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2004-05-01 3:03 PM

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Kingston Ontario
Subject: Why did the chicken cross the road?
To get away from the surprised triathlete!
No, this really isn't a bad joke. On my ride this morning a chicken suddenly appeared out of someone's yard and ran in front of me. Then it ran across the two lane highway. No cars were coming, so that was good. I chased it back into the yard, where another chicken was waiting. They were still OK when I was riding back. I also saw goats, cows and horses (not on the road). I guess I ride in farming country!!

That chicken still cracks me up! What strange wildlife have you encountered? The only other species I can think of seen on rides (besides dogs and cats) are turkey vultures and deer.
:-) Jen

2004-05-01 3:58 PM
in reply to: #22340

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Ottawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Nothing really strange, just the usual assortment of groundhogs, skunks, squirrels, chipmunks, snakes, deer, moose, horses, cows, rabbits, ducks, swans, herons, turtles (one big mother snapping turtle comes out to lay her eggs at the same spot each year and she is huge), and one surprised bear.
2004-05-01 8:51 PM
in reply to: #22340

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New Mexico
Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Came screaming over a hill one time to find a cow in the road.

Had a fox growl (or bark or something) at me while riding to work.

Was running through a meadow in upstate new york, stopped to check out what I THOUGHT was a turkey decoy, and it sprung up and flew about 200 ft. (never knew they could fly)

Was mtn biking in the nearby mountains, looked back over my shoulder and saw my dog trotting behind me with the leg bone of some unknown beastie.
2004-05-01 10:21 PM
in reply to: #22340

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Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?
I saw an owl once and more then ten deer on one run. I also found a turtle in Lake Michigan on a swim. It was a biggin. I had a few close calls with the deer and turkey in the area, both running and biking.
2004-05-02 6:54 AM
in reply to: #22340

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Broomfield, Colorado
Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Was running in the snow last winter and there was a coyote! Almost surreal.
2004-05-02 8:16 AM
in reply to: #22340

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Elite Veteran
northern Illinois
Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?
We got adopted by a very friendly farm dog on our bike ride yesterday. He ran with us for 10 miles at over 10 miles an hour. I was totally impressed. We started to get worried that he was too far from home and might get hit by a car, so we veered off from the regular ride to take him home. His people were out looking for him, and they found us about 1 mile into our irregular path. So we re-joined the ride once he was safe.

That's the extent of my animal experiences so far this year.

My least favorite last year was snakes in the bike path. There was also a mother bird protecting her nest right in the middle of the bike path last year. She was dive-bombing everyone who passed, so until the babies hatched, the DNR closed that section of the path.


2004-05-03 6:55 AM
in reply to: #22340

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Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?
hehe, i wish my dog was like that - he gets tired after a 1k walk...
I had to bunny-hop a red-belly-black-snake in a race once - scary stuff, he/*she didnt want to move out of the way. Im just glad it didnt decide to move out of the way into my spokes or onto my leg
2004-05-03 9:42 PM
in reply to: #22529

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2004-05-04 2:51 PM
in reply to: #22340

Elite Veteran
Smyrna, Georgia
Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?
I rode past a copperhead once. It was covering half of the trail. I had to turn around and go look at it some more because I think they're pretty neat. Well, they're cool when you're not too close. I marvel at how they look just like pine straw.

On a walk in my neighborhood once, I saw a wild turkey perched on someone's car, just gobbling and pooping its little turkey heart out. Very strange.
2004-05-04 4:22 PM
in reply to: #22340

Extreme Veteran
Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?
I've found that squirrels or rabbits are always fun to run into in an open field or anything.... b'c i always find myself chasing after them... but never seeming to get too close... some how my long-slow-distance runs turn into fartlek runs just by seeing some wildlife as i sprint after them hoping i can get in touch with my primal instincts and hunt down some food.. hahah

I probably look pretty rediculous shasing squirrels around an open field.. but whatever keeps me running!
2004-05-04 4:31 PM
in reply to: #22340

, Alabama
Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?

We usually get things like foxes, armadillos, possums, snakes, turkey buzzards (with road pizza present), turtles, even once there was an alligator in a nearby pond and another time a 4 ft. iguana ran across the street while I was running.


2004-05-04 5:52 PM
in reply to: #22340

Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?
I almost ran in to a vulture early one morning. It was dark and I guess the big bird didn't see or hear me coming; I surely didn't see him. He was busy eating some other animal's carcas. I missed him by about an inch.

Edited by David_Zen 2004-05-04 5:54 PM
2004-05-05 5:00 AM
in reply to: #22340

Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?
On my first race last weekend I was running through Woburn Country Park (large formal country house with wildlife park etc) and a herd of very large deer (size of large cattle plus antlers!) came hurtling across the path in front of me about 50m ahead. Not sure who was most surprised at that point, but they were gone by the time I reached where they crossed. Made a pleasant change to cars though.
2004-05-13 5:49 AM
in reply to: #22340

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?
I found the hedgehog one day...
2004-05-17 2:37 PM
in reply to: #22340

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Here, Cows and angry dogs, but I love to out run them! Everytime that I out run a dog I feel like I won the Tour de France!
2004-05-17 11:20 PM
in reply to: #22340

Frugal Gear Geek
having fun with the kids
Subject: RE: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Years ago on a bike ride I ran over a squirl. The most amazing thing I have seen like it. The darn thing darted back and forth 5 or six times as I tried to slow and avoid it. Wouldn't you know it I caught the tail and went right up his spine. Darn thing got up and took off. Lucky for him I did not weigh as much then as I do now.

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