Subject: RE: The Ole Switch-a-roo Saturday; 6/22/19 No switching here, unless you count starting a run from the opposite end of the trail from usual. Now that we are planning to leave Boise/Eagle soon, Mom wanted to follow me on a run from the opposite end of the Greenbelt from where we live. (I've biked the easternmost 3-4 miles with others, but never run or biked it with her before. ) There isn't much shade on that part but it was still cool--mid 50's at start and mid-60's at end. Pretty run much of the way but the first half seemed to be all uphill (but how possible--downriver! ) and into the wind. 90 minutes total, with some photo stops. (When I have no immediate competitive goals, my long runs can become pretty expeditionary--photography, checking out garage sales, getting lost on new routes, etc. etc. ) This is at the eastern edge of Boise, between Lucky Peak State Park and Warm Springs, if anyone is familiar with the area.
Attempting to attach pic in a few minutes.
About midway we found a new cafe so decided to drive past on the way back and stop for lunch. Great sandwiches, croissants, and coffee. Oink! Edited by Hot Runner 2019-06-22 4:00 PM
(IMG_20190622_115049078.jpg) (IMG_20190622_120906090_HDR.jpg) Attachments ---------------- IMG_20190622_115049078.jpg (1177KB - 17 downloads)IMG_20190622_120906090_HDR.jpg (3013KB - 15 downloads) |