General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 12.21.16 Happy Hump Day! Rss Feed  
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2016-12-21 9:44 AM

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Subject: 12.21.16 Happy Hump Day!

Good morning!  Ok, I gave myself a break and slept in until 6am!  

6:30am:  1:05 on the trainer--main set 5X3:00 of big gear work.  Love those low cadence, grinding it out intervals

In about 30 minutes heading out for a 30 min run with my 17 year old daughter.  She wants to get her legs moving since there hasn't been bball practice.

Have a wonderful day!


2016-12-21 10:29 AM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

Scottsdale, AZ
Subject: RE: 12.21.16 Happy Hump Day!
Must be a good day to sleep in - I slept in until almost 7am - that never happens!

Took the dog for a run - 5 miles. Legs felt ok but I'm glad I'm going to get some Active Release done later today.

Going for an interview/audition at Lifetime Fitness at noon. Not that I need any more classes, but it would be nice to have a NICE gym to train at…although it's a little far from my house. We will see how it goes.

Happy Winter Solstice everyone!
2016-12-21 1:46 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Aledo, Texas
Subject: RE: 12.21.16 Happy Hump Day!

11:40 - 2,200 yard swim, lots of kicking and tempo pace work

Tomorrow, the office has its annual "grazing" day, where people bring food and just mill about. No work gets done. Will be hard to motivate myself to come in. Have a great day.

2016-12-21 3:36 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

Subject: RE: 12.21.16 Happy Hump Day!
9 miles in the rain this morning. knee was doing pretty good for most of the way. Seems to take about 5miles to warm up
2016-12-21 5:19 PM
in reply to: dworth

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 12.21.16 Happy Hump Day!
66 minute run in not-quite freezing fog this afternoon....Ten fartlek pickups of about 200m each, but I don't think I ever warmed up, in any sense of the word!
2016-12-21 7:59 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Ventura, California
Subject: RE: 12.21.16 Happy Hump Day!

Huge 4,000yrd pool workout.

I think I have strained my left shoulder for sure. Need to work on technique still yet, I think I am over loading the left arm by reaching out too far and starting the pull to soon. Would love to be able to afford a coach, but until then just got to keep working at it and being careful.

Also time to learn the butterfly as the workouts are calling for the fly. Been avoiding learning other techniques for what reason I have none. 

2016-12-21 9:51 PM
in reply to: rjcalhoun

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 12.21.16 Happy Hump Day!
If your shoulder is hurting you might want to hold off on fly for a while. Backstroke or breaststroke are a bit less "violent". (though backstroke really stretches out the shoulders). If determined to learn fly, I would start by working on the dolphin kick using fins. Then add the arm motion and get used to the rhythm (it is easier to find with the fins, and they will also take some strain off your shoulders and make it easier cardio-wise). Then slowly wean yourself off the fins for longer and longer distances.

2016-12-22 7:58 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Tyrone, Georgia
Subject: RE: 12.21.16 Happy Hump Day!
60 minutes on the rollers late night.
2016-12-22 9:43 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Ventura, California
Subject: RE: 12.21.16 Happy Hump Day!

Originally posted by Hot Runner If your shoulder is hurting you might want to hold off on fly for a while. Backstroke or breaststroke are a bit less "violent". (though backstroke really stretches out the shoulders). If determined to learn fly, I would start by working on the dolphin kick using fins. Then add the arm motion and get used to the rhythm (it is easier to find with the fins, and they will also take some strain off your shoulders and make it easier cardio-wise). Then slowly wean yourself off the fins for longer and longer distances.

Thanks for the advice. I was just watched some great videos on learning the fly and they did indeed start with fins and the dolphin kick, then the arms recovering under the water and then onto the big over water recovery and then eliminating the fins. 

I got a 30% discount with Finis swim equipment, so Christmas shopping I will go


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