Other Resources Challenge Me! » January 2014 AB's Challenge Rss Feed  
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2014-01-19 12:26 PM
in reply to: LeCrac

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

Missed out on a couple days due to a family emergency, but should be getting back on track today!

2014-01-20 10:45 AM
in reply to: bcraht

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North Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge
Rest day! so nice.
Have a nice rest everyone.
2014-01-20 3:39 PM
in reply to: LeCrac

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

I missed the entire week last week. I had thought that I would have a space in our cabin on the cruise or at least in the gymn. There was no room in the cabin to stretch out and the gym had no place either. I will start fresh tomorrow. At least I was a tad ahead of the game when I left.

2014-01-21 10:06 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge
Yesterdays rest day was nice but it is also good to get back to it today.

How is everyone doing, I can see and feel the difference so far, it is actually getting easier instead of harder. I know it will help me out on my upcoming 100 mile ultra on the 1st of February.
2014-01-21 10:22 AM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

Originally posted by navbtcret Yesterdays rest day was nice but it is also good to get back to it today. How is everyone doing, I can see and feel the difference so far, it is actually getting easier instead of harder. I know it will help me out on my upcoming 100 mile ultra on the 1st of February.
Awesome to hear that it is getting easier for you.  I do have to agree.  Beginning of the month, just doing 20 crunches and 10 leg lifts were a killer.  Now I can do 50 leg lifts and 120 crunches and don't feel like I'm going to die.  

2014-01-21 4:04 PM
in reply to: kns57

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

And I am back!

Can't say today was painless, but it sure was easier than when I first started. Under all the protective fat, I am getting some ab muscles!

2014-01-23 12:30 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

Originally posted by ceilidh

And I am back!

Can't say today was painless, but it sure was easier than when I first started. Under all the protective fat, I am getting some ab muscles!

Welcome Back!  Yes, I still have those extra layers too, but those muscles under there are sure getting stronger.  Doing 140 crunches, etc yesterday seemed a lot easier to do than the 20 way back at the beginning of the month.  Don't think I'll keep the quantity up once the month is over, but will keep up with doing more than I have done in the past.

2014-01-23 6:47 PM
in reply to: kns57

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge
Todays workout was tough for me but I got it done. Hopefully after the rest day it will not be so tough. I will also keep up with the core workouts after the month, I am thinking in the 100 sit up and 150 crunch range, 80 leg lift and 2 minute planks until that gets somewhat easy and then I'll increase accordingly. I like the 3 days on and then a rest day so I think I will stay with the same routine. Hey you know the old saying if it ain't broke don't fix it.
2014-01-24 10:25 AM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

Originally posted by navbtcret Todays workout was tough for me but I got it done. Hopefully after the rest day it will not be so tough. I will also keep up with the core workouts after the month, I am thinking in the 100 sit up and 150 crunch range, 80 leg lift and 2 minute planks until that gets somewhat easy and then I'll increase accordingly. I like the 3 days on and then a rest day so I think I will stay with the same routine. Hey you know the old saying if it ain't broke don't fix it.
Yes, the 3 on 1 off has been a nice schedule to follow.  

2014-01-27 6:18 AM
in reply to: kns57

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

Okay people, we are down to the last couple of days.  How's it going?

2014-01-27 9:25 AM
in reply to: kns57

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge
I am doing great but I am going to not take tomorrow off. I am going to finish the challenge a day early so I can rest for a couple of days before my 100 miler. I am running it on the 1st of February so I really should not be busting out my abs 2 days before. It'll probably be a few days after before I can really start back in earnest too. Having run one 100 miler before I know how sore I was for a few days after. I will do some abs but not as many reps.

I would really like to get to where I am doing 200 sit ups, 400 crunches 125 leg lifts and 3 minute planks for every work out but that is off in the distance. Maybe by May I will be there.

Great work to everyone still busting out your abs.

2014-01-27 10:49 AM
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North Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge
Going great. I can see a big difference since we started this challenge.
Good luck everyone for the last few days! We are almost there.

Edited by Poupen 2014-01-27 10:49 AM
2014-01-27 12:07 PM
in reply to: Poupen

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

.  I have fallen off the Ab wagon.  I was good up until the 18th-ish and then found an excuse.  Good job on all you who are still going!

2014-01-27 2:23 PM
in reply to: bcraht

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

Originally posted by bcraht

.  I have fallen off the Ab wagon.  I was good up until the 18th-ish and then found an excuse.  Good job on all you who are still going!

Hey, do what you can.  Jump back on that wagon and work on those abs.  I personally have been a bit sporadic.  But still working on them.

2014-01-27 3:00 PM
in reply to: bcraht

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

I am still in, but I am having to slow down on the sit ups/hip lifts/ leg raises. My lower back is sore and I am NOT going to hurt it. Still increasing on the plank and the crunches, though. I am only on day 22 trying to make up for my vacation. I hope to get to the goal for the crunches and the planks. I am going to try to keep this up. The 3 on, one off pattern is good.

2014-01-28 7:44 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge
I am not taking today as a rest day nor tomorrow. Today was kind of tough being the 4th day in a row. I imagine tomorrow will be even harder but gottta get it done.

2014-01-28 7:51 AM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

Originally posted by navbtcret I am not taking today as a rest day nor tomorrow. Today was kind of tough being the 4th day in a row. I imagine tomorrow will be even harder but gottta get it done.

Look at it this way.. after tomorrow all you have to do is run 100 miles.

Holy Chit... I am in awe.

2014-01-29 10:56 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

Good day everyone.  I'm in the south and have been hit with this crazy weather.  Great thing is that being stuck at home, I can still do my abs workout.  

2014-01-29 10:56 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by navbtcret I am not taking today as a rest day nor tomorrow. Today was kind of tough being the 4th day in a row. I imagine tomorrow will be even harder but gottta get it done.

Look at it this way.. after tomorrow all you have to do is run 100 miles.

Holy Chit... I am in awe.

Me too!

2014-01-29 11:59 AM
in reply to: kns57

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North Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge
Last 3 days! We are almost there.
2014-01-29 7:22 PM
in reply to: #4918900

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Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge
I am done with the challenge, finished it at 0400 this morning before my run and Harding out for the 1300 mile drive to Florida. We stopped outside Savanna, Georgia for night and have less than 7 hours to go tomorrow. Great job to everyone one on the challenge this month, I really needed it.

2014-01-30 6:04 AM
in reply to: navbtcret

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge

Originally posted by navbtcret I am done with the challenge, finished it at 0400 this morning before my run and Harding out for the 1300 mile drive to Florida. We stopped outside Savanna, Georgia for night and have less than 7 hours to go tomorrow. Great job to everyone one on the challenge this month, I really needed it.

Safe  travels, happy running! I am guessing you are doing the Key West 100. I want to do that as a team run someday. Have fun and hope it is toasty warm when you are done running and perfect when you are running!

2014-02-07 5:17 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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North Vancouver, British Columbia
Subject: RE: January 2014 AB's Challenge
Hi everyone,

Unfortunately a family emergency prevented me to finish the last few days of the challenge. I had to fly to Europe and I just came back. I will finish it anyway starting tomorrow morning.
How is everybody enjoying strongs abs?
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Other Resources Challenge Me! » January 2014 AB's Challenge Rss Feed  
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