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2008-11-25 10:17 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: Lasik?

I have either worn glasses or contacts for 30 plus years and am thinking about Lasik surgery

Can anyone give me advice on this?


2008-11-25 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1825316

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Westchester, NY
Subject: RE: Lasik?
Did it 8-9 years ago and was one of best things I've ever done.  I imagine the procedure is even easier now, but even when I did it I was in and out in abut 15 minutes and drove myself to the doctor the next morning.  Just make sure you research it and use a reputable doctor.
2008-11-25 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1825316

Subject: RE: Lasik?
Dwayne - 2008-11-25 11:17 AM

I have either worn glasses or contacts for 30 plus years and am thinking about Lasik surgery

Can anyone give me advice on this?


All I know is that some people aren't good candidates for the surgery, due to astigmatism, etc - I think it depends on the shape of your eye/cornea. I think you would need to go to your eye doc and have them evaluate whether or not you would be a good candidate. I know a few people who have had it done and say it was the best decision they ever made.

I would like to do it myself except that 1.) lasers in my eyes freak me out, esp. since you're conscious while they do it and 2.) it concerns me a little that there's not enough long-term data. It's my vision, and all. I wouldn't want to have any problems 30 years down the line because of the surgery.

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2008-11-25 10:24 AM
2008-11-25 10:22 AM
in reply to: #1825316

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Queen BTich
Subject: RE: Lasik?

My mom had it done at 50 after wearing glasses all her life. One eye was perfect that same day, she had issues with her other one for about 2 weeks. It made her a little nervous but then it was fine.

She wishes she had done it sooner and is going to pay for my brother to get it done as well.

2008-11-25 10:36 AM
in reply to: #1825316

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Subject: RE: Lasik?
In my last office 8 of the 20 people had it done. 1 had issues for a couple weeks because he had "deep set eyes" The others could not believe what a difference it made and wish they'd had the procedure years ago.
2008-11-25 10:39 AM
in reply to: #1825331

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Philadelphia, south of New York and north of DC
Subject: RE: Lasik?

slight hijack that I hope is in the OPs ballpark...

Anybody know about corrective surgery for farsightedness?  I wear glasses for close up correction. I believe standard Lasik can't correct for this, but I think I heard about lens replacement that can.

2008-11-25 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1825316

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Ann Arbor, MI
Subject: RE: Lasik?
I considered it for about 3 months a few years back and was even signed up for the procedure before I backed out. Most people have no issues with the procedure, but the problem I had was, if even the slightest itty bitty thing went wrong- how would I deal with it? When I was honest with myself, I knew that my OCD nature would not allow me to EVER forgive myself if something went wrong, because it was totally optional and my vision is 100% corrected with contacts. You may be different, but you have to really think about it.

There are several things that can happen that aren't considered 'problems' or even side effects with the procedure. First of all, a large percentage of people get dry eyes after having lasik. For some people, this isn't a problem, but for others, they obsess and it can be so bad that they need to have prescription drops to put in their eyes every hour. If you ask the lasik doctors, they brush this 'side-effect' off.

Also, the issue of halo's and blurry nighttime vision is still not resolved. They have no way of knowing who will have issues and have absolutely no way to correct it. Think about that- right now with contacts or glasses, you can drive anytime you want and don't have to consider your vision while driving at night. Well, even if your vision is perfect during the day time, you might see starbursts around streetlights at night that prevent you from driving, and there is NOTHING you can do about it, except not drive. This is also something that doesn't factor into the percentages they give you at the doctor's office. If you can deal with that, than fine, take the risk.

Also, what they consider a success is if they get you down to 20/40 vision. That is not 20/20 and in some people, they would still consider getting glasses or contacts if they had 20/40 vision. You can get a 'touch-up' procedure done to get even better vision, but then you have all those other risks again. For me, my vision is 20/20 with contacts, and when I go to the optometrist and see what 20/40 looks like, it is absolutely intolerable. If I had lasik done, and was considered a 'success' with 20/40 vision, I would still wear glasses, because I like perfection.

