General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2013-08-29 5:05 PM

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Subject: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Considering signing up for this race. I'm from OH so I'm worried that I won't be climatized yet, but I think I'd like to go for the plunge anyhow. Here are my questions...

What is the best airport to fly into?

Looking for a hotel that is less than $150 a night with in walking distance (if there is such a thing). Any recommendations?

How is the swim? wetsuit or non? swim against the current?

2013-08-30 4:01 AM
in reply to: SEADOCHA

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Daphne, AL
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
The only question I can help with is the wetsuit question. Judging by last years race reports I don't believe a wetsuit is needed.

My question is when does the race usually sell out?
2013-08-30 7:09 AM
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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
I raced this in May (13). I stayed out in Conroe, which was about 15' drive north. Not sure if you can get a hotel w/in walking distance for that price. You can fly into either George Bush International or Hobby which is south of Houston. Either way, you can always Priceline a cheap rental car.

The swim was awesome, water felt good, although it was not wetsuit legal. Not much of a current, it's an inland lake. It is hot though, but staying hydrated helps.

Great crowd support on the run. Great town. Would do it again.


Edited by tallytom 2013-08-30 7:10 AM
2013-08-31 9:02 AM
in reply to: tallytom

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St. Joseph, MI
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Thinking about it too, not crazy about indoor training on my bike all winter but I like the idea of having my big race out of the way early to free up summer!
2013-08-31 6:20 PM
in reply to: jgs733

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Extreme Veteran
Cypress, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread

Originally posted by jgs733 Thinking about it too, not crazy about indoor training on my bike all winter but I like the idea of having my big race out of the way early to free up summer!

You'll be coming from a place where the average high/low on IMTX race day is 70/48.  You'll be going to a place where it has been over 90 two of the three years the race has existed (and the other year was 89) with very high humidity.  The heat index on the run course this year was 106.

Be very cognizant of this detail when making your decision to do IMTX.  It's a brutal race for that early in the year.

2013-08-31 6:25 PM
in reply to: GMAN 19030

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Originally posted by GMAN 19030

Originally posted by jgs733 Thinking about it too, not crazy about indoor training on my bike all winter but I like the idea of having my big race out of the way early to free up summer!

You'll be coming from a place where the average high/low on IMTX race day is 70/48.  You'll be going to a place where it has been over 90 two of the three years the race has existed (and the other year was 89) with very high humidity.  The heat index on the run course this year was 106.

Be very cognizant of this detail when making your decision to do IMTX.  It's a brutal race for that early in the year.

I am from OH and am considering this as a race for warm up because I want to do IMKY a few months later. I would not be in it for a PR , but would def love to race it and see what happens. I don't expect to be climatized

2013-08-31 8:20 PM
in reply to: SEADOCHA

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Extreme Veteran
Cypress, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Louisville is three months later so people are acclimated to some kind of summer heat.  It's still relatively cool in most of the country in mid-May.  There's a huge difference between racing in 90+ in May than in August.
2013-09-01 9:10 AM
in reply to: GMAN 19030

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St. Joseph, MI
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Originally posted by GMAN 19030

Originally posted by jgs733 Thinking about it too, not crazy about indoor training on my bike all winter but I like the idea of having my big race out of the way early to free up summer!

You'll be coming from a place where the average high/low on IMTX race day is 70/48.  You'll be going to a place where it has been over 90 two of the three years the race has existed (and the other year was 89) with very high humidity.  The heat index on the run course this year was 106.

Be very cognizant of this detail when making your decision to do IMTX.  It's a brutal race for that early in the year.

Yes that's another reason I may do it. I love the heat, I just with I could train in it all year instead of just three months in the summer. IMKY was hot last year but I drank a lot and poured even more over me. Didn't have any issues with heat at all.
2013-09-01 9:13 AM
in reply to: jgs733

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Extreme Veteran
Cypress, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Like I said, big difference between heat in August and in May.  Best of luck.
2013-09-03 10:32 AM
in reply to: GMAN 19030

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
When did this race sell out last year?
2013-09-03 10:38 AM
in reply to: GMAN 19030

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
I'm in for 2013, but I live in Montgomery, so the choice was easy. You can plan on it being hot, wetsuits will more than likely not be legal, but they have been optional the last few years. This past year, even the locals did not get heat aclimated (we had a very cool spring).

2013-09-05 9:42 AM
in reply to: SEADOCHA

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
February 18th, 2013 is when they posted on the IMTX website that the race had officially sold out
2013-09-05 11:33 AM
in reply to: SEADOCHA

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Extreme Veteran
Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Haven't registered yet but I plan on racing. I just need to get totally healthy and figured since this race is easy to get to from Austin I should do it at least once. If all goes well in 2014 I'll probably go back in 2015.
2013-09-06 1:27 AM
in reply to: se7930

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Daphne, AL
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Thanks a lot. I thought it was much earlier than that.
2013-09-06 7:39 AM
in reply to: se7930

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Extreme Veteran
Cypress, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread

Originally posted by se7930 February 18th, 2013 is when they posted on the IMTX website that the race had officially sold out

Remember though that registration didn't open up until mid-July as opposed to the day after the race in May.  The Woodlands were being a bunch of d**kheads about stuff and that caused a delay in registration.

That stated, the race had built a reputation is being sort of brutal and that reputation was cemented in place with the carnage and conditions of this year's race.  That will certainly give people pause before registering.

2013-09-06 3:07 PM
in reply to: GMAN 19030

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Originally posted by GMAN 19030

Originally posted by se7930 February 18th, 2013 is when they posted on the IMTX website that the race had officially sold out

Remember though that registration didn't open up until mid-July as opposed to the day after the race in May.  The Woodlands were being a bunch of d**kheads about stuff and that caused a delay in registration.

