General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 5.3.16 Tuesday Training Rss Feed  
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2016-05-03 7:25 AM

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Subject: 5.3.16 Tuesday Training

Good morning BT!

4:30am:  :50 minute run with a variety of speed repeats, felt great

5:30am:  :40 minutes lower body strength + core

It is 'testing time' at school this week (anyone in the teaching profession knows exactly what this means!) so I have a lot of desk time.  Yesterday the majority of the day was looking up summer race possibilities, reading race reports, and all sorts of tri related stuff.  It's a sickness, I tell you!

Have a great day!


2016-05-03 7:57 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 5.3.16 Tuesday Training
Good night BT! (Almost. Don't actually have to get up early tomorrow but have run out of stuff I feel like doing, so might head off to bed.)

Lucky me, "testing time" is the first three days after my HIM. Guess that might be a good thing and get me off my feet a bit, unless my butt's too sore to sit.

Anyway, last mini-brick (or anything really intense) before the race:

1:10 trainer ride with some fairly nasty (but fairly short) 85-100% FTP pickups
20 minute run after

In other news, owing to a chemical spill in central Vietnam, there is now a chance that my "HIM" will become a duathlon. Not too thrilled about that. (Unlike most triathletes, the swim is often my favorite part of a race. And, in some cases, it's the leg I'm most competitive in. I suspect not because I'm really a better swimmer than runner, but because there are a lot of triathletes who are decent runners, but not so many with a swim background. Plus in tropical conditions, it's really nice to start the bike pre-cooled and pre-moistened!)
2016-05-03 8:31 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: 5.3.16 Tuesday Training
Been busy lately, forgetting to post. Hope everyone is great!

5:15am - 60 min power spin - super high calorie burn this one - loved it!

8am - 2400 swim. shoulder is feeling better so just kept it to easy slow sets.

I'm contemplating a local sprint tri at the end of May. New owners and supposed to be a big party and a lot of people I know are doing it. My run could handle the 3 miles, just not fast. Might just join in just to be back in the mix!
2016-05-03 10:32 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: 5.3.16 Tuesday Training

4 mile run tonight with some hill work. Enjoy the peace and quiet of your desk time while you've got it. Bummer about the chemical spill HR!

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