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Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Course - Triathlon

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Williamsburg, Virginia
United States
HOT!F / 0C
Total Time = 3h 11m 58s
Overall Rank = 201/278
Age Group = athena
Age Group Rank = 2/11
Pre-race routine:

Arrived in Williamsburg Friday with my pal LT. Had a very yummy dinner at Fat Tuna's, got Ben & Jerry's, then did the Ghost Tour of colonial W-burg (good but could've been better with a different guide). It was quite hot and humid.

Saturday we went to the race venue for a swim workout (her) and a little bike and little run (me), then did packet pickup and hit the expo. She also met up with her relay team and I met QueenZipp!! What fun it was to finally meet in person! We listened to the race meeting and Judi won a hat!

LT and I ended up having a late lunch at a very yummy restaurant I can't remember the name of but it had to do with bread, yet had a lot of gluten-free options for her. We split a caprese salad, one of my fave things ever, and each had a sammich. We ended up going back there for supper and getting pizzas after meeting up with my new coach at our hotel and getting a race plan set. Got all my race stuff organized for the morning and hit the sack!

Slept horribly (not a big surprise) and was up before the alarm. Ate 1.65 frosted blueberry Pop-Tarts and we headed to the race site.
Event warmup:

Milling around transition bumming things off people. I forgot my air pump and didn't have any sunscreen. Thank you, fellow racers, for helping me out! Made sure everything was in order, made acquaintances of my rack mates, ate some cola Power Bar chews, then eventually strolled down to the swim start and hung out with Judi and chatted.

Swung my arms around a little before getting in the water. The rest of my warm-up consisted of lightly swimming against the tide which was trying to push us past the start buoy!
  • 24m 17s
  • 1500 meters
  • 01m 37s / 100 meters

Toasty water! No wetsuit, I'd be like one of those old Boil Bags had I worn one. It was cleaner than expected - I had heard various stories from people who practice swam on Saturday that it wasn't so clean, but it wasn't bad at all at this time in the tidal cycle. As mentioned above, treaded water/lightly elementary backstroked to keep behind the start buoy. The countdown sounded and we were off!

First section went great. Sighting was pretty good, pace was good, I felt. I was using good form and able to stay out of traffic. I turned the first red turn buoy and immediately started looking for the second. I couldn't see it, so I followed the other bobbing heads, but still kept looking for it. Nothing! Where was the dang thing?

I finally saw it more ahead of me than to my left (where I had expected it to be), but most people were not swimming toward it. WTF?! I did a few Tarzan strokes to get a better look at what the heck was going on. I saw a kayak volunteer heading toward the red buoy as I continued toward it. I stopped, yelled, "Aren't we supposed to go around the red buoy to our left?" "No", she yelled back, "Look for the yellow one!" I knew this wasn't exactly right but neither was the placement of the buoy. I'm guessing it became unmoored and was drifting out to sea!

Slightly frustrated that I was having such a good swim only to have it somewhat derailed, I and a few others around me took off in the direction of the bobbing heads. In my head I also heard my coach and something he mentioned about staying strong mentally. This quickly clicked and I said to myself, "OK, self, put that behind you and just swim it in, there's nothing you can do about it". I figuratively put my head down and got to it, quickly getting back into a good rhythm and pace. We did have a bit of a current assist thanks to the changing tide.

Eventually I saw said yellow buoy and the path to get back to the beach. I continued to have relatively clear water to swim in (no impediments) and swam in until my fingertips hit the bottom, then stood and carefully made my way up the ramp toward transition.
What would you do differently?:

Nothing, really. The drifting buoy was not my fault and I chose to attempt to follow the instructions/rules we were given of keeping both red buoys to our left in an effort not to cheat or be DQed.
Transition 1
  • 02m 44s

Reached for the button to move into T1 mode on my Garmin and saw that I apparently didn't start my watch as I thought I did. I later realized sometimes it kind of goes to 'sleep' even though it's in the proper mode. Anyway, I hit start, gave it a second, then hit lap to get it to T1, although the time for T1 would be off as I was fixing my watch as I was running toward my spot. No biggie, don't let it ruin your day.

Tossed down my cap and goggles, gave my feet a quick wipe to remove sand and grass, then put on my shoes, sunglasses and helmet as well as my race number belt. Grabbed Rico (my bike) and jogged to bike out.
What would you do differently?:

Other than the Garmin snafu, nothing.
  • 1h 35m 5s
  • 27.2 miles
  • 17.16 mile/hr

Coach had recommended I not push too hard on the bike in order to save myself for a good run. This was tough for me as I typically see the bike as my strong point, my chance to make up time for my mediocre swim and pathetic running, but I kept myself in check. I mainly got passed instead of passing too many people, which is not what I'm accustomed to, so it was a bit frustrating.

