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2007-12-10 8:37 AM

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Stairway to Seven
Subject: It's here, it's here!!!
The new forum, I'm first, I'm first!

So, I just started lifting again after a 6+ month hiatus. Why? Well, for a change of routine from bike, bike, bike, bike, bike, swim, bike, bike, bike.

I started with one circuit of 20 reps, bench press, step ups, lat pull down, squats, seated row and hamstring curls, plus some core stuff.

It FELT really great, and 2 days later, I'm looking forward to doing it again.

What's everyone else doing?

2007-12-10 9:01 AM
in reply to: #1092136

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New York, NY
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!

too cool. a new forum!


So after a summer of heavy lifting and into the fall (periodization....) I am now in a 4 week cycle of  rotational strength and efficiency.

Trainer has me doing some stuff with eyes closed which has my whole body freaked. I was a ballerina growing up and am used to spotting - pick a point and focus - and I am so visually dependent that this is bringing out all sorts of issues - I already can see how it helps swimming as even though I have a strong core, rotating WHEN you want and how much you want is difficult....



2007-12-10 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1092136

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Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!

Maybe there will be a little more peace

I started strength training again after surgery and love how it makes my body feel. No matter what others think being a women over 40 I think it is good for me long term even if it doesn't help at all at tris. I does help me in injury recovery and hopefully a bit in injury prevention.


2007-12-10 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1092136

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Urbandale, IA
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!
I strength train twice a day with a full routine and after each workout I do a little high rep low weight work on a certain part of my legs. I had a double transplant in October of '06 and the illness cost me a great deal of strength to all of my body, but especially my legs. Most of my strength workouts are focused on core and leg work, although I do some back and shoulders as well. For the most part it is all high rep, low weight stuff (mostly because I would crumple under a heavy weight at this point) but I have gone from not being able to walk up a flight of stairs without help to being able to jog (I wouldn't say run at this point yet). We are talking 12 to 13 minute miles. I asked a superb runner that goes to the high school where my wife coaches volleyball (she won 2nd in the midwest regionals in cross country as a Sophomore this year, google Katie Flood if you want to be really impressed) what I could do and she said "Dude, your legs aren't strong enough. You actually have to pick them up off of the ground to be able to run fast." She has been super supportive whenever I see her and asks me how things are going. Awesome kid.
Anyway - that is what I am doing, could probably use more direction and focus on leg strength for running. Especially that part of your quads that is just above the knee. Extremely weak there.

Edited by jdwright56 2007-12-10 10:16 AM
2007-12-10 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1092136

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Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!

AdventureBear - 2007-12-10 7:37 AM What's everyone else doing?

Few ME efforts per week and lots of high intensity circuits.


P.S. Hooray for new forums.

2007-12-10 10:45 AM
in reply to: #1092136

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Extreme Veteran
Tucson, AZ
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!
Picked up Crossfit training as my challenge during the offseason.

Time/financial/family constraints will be major factors in early 2008, so tri specific training will be limited to sprint and maybe oly distance racing, so I was looking for something challenging and new that wouldn't take a considerable amount of time or money.

I look forward to discussing WOD's further, now that we have a forum.

2007-12-10 11:11 AM
in reply to: #1092424

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Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!

oldpueblotriguy - 2007-12-10 9:45 AM Picked up Crossfit training as my challenge during the offseason.

Amen to that. 

I'm going to be spending 7-8 months at Ft. Huachuca next year, when I'm up in Tucson for the day we should get together and do Fran... and Dianne... and maybe Christine.


2007-12-10 11:30 AM
in reply to: #1092136

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!
Whoo-hoo! My new home... I'm another CrossFitter (and actually, not so much of a triathlete anymore). I'm out with a back injury right now from a horrible laying on the couch accident (I'm not kidding. I throw around heavy things all the time, but I hurt my back whilst napping on the couch). But, hopefully I'll be back at it and posting new PRs soon!
2007-12-10 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1092529

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Eat Cheese or Die
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!
Right now I am doing mostly shoulder rehab work. I was in a really bad skiing accident in february and lost a ton of strength overall. I was doing simplefit work, and working my way into some of the easier crossfit stuff when I hurt my other shoulder so I am back to doing rehab.

Right now I am doing two circuits of 10 reps 3-4x a week

Leg curls
Leg extensions
seated row
lat pull down
lat extension
and one other forward press style exercise (cant remember what it's called)

And then working on ROM stuff.

I have to say, I am feeling better after only a week of getting back at it. Can't wait to get back to some pull ups and push ups.

A long term goal of mine is to do at least one muscle up.
2007-12-10 1:08 PM
in reply to: #1092588

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West Jordan, UT
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!

graceful_dave - 2007-12-10 10:56 AM A long term goal of mine is to do at least one muscle up.

had to look that one up.  For those like me that haven't heard of it,  A muscle up is a chin up to dip.  Basically a pull up where you start hanging from the bar and end up with the bar at your waist.   Looks freaking hard.

2007-12-10 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1092762

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Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!
tkbslc - 2007-12-10 12:08 PM

graceful_dave - 2007-12-10 10:56 AM A long term goal of mine is to do at least one muscle up.

had to look that one up.  For those like me that haven't heard of it,  A muscle up is a chin up to dip.  Basically a pull up where you start hanging from the bar and end up with the bar at your waist.   Looks freaking hard.

Been thinking about this one... how in the world do you manipulate the wrist?

My training lately has been lots of agility and prep for ski season... 1st day on the Mtn Wednesday!!! Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!!!!!!!

2007-12-10 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1092136

Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!

Lately I've been doing something different every time I hit the weights, and I'll be the first to tell you that's not the best way to train. However, it'll usually involve some form of kettlebell presses and/or snatches, and pull ups.

