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Rock 'N' Roll Chicago Half Marathon - RunHalf Marathon

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Chicago, Illinois
United States
70F / 21C
Total Time = 2h 05m 57s
Overall Rank = 5,268/14,438
Age Group = 35-39
Age Group Rank = 329/1,309
Pre-race routine:

Alarm off at 4:45, think I hit snooze once, I was sleepy. Finally got up and had some Orange G2 and the Chocolate and PB power bar. Did some light stretching, and rolled on the exercise ball once or twice, and with that, I was off. Real exciting I know!
Event warmup:

Ummm, does jogging from the brown line el (a block or two away then running to porta potty to take care of business while ripping what I wore over race outfit off so I could throw it in race bag, and literally throwing that to the packet pick up volunteer and running to start corral cound as a warm up?

Then check! Warm up complete!

STOOPID EL!! I am NEVER late to any of these races...sooooo annoying!!

  • 2h 05m 57s
  • 13.1 miles
  • 09m 37s  min/mile

Mile 1: 9:10
Mile 2: 10:05- not sure why I slowed down?? Think it got crowded??
Mile 3: 9:30
5k split: 28:05
Mile 4: 9:16
Mile 5: 9:34
Mile 6: 9:17
10k split: 55:18
Mile 7: 9:54
Mile 8: 9:19
Mile 9: 10:25 **Stopped to stretch legs, hami felt tight**
Mile 10: 9:56
10 mile split: 1:35:05
Mile 11: 10:19 **Took in a goo and some water, felt hungry**
Mile 12: 9:57 **Croweded in spots, both sides of neck hurting bad**
Mile 13: 10:48 **Felt like hell**

Made most of my comments above next to splits so I could see when it was that I didn't feel great. I cannot believe how great I felt but how well the stomach held up. I also didn't take in A LOT of water, as I felt like I didn't really need it. I think I grabbed water at maybe, 3 of the water stations, with one of those to have the GU with, and even in those other 2, I just grabbed, took a few sips, and was on my way. Didn't really stop and drink since I felt ok.

Got a wee bit crowded on the path heading back up north, but not too bad for where I was.

Loved all the spectators!!

The GU was NOT in the right spot...on the map, it was supposed to be right at or around 9, and I don't think it was until closer to 10 or even past 10, and that kind of peeved me...I was feeling hungry and I really wanted it closer to 9. I would have taken my own, but as I stated above, I was running late, so it was in the race bag in transition.

Females: 2,412/9,3448
What would you do differently?:

At what point do I start to push the envelope as far as speed? While I feel like I had a good race, I also feel if I had "pushed" myself a little more, that I would have been closer to 2 or maybe under, which is what I wanted. But, at the same time, this was my first longer distance running race is 5 years, and I wanted to also keep the stomach pain at bay, and run consistently which I think I did, up until the 9th mile, where I started to cramp in places and my neck REALLY hurt (they work on this too in addition to my stomach).
Post race
Warm down:

Nothing some treats at the end, got my picture taken, and called Alli to see what she and Maddie were up to and decided to head out to Palatine and head to the pool with them.

Did stretch a little while talking to Alli, but I just wanted to get home and get to pool.

What limited your ability to perform faster:

My conscious.

Event comments:

This is going to be a pitty party for me right now, but I couldn't believe ALL of the spectators that were out there cheering on their loved ones, their friends, co-workers, whatever, and not ONE of those people were there for me. I think about this A LOT in my races, and as a female, and a sensitve one at that, I know it probably bothers me more than it should, but it hurts. I know if Mom was here, she would be at every race, and maybe that's why it hurts. But I saw A LOT of Dads out there too...and where was mine? No idea....

Don't mean to sound like a selfish, self absorbed brat or anything, I just wish I wasn't always alone.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2009-05-07 12:00 AM
02:05:57 | 13.1 miles | 09m 37s  min/mile
Age Group: 329/1,309
Overall: 5268/14,438
Performance: Good
Course: The beginning of it reminded me of the shuffle....north, then back South, then west (ran past Blair). But then we went south along LSD, and then headed back up the path.
Keeping cool Good Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Overall: Average
Mental exertion [1-5] 3
Physical exertion [1-5] 5
Good race? Yes
Course challenge Just right
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2009-08-03 2:35 PM

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Subject: Rock 'N' Roll Chicago Half Marathon

2009-08-03 3:16 PM
in reply to: #2324733

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Subject: RE: Rock 'N' Roll Chicago Half Marathon
Nice job with the PR and the side behaving itself.  Next time you will get the sub 2.  Time to step it up the full marathon now
2009-08-03 3:17 PM
in reply to: #2324733

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: Rock 'N' Roll Chicago Half Marathon
Good job on the race!

And as for the pity party - I totally get it. All the tri's and running races I've done, only ONCE did a friend come out to support me. I guess I'm sensitive too, but I always get sad at the end of races when people's loved ones are cheering them across the line, hugging, etc ... kind of takes the wind out of my sails.
2009-08-03 7:59 PM
in reply to: #2324733

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Wellington, North Island
Subject: RE: Rock 'N' Roll Chicago Half Marathon
Congrats on your return to the world of longer distance running! Nice job out there!
2009-08-04 9:53 AM
in reply to: #2324733

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Subject: RE: Rock 'N' Roll Chicago Half Marathon
Nice race! Sounds like you did fine out there. And don't worry about the pity party. Do the race for you!
2009-08-04 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2324733

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Rock 'N' Roll Chicago Half Marathon

Sounds like you executed your race plan! 

35-39??  I thought you were alot younger than that when we met up in Naperville. 

2009-08-04 10:36 AM
in reply to: #2324733

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Subject: RE: Rock 'N' Roll Chicago Half Marathon
Wow GREAT race!!!! What a good way to return to the distance.
2009-08-04 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2326595

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Subject: RE: Rock 'N' Roll Chicago Half Marathon

McFuzz - 2009-08-04 9:59 AM

Sounds like you executed your race plan! 

35-39??  I thought you were alot younger than that when we met up in Naperville. 

I know, I get that A LOT!!! I wish it weren't true...but like I've said, age is just a number...I can be immature and goofy at times, so it's more like 25...HA HA!!!

2009-08-04 10:42 AM
in reply to: #2324733

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Rock 'N' Roll Chicago Half Marathon

Great race out there skirty!!!!  whats up with the neck/shoulders???  and the pitty party???  hey, if it werent for my inlaws i wouldnt have anyone out there either!  (well, except the donkai nation!).  tell ya what, come do a race up here in milwaukee instead of staying down there where the bears and cubs suck and i will be there cheering ya on!!!

2009-08-06 9:16 AM
in reply to: #2324733

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Subject: RE: Rock 'N' Roll Chicago Half Marathon

Aww, aren't you just a sweetheart there Dave! And just for you, I uploaded some pics of my skirt, just for you!!! (And BTW-the neck/shoulders thing is most likely from sitting at an uncomfortable desk all day...booo)!!!

2009-08-06 1:06 PM
in reply to: #2324733

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