Now, obviously, a lot of this has to do with my personality, and what I would expect out of an OPTIONAL medical procedure, but you have to realize that this is your vision. If you don't have issues with contacts or glasses, you really have to think about side effects that aren't just 'going blind' and how you would deal with minor setbacks. I thought I would be OK, until I really sat down and thought about it, than realized I would totally freak.

In addition, the FDA warns you about some of these things, and is more forthcoming than those that practice lasik. I recommend thoroughly reading their site:
THey warn that if you are a perfectionist, you might not be happy with lasik

One last thing- sorry it's so long, but I feel it is important. Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist or anything, but it was nearly impossible for me to find any objective information on the procedure, or any studies that were done by people that don't profit from the business. That kinda freaks me out. When you go to a lasik place, they are not going to be 100% forthcoming about anything, because in the end, despite the MD, they are all in a business- this is NOT like going to your general practitioner. Keep that in mind. There are plenty of websites out there, if you look hard enough, about people's stories who have had awful experiences with lasik, and the bottom line is- it is something you choose to do, so if something goes wrong, can you handle that?

(Everyone else will tell you how amazing their procedure was, and how it 'changed' their life, so I felt like being the one opposing voice, since I still see 20/20 with contacts and glasses, still do triathlons, still swim and have no other eye issues, just like them )

2008-11-25 11:44 AM
in reply to: #1825316

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Subject: RE: Lasik?

 One of the best decisions I have made. My cousin went to this guy first and was happy with her results. Mrsmdg went next and then I went in. I referred a co-worker after I had mine done. So far we are all extremely pleased with the results. I have some dry eye issues. I put in OTC drops when I wake up and am good to go for the day. The halos at night were a major concern for me, but I have not experienced any. My understanding is the laser technology used can affect that outcome. Shop around because they don't all use the newest laser technology and that might affect your results. If you qualify for lasik, find someone who does interlase. It is bladeless and basically the doctor holds your head and the laser does all the work.

 I did not qualify for lasik and had PRK done instead. My cornea thickness was 1/2 a micron too thin and the Doctor would not budge on his decision. PRK is a little more invasive since they scrape off the top layer instead of making a flap like Lasik. I could not see very well for about a week while the layer grew back. My vision fluctuated for 1 year just like he said it would and has since stabilized. It was never bad enough that I needed corrective lenses to do anything. We are all happy with the results we have gotten from this guy. I don't know anyone in the Dallas - Fort Worth area, but if you come down to SA, Edward Rashid is the guy we used.

2008-11-25 9:11 PM
in reply to: #1825316

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Lasik?
Since I'm a KC Chiefs fan, Herm Edwards had it done...so it must be good, right?
2008-11-25 10:07 PM
in reply to: #1825316

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White Oak, Texas
Subject: RE: Lasik?
I had it 6 years ago my vision was 20/800 I am not 20/15 and 20/20 one of the best choices I ever made.  My wife had it last year her vision was not nearly as bad as mine she is very happy.  Investigate the Dr's I did not go with the cheapest I went with who was considered the best.
2008-11-26 1:07 AM
in reply to: #1825361

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Subject: RE: Lasik?
dontracy - 2008-11-25 8:39 AM

slight hijack that I hope is in the OPs ballpark...

Anybody know about corrective surgery for farsightedness?  I wear glasses for close up correction. I believe standard Lasik can't correct for this, but I think I heard about lens replacement that can.

I'm no expert but as far as I know there are very, very few (if any at all) options for farsightedness.  It's much easier to remove depth from the eye/cornea (as is the case for Lasik) than add it.

2008-11-26 1:12 AM
in reply to: #1825316

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Subject: RE: Lasik?

I had it done about 14 years ago and was by far one of the best decisions on my life.  My vision was so bad that I couldn't read the E on the eye chart.  The morning after the surgery I was able to see the alarm clock without glasses, it was life changing for me.  I had to go back about 6 months later for a slight correction to get even closer to 20/20.  I'm now at 20/20 and 20/25.  I had a short while where my eyes were dry and needed natural tears drops, but that went away.  My only issue is that glare can sometimes be a problem.  I end up wearing sunglasses even on overcast days to reduce glare, but I can see really well.  I see even better at night, go figure.

