Other Resources Challenge Me! » January 100 Mile Run Challenge! Rss Feed  
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2014-01-19 7:18 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by PsyTri

I'll keep at it but at less of a pace for now. Really starting to feel a lot of knee/leg/hip problems creeping in, and I don't like it one bit. Feeling discouraged to tell you the truth.

Gary-when the niggles of an injury start, you must always back off pace and often take a few days of rest.
I'm so sorry about your knee/leg/hip issues. It can be very disappointing to not be able to exercise and run like you want.

I completely understand the frustration-especially as I got exactly what I wanted and needed with this challenge in that you all gave me accountability...but I have absolutely no chance of hitting 100 miles due to a recurrent calf injury that bit me last week.

I went too hard in the gym and should have known better. These things happen and I know that sometimes it just can't be predicted or prevented. The nature of aging.

You need to rest and then figure out what is happening so you can address the problem. Muscles that need stretching, muscle imbalances, strength issues, muscle/tendon injury...I just don't know.

But I wish you the best of luck in figuring it out!

2014-01-19 8:33 AM
in reply to: dtoce

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Extreme Veteran
Sidney, Ohio
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I see a few of us are struggling with some issues, I'm sure it's been said but...be cautious! we are early in the year and there is no need to ruin a season for a short term goal.

My weekly total came in at 27 miles, which is surprising since I was on a bit of a recovery week and did not push the milage. But I guess when you run every day it adds up quickly. The monthly total is at 64 so still on pace to reach target of 100, but probably short of the 125 goal.

for those of you that have already reached the goal, congrats! You guys/gals are putting in a lot of miles and that is just impressive. With all of the running do you include any tri-training or just running?
2014-01-19 10:13 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Another cold one today, got in 6.2 miles at recovery pace which gives me 65 miles for the first week of taper and brings my monthly total to 218.73 miles.

Planning of 40 some mile next week.
2014-01-19 10:42 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Originally posted by mambos I see a few of us are struggling with some issues, I'm sure it's been said but...be cautious! we are early in the year and there is no need to ruin a season for a short term goal. My weekly total came in at 27 miles, which is surprising since I was on a bit of a recovery week and did not push the milage. But I guess when you run every day it adds up quickly. The monthly total is at 64 so still on pace to reach target of 100, but probably short of the 125 goal. for those of you that have already reached the goal, congrats! You guys/gals are putting in a lot of miles and that is just impressive. With all of the running do you include any tri-training or just running?

I'll get in two swims and three rides this week in addition to the running.  It does make it difficult to get the most out of run training.  Not only time/scheduling but you have to be careful to not compromise key run workouts because your legs are trashed from the trainer.  Just takes more planning.  I also do not believe the extra training helps that much with running strength or fitness.  Certainly a little but when I put all my focus on running for a short period during the year I can tell the difference.  No different than if you were to just swim seven days a week.  It allows you to really dial in on what you are doing. 


2014-01-19 11:39 AM
in reply to: mambos

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Fernandina Beach, FL
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I got in a 19 mile long run last Sunday and a 14 mile day Thursday, totaled 46.69 this week and after this morning's run am at 118.64 mi for the month. The winters are usually heavy running for me, and this winter isn't any different. I'm still averaging 50-60 mi riding a week (actually got 77 last week) but haven't swam since IMFL in November. After my marathon in Feb I'm doing a HIM at the end of March so that'll all change soon.
2014-01-19 11:50 AM
in reply to: rjrankin83

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Got 65 in this week without a long run. Ill be doing that tomorrow. I'm just over 200 miles for the month.

2014-01-19 1:02 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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New user
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I had a solid 17 mile race today (People's Forest in CT) and finished in 2:05 (about 5th place) while maintaining 7:20s pretty much the whole way. This is a great low key run that is really more of a training run than a race. I was expecting to be in around 2:15 - 2:20, so this was a bit of a surprise for me, and gives me some hope for a decent run at the Colchester half next month.

That wraps up the week with 56 miles and 133 for January. Theoretically I could hit 200 for the month, but I'll probably back off a bit next week.

