Other Resources Challenge Me! » January 100 Mile Run Challenge! Rss Feed  
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2014-01-22 10:59 AM
in reply to: MechEChick

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Another easy paced 7 miles today in a hot garage and another good sweat worked up. I think I will have to some speed work tomorrow, maybe some strides or 1/4 mile intervals. I'll decide during the run tomorrow.

2014-01-22 11:15 AM
in reply to: MechEChick

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Originally posted by MechEChick I've hit 80 (well 79.93 counts as 80 right?) as of now. Woot! My Z2 runs have been faster than I would have guessed for that heart rate, so I'm going to blow past the 100 mark easily this month.

Awesome! Nice work

2014-01-22 11:48 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

I was debating when to take a rest week and that got decided for me on Monday when work and other things forced me to take a rare day off.  I've been hitting the last three weeks hard and when I'm in the heart of my tri training season I do three on, one off.  I'll absorb and recovery from this block and then ramp up weekly mileage again.  Working toward at least a 50 mile week. 

2014-01-22 7:17 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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New user
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Put me down for a zero today. It's just too cold and lazy out there.
2014-01-23 9:57 AM
in reply to: tbonanno

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
6 miles today with 8 1/4 mile intervals, just enough to stretch the legs out but not too much to wear me out. Feeling good and it was a nice workout to day but I need to get back outside soon for a run. The treadmill is just so boring but I know the heat in the garage will help with the temps in Florida next weekend.
2014-01-23 11:26 AM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
100 miles in the books. Congrats to the people who have already finished and the people who will soon hit the mark. These last few days have been hard due to the cold, even here in FL.

2014-01-23 12:58 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Ran 3 x 1.5 miles @ 96 second a quarter on the track last night. 

I was hoping to move into my faster group but It might just be that I need to run a touch slower when I am logging marathon mileage. 

It could also just be that the workout was a little too close to my depletion run (only a day of 'rest' in between.)


Going forward I will hold my volume through this week and then step back a little next week, which works great because I'm headed down to LA and then Mammoth at the end of the week.

2014-01-23 7:50 PM
in reply to: dtoce

Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Because of my hip adductor strain this month, doubtful I'll hit 100 miles.
BUT...this challenge at least kept me striving...and since I'm training for a 1/2 mary, it really gave me the push I needed.

Speaking of which, adductor is all better!

Ran 2.5 miles tonight, and 3 miles yesterday.

Happy Friday eve, all...and congrats to all of you who are close to the 100 mile mark or have exceeded it!
2014-01-23 11:00 PM
in reply to: SGirl

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Ran an easy 5 miles tonight.  I am backing off this week to recover from cumulative fatigue.  Starting to feel much more spring in my step.

I'm a little disappointed though because my target race on March 1st is now sold out.  I waited too long to register.  I'm not sure what to do now.  Anyone know of a flat, fast marathon Feb 22 or March 1st preferably somewhere above freezing?

2014-01-24 8:57 AM
in reply to: popsracer

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I'm at 21 so far this week... 7, 4, 6, 4. Would like to get this week up to 35, but we will see how tonight and the weekend go! I've got a nice 2:15 bike to knock out either this evening or tomorrow morning as well.
2014-01-24 9:30 AM
in reply to: MSU_Brad

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
4.4 easy but very cold miles this morning, 3 degrees out and 20-25 mph winds. If that does not wake you up nothing will.

Great job everyone and keep up the good work.

2014-01-24 9:33 AM
in reply to: MSU_Brad

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
At 86 miles for the month now.

I have started wearing a hole in the top of the toe of my shoes and I'm only at 130 miles on them. Not super happy about it. This normally happens to me at 350. Funny thing, the sales guy tried to tell me these shoes would last 800 miles and Brooks guaranteed it. I laughed, that's what happens when you are buying your shoes on sale at a big box store and the sales guy isn't a runner. Didn't feel it was necessary to tell him each of my last 16 pairs of these shoes had worn out between 300 and 420 miles depending on the model year.
2014-01-24 6:28 PM
in reply to: MechEChick

