General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 3.28.16 Monday Morning Rss Feed  
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2016-03-28 7:32 AM

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Subject: 3.28.16 Monday Morning

Hey BT!

4:30am:  1:25 on the trainer.  Pushed pretty hard, happy with the effort!

6:00am:  :15 minutes core workout

Heading back into Salt Lake City today to pick up daughter's prom dress.  Spring Break this week so no school for my whole family.  Hoping to get a lot done around the house this week since the weather is going to be crappy.

HR--if you're going to do one of those long trainer sessions--sounds like you did it right! 

Have a great day all! 

2016-03-28 7:57 AM
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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 3.28.16 Monday Morning
Day off today, though my cats got me up before 5 due to an "ants in the food bowl" crisis. A dry season scourge--there are tiny ants everywhere. I just opened a supposedly sealed bag of pasta that I had gotten ten minutes before at the grocery store, cooked a serving, and had to fish out....count'em....20 tiny ants that floated to the surface. (Pasta's expensive here--didn't throw it out!) Have also lost the remainder of my precious Cliff Mojo Bar stash--again, from supposedly "sealed" wrappers--they chew right through them.

Body is happy for the break, but actually I'm kind of bored. No pressing work to take home, no good books at the moment, and nothing compelling on TV. Just lying on the couch running a game of "shoelace" for the fur kids. What on earth did I do before I took up tri?!

Maybe you'll have to be an "indoor pro triathlete"?! Better stock up on ice cream.

Edited by Hot Runner 2016-03-28 7:58 AM
2016-03-28 10:51 AM
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Cypress, Texas
Subject: RE: 3.28.16 Monday Morning

Well... after ending last week with a bike boo boo on Thursday which left me with a skinned elbow and knee and working though my long run on Friday and working through my long ride on Saturday to finishing enough of the our livestock shelter to accommodate the pair of dairy goats that we brought home for Easter, I got off to a good start this morning.  I got in a nice 9 mile run this morning which included 5x400m up-hill repeated at 6:35 min/mi pace.

Ironman 70.3 St. George is coming up quickly.  There never seems to be as much time as I originally plan to get ready for these events.  :-)

Edited by BlueBoy26 2016-03-28 10:51 AM
2016-03-28 3:20 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Subject: RE: 3.28.16 Monday Morning
Today is a recovery day from this weekend's race. Easy swim this morning and an easy run later.

This weather does suck Kim! It totally blew our plans out for trail running and swimming at Blue!!
2016-03-28 3:28 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Extreme Veteran
Westchester, NY
Subject: RE: 3.28.16 Monday Morning
A fast 2700 in the pool this morning.

I'm kinda itching to for a run.. The sun just came out after raining all day .., hmmm...
2016-03-28 4:32 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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New user
Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: 3.28.16 Monday Morning

Originally posted by Hot Runner 20 tiny ants that floated to the surface.

Sounds like a good source of extra protein! Our little black kitten is our alarm clock too. She wakes us up just because she's bored and it's play time.

3 mile run today with my shoes back on finally. My pinky toenail has flown the coop which feels really really weird. Like that feeling in your gums after you get a tooth pulled.

2016-03-28 4:55 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: 3.28.16 Monday Morning
Sorry the weather stinks up there! It has clouded over nicely here and should be cooler for the next couple days. Sounds like you guys should come down to AZ for your next break :-)!

8am - 4.5 mile run/walk - back at the track. I've become a fan of the track, not only for the forgiving surface but it keeps me honest with my run/walk strategy (I tend to ignore the beeping from my garmin :-))

9:30 - 45 min spin
10:30-30 min ST
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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 3.28.16 Monday Morning Rss Feed  

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