Nice work everyone, stay healthy and keep moving forward.
2014-01-19 1:33 PM
in reply to: tbonanno

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Extreme Veteran
Quebec City
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
up to 49 miles as of today. running a little late but hopping to add some serious mileage this week.
2014-01-19 4:51 PM
in reply to: LeCrac

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

43 miles for the week,  118 for the month.  Still feeling good.  Need to look ahead with race in 6 weeks as to when I should take a rest week.  I think I hit it hard one more week, rest, two more hard weeks, than two week taper. 

2014-01-19 7:52 PM
in reply to: popsracer

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New user
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
40 for the week which makes it 103 for the month.
Biggest week for me so far.

Had a really nice 14 mile run today.
2014-01-19 11:07 PM
in reply to: Chunga

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
4, 6.7, 5, 5, 5, 2.3, 3 = 31 for the week

2014-01-20 7:55 AM
in reply to: MSU_Brad

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New user
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Had 30 miles this week for a total of 50 for the month. Might be a few miles short of a hundred for January. Hoping for 30+ again this week.
2014-01-20 9:32 AM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I'm out. Sorry, guys. Knee's killing me, and I need to rest. I'll be checking back in and thinking of you, but I need to rest this body if I want to avoid a real injury. Peace.
2014-01-20 10:21 AM
in reply to: PsyTri

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by PsyTri

I'm out. Sorry, guys. Knee's killing me, and I need to rest. I'll be checking back in and thinking of you, but I need to rest this body if I want to avoid a real injury. Peace.

Glad to hear you are being smart!

~27 miles last week for me takes me to 70 for the month. Still feeling good and glad to be feeling a little sore again!
2014-01-20 11:10 AM
in reply to: MechEChick

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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Lots of good running out there. A few of us are dinged up and heading to the DL, but being smart and not pushing through injury is always the best course to take.

Congratulations to those who have already crushed the goal of 100 Miles! Nice work, people. Keep it up.

Ron/navbtcret-219 miles so far in January and leading the board. He's now done with speedwork and will taper down to 7,000 miles this week...JK
Adrienne/Asalzwed-over 200 and changing to an 8 day microcycle while building volume; led pace group properly at track and hit paces spot on-that's a nice w/o
looking forward to hearing about the depletion run-heh, heh; Nice win for the 'Harks
Tony/tbonanno-133 with miles and miles on the trails, even churning out a 5th OA spot in a 17 mile race, perhaps time to try a tri?
Robert/rjrankin83-Cruises over the top with 119 miles which included a medLR with MP which sounds like a Daniel's marathon plan; M race coming in Feb
Steve/popsracer-racked up 118 miles stating this is the 'most' he's ever run, and he will reap those benefits in about 6 weeks on race day
Mary/Chunga-continues with solid mileage topping 103 miles and feeling the mid week medLR 8 miler; those are tough, but Pfitz loves 'em because they work
Christina/MechEChick-70 miles and feeling a bit of soreness, which is nice but snowboarding followed by mile repeats can make the back and ankle a bit wonky-glad you are better
Brad/MSUBrad-cruising with 68 miles despite Achilles trying to slow him down-well done!
Matt/mambos-64 miles for this one with a 50 day run streak going; recovering from trail racing and looking for the next event
Jen/midwesttrimom-up to at least 60 miles and heading out to WI-have fun!
Karl/KWDreamin-was at 52...
Scott/scotttjjmtri-solid 50 miles for the month with 30 this week; even though not quite where he wants, keep working
James/Lecrac-49 miles and counting; hoping to up the mileage totals this week
Dale/dtoce-stuck at 37 miles total for Jan with niggling calf injury; it is finally feeling better so will begin again
Claude/Nockon-was at 33
Elena/EV3110-was at 32
Kristen/enders shadow-was at 29
Gary/PsiTri-made 25+ miles but now on DL to take care of knee/hip issues; wishing you the best luck in a rapid return; sometimes it changes quickly

SGirl-on the DL with strained adductor; be careful with those weights!
Pam/PinkSocks-on the DL also
Jen/Jen in Training

Couple more weeks people. Keep up the good work! And sending healing vibes out to those who are injured
2014-01-20 5:23 PM
in reply to: dtoce

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Dale you are funny, 7k miles. I will still do some speed work but just not as hard.

I did get out for an easy paced 8.2 miles today.