As for astigmatism, it's no longer true that if you have it you can't get Lasik and it hasn't been true for a long time.  I had mild to moderate astigmatism and I could still have it.  And...the process has improved quite a bit since I had it so even people with more severe astigmatism can still get it.  Of course, there is a limit so just find a reputable doc and have an evaluation.

Good luck!

2008-11-26 6:02 AM
in reply to: #1825316

New user
Subject: RE: Lasik?

It amazes me how easily some ppl give in to marketing. Yes, it might work in a percentage of cases, but also it has been known to induce complications that made some other ppl blind. Thats it, blind. So as with anything experimental, there is far far too much unknowns in this field, while all doctros try to persuade you the other way - it's harmless, it's this, it's that. Now, when there is something as sensitive as vision and as eyes in q, I would not trust anyone who has their sights set on performing the procedure for money. And that is for a lot of money.

Too much unexplored sideffects, the operation is known for actually worsening some aspects of seeing, and last, the structural stability of the eye is in danger if there is even a slight mistake by the doctor.

Thanks, I'll take contacts over this any day.

2008-11-28 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1825316

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Memphis, TN
Subject: RE: Lasik?
I had it done about 14 years ago.  My opinion, do it.  My eyesight the next day was 20/20.  Today, it's still 20/20 in one eye and 20/30 in the other.  No side effects at all.
2008-11-28 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1827020

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Subject: RE: Lasik?
meow-cat - 2008-11-26 6:02 AM

It amazes me how easily some ppl give in to marketing. Yes, it might work in a percentage of cases, but also it has been known to induce complications that made some other ppl blind. Thats it, blind. So as with anything experimental, there is far far too much unknowns in this field, while all doctros try to persuade you the other way - it's harmless, it's this, it's that. Now, when there is something as sensitive as vision and as eyes in q, I would not trust anyone who has their sights set on performing the procedure for money. And that is for a lot of money.

Too much unexplored sideffects, the operation is known for actually worsening some aspects of seeing, and last, the structural stability of the eye is in danger if there is even a slight mistake by the doctor.

Thanks, I'll take contacts over this any day.

 Nice to have the option to wear contacts. My astigmatism was so bad that the toric lens I had to wear in my right eye felt like  a hubcap. In my wife's case, she came to a point where she was advised that she would not be able to wear contacts again. She had some complication after wearing them for years. And no, the doctor who performed the lasik was not the same doc who said she could not wear contacts anymore, nor was there a referral.

2008-11-28 3:27 PM
in reply to: #1825316

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NOVA - Ironic for an Endurance Athlete
Subject: RE: Lasik?

My lasik was "less than perfect" but I still see better than I ever did with glasses, plus I now have an expanded field of vision.  I would recommend it.

With any surgery, there are risks.  Being an active kid, I had wire rimmed glasses driven into my cheeks twice playing pick-up sports.  Another 1/2" up, and it would have been my eyes, and would have been the victims of the trauma.  So glasses could have also made me blind.  And I hated contacts!

2008-12-01 12:27 AM
in reply to: #1825316

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Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Lasik?

It has been about 2 years for me.  And I fall into the camp of incredible.

I did a lot of research too, but at some point, you just need to go with your gut.

I spoke to everyone and anyone.  Couldn't find anyone that did it that did not think it was spectacular.

2008-12-01 1:12 AM
in reply to: #1825316

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Edited by Spokes 2008-12-01 1:13 AM
2008-12-01 2:36 AM
in reply to: #1825316

New user
Subject: RE: Lasik?

This is correct, another set of eyes does not grow on trees, and there is no procedure needed that would require working with blades and lasers on anyone's eyes.

The fact that ppl tell you that it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, does not nessecary means it really is. Long term effects are little understood, there has been a great percentage of complications basing on what I saw when I typed "lasik complications" into google. Also, the procedure is very invasive to your eyes, which I believe to be a very very bad thing. What will happen 30 yrs down the line, noone can tell. Also, there had been sucess stories, there had been tragic failure ones. And the stake here is your VISION. Do ppl sometimes forget it or what, I do not know, but I do know that those who lost their vision, probably didn't think it would happen to them.