He had also suggested a nutrition plan of attack that was very new to me, so I focused on getting that right, too. I had to store my gels in my shorts legs since I didn't have the X-lab pouch for my bike since I didn't realize I'd be eating so much! Oh well, it worked out, mostly.

Thankfully there was a mix of sun and shade on the course, mostly shade as I recall. I thanked police and volunteers as I passed them and noticed an especially heavy presence of both groups at the turn where someone had moved the course arrows the day before, likely to be sure it didn't happen again and that racers went the appropriate direction (it's where the Oly and half courses split).

The ride was mostly uneventful until we got back out on the main route leading back toward the park. I saw a line of cars backed up and wasn't sure why. As I got closer, I saw the reason: multiple bikers down in the road, other bikers stopped to help, and the driver of the first car out of his car on the cell phone. We slowed almost to a stop. I quickly assessed if there was any help I could provide that wasn't already being done and determined no. I carefully made my way past the accident scene slightly shaken. It's never good to see someone's race and day turn out that way.

This was a very long, straight, road. I was battling a bit of seat soreness and back/shoulder discomfort from being in aero much longer than I'm used to, so I sat up periodically for a change of position. I also occasionally shifted up (or down) a gear, then back up/down just to give my legs a change of pace.

As I neared the bridge, I saw the girl ahead of me who I had yo-yoed with a few times over the course of the race. We began the incline and she began to drop back. Wait, what's this? I'm passing someone going UP a hill?! Unheard of, relatively, ha! I said something to her like, "Come on, don't let me pass you now!" and she replied that she was filled with dread when she saw the hill.

Up and over I went, expecting to see her right behind me but she was nowhere to be seen. I made the turn into the park and started getting my feet out of my shoes and riding with them on top. I passed LT and my coach who were cheering for me. A non-fancy but still quick dismount at the line, then I trotted into transition.
What would you do differently?:

I guess nothing. I'd have liked to gone a bit faster, but wanted to respect my coach's suggestion and input. It was a very hot day and I figured saving something for what would be a brutal run no matter what would be a good idea.
Transition 2
  • 01m 7s

Decent transition. Racked Rico easily, removed my helmet and bike shoes, slipped into my run shoes, put my hat on as I jogged out of transition and turned my race belt around so the number was in front.
What would you do differently?:

  • 1h 08m 44s
  • 10 kms
  • 06m 52s  min/km

Hot. I had a reasonable pace in mind I'd like to keep and did so for the first 4-ish miles, then I started to fall apart, probably because of the heat. I, again, listened to coach's advice about drinking and utilizing ice to keep cool. I would put ice under my hat and in my sports bra which ended up making me laugh because as I ran the, er, movement caused a rattling sound with every step of the cubes getting jostled around, funny!

Naturally, as is the norm, I got passed by a lot of folks but I did some passing, too. I tried to keep running except when I went through an aid station. I was yo-yoing with a guy in some sort of armed forces shirt who kept taking walk breaks. At one point he was walking ahead of me and I said something encouraging to him in passing and he said he was going to [follow/draft] me. I forget how he worded it, but away we went, me then him right behind me, all the while I was shocked that someone who appeared fitter and younger than I was 'using' clunky old me as an aid! No doubt the heat had affected his day, too. I slowed at the next aid station and he continued on at the pace I had set for him.

Back out in the sun for the remainder of the run, and back over the bridge. The positive of the bridge is there were some spectators cheering and the most wonderful breeze coming off the river! Ah!

Coach warned me that it may seem/feel like the finish line is close after turning back into the park but it really isn't. There is probably another 1/2-3/4 mile after transition until the finish arch. This section, even though I was warned about it, was a bit demoralizing and tough. The road surface was rougher and the last part was on grass which slowed me down for sure. Finally, at long last, the finish arch!

I got my medal and then an angel descended from heaven to put an icy cold, wet Gatorade towel around my neck..OHMYGOSHTHATISWONDERFUL!!!
What would you do differently?:

Eh, not sure there's much I could do differently.
Post race
Warm down:

Did whatever I could to cool down, including recharging my towel from heaven. I met back up with LT and Judi, hung with them for a while.

