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Fl ROC Trail @ Spruce Creek - Run

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New Smyrna Beach, Florida
United States
60F / 16C
Total Time = 2h 03m 40s
Overall Rank = 28/62
Age Group =
Age Group Rank = 1/9
Pre-race routine:

Walked Gunner and, since I was on water duty for Marathonfest,I had to put water out at a middle school by 4:30. Then I drove to Susan's house where I picked up both Susan and Krystal. Drove the hour to the course, picked up our packets and then hung in the car until 5 minutes before race start.
Event warmup:

  • 2h 03m 40s
  • 12.27 miles
  • 10m 05s  min/mile

Like most trail runs, this was not a big race, but like always it had a great atmosphere. It's amazing the different feel b/w trail races and road races! Plus trail race organization is really laid back. Of course, arguably race directors in road races have a lot more to deal with and have to be a bit more PITAs! But, whatever the reason, I really like the feel of trail races over road races, so I really should do more of them!

We finally had a break in our 90* weather with temps in the upper 50*s at the race start. Being the Florida wimps we are, although we loved the cooler temps, we were cold! So, after picking up our packets and hitting the porta potties we went back to the car to wait for the start. Since it was such a small race, we were parked about 30 feet from the start/finish line, so we didn't get out of the car until 5 minutes before the start. Awesome!!

Trail races are always harder than road races and as I've just gotten back up to HM distance, I knew I wasn't in the kind of shape I would like to be for this race, so my plan was to just run and enjoy the trail. Krystal's plan was to place in the top 3 OA women. Susan switched to the 5k since she's been really sick and hasn't been able to run more than 3 miles at a time in over 5 weeks. So, her plan was survival.

While waiting for the start we saw 2 other marathonfesters, one of whom I sometimes run with on Saturdays. I guess he decided that he likes running with me cuz we spent a lot of time together on the trail; unfortunately.

Race started and I immediately knew I was going to be fighting to keep this from being a personal worse trail run time. The course was tough! Beautiful, but tough. I really liked the course, but wish I was in better shape, so I could have enjoyed it more.

Krystal immediately left me in the dust and I found myself running alone. Well, except for Freeman who ran right behind me for the first almost 6 miles. I don't know why, but his presence really bugged me! Maybe it was because he runs with such a heavy footfall all I could hear was his pounding feet. Maybe it was because he was right on my ass and wouldn't pass me. In fact, at one point I pulled a little to the side -not too far b/c it was single track, and asked if he wanted to pass. He said "no" that I was doing a good pace, so he'd just sit behind me. I was annoyed by this for some reason and let my concentration lapse, so on a "downhill" I caught my toe on one of the million tree roots and took a header down the course. I landed heavily on my right side/back area and had the wind knocked out of me. And, since it was a down hill I kind of rolled down the hill a bit! I'm sure I looked as graceful as the bird they call the elephant :) I found out later that Freeman had his Go Pro on, but had somehow not turned it on, so I lucked out b/c had it been on my fall would have been posted on the MF Facebook page! Anyway, I wasn't really injured, although my ribs are sore. I was also lucky not to land on any roots - that would have been ugly! Freeman stopped to see if I was ok, I was. So, I got up and started running again and he got right in behind me again. Damn!

Because I was still a bit shaken up from the fall, my pace slowed a bit and Freeman finally went around me. Yay! Now I was alone on the trail and it was great! Then a woman passed me like I was standing still! Then not long after , a couple passed me - also like I was standing still. I started to feel like I must be running really, really slowly and would soon be passed by the rest of the field. Thankfully, that didn't happen. One more guy passed me about mile 10 and then that was pretty much it.
I caught up to and passed Freeman around the 8 mile mark as he was stopped at a water station. He caught up and passed me about a mile later. I then caught him within 1 mile to go (I thought it was 2 miles to go, but the course was short) and he never caught me again.
The last 2 miles were out of the bike trails and in a field. As I came within1.5 miles to go I saw Susan and Krystal on the course waiting to cheer for me. Damn it, Krystal really killed me if she had not only finished but had time to make it to that spot! I was happy for her, but it also pointed out how slowly I was running.
As I ran along this grass field my foot found a deep hole that was obscured by the grass and down I went. I was a bit concerned that I had screwed up my knee with this graceful fall as it did get twisted quite a bit, but i was able to run it out.
As I made my way toward the finish line it became apparent that the course was going to be short. I probably should be upset about it, but I was so happy to see the finish line!!

