General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 4.12.16 Terrific Tuesday Training Rss Feed  
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2016-04-12 7:29 AM

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Subject: 4.12.16 Terrific Tuesday Training

Good morning BT!

4:30am:  4.5 mile run

5:30am:  :40 minutes strength.  Nice session today.

mbullock79--I ordered Neoprene Seal Cement by M Essentials on Amazon--worked like a charm, super easy--apply to both sides of the tear, press them together and voila!  The hole is repaired!

Jamie--I don't have much to add to what HR and Susan already said about Whole 30--there definitely is an adjustment time frame.  Plus, for as active as you are, and by the looks of it, relatively lean already, you may need more starchy carbs to keep your energy up.  I also agree with the healthy fats--lots of olive oil, ghee, avocado, etc.  If your sleep is becoming disrupted and workouts are suffering, definitely add in some sweet potato or other complex carb source.

So, totally tri unrelated but life related--I mention my older daughter and softball all the time.  Sunday we took some fun photos of Syd in her prom dress and softball gear....thought I'd share a few!





10.jpg (378KB - 8 downloads)
48.jpg (178KB - 6 downloads)
5.jpg (412KB - 8 downloads)

2016-04-12 8:18 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 4.12.16 Terrific Tuesday Training
Wow--what a dress! She's a braver woman than I'll ever be. And awesome photo shoot job by Mom!

Got training in early as it was brutally hot today.
5:40 AM Easy 40 minute run
7 AM 3300m of swimming. Unlike our school pool, the gym pool is outside and now approximately bathtub temps. I don't know what is worse, freezing or melting!

Just about ready to go to bed so I can get up early again tomorrow. Just seems unfair.....this is vacation! But heat index was 113 today--no way in h... am I going to start my workout too late!
2016-04-12 8:30 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

Subject: RE: 4.12.16 Terrific Tuesday Training
Beautiful daughter you have there. I don't remember any of our softball players looking like that went I went to school.

I'm posting for last night, since I forgot. 20mile ride with good intensity and 3 mile run/walk. hope to get a beach run in this afternoon 4-5 miles. We'll see..

have a good day you crazy cats!

2016-04-12 8:44 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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New user
Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: 4.12.16 Terrific Tuesday Training

Good lookin girl, Kim! I bet you're a proud mom!

Thanks everyone for the food advice. Yea I had already started working more sweet potatoes and bananas into my diet. Almost every night I've woken up and was too hungry to go back to sleep. Got some almond flour today, more sweet potatoes, bananas, etc and I think I'm good now. Hope to get back to running tomorrow, but I've at least been doing a 30 minute strength/stretch routine every day.

2016-04-12 9:15 PM
in reply to: trijamie

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: 4.12.16 Terrific Tuesday Training
She's gorgeous Kim! What great pics to really showcase her personality!!

5:15am - 60 min spin - more solid just above threshold efforts

First day of our used book sale at school so I was there all day. Will do the same tomorrow so my early morning workouts are about all I have this week.

2016-04-13 12:42 AM
in reply to: trijamie

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 4.12.16 Terrific Tuesday Training
If that is happening, you need to eat more calories, period. More healthy fats at dinner time will also help. I remember having the same situation when I was training for Olympic Trials, first to qualify (when I'd just turned 17) and then for the race (at 18). Pretty much every night between midnight and 2 AM, I would get up and have a big bowl of homemade granola with a large handful of nuts, and sometimes peanut butter out of the jar.

At the time I was vegetarian, not vegan, but I've never been a big fan of eggs, dairy, or sweets, so it was a struggle to get enough calorie-dense foods down my gullet. Plus I had started growing again between 17 and 18 (after stopping at 13). I didn't realize it--actually went to our team doctor to see what was wrong as I was constantly hungry; my weight was basically staying the same, but my pants were not only getting too loose but also too short! It had never occurred to me that I could still be growing--I thought I had some weird wasting disease, or had the dryer setting wrong.

You haven't seen ravenous until you've seen a growing, vegetarian teenager seriously training for a marathon. I remember my jaws being sore from chewing so many nuts! I ate so much peanut butter during those two years that ever since I've kind of lost my taste for it.

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