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2007-04-18 9:35 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
Why not just get some longer sleeves?

2007-04-18 9:42 AM
in reply to: #766223

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Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
Not to get off-track Renee...oh what the hell...

You are saying that a Timex Ironman watch conveys health and fitness.

But anyone can buy my watch. You can be a couch potato and purchase one. It is an Ironman Watch and I am not a an ironman (yet?). I am not trying to convey an image when I wear it. I just want to know the damn time and have a light leather band watch that I can wear playing golf.

Nobody has ever said anything about my watch until my dad (ah, that is what parents are for) took me to task for having such a cheap watch.

Of course, I started arguing with him (that is what kids are for).

That would be classic if I started wearing my Garmin 305. I might as well wear a clock. I can tell people I am tracking my resting heart rate.

2007-04-18 9:49 AM
in reply to: #766240

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Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
I wore a Timex was I was smoking and drinking in college.  I wore it because it was waterproof, and I tended bar.
2007-04-18 9:49 AM
in reply to: #766240

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Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

GolfMark - 2007-04-18 10:42 AM Not to get off-track Renee...oh what the hell... You are saying that a Timex Ironman watch conveys health and fitness. But anyone can buy my watch. You can be a couch potato and purchase one. It is an Ironman Watch and I am not a an ironman (yet?). I am not trying to convey an image when I wear it. I just want to know the damn time and have a light leather band watch that I can wear playing golf. Nobody has ever said anything about my watch until my dad (ah, that is what parents are for) took me to task for having such a cheap watch. Of course, I started arguing with him (that is what kids are for). That would be classic if I started wearing my Garmin 305. I might as well wear a clock. I can tell people I am tracking my resting heart rate. Cheers

We get clues about people's interests and lifestyle based upon their appearance all the time. 

Yes, the Timex conveys an interest in health and fitness. That means you talk the talk. People will look for signs that you also walk the walk - that is what gives credibility to the image. If I saw a morbidly obese person wearing a Garmin and eating a 3lb banana split, I would assume that person just likes gadgets - or maybe it's an image of where he would eventually like to be. On the other hand, if I saw a fit looking man wearing a Garmin I would assume he is active and maybe even a triathlete. I might look for signs to validate my assumption. I once saw a guy in Sports Authority with shaved legs - first thought was "is he a triathlete or a cyclist?"

BTW, Welshy made a good point about your father's POV. Different generation - the generation that handed out a WATCH after a man retired from the company where he spent much of his adult life.

When I get interview feedback from clients, it is rarely about the dress (unless it's slovenly) and not once about the watch - although dirty or worn shoes can really send a bad message . Instead, the feedback is almost always personality and behavior oriented.  Did the candidate exude confidence? Eye contact? Friendly?

If you want to put your money into something, put it into your shoes. They don't have to be expensive - just clean and never worn looking. Shoes are important to image.

Edited by Renee 2007-04-18 9:55 AM
2007-04-18 10:10 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
If you wear a suit, an analog dress watch is the more expected accesory. A Timex Ironman just doesn't fly in that scenario. Doesn't need to be a Rolex. Just something dressy.
2007-04-18 11:16 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
Some words of wisdom from Thoreau:

Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes

2007-04-18 11:16 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

Take your cues from the Flav-meister:




flavaflav.png (95KB - 5 downloads)
2007-04-18 11:33 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Louisville, KY
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

I'm somewhat on the fence with these type issues. On one hand I would never spend the money on a Rolex, but on the other hand it is only big deal to wear a "dress" watch if you make it a big deal. I wear a $30 Timex "dress" watch to work that I bought at Target. Sure it looks nicer than my Polar, but at the end of the day it is still a cheap watch from Target that cost a fraction of my Polar. The only time anybody ever commented on my watch was when I guy I know, sitting next to me at a wedding, said I had a nice looking watch. I personally don't think he cared one way or another about MY watch, he just wanted an excuse to show me HIS Rolex.