Crossed the finish line and was handed a big ass medal, a bottle of water and a pint glass. Sweet! Krystal and Susan greeted me and told me Krystal was 2 OA woman! Susan won her AG in the 5k! So, the pressure was on for me to place in my AG. Thankfully, I did as I didn't want to be the only one not to get a trophy :)

We hung around for the awards ceremony and by the time we left, I was SO sore I could barely move and my back was quite ouchy. All in all a successful race!!
What would you do differently?:

Be better trained
Post race
Warm down:


Event comments:

I really liked this race and we are considering doing the last race in the series. Of course, that is in a different location, so no telling what that course will be like!

Last updated: 2015-10-14 12:00 AM
02:03:40 | 12.27 miles | 10m 05s  min/mile
Age Group: 1/9
Overall: 28/62
Course: Beautiful mountain bike trail in New Smyrna Beach. Lots of ups and downs, over lots of roots, through sugar sand, twisting and turning and hard!
Keeping cool Drinking
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge
Events on-time?
Lots of volunteers?
Plenty of drinks?
Post race activities:
Race evaluation [1-5]

2015-11-16 8:49 AM

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Subject: Fl ROC Trail @ Spruce Creek

2015-11-16 10:03 AM
in reply to: #5152354

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Fl ROC Trail @ Spruce Creek

Congrats on your podium spot! (and congrats to Krystal and Susan too )

I agree with you about the trail race atmosphere. I love it. My race was about a half mile long so i guess we about average out

Glad you weren't hurt too badly and hope you're getting all healed up.

2015-11-16 10:50 AM
in reply to: #5152354

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Fl ROC Trail @ Spruce Creek

AG win with 2 falls and a dude who was hanging on your every step for half the course....You rock!

2015-11-16 1:45 PM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Subject: RE: Fl ROC Trail @ Spruce Creek

Hahaha awesome race! I reaaaaaaly wish that gopro footage was a thing.

The toe-tree root combo is the WORST!


Great job

2015-11-16 2:42 PM
in reply to: #5152354

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Subject: RE: Fl ROC Trail @ Spruce Creek

Awards all around, congrats!!  Surviving not just one but two falls?!  Badazz!  Glad you weren't more seriously hurt.  Nice work!

2015-11-16 3:32 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Subject: RE: Fl ROC Trail @ Spruce Creek

Hahahaha! You got to be "pace booty". 

Falling sucks. Falling twice sucks more. Glad everything stayed in place and your shoulder didn't take a hit.

Congrats on that podium!

2015-11-16 4:39 PM
in reply to: #5152354

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: Fl ROC Trail @ Spruce Creek
Great job getting through it with as little pain as you did. 2 crashes is a bit much.

Congrats on the podium!
2015-11-16 5:13 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: Fl ROC Trail @ Spruce Creek

Thanks all! Yea, falling twice was not fun, but my friend fell 3 x, so at least I'm not as klutzy as she is

2015-11-17 1:33 PM
in reply to: amd723

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Fl ROC Trail @ Spruce Creek
WOOT! Way to Rock the AG WIN!
2015-11-17 1:55 PM
in reply to: mtnbikerchk

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Raleigh, NC area
Subject: RE: Fl ROC Trail @ Spruce Creek

Congratulations on the podium!  

I hope that Freeman doesn't read your race report!  You even did a header in an effort to get him to pass and nada! Personally, I think that he was letting you do the heavy lifting/pace making.

Was the pint glass filled with anything?

2015-11-17 2:10 PM
in reply to: jmkizer

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Subject: RE: Fl ROC Trail @ Spruce Creek

Originally posted by jmkizer

Congratulations on the podium!  

I hope that Freeman doesn't read your race report!  You even did a header in an effort to get him to pass and nada! Personally, I think that he was letting you do the heavy lifting/pace making.

Was the pint glass filled with anything?

yeah, i think so too. But, his plan didn't work out too well for him

Nothing in the pint glass when handed out, but they did have post race beer available.  Of course, it was miller lite, so I don't think I can really call it beer and I easily turned that down!

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