General Discussion Triathlon Talk » What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running? Rss Feed  
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What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
Ignore them
Depends on my mood
Running say hello, good morning; biking a little bikers wave
It depends on where I am at the time
When biking it's the peace sign
thumbs up
Flip em da bird cause I run my streetz
If they're my speed: Join them
If she's cute, I have a pace bunny! :)
Do the secret handshake or throw the appropriate sign.
Be like "yo wussup homie"
Flash Them!
Turn away screaming
Strike up a conversation
Race 'em
Watch them run past me !
Snot rocket
This is a multiple choice poll.

2013-02-23 9:35 PM
in reply to: #4634080

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Timmins, ON. Canada
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?

Smile, wave...try to say hello if not too out of breath.


2013-02-23 11:53 PM
in reply to: #4634405

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Detroit, MI. Kinda.
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
edscoville - 2013-02-23 4:37 PM

Zero2Athlete - 2013-02-23 2:02 PM If they're cyclists /runners I just wave or nod unless I'm in the middle of an interval. If they're Rollerbladers I have to fight the urge to drag them to the ground like a gazelle and apply a rear naked choke. I don't know why... I guess they just look like prey.

I thought the roller blading looked like fun, would help with skating.  I guess I shouldn't try it if you're around.

I would practice catch and release....I'm not a barbarian.

2013-02-24 2:01 AM
in reply to: #4634080

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Daphne, AL
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
I usually nod or give a quick wave. I'm always tempted to give runners a high five that are going the opposite direction. I never do though cause I'm too afraid they won't know what I'm trying to do and will just think I'm weird....
2013-02-24 2:33 AM
in reply to: #4634080

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Chicago (Old Town)
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
Depends.. I do most of my runs on the lakefront in Chicago..  When the weather's nice, there are so many people out that I just zone out and ignore everbody.  When it's super-cold out and maybe only a handful of other runners out, we usually give each other a hand-wave or nod or something..  Same thing when I bike to work...  When it's sub-20 and few people on the path, everyone waves/gets a wave.  On a beautiful day (and tons of people out), no acknowledgement whatsoever.. 
2013-02-24 5:11 AM
in reply to: #4634080

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Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?

I always acknowledge passersby, and most do the same. It's a small island, and a small community of runners/bikers. It's our way of saying "I see you and am committing your outfit and location to memory just in case". I always acknowledge cars that make an effort to make me feel safe too with wave or a thumbs up.

Yes, always. At the very least, eye contact with a reverse nod.

Edited by Blanda 2013-02-24 5:13 AM
2013-02-24 5:55 AM
in reply to: #4634080

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
I nod and wave. When i am on my tri bike nobody wants anything to do with me, especially people with road bikes. Not sure why, just get real funny looks like cars just wrecked in front of their eyes. When i am on my road bike, everyone waves back. When running, people usually wave and smile back at me.

2013-02-24 6:09 AM
in reply to: #4634080

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Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
Around here, the cyclists are friendly, but the runners are snobs.  I always nod or wave to cyclists.  Sometimes we even exchange pleasantries even if we haven't met.  I have given up on runners.  They never acknowledge anyone else.  I know for a fact from a bonk during a run that they will leave a stranger on the side of the road for dead.  The personality differences are the main reason that cycling is my favorite sport.
2013-02-24 6:19 AM
in reply to: #4634080

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?

The snobs here are the cyclists and (male) triathletes. The local clubs will not let local or foreign women join, and the foreign clubs (small, informal ones) ride 25+ mph. Maybe if I was Chrissie's speed I would be invited to ride with them for a little while before getting dropped. Have never heard of them helping anyone with a crash, mechanical issue, etc.  A few of the "tri guys" blew past me this AM in the industrial park, yelling "Good morning"--I almost crashed from shock. Usually they are out somewhere on the roads then and don't normally acknowledge anyone. I chased them, just for the fun of it, for maybe half a mile at 34 kph but they were out of sight by then. This happens every time I run into them--if they are not sprinting and I do manage to keep up for a little bit, someone will initiate a breakaway and off they all go. Guess I am supposed to be impressed.  Runners, on the other hand, almost uniformly smile and wave. Even the unsociable tri dudes do so when they're running.  Maybe it's because I'm faster than all but a few of them that I get some respect! 

Edited by Hot Runner 2013-02-24 6:27 AM
2013-02-24 12:17 PM
in reply to: #4634080

Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
I think there are some less than truthful folks on here or maybe only the friendly people are answering the poll. It has been my experience that 90% of cyclists are unfriendly and do not wave or acknowledge a hello.

Runners seem much, much more friendly.

2013-02-24 6:51 PM
in reply to: #4634917

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Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
Depends where you live and ride but my neighbourhood has a lot of cyclists and I would say 80% to 90% give a liitle wave. Once however I came across a large charity ride that was rather spread out going in the opposite direction. After a few acknowledgements I stopped because I sure as hell wasn't going to wave to a 100 or so people.
2013-02-24 6:51 PM
in reply to: #4634917

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Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
Depends where you live and ride but my neighbourhood has a lot of cyclists and I would say 80% to 90% give a liitle wave. Once however I came across a large charity ride that was rather spread out going in the opposite direction. After a few acknowledgements I stopped because I sure as hell wasn't going to wave to a 100 or so people.

