BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Manatees - 2018 Edition Now CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2018-12-28 4:43 PM
in reply to: #5232372

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition Now CLOSED
I’m trying for the Eagle Up Ultra in June. I haven’t signed up yet because I’m waiting to see what happens work-wise

2018-12-28 8:36 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition Now CLOSED the risk of getting others with different genetics mad at me, I don't need a weight loss challenge! I have been trying pretty much since birth to gain weight, and since age 14 or so to add some curves and muscles, with very little result. I will readily admit to being a genetic freak--my mother, who is generally active but not an athlete (and is 80) is almost exactly the same size.

If I completely stop training, I weigh about 125-130 (at 5'7" and change, that's still on the skinny side). Averaging an hour or so of daily training (doesn't matter what) will have me at about 120-125. That's pretty much what I weighed during my years of post-college recreational running. Pretty much anything from 10 hours a week on up to 20+ hours of peak IM training, and I'm 115-117. It would take locking me up in a cage and force-feeding me cheesecake, or a severe case of stomach flu, to get my body outside those parameters. Been like that for the past almost 35 years or so. I have never noticed that my weight has increased or decreased because of what or how much I eat, only because of training load. I only concern myself with nutrition in terms of optimal fueling for training and good health. I would LOVE to gain 5-10 pounds IF that was mainly muscle for the bike and swim (plus a little insulation for cold races)!

Maybe some kind of strength challenge, and/or a healthy eating one, rather than weight loss?

2018-12-29 5:33 AM
in reply to: #5253103

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition Now CLOSED
Karen, that is exactly the kind of thing I am trying to do, cater this to everyone's needs. I can think of at least 3 group members right now that don't have to lose weight, but are maybe looking for something else. So it will probably end up being a hodge podge, pick your challenge kind of thing. I am working on a way to measure it out. Keep your ideas coming, we'll figure out a way to make them all work.
2018-12-29 9:16 AM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition Now CLOSED

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racin Manatees!!!

December 29-30
Melanie - Kris Kringle 5 Mile Run on Sunday

January 1
Laura Y - New Year’s Day 5k

Is anyone else racing?

P.S. Chris has inquired about the 2019 mentor groups. As a result, Alice is looking into that now. We'll continue on here until further notice. Our main concern was that we'd be archived before we had a plan. We have a plan though so all is well!

Ill sleep better knowing there is a PLAN

Another plan we are working on is an early year challenge, something to keep us all on track. I'm not sure which direction to go, weight(loss), training consistency, eating, etc. Any input from the group would be appreciated, so let us know if you have anything in particular and we'll see if we can come up with a way to measure, or simply track, improvements across the board. I will give full disclosure here, this may be a selfish thing 

I'm glad there is a manatee plan and would fully endorse and participate in any early year challenges.  My involvement is also selfish - battle of the bulge.  What was the plan of a previous manatee, GoJo?  Wasn't it simply to move every day whether it be walk, S/B/R, weights, some sort of activity other than being parked on the couch?  Something in that vein might be good in general but I'd personally like to see some sort of weightloss/eating aspect added to it or as a separate challenge.  IDK quite how to implement.

OK, I dug around and found one of our original challenges. The 2012 version was this

JoGo's Exercise Challenge!

What's the scoop?  I need details!  As I understand it, we are going to exercise at least 30 minutes per day in December.  (Yes, that is every day starting now if you have not already started.)

Are we creating goals in our training blogs?  Or are we doing some sort of checking or spreadsheet to hound each other?  Can we force Allen and Kirk to participate?  Does our challenge have an official name?

I think that this time around we would just do a shared Google spreadsheet that we can update ourselves? Does that sound right? Or do you want a Challenge Master to update the sheet and motivate/remind (hassle? publicly shame?) people? 

Being the somewhat lazy sort, I am voting for a google spreadsheet that is updated weekly by each participant. I can build out something that calculates totals and percentages and such, based on each person's needs. I'm trying to keep in mind each of our different needs, so it may take a few shots to get it right. My guess is this will be something of a "Name your Challenge" where we can keep tabs on/support/hassle/motivate one another even though we each have different goals. 

A thought came to mind at 5:00 this morning. When do we want to start? My thought is in the middle of January, which gives us time to get some new members in the new thread and for each of us to solidify our challenge goals. 

2018-12-29 2:34 PM
in reply to: #5253109

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North Augusta, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition Now CLOSED
Since it's off season, I've decided to sign up for some swim lessons. While I grew up in the community pool and took swim lessons as a kid, I'd never swam as part of a swim league or swam farther than from the deep end to the ladder. That is until 5 years ago. I took a series of 4 lessons when I started triathlon which were very helpful, but I figure since my training volume is under 8 hours per week right now, this is the time to improve my swim stroke.

8 weeks on Wednesday evenings of a group format. I start next week, Jan 2nd. It's hosted by a local swim academy and is designed for triathletes. If I can improve my body alignment and improve my stroke even a little, I'll call it a success.

