Subject: RE: garmin vs strava on bikeOriginally posted by stevegrossca ok consistently when I bike my strava shows a greater distance and more climbing than my 910 garmin. not by a lot but enough to make a difference. i.e. maybe 1 mile on a 50 mile ride and maybe 500 ft of vertical more on the strava. Do you have the same issue? which one is more accurate? Couple questions. Do you use the 910 to upload to both, and Garmin Connect is different than Strava, or do you use the 910 for GC and some other capture device for Strava? If the latter, then it's possible the devices aren't matched in sensitivity or such. If the former, could just be a systematic difference and you won't be able to get around it (could be that one has slightly different algorithm for distance calc). For climbing, have you tried "correcting" the elevation data in Strava? I think it uses a know topo base to correct along the route the GPS shows, minimizing any differences based just on baro or temp differences (which can show as elevation changes) across a ride/run. Sometimes the corrected number is VERY different on Strava than the one you initially get. I think there is also just some variation ride to ride, and the precision is likely not 100% (I see difference between my own distance and elevation and other people who ride with me (wheel suckers!)). So, it might just be that there is some wobble. Are you asking out of curiosity or a specific need? Either is fine, but if it's for a specific need, knowing that might help guide responses... HTH Matt |