Subject: 1.16.17 Monday Morning MLKJr Day! Good morning BT! Anybody else have the day off?! Training today is 60 minutes on the trainer, easy zone 2. After that will be 5X5 strength stuff + core. I woke up wondering why my neck and arms were sore...then I remembered my swim yesterday--haven't swam since August! Speaking of the swim--Blue Lake is a very special place! It's located out in the middle of the northern Nevada desert and it's a natural fed spring. The water temp stays 68-70 degrees year round so I swim out there in the winter. Scuba groups come from all over Utah, Nevada, Idaho. Getting in and out sucks...but once I'm in it was divine! This picture is from yesterday--the difference in air temp and water temp create this cool steam--makes swimming kind of eerie but cool! Have a great day! (IMG_8773.JPG) Attachments ---------------- IMG_8773.JPG (20KB - 12 downloads) |