The downside? It's from 8-8:30 pm. I'll be driving home when I'm usually in bed!!!
2018-12-29 3:25 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition Now CLOSED
Originally posted by glfprncsSince it's off season, I've decided to sign up for some swim lessons. While I grew up in the community pool and took swim lessons as a kid, I'd never swam as part of a swim league or swam farther than from the deep end to the ladder. That is until 5 years ago. I took a series of 4 lessons when I started triathlon which were very helpful, but I figure since my training volume is under 8 hours per week right now, this is the time to improve my swim stroke.8 weeks on Wednesday evenings of a group format. I start next week, Jan 2nd. It's hosted by a local swim academy and is designed for triathletes. If I can improve my body alignment and improve my stroke even a little, I'll call it a success.The downside? It's from 8-8:30 pm. I'll be driving home when I'm usually in bed!!!
Good for you! I took a series of lessons a couple of years ago and found it very helpful. I’m still slow, but it’s a faster slow

2018-12-29 5:55 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition Now CLOSED

Originally posted by glfprncs Since it's off season, I've decided to sign up for some swim lessons. While I grew up in the community pool and took swim lessons as a kid, I'd never swam as part of a swim league or swam farther than from the deep end to the ladder. That is until 5 years ago. I took a series of 4 lessons when I started triathlon which were very helpful, but I figure since my training volume is under 8 hours per week right now, this is the time to improve my swim stroke. 8 weeks on Wednesday evenings of a group format. I start next week, Jan 2nd. It's hosted by a local swim academy and is designed for triathletes. If I can improve my body alignment and improve my stroke even a little, I'll call it a success. The downside? It's from 8-8:30 pm. I'll be driving home when I'm usually in bed!!!


2018-12-29 6:36 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Jacksonville, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition Now CLOSED
Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by jmkizer

Originally posted by melbo55

Originally posted by cdban66

Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by jmkizer

Racin Manatees!!!

December 29-30
Melanie - Kris Kringle 5 Mile Run on Sunday

January 1
Laura Y - New Year’s Day 5k

Is anyone else racing?

P.S. Chris has inquired about the 2019 mentor groups. As a result, Alice is looking into that now. We'll continue on here until further notice. Our main concern was that we'd be archived before we had a plan. We have a plan though so all is well!

Ill sleep better knowing there is a PLAN

Another plan we are working on is an early year challenge, something to keep us all on track. I'm not sure which direction to go, weight(loss), training consistency, eating, etc. Any input from the group would be appreciated, so let us know if you have anything in particular and we'll see if we can come up with a way to measure, or simply track, improvements across the board. I will give full disclosure here, this may be a selfish thing 

I'm glad there is a manatee plan and would fully endorse and participate in any early year challenges.  My involvement is also selfish - battle of the bulge.  What was the plan of a previous manatee, GoJo?  Wasn't it simply to move every day whether it be walk, S/B/R, weights, some sort of activity other than being parked on the couch?  Something in that vein might be good in general but I'd personally like to see some sort of weightloss/eating aspect added to it or as a separate challenge.  IDK quite how to implement.

OK, I dug around and found one of our original challenges. The 2012 version was this

JoGo's Exercise Challenge!

What's the scoop?  I need details!  As I understand it, we are going to exercise at least 30 minutes per day in December.  (Yes, that is every day starting now if you have not already started.)

Are we creating goals in our training blogs?  Or are we doing some sort of checking or spreadsheet to hound each other?  Can we force Allen and Kirk to participate?  Does our challenge have an official name?

I think that this time around we would just do a shared Google spreadsheet that we can update ourselves? Does that sound right? Or do you want a Challenge Master to update the sheet and motivate/remind (hassle? publicly shame?) people? 

Being the somewhat lazy sort, I am voting for a google spreadsheet that is updated weekly by each participant. I can build out something that calculates totals and percentages and such, based on each person's needs. I'm trying to keep in mind each of our different needs, so it may take a few shots to get it right. My guess is this will be something of a "Name your Challenge" where we can keep tabs on/support/hassle/motivate one another even though we each have different goals. 

A thought came to mind at 5:00 this morning. When do we want to start? My thought is in the middle of January, which gives us time to get some new members in the new thread and for each of us to solidify our challenge goals. 

POL Post
Hello, Manatees! I've been following everyone's posts via e-mail updates but this is my first login to the website in a long time. Haven't had anything to add to the discussions as I've not been racing or even training for a race since the Spring, but I've been very interested to keep up with all of your accomplishments. I like the idea of a Manatee challenge to kick off 2019. I've been doing maintenance workouts pretty regularly but need some motivation to take it to the next level. Count me in!
2018-12-31 11:20 AM
in reply to: kbhanson3

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition Now CLOSED
Happy Holidays!
Happy New Year!
Janyne Happy (belated) birthday!!

re: weight loss challenge - I'll be fine as soon as people stop putting the damn holiday cookies in front of my face! LOL

Nancy just don't let that bike out of your sight. Read up on your policy and know what would be covered. If you ever have to put a claim in, THAT's what happened to it!

checking out of work early today - who am I kidding I've been checked out since I got here.

Stay safe tonight - check you in 2019!
2018-12-31 4:15 PM
in reply to: glfprncs

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition Now CLOSED


This thread will be archived shortly.

Please plan to join us in the 2019 thread. Here's your special advanced notice and super secret link to the new thread:

2018-12-31 6:06 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Manatees - 2018 Edition Now CLOSED

Thanks Janyne, I'm currently stuck at work, so I'll try to get something put together later this week.

Side Note, the new thread probably won't have an email subscription piece yet.  Just something to keep in mind.

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