:30am and I have to be back to my car by 2:45pm. You name the time and I'll name the place. Do they have swim practice in the morning?
dlltfw - 2009-08-27 8:23 PM

Tim dude are you stil lpalnning on the ride tomorrow?

0800 - 1000 Gatorade Swim.

I was thinking about heading out between 1000-1100.  Or after traffic clears out.

Edited by BamaDC 2009-08-27 8:18 PM

2009-08-27 8:21 PM
in reply to: #2375274

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
wiky- I raced earlier this year with this exact same forecast.  I hemmed and hawed about whether or not to wear a long sleeve shirt on the bike or not while I shivere on the shore before the swim.  Usually I wear a long sleeve jersey when I ride if it's under 60 degrees.  Then I ran into a long time triathlon friend of mine and he said, "Sam, your not going to need it (referencing the long sleeve shirt).  Once you get out of the water and get going, you'll be fine."  I left my long sleeve shirt in transition when I took off on my bike and was glad I did.  A friend of mine put on his long sleeve shirt and wished he hadn't.  The moral of the story...I think we'll be fine without the long sleeves.  However, if you do choose a long sleeve shirt, you might want a plan for where to drop it, or wear one you can pitch at an aid station to be trashed.

2009-08-27 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1742108

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

I wasn't going to bring this up, probaby because I am guilty as charged when my brother tells me I'm "Self-promotionally challenged," but, I'll throw it out there anyway in case you might be curious.  Although my posts are not good representations of my writing skills, I do have a book published that can be purchased from  It's called, Race Fans, My Genesis and Evolution as a Triathlete (By Samuel Franklin Wilkinson).  This book was primarily written for family and friends detailing how I got into triathlon and providing race accounts from many of my multisport adventures.  However, with prompting from those who have read my work, I had the book published.  I am not looking to make money from this book, and my royalties are next to nothing, so I'm not sharing this information to sell you this book.  However, if you check it out and you are  If not, that's fine too. 
I think this last statement is yet another example of being "Self-promotionally challenged".
Another piece of trivia, Ironman Louisville will be my 85th multi-sport event.  I've been at this since 1995 and I'll keep on doing it as long as I'm still lovin' it!

2009-08-27 8:37 PM
in reply to: #1742108

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Extreme Veteran
Louisville KY
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Let's meet at 10:30am at the yellow lot on river rd. This is the lot just past tumbleweed (swim start location) you will also see signs for the UofL rowing club. I have a red ford focus will be riding my black lemond. I will deliver you back to the Galt house, rain cancels my cell is 502-759-4253 if anybody is running late or have ?'s.
2009-08-27 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1742108

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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

I'm in Lou!!! Checked into the galt house! Riding with GP160 in the morning and planning on being at the expo when it opens at 9!!!! I'll be wearing my yellow shirt, look for me!

2009-08-27 8:57 PM
in reply to: #1742108

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Dallas, Texas
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
I'm in Louisville!  Checked in today.  Ran along the river front in Jeffersonville (across the river).  I could see the Great Lawn, Towhead Island and the swim course.  It was pretty neat.  OWS tomorrow. 

2009-08-27 9:02 PM
in reply to: #2375368

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
timdude - 2009-08-27 8:37 PM Let's meet at 10:30am at the yellow lot on river rd. This is the lot just past tumbleweed (swim start location) you will also see signs for the UofL rowing club. I have a red ford focus will be riding my black lemond. I will deliver you back to the Galt house, rain cancels my cell is 502-759-4253 if anybody is running late or have ?'s.

Cool I'm in.  I'm on a red P2 and I'll be in last years IMKY bike jersey.
2009-08-27 11:10 PM
in reply to: #2362494

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Extreme Veteran
Louisville KY
Subject: RE: UP run change
Nice article about Mr.Carr Last Saturday we had a charity ride, great turnout had over 225 riders and raised over $3300. Try and make the run if you can.

wiky - 2009-08-21 12:38 PM

Correction:  I was just informed that the start location for the UP run has been changed due to a problem with intersection permits.  Everything else is unchanged.  Here is the corrected info:

TIME:    11:00am
LOCATION (changed):   Belle of Louisville parking lot (the Belle is a boat, and the parking lot is at the intersection of 4th and River, very near the East Tower of the Galt House)
WHAT:   A 2-mile easy paced run in underwear to benefit the family of a fallen triathlete

Sorry for any confusion!

Edited by timdude 2009-08-27 11:10 PM
2009-08-28 4:54 AM
in reply to: #1742108

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Leaving for Louisville in 1.5 hours.  Couldn't sleep last night.  TIME TO ROLL!!!
2009-08-28 6:48 AM
in reply to: #1742108

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

72?!?!?  Maybe wetsuit lega?!?!?  What has this world come to!!  Back in my day racing IMLou we raced in 98 degree heat all day.  The water temp was hotter than most baths I take. 
(I had to throw in a walk to school uphill both ways for you guys!)

As a jockstrapper for my hubby this year I'm thrilled, I'm packing jackets for the kids!!! 

Good luck to all - it's gonna be a GREAT day out there!!!

2009-08-28 7:01 AM
in reply to: #2375191

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
LOL, I was not creeped out!  At first I felt bad because I did not know who you were and thought we had met already!

2009-08-28 7:34 AM
in reply to: #2374760

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
David tri's - 2009-08-27 3:44 PM So I've been sitting here thinking about the weather. 72*? In Louisville? In August? We've had a very mild summer here in Ohio but I've been trying to train in the heat when I can. In fact, I've been psyching myself up for the heat for an entire year. My training partner has even worn long riding pants and a riding jacket on hot days trying to get ready for the heat. I've got my hydration strategy down, now it looks like it's going to be cool. I feel alittle bit cheated. Anyone else feel this way?

I know what you mean, but think about it this way:  If you packed an extra tube on the bike, then didn't flat, would you feel cheated?  Would you regret having carried it? Or would you feel like you took the proper precaution, but didn't need to take advantage of (that particular aspect of) your preparation.  Being ready means being ready for just about anything that is likely to happen.  Doesn't mean that every eventuality that you prepared for WILL happen.

But, I know what you mean...  I also suffered a lot in the heat this summer, for the same reason.  It isn't for naught, though.  We will be faster even in the cool as a result.
2009-08-28 7:40 AM
in reply to: #1742108

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Macon, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread
Just did the practice swim. The water temp was 82 degrees so I think we can forget about it being a wetsuit race. The water felt great. Safe travels
2009-08-28 7:58 AM
in reply to: #1742108

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Rogersville, Alabama
Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

I agree water temp felt great.  I swam to the bridge and no signs of catfish.

2009-08-28 9:54 AM
in reply to: #1742108

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Subject: RE: Ironman Louisville : Official Thread

Even though I am not racing, I too swam to just about the bridge and back...felt so nice...didn't notice any real sign of any current?? So nice to swim in water so warm and not be all bunged up in a wetsuit!!!   Good luck out there kids!!

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