Awards for the Olympic race began not long after I finished and initially I was awarded first Athena (and the only Athena to take the podium at that time, no one else appeared). Later, the announcer recalled the Athenas to the stage because apparently there was a girl who finished ahead of me but had no splits/times except for a finish time (and in hindsight I wonder if that was only determined by reviewing pictures). She and the third place girl came at me in a semi-aggressive way, asking me what my time was, debating when who passed who and who saw who where. I chose to not take any bait and didn't respond with anything other than "I don't know" to her/their inquiries because honestly, most of the time I had no idea when I saw/passed/whatever them because they didn't have kits on that stood out, unlike mine, unfortunately.

We re-took the stage with me on the 2nd place spot. They were both so worked up over the timing mess-up that they didn't even claim their prizes. Whatever, I had mine!

Eventually I went and changed, got snow-cones, a little food and a beer (not all at once) and we hung around until the half awards because LT and her team got 2nd in the relays! Fun weekend of racing with old friends and new!

Event comments:

Plenty of ice, plenty of drinks, plenty of friendly, helpful volunteers, police and fire police. Very good race, Rev3 puts on a very good production and is a good organization who keeps the racers and the people in mind. I love how they have race categories just for military/first responders (general police, fire, ambulance, etc) as well as a physically challenged category. Also, proceeds from the beer folks can buy on site go to an organization that helps prevent teen suicide. Good causes.

Profile Album

Last updated: 2015-12-08 12:00 AM
00:24:17 | 1500 meters | 01m 37s / 100meters
Age Group: 0/11
Overall: 0/278
Performance: Good
Course: A point-to-point swim, with a kind of J shape going down the river into a larger convergence/area, then back around the point to the boat ramp.
Start type: Deep Water Plus: Waves
Water temp: 83F / 28C Current:
200M Perf. Good Remainder:
Breathing: Drafting:
Waves: Navigation:
Time: 02:44
Performance: Good
Cap removal: Helmet on/
Suit off:
Wetsuit stuck? Run with bike:
Jump on bike:
Getting up to speed:
01:35:05 | 27.2 miles | 17.16 mile/hr
Age Group: 0/11
Overall: 0/278
Performance: Good
Course: Pretty dang flat! The bridge was the only real incline, and even that wasn't bad by the standards I'm accustomed to riding around where I live.
Road:   Cadence:
Turns: Cornering:
Gear changes: Hills: Good
Race pace: Comfortable Drinks: Just right
Time: 01:07
Overall: Good
Riding w/ feet on shoes Good
Jumping off bike
Running with bike Good
Racking bike Good
Shoe and helmet removal
01:08:44 | 10 kms | 06m 52s  min/km
Age Group: 0/11
Overall: 0/278
Performance: Average
Course: Mostly flat with a few very small inclines/declines on a multipurpose trail. I'd say 60% sunny, 40% shaded.
Keeping cool Below average Drinking Just right
Post race
Weight change: %
Mental exertion [1-5]
Physical exertion [1-5]
Good race?
Course challenge Just right
Organized? Yes
Events on-time? Yes
Lots of volunteers? Yes
Plenty of drinks? Yes
Post race activities: Good
Race evaluation [1-5] 4

2016-07-28 3:38 PM

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Subject: Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Course

2016-07-28 4:43 PM
in reply to: #5193090

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Extreme Veteran
Langley, BC, 'Wet Coast' Canada
Subject: RE: Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Course
Congratulations on a very successful day. Glad to read that your spirits were not dampened by the timing snafu!
2016-07-30 4:13 PM
in reply to: triosaurus

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Course

Awesome race! It was so fun to meet up and hang out with you!!  That's the best part of racing, getting to see your friends in all levels of fitness.  

Rev 3 does put on a great race, this is the only one of their courses I've done--so I have no comparison--but I think their communication and safety minded approach is top notch.

2016-08-01 1:23 PM
in reply to: QueenZipp

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Course
Nice work Melanie, especially that swim split wihile trying to find that yellow buoy! It's interesting how people will act so aggressively for a simple amateur AG/Division award, sounds like you handled that perfectly.
2016-08-01 4:02 PM
in reply to: reecealan

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Course

Awesome race and a great RR - love that swim time (can I borrow it???).

2016-08-02 1:05 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Subject: RE: Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Course

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Awesome race and a great RR - love that swim time (can I borrow it???).

There was some assist by the current.  

2016-08-02 3:17 PM
in reply to: melbo55

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Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: Rev3 Williamsburg - Olympic Course
Whoop whoop! Nice race. Love that you were cool as a cucumber in the face of such aggressive people on the podium. Classy!
I must be crazy for wanting to do a race in July, but you and Judi made this one sound top notch. Maybe next year?
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