2014-01-20 6:04 PM
in reply to: dtoce

Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
YAY...Hip adductor is nearly healed...I bought new shoes...and had a GREAT run, earlier! 3.02 miles...
Monday never felt so good haha!
2014-01-20 6:42 PM
in reply to: SGirl

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Ran 21-maybe closer to 22 miles today. No fuel before/during. I was running at about 80 percent of M pace on a very similar course to the marathon. A little less downhill. The whole thing went really well. I felt totally fine. I think that if the purpose of the run would have been nailing a long segment of M pace or something, it would have been more of a struggle but as it was,no problem.
2014-01-21 10:03 AM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
6.6 miles on the treadmill today. I am going to run on it for every run under 8 miles between now and when I leave for Florida. I am turning the heat up to the mid 70's and letting warm up before I start to try and acclimate myself to the heat a little before the 100 miler. Not sure if it will help or not but it can not hurt. I sure had a good sweat worked up today.
2014-01-21 10:41 AM
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South Windsor, CT
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Originally posted by navbtcret

6.6 miles on the treadmill today. I am going to run on it for every run under 8 miles between now and when I leave for Florida. I am turning the heat up to the mid 70's and letting warm up before I start to try and acclimate myself to the heat a little before the 100 miler. Not sure if it will help or not but it can not hurt. I sure had a good sweat worked up today.

It will definitely help. I'd even consider wearing long sleeves and sweat pants. The more time you spend running at 'climate', the quuicker you will accomodate. Watch your weights before and after to help you decide on any changes in your hydration strategy.

Originally posted by SGirl

YAY...Hip adductor is nearly healed...I bought new shoes...and had a GREAT run, earlier! 3.02 miles...
Monday never felt so good haha!

THAT is terrific! Glad to hear that you are doing better.

Originally posted by Asalzwed
Ran 21-maybe closer to 22 miles today. No fuel before/during. I was running at about 80 percent of M pace on a very similar course to the marathon. A little less downhill. The whole thing went really well. I felt totally fine. I think that if the purpose of the run would have been nailing a long segment of M pace or something, it would have been more of a struggle but as it was,no problem.

strong work, Salty-girl!

Edited by dtoce 2014-01-21 10:44 AM
2014-01-21 10:53 AM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Dropped 7 miles yesterday, and then an hour later, went for a 2 hour Trainer Road workout at home. Exciting times in the life of MSU_Brad.

I am coming to the conclusion that something about biking is aggravating my left Achilles potentially more than running. May need to stop in to a bike shop to have them take a look...

2014-01-21 11:55 AM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!

Originally posted by navbtcret 6.6 miles on the treadmill today. I am going to run on it for every run under 8 miles between now and when I leave for Florida. I am turning the heat up to the mid 70's and letting warm up before I start to try and acclimate myself to the heat a little before the 100 miler. Not sure if it will help or not but it can not hurt. I sure had a good sweat worked up today.

That's a good idea.

I love how it feels to run in warm/hot weather but  my pace definitely suffers if I'm  not acclimated. 

2014-01-21 12:38 PM
in reply to: Asalzwed

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Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
Congrats to all of you on recent races and long running weeks/month. I hit 74 today (well, just under but rounding up). Took it easy over the past 6 days due to my trip to MN and WI. Lots of snow!!! Ran 4 on the treadmill last Thurs in MN and ran in several inches of snow on Friday in WI. Back home today for a SLOW, sluggish 5 miler on the treadmill in IA. It's slick here and windchill was -19 this morning. Decided I'd be better off indoors again. Really hoping for some warmer weather so I can I break through 100 by the end of the month. I, too, am trying to swim 2-3 times and bike 2-3 times per week. Olympic training this early in the season since I live in IA. Won't be able to get outside on my bike until late March (if then).

Have a great week!

2014-01-21 10:37 PM
in reply to: midwesttrimom

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Jenison, MI
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
4 tonight
2014-01-22 10:29 AM
in reply to: MSU_Brad

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Seattle, Washington
Subject: RE: January 100 Mile Run Challenge!
I've hit 80 (well 79.93 counts as 80 right?) as of now. Woot! My Z2 runs have been faster than I would have guessed for that heart rate, so I'm going to blow past the 100 mark easily this month.
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