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2015-11-15 10:21 AM

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South Windsor CT
Subject: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
OK, Who is in for 2016??? I decided to pull the trigger on this one. I have completed one Ironman in Florida back in 2013. This will be my first time in Mont Tremblant. I have heard great things about this race.

2015-11-16 8:25 AM
in reply to: CarlG

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Crab Cake City
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Great choice for your 2nd IM!!

I did it last year and loved every minute of the week. IMMT puts on a race like no other. Enjoy your time up there. Have you booked lodging yet?
2015-11-16 8:11 PM
in reply to: dmbfan4life20

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South Windsor CT
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Yes I booked lodging, It was getting scarce in the village. Luckily Les tour de voyageurs had a couple or rooms/suites left.
Really looking forward to it.
2015-11-17 8:53 AM
in reply to: CarlG

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Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
I am in! This will be Ironman number 6 for me. I am booked at the Lodge de la Montagne. I have heard so many great things about this race that I just had to do it.
2015-11-17 2:40 PM
in reply to: DeVinci13

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
2015-11-19 5:52 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Littleton, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread

I am in, too!  This will be IM #4 for me, the first post child #2.  This will be my first time in Tremblant, but this one has been on my list for a few years, so I am very excited.  We are booked at Lodge de la Montagne.  

2015-11-20 4:16 PM
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Clermont, Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
I'm in as well. If all goes as planned this will be #20 at the 140.6 distance. Booked at Les Tours de Voyageurs as well.

Edited by exnavydoc 2015-11-20 4:17 PM
2015-11-29 6:05 PM
in reply to: CarlG

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Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
I'm in! This will be #4 for me. IMWI '11 & '13 IMCHATT '14. I'll be staying at the Westin. Official training starts tomorrow after over a year off with a new job.
2015-12-03 8:57 AM
in reply to: Skyhawk

Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
I'm in too. It'll be my 2nd IMMT and third IM overall.

IMMT is a great venue and super location for a race. I'm booked in the Le Somet de Niege (spelling?).

Off season training just began...there's a long way to go for me to get back into IM shape, but the journey has started. One foot in front of the other, then repeat...

Look forward to seeing you there....
2015-12-04 2:02 PM
in reply to: CarlG

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
I'm in! And so is Gordon_mom. This is number 3 for both of us. '14 - IMMOO. '15 IMLOU.
2015-12-08 6:42 PM
in reply to: cynner

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Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
This will be my first IM (have done two 70.3)

Rather nervous about this one, have started to ease into training but going to follow a BT program.

Haven't booked hotels yet any suggestions?


2015-12-11 7:50 AM
in reply to: 0

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South Windsor CT
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Its my first time racing in IMMT, from what I hear is that you should try to book something in the Village.

Edited by CarlG 2015-12-11 7:51 AM
2015-12-13 2:50 AM
in reply to: CarlG

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Im in. 1st time IMMT. #3 For IM. Need to redeem myself from a poor IMLP performance.
2015-12-23 10:05 PM
in reply to: CarlG

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The Nation's Frosty Capital
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
I'm in too.
Did the race in 13.
Awesome course and the most exciting and supportive course I've ever raced in. The best folks are in Tremblant.
Still recovering from Muskoka 4 months ago. Oucchhhhhhh.
But I'll be ready.
Yes I will.
2016-01-01 12:41 PM
in reply to: CarlG

Mississauga, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread

I'm in, 3rd time at IMMT, #8 overall. Great course and the area is beautiful, will be staying the week after in a cabin on the river Diable.

2016-01-04 6:28 AM
in reply to: CarlG

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
So close to pushing the register button....but so afraid of the hills!

I live in South Florida so training for hills would be going to Clermont for hill training and doing trainer drills specific for hills....agh....

Thoughts? I did Louisville IM before and did k.....I do train in strong winds! Lol



2016-01-04 8:29 AM
in reply to: trirun26

Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Originally posted by trirun26

So close to pushing the register button....but so afraid of the hills!

I live in South Florida so training for hills would be going to Clermont for hill training and doing trainer drills specific for hills....agh....

Thoughts? I did Louisville IM before and did k.....I do train in strong winds! Lol



C'mon, you know you want to! IMMT is such a fantastic venue for a race. The swim is great, fresh water lake - can't beat that. Bike, ok it has some hills, especially at the end of the loop on the Chemin Duplessis section, but for the most part, the hills are rollers. and the run is pretty flat - a large portion is on a old rail line that has been paved.

So, long story short, register, you won't regret it!!
2016-01-05 5:55 AM
in reply to: LarchmontTri

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West Palm Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Well I did make my hotel reservation yesterday...had a talk with my TriSherpa my it's coming. :-)

Still trying to figure out the hill training is the swamp land!
2016-01-05 1:23 PM
in reply to: CarlG

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Zürich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
i am in, coming from Switzerland, first time in Canada!
several full distance done
I will come with a road bike, more appropriate for this course (I guess)

I will stay in Les Manoirs by Tremblant Sunstar. do you know it? or do you suggest a better place?
2016-01-05 1:24 PM
in reply to: CarlG

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Zürich, Switzerland
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
i am in, coming from Switzerland, first time in Canada!
several full distance done
I will come with a road bike, more appropriate for this course (I guess)

I will stay in Les Manoirs by Tremblant Sunstar. do you know it? or do you suggest a better place?
2016-01-05 1:30 PM
in reply to: CarlG

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
We are staying at ERM - Hotel Ermitage du Lac. Hopefully, this is convenient and there will not be any changes like in Louisville this year. Looking forward to meeting everyone during race weekend.

2016-01-10 11:10 AM
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Mississauga, Ontario
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread

i stayed at the Ermitage du Lac in 2014, very close to transition. Basically any place within the pedestrian village will work, great for anyone travelling with you, very easy for them to take a break back at the hotel during the day. Plus about 2 minutes walk back after the race!

The 2015 Spectator Guide has the best maps that show the hotels + transition, further away is uphill a bit, not sure if this link will work, if not check the IMMT site:

Edited by runmini 2016-01-10 11:33 AM
2016-01-10 2:08 PM
in reply to: runmini

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread
Great Information!!! Just noticed a Casino. :-) Thank you!!
2016-01-13 10:24 AM
in reply to: cynner

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Littleton, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread

How is everyone's training coming? Have you started focused training yet?

I am in the second week working with my coach.  Still working out a few kinks, but I'm off to a good start.

I chose to start training a bit early, as I am coming from quite a deficit.  This is my first triathlon season since 2013, and I had a baby in the spring of 2014.  Although I ran a marathon in early December, I only did a very few rides, and had not been in the pool since Vineman in 2013. I am really enjoying getting back to both with consistency!

2016-01-13 11:11 AM
in reply to: swgtri

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New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Mont Tremblant : Official Thread

Nice job getting back in to it! It'll come back riding a bike. :-) Just be patient with yourself and you'll do great!

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