I guess ultimately what I am trying to say is don't get too caught up having the "right" image and don't get too caught up in trying to buck the "right" image. As a lot of the others have said, just be yourself.

2007-04-18 11:34 AM
in reply to: #766257

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Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
Didn't you see the Shawshank Redemption?

RED (V.O.)
The guard simply didn't notice.
Neither did I. I mean, seriously,
how often do you really look at a
man's shoes?
2007-04-18 12:02 PM
in reply to: #765720

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Cheney, WA
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
Do you want to work with the type of people that only care about the watch you wear and the car you drive instead of the work you do? But on the other hand, I don't think anyone here at BT is going to pay your bills if you career went down the tube for showing up in jeans and a t-shirt.

Do what works for you in the present. You might decide later that it doesn't work for you and at that point, make another change.

I personally won't think of you less if you buy a Rolex to bolster your income. BUT, if you sell your triathlon bike in order to get the Rolex, I will have to recommend that you be banned from BT.

But if you want to get the Rolex, I can forward you some of my junk emails for "Replica Rolex's" and you can same some coin for your next bike upgrade.

Edited by ironman2010 2007-04-18 12:03 PM
2007-04-18 1:17 PM
in reply to: #765720

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Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

Mark, what exactly was your dad's point and context?  Generic "professionals need good watches," or fatherly "I don't want my kid to look like a slob," or practical/targeted "maybe one reason you aren't getting the pay you deserve is that people aren't taking you seriously," or something else entirely?  If #1 or #3, figure out if it's true in YOUR workplace (didn't you recently get a new job?).  If #2, figure out whether you care what your dad thinks you should be wearing (admittedly some of us over 12 do still consult our parents about things like that). 



2007-04-18 3:22 PM
in reply to: #765934

Elite Veteran
Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
hangloose - 2007-04-18 6:53 AM

Many jobs require some type of uniform.  For some it is clothing, a hat, a mechanic's shirt with a name on it, an apron, a chef's hat.  For others it is a suit and a nice looking watch.  If you're going to need this stuff to do your job properly - and you want to do your job properly - then you should have it.  OTOH if you can do your job without this stuff then it is not part of the uniform.  Only you can make that decision.

If you go to Disney and the guy who is Mickey Mouse that day decides he can do his job without wearing the proper uniform he's going to have a tough time keeping his job.

Oh my.  I was in the exact opposite camp on this because  "image" and "status" are things I care nothing whatsoever about and my first thought is to say "Screw that - be yourself".  But I have to say, this statement just hit me instantly as making so much sense.  Wow - I actually agree with this.  I'm so pleased to know you just changed my mind.  Very nice.

2007-04-18 3:27 PM
in reply to: #765720

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
Mark - sounds like we are in the same industry (i work in finance in NYC where everyone makes a lot of money and everyone has a nice watch).  I invested in my watch as something nice for me for my hard work and as something to pass down to my children.  Your father is right.  You wouldnt wear a nice suit with un-shined shoes.  As far as image (looks) I firmly belive that good shined shoes tell the most about someone.
2007-04-18 6:28 PM
in reply to: #765961

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Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
tmwelshy - 2007-04-18 6:20 AM

Don't wear a watch at work at all = Timex or Rolex, is either necessary in a profcessional environment? I used to be really into watches, but now don't wear one at all unless I'm training or in a place with no access to time. In my office I can look anywhere for the time. Besides, Rolex is pretty unimaginative. If you do go fancy, try a Cartier Pasha or a Breitling.

I think your dad may be looking at it from a different generational perspective.

I always thought Movado was a nice compromise...


2007-04-18 6:53 PM
in reply to: #765720

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Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

I posted a pic in the "dress up" thread of my "firm" picture, that's on the website.... and Dave /auto asked "hey, isn't that a Timex ironman watch??"  yup   guilty.

