General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Tri life in Miami Rss Feed  
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2015-04-28 9:33 AM

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Subject: Tri life in Miami
So, in 2 months I am making the move from the great white North to Miami because of boyfriend's job. As a triathlete of course my first question is what is the tri culture like in South Florida? Because of the climate I assume there is a fairly large tri community but any info on races (aside from IM and the Miami 70.3 that I signed up for almost immediately after we decided to move), coaches, clubs, gyms with awesome pools, good tri stores etc. would be crazy helpful. Thanks!

2015-04-28 10:35 AM
in reply to: mtrunner6

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Subject: RE: Tri life in Miami
I'm in Miami. I'm happy to help. We have an active triathlon scene all year long. Our local race company Multirace ( does a series of sprints all summer long on Key Biscayne called the trilogy ... even though there are actually four races.

You can't throw a swim cap in Miami without hitting a tri coach :-) Traffic in Miami is legendarily horrible so people tend to train close to their home bases. Do you know what part of Miami you plan to settle?
2015-04-28 2:26 PM
in reply to: #5111383

Subject: RE: Tri life in Miami
+1 on miamiamy's post. Multirace is a good outfit. Bear in mind they also run International distance races on the same days as the Sprints. Those are 0.5 mi swim, 25 mi bike and 6.2 mi run. Those are the ones I race. Not nearly the bells and whistles of pricier races, but good races nonetheless. So. Fla has a great tri scene in general, welcome!
2015-04-28 6:15 PM
in reply to: danimal123

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Extreme Veteran
, Guam
Subject: RE: Tri life in Miami
mtrunner6---IMO, IF possible, try to locate/live as close to Key Biscayne as possible. MANY people commute TO Key Biscayne to swim/bike/run train and race. People train there day and night EVERY day. Every day I went there I would get excited when I saw the packs of riders at 6am.
hope this helps
2015-04-28 7:36 PM
in reply to: spearit

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New user
Kingston, Ontario
Subject: RE: Tri life in Miami
I have a feeling the triathlon scene in Miami is amazing compared to Canada.. lol i wouldn't worry about it.
2015-04-29 9:29 AM
in reply to: mtrunner6

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Subject: RE: Tri life in Miami
I live in Miami and triathlon season here can go all year long, if you wish, since we have great weather all year long (summer is too hot too train/race though, so you will get use to working out VERY early).

For swimming, there are many options from great Master programs, to gyms with pools, or ocean swim. Let me know if you need help on finding a pool (Master or gym), it will depend on where you live. For ocean swim, as other have mentioned, Key Biscayne is where most of us swim OW; you can do South Beach too, which is more like an ocean experience than KB (you are swimming in the Bay).

For biking, I recommend either Key Biscayne for shorter rides (20-30 miles). More than that distance, it gets a little bit boring looping around the Key, also, depending on what day of the week and time, traffic might be bad (3 cyclists have been killed in this area in the past years - it is not a dangerous place to ride, but there are definitively cars, some with drunk drivers coming back home after partying all night). If you want to go longer, you will most likely end up riding south towards Roberts, the Everglades, or the Keys. You will find minimal traffic going this route and you can ride easily 100+ miles.

For running, again, not sure where you will live, but there are PLENTY of options to run around here as well as running clubs. Take advantage of running to discover some places! Although check out first your route, so you don't go to some places you don't want to be at...

Let me know if you need anything else, but be sure the trilife here in Miami is pretty good!!

2015-04-29 10:19 AM
in reply to: #5111514

Subject: RE: Tri life in Miami
Summer is the best....and that's when the four-race series miamiamy and I are talking about. race a month from June through September.
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