General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 8.9.15 Sunday Sunday Sunday! Rss Feed  
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2015-08-09 10:50 AM

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New user
Austin, Texas
Subject: 8.9.15 Sunday Sunday Sunday!

The title of this thread is meant to be read in the monster truck announcer voice.

Got up early and ran 10 in the lovely humid weather. Whoever designed the bike path that goes around town here was wise enough to add outdoor showers every couple of miles, so I've gotten into the habit of standing underneath one to cool off and I gotta tell you it feels lovely. Have a grrrrrreat day.

2015-08-09 2:08 PM
in reply to: trijamie

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Subject: RE: 8.9.15 Sunday Sunday Sunday!

That is awesome with the showers!

Went out for a 60 minute trail run.  It was one of those runs where it felt crappy at first, I hoped endorphins would take over but never did, and only felt slightly less crappy by the end!  But, the upswing was it was a beautiful sunny morning and gorgeous green scenery due to our recent rains. Always an upside!


2015-08-09 3:25 PM
in reply to: ingleshteechur

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Subject: RE: 8.9.15 Sunday Sunday Sunday!
Took a friend of Mrs Bears out for a 15 mile bike. Her second time on a roadie.
A bit uphill, a little down, and some flat - but never stopped smiling for an hour. I love this sport.
2015-08-09 4:54 PM
in reply to: trijamie

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Subject: RE: 8.9.15 Sunday Sunday Sunday!
It was a beautiful day here in Northern Ontario. Spent 1.5 hours in a local lake.
2015-08-09 5:28 PM
in reply to: trijamie

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: 8.9.15 Sunday Sunday Sunday!
Showed up at the gym to find that they'd switched the time of the a.m. cycling class; it was finishing instead of starting. Since the kiddo was already in the day care, I tried out one of the new Expresso bikes in the cardio area. They have big video screens that play images of the route you're riding, and change resistance as you go up and down the hills. Kinda like playing a video game, except it tracked my HR while I sweated buckets. Not anything like a real ride (or cycling class, for that matter) but it was somewhat entertaining. Next time, I might try the route that lets you hunt dragons...
2015-08-09 6:23 PM
in reply to: trijamie

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: 8.9.15 Sunday Sunday Sunday!
Geez....Wish they would install outdoor showers around here. (They do have sprinklers on sometimes during dry season, but the water coming out is warm!)

AM: Made it to the gym for 3K of swimming, plus about 30 minutes of lifting.
PM: Epic "outdoor showers" commenced. 2 hour indoor trainer ride watching the deluge.

Rest of day dealing with feline "accident"--my Big Boy is terrified of thunder and lightning and was cowering under the bed so long he couldn't "hold it" anymore. Poor kitty!

2015-08-09 11:02 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Bellingham, WA
Subject: RE: 8.9.15 Sunday Sunday Sunday!

Had a pretty good day with a 30 mile ride followed by a 5 mile run. 

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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » 8.9.15 Sunday Sunday Sunday! Rss Feed  

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