Here's a really good and simple Crossfit workout I saw the other day. It wasn't on the main site but came from one of the affiliates.

One-arm dumbbell snatches with a 45 lb. dumbbell followed by pull ups. Rep scheme is 21-15-9.

2007-12-10 1:46 PM
in reply to: #1092136

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Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!

I've done weight training off and on for years, although it's been in 'off' mode the past year and 1/2.   I've recently dusted off the dumbbells and the bowflex so I'm ready to get back into it. 

I've been doing core training a few times a week,  a lot of stuff with the fitball.

As an older female athlete I know that strength training will help me with weight loss and injury prevention.  I just need to find the time to fit everything into my day.  It's hard with swim/bike/run, stretching, core and to add more strength training is hard (to find the time/place in the schedule to fit it in).

2007-12-10 2:04 PM
in reply to: #1092784

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Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!
geauxtri - 2007-12-10 12:18 PM
tkbslc - 2007-12-10 12:08 PM

graceful_dave - 2007-12-10 10:56 AM A long term goal of mine is to do at least one muscle up.

had to look that one up.  For those like me that haven't heard of it,  A muscle up is a chin up to dip.  Basically a pull up where you start hanging from the bar and end up with the bar at your waist.   Looks freaking hard.

Been thinking about this one... how in the world do you manipulate the wrist?

My training lately has been lots of agility and prep for ski season... 1st day on the Mtn Wednesday!!! Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!!!!!!!!

Easiest way is to start with what's called a false grip.  You choke up so that your hand is all the way over the bar and your weight is supported at the base of your palm.  Or you could pull up with such force that you are temporarily unweighted at the top of your pull up and you use that momentum to shift your grip then... but that's slightly more difficult.


2007-12-10 3:08 PM
in reply to: #1092136

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!
I'm starting with a personal trainer tomorrow. I'd like to give some "tri" specific thoughts to her. Any suggestions?

Shoulders, hip=flexors, those things? I'm wanting to build strength to help prevent injury. Overweight, newbie.
2007-12-10 3:46 PM
in reply to: #1092136

No excuses!
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!

I have been back lifting again for a couple of months. I was really diligent from Nov.-May last year but when summer hit those trips to the Y ceased. Now that I am back at it I am starting to get some of the strength back that I lost.

Amazing what a few months off from lifting will do Frown

2007-12-10 4:05 PM
in reply to: #1093082

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Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!

MrsUSMC - 2007-12-10 4:08 PM I'm starting with a personal trainer tomorrow. I'd like to give some "tri" specific thoughts to her. Any suggestions? Shoulders, hip=flexors, those things? I'm wanting to build strength to help prevent injury. Overweight, newbie.

Don't use machines..if you do stuff while standing you are engaging your core as well. Having a trainer teach you proper technique is a great way to get going.

Lunges, squats, step ups are all great for leg strength...push ups are nice upper body workout, roman dead lift is great for hamstrings, polymetrics help too. 

2007-12-10 4:36 PM
in reply to: #1093082

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Helena, MT
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!

MrsUSMC - 2007-12-10 1:08 PM I'm starting with a personal trainer tomorrow. I'd like to give some "tri" specific thoughts to her. Any suggestions? Shoulders, hip=flexors, those things? I'm wanting to build strength to help prevent injury. Overweight, newbie.

I agree with Kathy, do mostly standing exercises with free weights for the best workout. If all you do is bodyweight squats, pushups, pullups, lunges and dips, you've gotten a great workout without even touching a weight. Add handstand pushups for your shoulders (just put your knees on a bench or something and do pushups upside down for starters).

If you're anything like me, you'll be amazed how much a little strength can help you. 

2007-12-10 5:06 PM
in reply to: #1092762

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Eat Cheese or Die
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!
tkbslc - 2007-12-10 1:08 PM

graceful_dave - 2007-12-10 10:56 AM A long term goal of mine is to do at least one muscle up.

had to look that one up. For those like me that haven't heard of it, A muscle up is a chin up to dip. Basically a pull up where you start hanging from the bar and end up with the bar at your waist. Looks freaking hard.

the version I want to do is on rings
2007-12-10 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1093355

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2007-12-10 8:37 PM
in reply to: #1092136

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!
One day a week I hit the fixed machines and free weights, total body.  2 other days I do all body weight compound movements. 100 push ups, 10 chin ups, 100 lunges/squats, and some sort of ab exercise(s). I run too (25 miles per week), but I can't swim Then, off and on throughout the day I mess around with some functional stuff. (bands, tubes, bosu ball, wabble board...)

2007-12-10 9:18 PM
in reply to: #1092136

Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!
Wow, thanks so much for your suggestions! I'm taking note and will talk to my PT tomorrow about these. Lunges and squats....I can feel the pain in my azz already! LOL
2007-12-11 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1092136

Southern Wisconsin
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!

Right now, I'm doing the In-Season version of WS4SB.

2007-12-11 10:05 AM
in reply to: #1092136

West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!
im lifting about every fourth day, total are the exercises (all machines, for now)...chest press, leg press, seated row, shoulder press, back extentions, seated dips and bicep curls.  one workout i will do 3 sets of 10 reps, next one i do 3 sets of 4-5 reps and the third i do 2 sets of 15-20 reps.......then repeat............working pretty good for me actually!! (i also do abwork every workout, before and after......7 different "twisting crunches", 50 reps each)
2007-12-13 12:32 PM
in reply to: #1092136

McFarland, WI
Subject: RE: It's here, it's here!!!

Yipeeeee!  A forum where I can go to talk about lifting weights without feeling bad about it!

Thanks so much for adding it.  Great to see so many ladies in the forum.

Weight training = balanced muscle groups = less injuries.  Yes, I am a believer.


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