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Started out with an easy 3 mile run, but I am quickly becoming bored with run lots with everything easy! Increased pace every 0.25 miles or so, and finished the run at a 6:40 pace. Overall total time for the final mile came in at 7:15, not too shabby. Felt good to stretch the legs some and go at a harder pace, I think it is time to start picking up pace for some of the runs to prep for the spring races!
2014-01-25 11:26 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I got my last long run in before the 100 miler next Saturday. I ran an easy paced 13 miles today in 78 degree weather in my garage on the treadmill. I figured I would benefit more from that, seeing how the forecast is calling for mid 70's in Florida next Saturday, than I would from running in a couple of fresh inches of snow and 15 degrees with very gusty winds. I am hoping by this time next Saturday that I am 25 miles or so into the 100 miler, that is also after hurling myself out of an airplane at almost 14,000 feet prior to running. Skydive Ultra is definitely the most unique venue I have seen for doing an ultra so far.

Six more easy runs to go until the race. Keep up the great work everyone and I hope it carries over well for you all in your upcoming race season. Mine start next week and then I have a marathon, Tobacco road in North Carolina, 5 weeks after that followed by the Boston marathon 6 weeks after that marathon. I am not signed up for anymore yet but I plan on about 10-14 marathons or ultras this year.

Edited by navbtcret 2014-01-25 11:28 AM
2014-01-25 5:02 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Ran a very easy paced 15 miles today.  Wasn't really planning to do much since this has been a recovery week but my son is visiting from California so wanted to spend some quality time.  After all my recent miles it felt like a walk in the park.  We ran out and back on a flat, rural trail that used to be a railway.  It was a great time.  Also, it got me to my monthly goal of 150 miles so I'm pretty happy about that.  Legs feel great.  Now I just need to find a race. 


2014-01-25 7:03 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Easy Paced 13 miles?  Easy paced 15 miles?  I didn't even know those could be used in the same sentence.  For me anything over 9-10 miles is definitely not easy.

This week I totaled up 29.5 miles which puts me at 94 miles for the month.  So as long as things go as planned I should reach the 100 mile mark tomorrow.

2014-01-25 10:58 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by navbtcret

I am hoping by this time next Saturday that I am 25 miles or so into the 100 miler, that is also after hurling myself out of an airplane at almost 14,000 feet prior to running. Skydive Ultra is definitely the most unique venue I have seen for doing an ultra so far.

Um, seriously?!? That's awesome!
2014-01-26 10:56 AM
in reply to: MechEChick

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
5.5 recovery pace miles today which gives me 50.74 miles for the week and 269.48 for the month.
2014-01-26 1:22 PM
in reply to: dtoce

Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Coming up on the end of the month here, and because of a minor injury...I wasn't able to make the 100 miles. Unless I run 10 miles every day, from now til the end of the month. lol Not gonna happen!

I'm training for a 1/2 mary, so my mileage will be increasing, and this thread helped a lot. Hat's off to those who are on pace, or ahead of it.

Yesterday, ran 5.25 miles, time was 51:36 minutes.

Happy Sunday!
2014-01-26 1:47 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Fernandina Beach, FL
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Just finished my last 20 mile run before my marathon next month. Went 41.26 miles last week and am at 163.5 miles for the month
2014-01-26 5:02 PM
in reply to: rjrankin83

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New user
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
42 for the week and 175 for January.

2014-01-26 5:16 PM
in reply to: rjrankin83

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by rjrankin83

Just finished my last 20 mile run before my marathon next month. Went 41.26 miles last week and am at 163.5 miles for the month

What marathon are you running?
2014-01-26 5:22 PM
in reply to: navbtcret

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New user
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Hi guys, 32 for the week. 135 for the month.

Did 12 yesterday, seemed really hard. In fact it seemed harder than the 14 the previous weekend. Not sure why other than windy and cold yesterday.

Have a great week everyone.

2014-01-26 6:32 PM
in reply to: Chunga

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Lots of folks doing some great running.  Many impressive totals and some amazing growth.  Wow, Mary, you are turning into a running machine.

I've got 37 for the week and 155.5 for the month.  More miles than I had planned but couldn't pass up a long run with my son.  He's a pretty good runner and did a couple of marathons last year but for once he was the one limping around after our run.  I'm going to try to push it up to 50 miles next week.

2014-01-26 9:37 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
18 lovely miles around the sound, 3 beers and a nice nap. That's today. 88.5 miles for the week.
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