General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Good news/bad news Rss Feed  
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2016-10-10 11:25 AM

Subject: Good news/bad news
Good news.
I went 78 miles yesterday and did not have a flat.

Bad news.
50-60 miles, not a problem. Any day. Any time.
But, at 75+, while I wasn't "done" for the day, I was...shall we say...more than willing to sit on the couch for a good chunk of the afternoon. I could 'feel' it in my legs. Not painful or even remotely close to "sore". I could just feel it. Granted, I did a bit of swimming on Saturday and a fair chunk of running, including up a rather significant hill that's about a mile long that up until this point I've only taken pride in riding up. But that was the day before.

So, yeah. It's not that I could imagine running a significant distance after that (and then some, of a ride)....say....a marathon. It just that it would require a not inconsequential amount of work to get to the point where I would have confidence I could do it.

Edited by jhaack39 2016-10-10 11:26 AM

2016-10-10 11:30 AM
in reply to: jhaack39

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Exton, PA
Subject: RE: Good news/bad news
yup 75 to 80 miles is the half way point when doing a century ride!

I do a lot of 80 to 85 mile rides during the summer, that's why a 56 mile HIM ride feels easy to me.
2016-10-10 11:48 AM
in reply to: mike761

Subject: RE: Good news/bad news
Originally posted by mike761

yup 75 to 80 miles is the half way point when doing a century ride!

I do a lot of 80 to 85 mile rides during the summer, that's why a 56 mile HIM ride feels easy to me.

I'm hoping it's a bit like when I first started running.
3-4 was obviously tough when I first stared.
Anything more seemed daunting.
Getting up to 6 took some solid effort. Once there, though....8-10....13...15.....was nothing. Nothing seemed limiting.
Obviously I didn't do it all at once. But there's an economy of scale....or a marginality that works in your favor there at certain levels. I'm hoping that's the case with cycling.

And that bit about 75 being 50% of 100. Makes complete sense. My math teachers would disagree, but maybe I'd get some support from the PE teachers.
2016-10-10 1:05 PM
in reply to: mike761

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Subject: RE: Good news/bad news
Originally posted by mike761

yup 75 to 80 miles is the half way point when doing a century ride!

I do a lot of 80 to 85 mile rides during the summer, that's why a 56 mile HIM ride feels easy to me.

Hmm. Every century that I have done, planned or otherwise (sometimes I wander), the 75-80 mile mark is where I get my second wind.
2016-10-10 1:30 PM
in reply to: happyscientist

Subject: RE: Good news/bad news
Originally posted by happyscientist

Originally posted by mike761

yup 75 to 80 miles is the half way point when doing a century ride!

I do a lot of 80 to 85 mile rides during the summer, that's why a 56 mile HIM ride feels easy to me.

Hmm. Every century that I have done, planned or otherwise (sometimes I wander), the 75-80 mile mark is where I get my second wind. is entirely possible I was 2 miles away from a second wind.

For sure, I could have kept riding. No doubt about it. How much further? Another 50 miles...75? Totally doable.
It wasn't the fatigue on the bike. It wasn't even fatigue.

It was more of...."wait, you want me to run/walk/crawl" 26 miles now? Yah, if you held a gun to my head or threatened my children, you bet. I could do it. But, uh, I wouldn't like it."
2016-10-10 5:01 PM
in reply to: jhaack39

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Good news/bad news
This is one of the main reasons I haven't done a full IM yet. I've had some bad marathons, but they usually go bad somewhere after 15 miles, not from the first step. I'm sure that a bad IM marathon happens pretty often, and feels bad from the first step, and the idea of me pause!

But I'm sure that to some extent it's like anything else--one gets used to it. I remember for the first few years after I started tri, I thought 90 minutes on a bike was a really long ride. Then the first time I went over two hours I realized that actually I really do get a "second wind" after 90 minutes. Much of my strongest riding is toward the end of long rides.

2016-10-10 8:29 PM
in reply to: #5201365

Sarasota, Florida
Subject: RE: Good news/bad news
Ha. I posted a while back that i had bonked with a 40 mile ride but after a similar occurence i think it was heat exhaustion while hungry. 78 miles sounds awesome! You all are inspiring.
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