Subject: RE: RIP Prince...I'm just a bit old to have been a part of the Prince era.....but there was no way not to be touched by his music in some way. Over time, I have become good friends with another parent of my kid's tri team, among others. Last year we were in Westchester, Ohio for the Jr. Elite Nationals and found ourselves in a wine/cigar bar way too late and way too drunk. There was a guy there with a keyboard and microphone singing some wine bar songs. My friend went up and talked to him for a bit and then sat down again. A few minutes later my bud heads up to the microphone and he and the keyboard player break into "Raspberry Beret" with my friend singing. I was broke up, as were all the rest of the drunks in the place at 2am. It was awesome! My buddy told me on the walk back to the hotel that he had been a Prince fan forever and that he had been to a dozen concerts with his wife all over the midwest. We sang Purple Rain while we walked and laughed. .....excellent night, owed to Prince. Thinking back on how controversial he was to some people, as far as I know there was no taint on sex scandals, marriage scandals, drug sandals....blah,blah,blah.....just an artist and his craft. Pretty cool. I sincerely hope his manner of death, whatever it turns out to be, doesn't bring any "scandal" for the righteous horde to latch on to. He doesn't deserve that.. RIP indeed. Edited by Left Brain 2016-04-23 12:20 AM