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The Flat sheet issue - what say CoJ?
No flat sheet
Flat sheets tucked in the bottom nice and tight
Flat sheet untucked or just loosely tucked
Do you own thing at your house, but use the top sheet if you encounter one
This is a multiple choice poll.

2014-07-11 11:26 PM

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Subject: The Flat sheet issue - what say CoJ?

This seems to be a big divide.   What say CoJ?


i am a top sheet using American.   

2014-07-12 9:30 AM
in reply to: Guest

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: The Flat sheet issue - what say CoJ?

Never realized this was such a burning issue. I'll be monitoring this thread closely for unruly behavior so keep the discussion civil.

2014-07-12 9:31 AM
in reply to: Guest

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Subject: RE: The Flat sheet issue - what say CoJ?
Originally posted by bootygirl

This seems to be a big divide.   What say CoJ?


i am a top sheet using American.   

I have no clue what this even means.
Let me ask Mrs. CD what this is all about...

Okay, I am DEFINITELY in the untucked (not just loose) end of things...I believe George Costanza was the same way on Seinfeld too.

I will also add I am vehemently anti-bedmaking. Making a bed is analagous to taking a towel and drying off the faucet nozzle after you turn it off. It's just a waste of time imo. ...and don't even get me started on decorative pillows!

2014-07-12 6:17 PM
in reply to: ChineseDemocracy

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Flat sheet issue - what say CoJ?

I recently stayed in a (brand new) hotel that did not have top/flat sheets on the beds. It REALLY disturbed a few of my co-workers because of the common knowledge that hotel chains do not launder bedspreads/duvets regularly - the perception is only a few times a year but you'd have to ask someone in the industry. They requested top sheets and made a mild stink over it. They did find out that for hotels that do not put top sheets on as a standard practice are required to launder the bedspreads at a much higher rate. Something like once a week but don't quote me on that. 

At home I have never gone without. It comes with the sheet set and makes a nice light cover in the summertime. I tuck the foot-end in, but it always sees to work it's way out after a few days. 

2014-07-13 8:14 PM
in reply to: Guest

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Subject: RE: The Flat sheet issue - what say CoJ?
I don't recall ever encountering a bed without a top sheet. I tuck the top sheet at the foot every time I make the bed. I expect the same wherever I go. So far, I have not experienced the great divide. Society, as we know it, is crumbling. Anything is possible. I shall hold fast to the top sheet tightly tucked tradition.TW
2014-07-14 8:48 AM
in reply to: tech_geezer

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: The Flat sheet issue - what say CoJ?
The top sheet seems like a complete waste of effort to me. I'm surprised people still use them outside of hotels.

2014-07-14 9:04 AM
in reply to: jmcconne

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Subject: RE: The Flat sheet issue - what say CoJ?

Originally posted by jmcconne The top sheet seems like a complete waste of effort to me. I'm surprised people still use them outside of hotels.

Same.  I grew up with them, and as soon as I left home I only slept with a comforter, no flat sheet.  My chicldren have never known a flat sheet.......I agree with those who think it's part of the complete moral breakdown of our society, and my mother would be appalled......I just don't care.

2014-07-14 2:04 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Pittsburgh, PA
Subject: RE: The Flat sheet issue - what say CoJ?
I absolutely use them! I assumed at hotels that don't use one they wash the duvet cover as often as they wash the fitted sheet (after each guest leaves, at least)- they always seem to be white cotton duvet covers. I hope that's true.
I lived in Taiwan for a while and it was impossible to find a flat sheet there. I wound up having my parents send one- I guess it's using one from an early age but I'm a lot more comfortable with one. It's nice to just use that on hot nights and seems to keep the comforter cleaner.
I have a student from Japan who bought sheet sets here and had no idea what the flat sheet was for. She thought maybe it was a spare in case you lost the fitted sheet.
Is this an east/ west thing or a US vs the rest of the world?
2014-07-14 3:47 PM
in reply to: chayes

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Sin City
Subject: RE: The Flat sheet issue - what say CoJ?

All top sheet, all the time.

I can't STAND feeling a draft, so on hot nights, I need something to cover up that's not a cover, per say.

Oh, and since my feet are basically always off the end of anything but a cal king?  I can NOT have them tucked.

2014-07-14 4:09 PM
in reply to: chayes

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: The Flat sheet issue - what say CoJ?

Originally posted by chayes I absolutely use them! I assumed at hotels that don't use one they wash the duvet cover as often as they wash the fitted sheet (after each guest leaves, at least)- they always seem to be white cotton duvet covers. I hope that's true. I lived in Taiwan for a while and it was impossible to find a flat sheet there. I wound up having my parents send one- I guess it's using one from an early age but I'm a lot more comfortable with one. It's nice to just use that on hot nights and seems to keep the comforter cleaner. I have a student from Japan who bought sheet sets here and had no idea what the flat sheet was for. She thought maybe it was a spare in case you lost the fitted sheet. Is this an east/ west thing or a US vs the rest of the world?

Yep, it's definitely a cleanliness issue to me. Our bodies sweat, shed skins cells, etc while we're in bed. That's why we wash the sheets. EWWW on not using a top sheet.

2014-07-15 1:42 AM
in reply to: chayes

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: The Flat sheet issue - what say CoJ?
Not sure about the entire "East" but living in Vietnam, and China before that, it is almost impossible to find fitted sheets. They only come in flat. People either use a light blanket on top of a bamboo mat (on a bed in western-style houses, sometimes on the floor in the countryside), or they use the flat sheet as the bottom sheet (tucked in), then a light comforter with a duvet cover that (hopefully) gets washed frequently. The bamboo mat is actually very comfortable for warm nights without AC--I started using one in Hawaii ( where it's called a tatami); use it when I sleep without AC in Saigon "winter". Some hotels have top sheets, some have the duvet covers. I've stayed at some pretty basic places in my travels so I always bring a silk sleep sheet or very light sleeping bag liner in case the bedding doesn't look that clean.

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