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2008-08-19 4:24 PM

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Brookeville, MD
Subject: Torn spleen = broken heart
Hey all you BTer's......

  • ...maybe you can help cheer me up! I went -over-tea-kettle Sunday, flipping my pretty new Trek. Low velocity, but went over handle bars and managed to crack helmet, garnering a concussion and --get this---a lacerated spleen!

  • My first Tri is Sunday the 24th. I've been training since January. My whole summer has been centered around this "Irongirl" race--my whole lifestyle changed in anticipation of this race and 6 days out I tear my spleen. No exercise for 6 weeks.

    So thankful that it wasn't worse, but I figured you BTer's would understand my heartbreak at missing my very first tri.

    2008-08-19 4:31 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

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    Resident Curmudgeon
    The Road Back
    Gold member
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart

    Aaack! Sorry to hear that. Heal quickly, train over the winter and go get 'em next year.

    Also want to say I love your avatar. We've owned three pugs and they've all been little devils, especially the one black one we had. Is that your dog?

    2008-08-19 4:32 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

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    Carlsbad, California
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart

    I am sorry to hear about your injury

    The world of Endurance Sports is full of Ups and Downs and our ability to overcome some of the adversity that life throws at us really makes crossing the finish line all that much more satisfying.

    Hang in there and maybe see if you can find a race that falls on the calendar after your mandatory recovery period. (6 Weeks puts you about at the end of September and there are likely to still be quite a few late season races to be had)

    Oh, and don't worry about fitness loss during the 6 weeks. (You won't lose as much as you think you will) Still, you might chat with the doc and see what sort of activities you can do and at what point in your recovery.

    Take Care and keep us posted on your recovery

    2008-08-19 4:33 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

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    Melon Presser
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart

    Oh no! I am so sorry about your accident and I certainly hope you heal up quickly.

    There's no comfort in missing something you've worked so hard for, but the more training you have under your belt when you hit that first tri, the better it will be It will be an even better experience than you would have had, just sorry it happened under these circumstances.

    Fitness, health and training are sweet rewards too

    Maybe use these 6 weeks to read up on and beef up on mental training ... amazing how much that can affect your performance.

    2008-08-19 4:36 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

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    Brooklyn, NY
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart

    First, I'm glad you're ok. At least your helmet protected your head and I hope your new bike is ok.

    I crashed a week ago Sunday and have a fractured shoulder and have been laid up on pain meds for a week so I totally understand your frustration and disappointment. What I can't relate to is the fact that you are missing your first tri. I'm so, so sorry. I am missing races, but I was able to do 3 before my accident so I imagine you must be really heartbroken.

    I hope you recover well and come out stronger. Maybe you can find a really late-season race (not sure where you're located weather-wise) or something early in the spring to focus on coming out of recovery. I hope you feel better soon!

    2008-08-19 4:47 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

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    Tacoma, Washington
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart

    You know, the phrase "venting one's spleen" isn't supposed to be literal...  Smile

    Hope you heal quickly.

    2008-08-19 5:02 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

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    DC Metro, slowly working my way to NC
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart


    I can only imagine how frustrated you must be! 

    Glad the injury wasn't worse, though.

    Now, do what the doc says and get healed up!

    2008-08-19 5:25 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

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    Science Nerd
    Redwood City, California
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart
    I know how frustrating it is to miss a race due to injury.  In the long run, it's better to take the time off and heal.  It's not much consolation now.  You can read lots of books on training and that might help.  Hang in there.  I hope you heal quickly.
    2008-08-19 5:29 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

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    The Redlands, FL
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart

    Oh Noooooooooo!!!!

    Sorry to hear this bad news...!!! but...I hope you recover fast and get better.

    Good Luck!!!

    2008-08-19 5:36 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

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    Chapel Hill, NC
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart
    So sorry to hear about it. That truly is a heartbreaking story. I wish you a speedy recovery!

