Other Resources Challenge Me! » Run 100 miles in October! Rss Feed  
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2016-10-03 11:26 AM

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: Run 100 miles in October!
Many of our September challengers made goal and then some! Congratulations guys!

My race was very gruesome but I was able to finish it. Will write my race report shortly. I am however 13.1 miles to goal this month! Who wants to join me again?

2016-10-03 1:53 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
I'm in. This will probably be my last month of this year to join because after my marathon next month, I'll probably get lazy. 23.1 miles thus far.

Congrats on finishing the race! Sorry it was so tough.

Hey, anybody here run in Altra? Altra rep was here last week and got to test-run a pair. Bought a pair afterwards. I've got some ambient feelings about them. I'm only doing a few miles each time until I can adjust from my current drop-4 to these drop-0. But after some lacing adjustments yesterday, I may really start liking these things - that is if that bigger toe box doesn't cause me to kick my ankles.
2016-10-03 5:59 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
I am in for another month.
2016-10-07 11:55 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Lafayette, CA
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Congrads on the race--sorry it was tough. I am back in for another month. This is my recovery week--so things are slow so far.

2016-10-09 5:32 AM
in reply to: wieczynski

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
50.6 miles for me so far. I have gotten so slow! After the Nov mary, I want to start working on speed. Not that I've ever been fast but this is just ridiculous right now.
2016-10-09 2:50 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Lafayette, CA
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Originally posted by Pink Socks

50.6 miles for me so far. I have gotten so slow! After the Nov mary, I want to start working on speed. Not that I've ever been fast but this is just ridiculous right now.

Ahead of me! I am sitting at 47M. This was my recovery week--and I needed it! I hope everyone is doing well.

2016-10-09 4:01 PM
in reply to: wieczynski

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Originally posted by wieczynski

Originally posted by Pink Socks

50.6 miles for me so far. I have gotten so slow! After the Nov mary, I want to start working on speed. Not that I've ever been fast but this is just ridiculous right now.

Ahead of me! I am sitting at 47M. This was my recovery week--and I needed it! I hope everyone is doing well.

Y'all are ahead of me!!! I'm at almost 19 miles. Been doing some active recovery runs since Wednesday and legs finally felt back last night. Going for at least an hour run in a few hours.

Thanks for sympathizing with my tough race guys. I'm glad I finished it because 38% of the field DNF. O_O
2016-10-15 10:42 AM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Originally posted by kloofyroland

Thanks for sympathizing with my tough race guys. I'm glad I finished it because 38% of the field DNF. O_O

38% DNF? Wow, that was tough! Ready to talk about it or just want to forget out the nightmare?

78 miles for me after today's long. If I continue, this will end up being one of my best mileage months. 5 weekends in the month definitely helps.
2016-10-15 5:19 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Originally posted by Pink Socks

Originally posted by kloofyroland

Thanks for sympathizing with my tough race guys. I'm glad I finished it because 38% of the field DNF. O_O

38% DNF? Wow, that was tough! Ready to talk about it or just want to forget out the nightmare?

78 miles for me after today's long. If I continue, this will end up being one of my best mileage months. 5 weekends in the month definitely helps.

Woohoo! Keep it up! I'm at almost 44 miles.

Yeah so... about the race. I stuck with FOP swim group and finished in top 10 there, hopped on the bike and felt fine the first lap of the bike ride feeling strong (~3500ft gain covered so far at this point) then about 5 miles into the 2nd lap my stomach started bothering me. I was unable to output more power as planned due to almost puking so I ended up dropping my power output by 10%. That decision also sucked because of the fact I didn't get off the bike in time to beat the winds which picked up the last 15 miles. >.<

By the time I got to T2 it was 95° F and exiting T2 I was already running on loose dirt trail with loose rocks. I've ran on trails before but not like race's trail. I nearly twisted my ankles 6 times, argh! Shortly after the turnaround for the half marathon my stomach finally started feeling better and I finished the last 6 miles strong without blowing myself up. I actually caught and passed 5 runners who passed me at the turnaround.
2016-10-16 1:55 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Lafayette, CA
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Wow! Everyone is making great progress. I am at 111 miles--got 63 mile in this week. That is an all time best for me. And on top of that I got 7K of climbing in too.
2016-10-17 12:48 AM
in reply to: wieczynski

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Originally posted by wieczynski

Wow! Everyone is making great progress. I am at 111 miles--got 63 mile in this week. That is an all time best for me. And on top of that I got 7K of climbing in too.

Holy smokes! Halfway through October and way beyond the 100 mile marker! Nice work there man.

2016-10-23 3:03 PM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Lafayette, CA
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
How is everyone doing? I had 28 on Friday (moved from Saturday). It was an ugly, ugly day. Too much walking and I suffered out there. But I got it done. I did another 13 today--with Coyote sightings. 178 for the month.

