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2007-07-09 1:11 PM

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: Hit by a bike while biking
Who knew it was possible?!

Friday morning I was on my way to work and coming down a hill towards a lighted intersection. I had a green light and noticed it wasn't changing any time soon, so I thought 'sweet' I don't have to slow down or change gears, cruise on through!'. I'm coming through, and see a guy on a mtn bike starting to come out into the crosswalk- going the wrong way on the road (left hand side). He sees me, and I think 'okay, he's going to slow down, look, he's moving.... FRIck, he's moving FASTER' and I try to brake and slow down, but it all happened so fast...

He t-boned me. I went flying and my face scraped along the pavement. I wasn't knocked out, but rather sat up and between my crying, barked at a pedestrian to call 911, and yelled at the idiot who hit me that he wasn't allowed to go ANYWHERE and that I wanted 'ALL OF HIS INFORMATION'.

There were 3 witnesses that saw what happened, and they got the guys information before he sped off. The ambulance came and took me to the hospital where I got some stitches in my knee and gravel picked out of my face and hand.

Can you believe it?

After I was released from the hospital, I went to the police station (cops didn't come to the crash) and filled out a collision report. The cop off-handedly mentioned that the guy's name matched his address (ie. he's already in the system).

Now I'm trying to figure out what to do next. Sue? wait for charges to be laid? Will charges be laid?

I'm so sore. At least if I could get a new bike out of this ordeal it might make it partially worth my time...




faceandneck.jpg (3KB - 13 downloads)
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2007-07-09 1:17 PM
in reply to: #877583

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Subject: RE: Hit by a bike while biking
OUCH  OUCH   OUCH!!!!  Glad you are okay and in hitting/scraping your face, didn’t have any dental damage.
2007-07-09 1:19 PM
in reply to: #877583

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Subject: RE: Hit by a bike while biking

Maybe the cops can charge him with hit and run/leaving the scene of the accident. How's your bike? Any damage to it? I guess you could sue the guy, but if he's riding his bike for transportation, he probably doesn't have any insurance. So getting him to pay would no doubt be pretty difficult. You could get a judgment against him and have his wages garnisheed, maybe, but I'm not sure it would be worth the trouble, especially since your medical expenses would be limited to your deductible (I'm assuming you're insured).

Glad you're mostly OK.

2007-07-09 1:22 PM
in reply to: #877583

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Hit by a bike while biking
Yeah, good point about him using his bike to get around (by the same token, so was I) - my friend said that he probably had his license taken away, but that's not true, since we double checked it to verify the address/name he'd given me.

I don't think my bike has much damage, surprisingly. I am, however taking it to a LBS tonight to get them to go over it with a fine toothed comb. The seat split apart!

I have no idea how I fell and how I managed to muck up my left face/shoulder so bad, but there's no other big bruises on my left side. It's all a painful blurrrrrr.
2007-07-09 1:26 PM
in reply to: #877617

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Finally north of the Mason-Dixon Line
Subject: RE: Hit by a bike while biking
OUCH!  No advice on how to recoup expenses... Just glad you're ok and walked away from this accident.
2007-07-09 2:05 PM
in reply to: #877583

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Subject: RE: Hit by a bike while biking

that looks painful!

Glad you have no structural damage on you, and hopefully not on your bike.

2007-07-09 3:40 PM
in reply to: #877583

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The Green Between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh
Subject: RE: Hit by a bike while biking

I would:

Make sure a police report is filed. That way there is a legal record, AND he left the scene of an accident. A bike is a vehicle. That's a major no-no, no matter where you live.

Report it to your insurance carrier. They may/can/will help you recover damages.



2007-07-09 3:41 PM
in reply to: #877583

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, Minnesota
Subject: RE: Hit by a bike while biking
Ouch! Glad you didn't break any bones. Nasty.
2007-07-09 4:41 PM
in reply to: #877917

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Subject: RE: Hit by a bike while biking
Glad you are ok (relatively speaking)! I hope you heal fast!

As for the guy, he is an a-hole ! I hope you get damages from him.
2007-07-09 5:01 PM
in reply to: #877583

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Hit by a bike while biking
Contacted a lawyer and he suggests letting my insurance company know as well. I filled out a police collision report the afternoon of the accident, so that's done.

The lawyer also said to call the guy and tell him I'm making a claim and need to know his insurance company. I'm a little leery of doing this and would rather the police contact him and get things sorted rather than me doing it, but I'll have to see if the police light a big enough fire under this guy's butt to do something. Otherwise, it's to Small Claims Court I go!
2007-07-09 5:27 PM
in reply to: #877583

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Hit by a bike while biking
His homeowner's/renters insurance should cover it (assuming he has any). At least, it would in the state of Nebraska. And your face looks horribly painful. I'm glad you weren't hurt any worse though.

2007-07-09 5:31 PM
in reply to: #877583

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Hit by a bike while biking

You did well to contact a lawyer and making out a police report.  Do let your insurance company know about this incident as he suggests.  As for contacting this "guy", the police will certainly refuse to do so as it is clearly not their responsibility.  I am afraid that you will have to contact him to at least give him the opportunity to contact his own insurance company before you involve your lawyer.  You can always have a family member call him.  If he should give you excuses then have your lawyer contact him!

Also, even if you do not intend to sue for pain and bodily harm, do take into account the damages to your cycling outfit as well as your bike.  For instance, if your helmet hit the ground, you need a new one, no discussion.  Judging by the scrapes you sport, your jersey, shorts, cycling shoes and sunglasses will probably need to be replaced also. 

2007-07-10 7:23 AM
in reply to: #877583

Subject: RE: Hit by a bike while biking
Yikes! Sorry to hear about that.

Hope you heal quickly!
2007-07-10 4:52 PM
in reply to: #877583

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Hit by a bike while biking

Hi Erin,

Sorry to read about your accident.  Hope your injuries heal fast.  The guy is a jerk that he didn't hang around until the ambulance came.  At least he left you with his proper name and address and you have witnesses to the accident.

When talying up your costs (bike damage, helmet, clothing, shoes?) also remember to include ambulance charges as these aren't covered by Alberta Healthcare.

Hopefully the guy is good about covering your expenses.


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