I am in a very image and status conscious profession.  We have valet downstairs, and when I go get my car, I have to weave between the Bentleys, Mercedes', Beemers, Land Rovers to get to my Pathfinder.  And I wear jeans to work

2007-04-18 8:47 PM
in reply to: #765720

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Bay Area, CA
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

As always, you can be who you want to be.  Honestly - aren't we all trying to be who we want to be?  At any given point?

That said - you've got a career or a work place as well.  And, whether you like it or not, what you wear DOES send messages about you (true or not.)

If you don't give a flip - wear what you want.  Wear a tank top and shorts if that's what floats your boat.  BUT if you're in a profession where suits are the norm and expected, then this is a quick way to career suicide or, at the very least, making it much more difficult to move ahead.

Most careers (professions) that I have been in have at least some rules (written or unwritten) as to what is acceptable and seen as professional.  This does NOT mean that you have to become a clone, having a BMW or a rolex cause joe schmoe does, but it DOES mean you should be aware of how you are viewed.  If a simple change such as wearing a different watch will send a more positive message - then buy the watch. 

If you want to get to the top - look at what the top people are wearing/doing.  Maybe you choose to follow, maybe not - maybe you choose to move on to something else because the career doesn't work for you. 

This thread reminds me of a guy who worked with me quite some time ago.  Good guy.  Really smart.  Casual dress company which he interpreted as old worn out T shirt, ratty sweat pant type shorts, tennis shoes, socks.  Head guy of the company - Polo shirt, khakis, decent work type shoes.  First guy?  yeah, he could do the job - but ended up being relegated to support, never in front of the customer, and eventually quit cause he wasn't getting anywhere.  He just didn't have the "image" the company wanted to present.  He usually looked like someone who just finished working out at the gym.  I talked to him about his attire once or twice (in a friendly way - we were peers) his idea was that what he wore shouldn't matter.  Which in an ideal world would be true.  Unfortuately, that's not where we live.

It's not that you have to compromise your ethics (although if you feel this way it's probably not the correct career path) but that first impressions and how you present yourself DO matter. 

2007-04-18 9:10 PM
in reply to: #765720

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Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
Is image everything? Yes, when substance means nothing.

Take that extra money and invest in yourself through education if your field requires it. Finance? I know nothing about that. I guess your business likes making money. Bring in more than the next guy or gal, and if you can't, find other things that will set you apart. Fancy watches? I laugh when I see them. Nobody's going to mug me and take my Armitron. (no offense to Armitron )
2007-04-18 10:57 PM
in reply to: #766139

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the colony texas
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

well considering many people confuse their possessions, career, with their identies I can easily understand why it was mentioned.. throw in a generation gap to boot..

Mark Cuban had a great post on his blog. ?blogmaverick?? about this topic..

I say go with what you want to do, if the person judges you by you watch,, do you really care if he dislikes it. Without posting the resume here in a lame attempt to stroke my ego, build credibilty & seem important I dont believe it's not unprofessional.

Plus when you see others which a more athletic watch you usually will have something to talk about.

2007-04-19 12:19 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Extreme Veteran
Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

It depends on what you do for a living.  If your work involves clients and their money--and perhaps a lot of their money--your entire presentation, from the top of your neatly combed hair to the bottom of your brilliantly shined shoes, is designed to put your CLIENT at ease.   In that case, it's not about YOU!  Would I, as your potential client, want you working for me, representing me, and in all likelihood interacting with my social circle in some capacity or another, if you can't dress yourself appropriately?  Not bloody likely.

As Autumn and hangloose pointed out, every job has an acceptable and appropriate uniform.  If yours requires a certain level of dress and decorum, and you're resistant to comply, what you are really saying is "I'd really rather not have this job."  You'd be better off in an environment where you can wear your watch of choice without catching grief, because I can just about guarantee that in your current environment, your clients and potential clients are drawing the conclusion that you'd rather not be working here.  How much should I trust someone with my money who doesn't even want his job in the first place?  How much is he going to care about ME, when he obviously doesn't care about the details in his own life?  Or maybe he just doesn't get it.