I hope everyone is crushing it.
2016-10-23 9:15 PM
in reply to: wieczynski

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Originally posted by wieczynski

How is everyone doing? I had 28 on Friday (moved from Saturday). It was an ugly, ugly day. Too much walking and I suffered out there. But I got it done. I did another 13 today--with Coyote sightings. 178 for the month.

I hope everyone is crushing it.

I think I'm crushing it just like you man! 81.64 miles.
2016-10-24 8:22 AM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Wow, you guys are indeed crushing it! I'm at 111.8 and more importantly, have finally hit taper. Have a HM this weekend as a practice run.
2016-10-28 12:18 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Originally posted by Pink Socks

Wow, you guys are indeed crushing it! I'm at 111.8 and more importantly, have finally hit taper. Have a HM this weekend as a practice run.

Good luck this weekend Pam! I'm at almost 97 miles for the month and I'll pass 100 after tonight's medium run.

For the past 3 weeks I've been feeling dull pain in the outside of my right foot during the first 5-10 minutes of all my runs, more so while using my new Brooks (same model as broken in ones). This morning I removed the Archmolds Max and there was no pain! Maybe I don't need them anymore!

I have low foot arches and was advised to use arch supports. I've been thinking about purchasing a pair of Hokas but not sure which model I should try out. Do any of you use this shoe or have any recommendations about them? I'm a glider type runner vs gazelle and 41 years old.
2016-10-30 9:57 AM
in reply to: kloofyroland

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Roland, hubby is a big Hoka person (at one time, he had 5 brand new Hoka waiting in the wings). I asked him and he said Hokas are like any other shoe tho and you need to find the right model for you. The "average" choice is Bondi 4 but try different ones.

HM yesterday was supposed to be a training run for my mary. Ugh. I got to running with a friend on the out portion and didn't realize the speed; crashed on the back portion. My finish time was actually about where I predicted but it was poorly, poorly executed and I would have preferred a slower time instead of this feeling of crap for a race that is half the distance of the mary. Oh well. I'm hoping that since we killed ourselves this last week with redoing the pantry and pulling down the uppers in the kitchen, maybe my body will rest over the next two weeks and the mary will not go as sourly as yesterday.

2016-10-30 6:53 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Thanks Pam!

Sorry to hear about how your race went. At least now you know not to do that for your upcoming marathon. I hope you don't have any more home projects the next couple weeks so you can crush it!
2016-10-30 7:57 PM
in reply to: Pink Socks

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Lafayette, CA
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Originally posted by Pink Socks

Roland, hubby is a big Hoka person (at one time, he had 5 brand new Hoka waiting in the wings). I asked him and he said Hokas are like any other shoe tho and you need to find the right model for you. The "average" choice is Bondi 4 but try different ones.

HM yesterday was supposed to be a training run for my mary. Ugh. I got to running with a friend on the out portion and didn't realize the speed; crashed on the back portion. My finish time was actually about where I predicted but it was poorly, poorly executed and I would have preferred a slower time instead of this feeling of crap for a race that is half the distance of the mary. Oh well. I'm hoping that since we killed ourselves this last week with redoing the pantry and pulling down the uppers in the kitchen, maybe my body will rest over the next two weeks and the mary will not go as sourly as yesterday.

Hey I am so sorry about the bad race. Remember this is just a little hickup. I am hoping that your taper will equal a wonderful Marathon. Good luck.
2016-10-30 8:01 PM
in reply to: wieczynski

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Lafayette, CA
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
I got 236 miles in for the month. I missed my second long-run today due to family stuff. Tomorrow starts a taper and I am going to take the day off--so I am not going get another run in.
2016-10-31 6:06 PM
in reply to: wieczynski

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Originally posted by wieczynski

I got 236 miles in for the month. I missed my second long-run today due to family stuff. Tomorrow starts a taper and I am going to take the day off--so I am not going get another run in.

More than double my volume man! Holy smokes! I'm gonna finish the month at almost 109 miles. Woohoo!
2016-11-01 9:45 AM
in reply to: wieczynski

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Extreme Veteran
Tallahassee, Florida
Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Originally posted by wieczynski

I got 236 miles in for the month. I missed my second long-run today due to family stuff. Tomorrow starts a taper and I am going to take the day off--so I am not going get another run in.

Wow!!!!!!!!! That is amazing. And Roland, you too got your 100+ so congratulations!

133 miles for me. I won't be joining the challenge in Nov cause currently in taper .And after taper, I will be painting ceilings and walls in multiple rooms so will be too sore to run much. But I'll check in on your guys. Good luck!

2017-06-29 2:30 AM
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Subject: RE: Run 100 miles in October!
Will write my race report shortly.

??????? holiday

Edited by Aquiluzy 2017-06-29 2:31 AM
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