That stated, the race had built a reputation is being sort of brutal and that reputation was cemented in place with the carnage and conditions of this year's race.  That will certainly give people pause before registering.

Yes, I have done all 3 years and last year was by far the toughest. Even though I have Pr'd each consecutive year, I will not be there for #4 in 2014. This past year was really tough, and I like racing in the heat. I can imagine what it was like for those not used to it.

That being said, it will be my luck that I dont sign up for 2014 and its like 75 degrees on race day! LOL

2013-09-12 9:13 PM
in reply to: SEADOCHA

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Officially signed up. First IM on the way!!!

I hope the heat is not as brutal as everybody says... I live in Miami, FL and it is pretty warm here during our "winter". Not sure how both heats are comparable (it is also very humid here), I heard Houston humidity is brutal.
2013-09-15 10:27 AM
in reply to: GMAN 19030

New user

Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
I did the race this past time (2013) and registered some time in November 2012. Some folks I know tried to register in December and said it was full for non-Foundation entries. Maybe the Feb date included Foundations?

This was my first IM and though the heat was pretty bad, I thought the race was first rate all the way around and I'll be doing it again in 2014 (knock on wood). Filling my hat with ice at every run rest stop was the ticket for me. I finished in 13:10 which was about a half hour better than I was hoping for. But then again, I'm from Austin so I'm more use to the toasty-ness.
2013-09-15 4:00 PM
in reply to: mklock03

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
I'm in for the third time at this site, haven't gotten it right yet so I'm coming back for more. Still have another IM this year so we'll see how that goes before I start yappin over here on this page.. I stayed down the road a bit. 10 minute drive, super 8 or something cheap like that. Easy to get to race morning no matter where you stay. Parking garages have been about 5 bucks for the entire race day and they put you right where you need to be.
2013-09-20 9:15 AM
in reply to: SEADOCHA

Seal Beach
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
I did this race last year.

Flew into Austin because that's where jet blue goes into... Drove to the woodlands.

I stayed at the marriott, with my rate it was like $104 a night... But expect to pay more, even with AAA. Staying at the host hotel is 100% worth it if you can make it work.

I'm in again for this year... Imtx, imca, and IMAZ

Gonna be a hot one, stay hydrated
2013-09-20 3:29 PM
in reply to: frozensurfer

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Extreme Veteran
Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Originally posted by frozensurfer

I did this race last year.

Flew into Austin because that's where jet blue goes into... Drove to the woodlands.

I stayed at the marriott, with my rate it was like $104 a night... But expect to pay more, even with AAA. Staying at the host hotel is 100% worth it if you can make it work.

I'm in again for this year... Imtx, imca, and IMAZ

Gonna be a hot one, stay hydrated

Were you at the host Marriott? If so, how did you get a $104 rate. I can usually get corporate rates but don't think it would work for IM week.

Looks like about 1,527 people registered right now.

2013-09-20 6:26 PM
in reply to: rbalazs

Seal Beach
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Host marriott. I got the governmnet rate as I'm a fed. I also helped out a couple other people that were in line around me.
2013-09-22 9:44 AM
in reply to: frozensurfer

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The Woodlands, TX
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
I'm still on the fence about the 2014 race. I live in The Woodlands and have done all three IM-TX I hate to let the streak die. Plus, the big advantage for me is that high volume training will take place in the winter, when temps are cooler.

The two big issues that I'm still pondering are 1. I really don't like to swim. I have not not been to the pool since July, and really don't miss it! Then again, I didn't swim much before this year's race, so maybe that's not really an excuse. 2. My A-race for the year is a 100-mile trail run on Feb. 1. It'll be my first 100-miler, and I expect it'll have me pretty wiped out for a good part of Feb. I know this isn't ideal timing, but I think I could make it work. Might even be able to use some of that stiff and sore time in Feb to work on my swim stroke!

I figure I'll need to come to a decision in the next month or so!
2013-09-22 2:52 PM
in reply to: g_shotts

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Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
Originally posted by g_shotts

I'm still on the fence about the 2014 race. I live in The Woodlands and have done all three IM-TX I hate to let the streak die. Plus, the big advantage for me is that high volume training will take place in the winter, when temps are cooler.

The two big issues that I'm still pondering are 1. I really don't like to swim. I have not not been to the pool since July, and really don't miss it! Then again, I didn't swim much before this year's race, so maybe that's not really an excuse. 2. My A-race for the year is a 100-mile trail run on Feb. 1. It'll be my first 100-miler, and I expect it'll have me pretty wiped out for a good part of Feb. I know this isn't ideal timing, but I think I could make it work. Might even be able to use some of that stiff and sore time in Feb to work on my swim stroke!

I figure I'll need to come to a decision in the next month or so!


You doing What!!! A Quad Trail Marathon!!!!

You might as well do the Wilderman

2013-09-28 12:02 PM
in reply to: SEADOCHA

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Springboro, Ohio
Gold member
Subject: RE: Memorial Hermann Ironman Texas : Official Thread
I'm in for 2014 as well. I am also from Ohio and am wondering how the indoor training will translate to the heat of Texas. I have done Louisville in 2010 and 2012, where it has been ridiculously hot and humid both races. However, with an August race, it was what I had been training in. Going from 70's to the 90's overnight will be a real challenge.

I am staying at the Hilton Garden Inn as of now, but am still holding out hope of an opening at the Marriott. I got some bad information from the reservation desk at the Marriott and it was booked solid even before I was told the rooms would be available.

To anyone who has done this race in the past, exactly how poor are the conditions of the chip-sealed roads? How much of the bike leg is on them?
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