    Edited by keyone 2008-08-19 5:38 PM
    2008-08-19 5:37 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

    User image

    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart

    Aw, I am so sorry to hear about that. I will say this, for whatever it's worth, everything happens for a reason. Even though sometimes that's tough to believe, it's true.

    Also, although you won't be able to race this weekend, you'll never lose that time spent training for the race. Meaning, now you have a base to work off of mentally so it won't be as hard as first beginning to train. And, the next time you train, you'll train with more purpose. Let's face it, people want what they can't have and now your desire to race is like a burning fire.

    Hope you feel better soon. I'm sending you healing vibes....

    2008-08-19 5:45 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

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    2008-08-19 5:56 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

    Portland, Oregon
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart

    Awwww, that just stinks!! At least you have a good story - falling off a curb or getting a video game injury just doesn't have the same stud-ette panache as flipping over the front of your bike. (btw - OUCH!!!)

    Hope you heal up quick!

    2008-08-19 6:21 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

    Sunny Southern Cal
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart
    Heal up and pick a new race.  Just a little setback, you'll bounce back and be the stronger for it !!!
    2008-08-19 6:33 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

    the Alabama part of Pennsylvania
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart
    Look at it this way - all that training you did will help you to heal faster, since you are undoubtedly in awesome shape (having been in training for the past 8 months!)
    2008-08-19 7:09 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

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    2008-08-19 7:13 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

    Extreme Veteran
    Vancouver BC
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart
    Oh no!  That really sucks!  I am so sorry for you - hope you heal quickly!
    2008-08-19 7:39 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart
    Holy CRAP!!  So sorry to hear that. That is horrible.  I hope you heal quickly and get back to training!
    2008-08-19 7:52 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

    Columbia, MD
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart
    Oh no, how awful!  How and where did it happen?  I hope you'll think about coming out to Centennial on Sunday and cheer on the rest of us anyway.  Make sure you contact the race director, Rob Vigorito, to see if he will defer your race entry to next year.  I found out a couple weeks before IronGirl last year that I had to have surgery right after the race and would have to miss it.  He very generously deferred my 2007 entry to this year.  Do it a.s.a.p., though!
    2008-08-19 7:59 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

    New user
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart
    Agreed it sucks. But you ARE lucky. Lacerated spleens can be associated with massive, life threatening blood loss.

    This must be the month for bike crashes. I crashed on Sunday as well, but fortunately I have only a painful shoulder contusion that feels like a dozen tetanus shots.
    2008-08-19 9:21 PM
    in reply to: #1614540

    Extreme Veteran
    Lakeland, FL
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart
    I'm sorry to hear about your misfortune, I'm glad it wasn't worse.  Heal quickly and go get em next year.

    2008-08-20 7:33 AM
    in reply to: #1614540

    Central New Jersey
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart
    I would be heartbroken, especially for my 1st tri. Rest and heal quickly. Since you planned on being there could you volunteer that day in some way (if your doc says it's ok) to get a feel for the race?
    2008-08-20 9:35 AM
    in reply to: #1614540

    Extreme Veteran
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart


    Sorry to hear about your crash right before your first tri. I know how you must feel. I spent the night before my first tri throwing up. I did start and finish the race, but there were moments the night before that I did not think I would be able to start. As the other posters have said it is important to relax and have a positive attitude as you heal. The thing you have to keep in mind is that this was completely out of your control. We always try control everything we can unfortunately, we are forced to deal with those things we can't control. 



    2008-08-20 9:38 AM
    in reply to: #1614540

    Millersville, MD
    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart

    I understand how you can be disappointed. But even from this post, I can see clearly that this has been a journey that was an adventure unto itself... you just had the destination wrong.

    Reflect on how you enjoyed the journey, get out there and cheer on your fellow divas, and then look forward with anticipation to the next destination along the road.

    2008-08-20 9:55 AM
    in reply to: #1614540

    Subject: RE: Torn spleen = broken heart
    a torn spleen! That's no reason to sit out!! (just kidding!!)

    Too bad I feel for you, best of luck in your's the bike?
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