Burning away eye tissue with a high powered laser? That must be a joke, right? No, that's lasik. And that is something I most definitevely DO NOT think about getting done, ever. Try to read the FDA page on lasik procedure - someone posted it here before. It gives a pretty objective view on the procedure, and that view is not pretty at all.

Edited by meow-cat 2008-12-01 2:38 AM
2008-12-01 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1825316

Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Lasik?
Did it this past march.  Was able to drive myself to my follow-up appointment the next day glasses free! Was one of the best investment's i've ever made
2008-12-01 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1831722

Subject: RE: Lasik?
meow-cat - 2008-12-01 2:36 AM

Burning away eye tissue with a high powered laser?

Yeah, next thing you know they're going to come out with a procedure where they slice you open, use an industrial saw to splay open your chest, rip veins out of your leg, and sew them into your heart that's been frozen to make it stop.

BTW, you don't sound that objective.  Hopefully the report you quote is though.

2008-12-01 2:00 PM
in reply to: #1825316

A Prairie Home
Subject: RE: Lasik?
I was just talking to my friend the other day about Lasik (she was considering it). She said a mutual ex-coworker of ours got it done and the procedure went wrong and the doctor did not know what to do about it. This person then couldn't find another doctor that would fix it because nobody wanted to deal with another doctor's mess. Lesson from this incident is try to find a doctor who have encountered complication during the procedure and knows what to do with it.

Don't mean to scare anybody or anything, just want to throw someting into the pot of discussion, that's all.
2008-12-01 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1832652

Subject: RE: Lasik?

Denise2003 - 2008-12-01 3:00 PM I was just talking to my friend the other day about Lasik (she was considering it). She said a mutual ex-coworker of ours got it done and the procedure went wrong and the doctor did not know what to do about it. This person then couldn't find another doctor that would fix it because nobody wanted to deal with another doctor's mess. Lesson from this incident is try to find a doctor who have encountered complication during the procedure and knows what to do with it. Don't mean to scare anybody or anything, just want to throw someting into the pot of discussion, that's all.

All surgery carries inherent risks. I think with this, just like anything else, you need to do some research into it, and find doctors with excellent credentials, track records, etc. I personally am a little weirded out by the fact that this is a fairly new procedure and we don't have a 50 year record of what happens as your eyes age after having had the surgery. But I suppose it's the same with any innovative surgery, so I would never say "Don't Do It" to anyone.

2008-12-01 2:28 PM
in reply to: #1825316

Subject: RE: Lasik?
i have bad bad eyesight and pretty bad astigmatisms in both.  i would love to get lasik, but right now, i can't justify the risks.  for one, lasik for astigmatism is still too new to know the long term results and mine are pretty bad.  i woudl like to see more research and findings.  i also worry b/c i have heard from friends that have had the procedure that you have to be able to focus your eye on an object for 1-2 minutes and not move it.  i don't know if i can do that, and i don't want to find out i can't when i shift my eye away for a second and i end up with a messed up procedure.  i had a hard enough time learning to put contacts in, i just am not sure if on game day, i would be able to do this.  i've also heard that you can't get "treated" water in your eyes for a long time (i think a few months and treated = pools or hot tubs) from a friend.  she is a swimmer and found out that if she got it done, she couldn't swim for that time frame so she decided not to go for it.  i imagine that if that is still true (this was a few years ago, not sure about the advances in lasik since then), that you may want to think about that in terms of training for major race and timing of the surgery.   i've never had a formal consultation or anything, but just from researching and speaking to people about their experiences, those are somethings that i have heard.  for now, i'm fine with my contacts and glasses.  yes i still hate them, but i don't hate them enough to be able to get over the risks of surgery.  but i feel that way about most elective surgeries, which is why i probably wouldn't be at my local plastic surgeon either. 
2008-12-01 2:35 PM
in reply to: #1832681

A Prairie Home
Subject: RE: Lasik?
wurkit_gurl - 2008-12-01 3:05 PM
  • But I suppose it's the same with any innovative surgery, so I would never say "Don't Do It" to anyone.

  • Yeah I am with you on that. I would like to get it done myself, heard many good things about it. Just that I am too risk-adverse to justify the upside for the downside..

    Edited by Denise2003 2008-12-01 2:36 PM
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