Who knew it was possible?!
Friday morning I was on my way to work and coming down a hill towards a lighted intersection. I had a green light and noticed it wasn't changing any time soon, so I thought 'sweet' I don't have to slow down or change gears, cruise on through!'. I'm coming through, and see a guy on a mtn bike starting to come out into the crosswalk- going the wrong way on the road
(left hand side
). He sees me, and I think 'okay, he's going to slow down, look, he's moving.... FRIck, he's moving FASTER' and I try to brake and slow down, but it all happened so fast...
He t-boned me. I went flying and my face scraped along the pavement. I wasn't knocked out, but rather sat up and between my crying, barked at a pedestrian to call 911, and yelled at the idiot who hit me that he wasn't allowed to go ANYWHERE and that I wanted 'ALL OF HIS INFORMATION'.
There were 3 witnesses that saw what happened, and they got the guys information before he sped off. The ambulance came and took me to the hospital where I got some stitches in my knee and gravel picked out of my face and hand.
Can you believe it?
After I was released from the hospital, I went to the police station
(cops didn't come to the crash
) and filled out a collision report. The cop off-handedly mentioned that the guy's name matched his address
(ie. he's already in the system
Now I'm trying to figure out what to do next. Sue? wait for charges to be laid? Will charges be laid?
I'm so sore. At least if I could get a new bike out of this ordeal it might make it partially worth my time...
faceandneck.jpg (3KB - 13 downloads)hand.jpg (3KB - 14 downloads)cheek.jpg (3KB - 15 downloads)