2013-02-24 6:54 PM
in reply to: #4634080

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Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
I offer a smile, nod, and often give a small wave (more like a flutter of my fingers) -- that tends to be pretty typical of runners in my neck of the woods. I noticed other people doing it when I first started and have picked it up.

If I'm well into a long run, I will often forget the wave (brain goes too slow) - but I always give a smile and a nod of acknowledgement.

If I'm passing people, I just tend to say "excuse me" and offer a smile because I don't want to make them feel awkward about my going faster. When passed, I just assume they are running a shorter distance - or remind myself that I could go faster if I wanted too - but it's not in my training plan!
2013-02-25 1:11 PM
in reply to: #4634080

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Menomonee Falls, WI
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
Usually some type of acknowledgement either verbal or physical.  I never expect anything back, but almost always get a response.  I recognize sometimes people are dying out there (including myself), so getting a response isn't always guaranteed.
2013-02-25 2:01 PM
in reply to: #4634080

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Queen Creek, AZ
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?

Running...always wave and 99% of the time get something in return.

Road cycling...I always wave or nod (dependent on conditions) and 5% of the time will I get something in return.

Tri cycling...I always wave or nod (condition dependent again) and 80% of the time I will get return nods/waves/etc.

Sad, really, I started in road cycling and have seen them all think they are the coolest around the SE Phoenix valley. 

Oh well, sucks to be them.  HA

2013-02-25 2:03 PM
in reply to: #4634080

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Euless, Texas
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
i occasionally smile, but most of the time i'm in my own zone, so i ignore.  i think that years of trying to acknowledge others and them ignoring me has led me to ignore.
2013-02-25 3:20 PM
in reply to: #4634080

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Extreme Veteran
Detroit, Michigan
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?

I find I get different reactions based on the time of day. I try to do the smile and nod or the runner's wave, and if I'm running after work I might get the same in response. When I'm running in the morning, sometimes it's like a coffee klatch -- "Good morning! Lovely day! How are you!" etc. Geez, people, I'm not awake yet.

Maybe this is me being a snob, but I also try to give an especially big smile and wave to people who are overweight or look like they're struggling. I hope this comes off as "You can do it! We're in this together!" and not "ha ha, sucker."

2013-02-25 3:41 PM
in reply to: #4634080

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
Nod, smile, wave, "hey!!", whatever the situation calls for.  Unless its Lance Armstrong, then I push him over.  Lifetime ban from cycling means no bikes ever.
2013-02-26 3:09 PM
in reply to: #4634080

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Las Vegas, NV
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
Smile and wave.
2013-02-27 3:32 PM
in reply to: #4634080

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Tempe, Arizona
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?

It depends on the situation:

1) If I'm training and meet someone I don't know, then I puff out "Hi", wave, smile, nod, or share a sympathy grimace/grin.

2) If I'm training and meet someone I know, then it's smiles and high fives.

3) If I'm racing and a friend overtakes me on the bike/run, I laugh, then I swear/smack talk back at them.  I have yet to overtake any of my friends on the bike/run, and it's a little hard to overtake and smack talk during the swim, but I'm determined to find a way

2013-02-27 3:35 PM
in reply to: #4634413

Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
mcmanusclan5 - 2013-02-23 3:48 PM

Even though I grew up in/around Boston, I pretty much ALWAYS greet people when I'm running and biking.  Even say hey to bikers while running and (when possible) the converse - at least a wave or such.  Tougher to do on the swim…  Wink

What bugs me is that so few of my NE peeps even look up!  They just go their not-so-merry way.  Some will, which is great - and notable for the infrequency of occurrence.

Now, I'm as cynical a New Englander as you'll find, but why not just be nice?  Cynics don't have to also be MEAN...  Even if you're hurting, a return grimace will do.

So, if you're ever running or riding around Boston and the slow bald guys says hey, do me a solid and at least look up!  Laughing


I find a lot of that from the roadies here in CT. Most won't even acknowledge you if you don't look the part. I don't care, though. I usually nod or give a small wave.

2013-02-28 7:56 AM
in reply to: #4634080

Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
I always thought "on your left" meant hello in cycling lingo. People say that to me all the time.

2013-02-28 11:41 AM
in reply to: #4634080

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: What do you do when you meet someone else biking/running?
If I'm on my bike, I usually will do the "three-finger wave" where you keep your thumb and forefinger around the handlebar and extend the other three fingers. Running, I usually make eye contact and, if I get a response, I'll give a nod or a greeting, otherwise, we just run past each other like we're both invisible. It's really weird, and I think it's kind of a New York/New England thing. People everywhere else are more likely to greet you. I don't need the full-blown "Howya Doin! Nice day, huh?" every time I pass someone, but an occasional smile or acknowlegement would be nice.
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