Harsh?  Yes, but the truth of the matter usually is.

Edited by rjba2000 2007-04-19 12:23 AM
2007-04-19 8:45 AM
in reply to: #766768

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Sherman Oaks, CA
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
gailg - 2007-04-18 11:17 AM

Mark, what exactly was your dad's point and context?  Generic "professionals need good watches," or fatherly "I don't want my kid to look like a slob," or practical/targeted "maybe one reason you aren't getting the pay you deserve is that people aren't taking you seriously," or something else entirely?  If #1 or #3, figure out if it's true in YOUR workplace (didn't you recently get a new job?).  If #2, figure out whether you care what your dad thinks you should be wearing (admittedly some of us over 12 do still consult our parents about things like that). 



My dad's point was that people with nice jobs wear nice watches. And that other people will look at my watch and decide to do business with me or not.

Parents will always remain parents and kids will be kids no matter what the age.
2007-04-19 9:23 PM
in reply to: #765720

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Extreme Veteran
Somewhere in your dreams
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?
GolfMark - 2007-04-17 7:29 PM

I have a Timex Triathlon watch. It cost $80. My dad said that I needed to wear a more professional watch. I told him no way. I love this watch. He said that high-level people I deal with will look at my watch and they want to deal with other people that have nice watches and stuff.

I also drive a 5-year old truck with a bike rack. Most of the people I work with drive fancy sports cars.

I really don't care. Expensive watches and cars do absolutely nothing for me. I want my watch to tell time and have a stopwatch and I want an SUV with a bike rack to get me from Point A to Point B.

Should I play the game and get a stupid Rolex so someone will think I am special? Why not just buy a replica watch?


Let me start by saying I did not read the entire thread before I decided to give my two cents!

I say be you! Here is a flip for you...I had to go buy my first car in seven years becuase my new company gave me a car allowance instead of a company car. I have never aspired to drive a "fancy" car but I needed to buy a used car with a good warranty that I could drive close to 30k miles per year. I ended up getting a "fancy" car because of the 100k pre-owned warranty and I get judged by it all the time from customers, strangers, and even a few distant relatives. Here is my deal...what they don't know is that I was able to get the car for 6k below the KKB value and that it cost less than a brand new Jetta or Toyota or many other cars on the market or other pre-owned cars on the market. But to be honest, I don't think I should have to justify the reason for the car to others. Judgement can go both ways and either way I think it is wrong and don't agree with it....so I say just be you and be happy!!! And tell the others to bite you!!! And if it makes you feel any better I still wear jeans that I bought three years ago...i don't believe in trying to keep up with the Jones'!!

Edited by Gina76 2007-04-19 9:27 PM

2007-04-19 9:33 PM
in reply to: #765720

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Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

Ugh - I had a catch up with my boss yesterday and one of the comments was about how Ive improved my presentation recently and how it was very important that I needed to be more image conscious.

Newsflash I managed to get the money together for a haircut and a makeup lesson but I did it for me not the job.

The thing that really irritated me is its long been acknowledged that Im very good at my job inside the company BUT they dont see that as important because i dont wear a suit. Im not client facing, I work in an industry where a lot of people wear jeans every day and I always make sure im clean or tidy.

Ive been stewing on it for 24 hours... and Im not any closer to an answer to be honest, other than it has really annoyed me!

2007-04-20 9:35 AM
in reply to: #765720

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Rocky Hill, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Is Image Everything?

Be true to yourself, everyone else can go **** themselves.   I personally wear my 4 year old Timex all the time, whether I am in a suit or jeans and tee.  If someone does not want to do business w/ you because of the watch you are wearing, I don't know that I would want to do business with them either.  Plus, if you notice someone looking at your watch it can make a nice conversation piece about how you do triathlons, etc., etc., etc.

Just my .02 worth.


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