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2008-04-20 3:46 PM

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Extreme Veteran
Brisbane QLD
Subject: light_sabe_r's group is CLOSED

NAME: light_sabe_r/Maddy
STORY: I'm a scientist, cartoonist and triathlete from Australia.  I've been competing since 2006 and getting better.  I've never been sporty until I took up triathlon.  I was too skinny or fighting one infection or another.  When FH and I bought me a bike, I started commuting to work.  my work was putting on a "try a triathlon" event and when i looked at the distance I thought I'd give it a go.  I did and did three more that season.  This season I got serious and set myself a goal.  If I could get a top ten placing in my age group in the enticer series... I would move up to the QTS and olympic distance next season.  The season is OVER and I achieved my goals this season.    So since my season is over I'll be able to help any of you northern hemispherians with your season which is about to begin.  :D
FAMILY STATUS: I'm currently engaged to a wonderful man who's more enthusiastic about cycling than I am.     My brother is an excercise physiologist and nutritionist.  My other little brother is still in UNI.  My mum's a teacher and my dad's an accountant with diabetes (II).
CURRENT TRAINING: I completed my LAST enticer on 20-4-2008.  Distances ranged between 200m,5km, 2km to 300m, 13km, 3km.  I had a go at a QTS distance race this year as well (full sprint) which was 750m. 20km, 5km.  I came DFL!!!  But throughly enjoyed myself!  I got a series third pace at the bribie island series which was a complete shock.  And I also got a third place trophy at my second race there.  I'm an OK swimmer now, I LOVE the bike and I'm a terrible runner!!!  and I mean terrible!  Until this season I couldn't even run 4km.  the furtherest I've run has been 6km (quite recently) and I'm working to get me up to 10km for noosa.  I'm training with Vision tri club and throughrally enjoying it! 
THIS YEAR'S RACES: Just finished the season... 

2008-04-20Gatorade Queensland Tri Series: Raby Bay Race 6 
(Maybe top ten?)
2008-03-16 Bribie Island Triathlon Series - Race 4
(5th in age group - 3rd for the series)
2008-03-02 Gold Coast Tri - Luke Harrop Memorial
(16th in age group)
2008-02-17 Bribie Island Triathlon Series - Race 3
(3rd in age group)
2008-02-10 Caloundra Triathlon
(16th in age group)
2008-01-20 Gatorade Triathlon Series: Race 4 Robina
(10th in age group DFL)
2007-12-16 Gatorade Queensland Tri Series - Raby Bay Race 3
(10th in age group)
2007-12-02 Bribie Island 2007 - Race 2
(7th in age group)
2007-10-14 Gatorade Queensland Tri Series Raby Bay Race 1
(16th in age group)
2007-10-07 Wilson HTM Brisbane to the Gold Coast Challenge

2008 RACES:

My main focus for the 2008-2009 season is to complete a lifelong dream.  I'm longing to compete in the NOOSA triathlon - an olympic distance event I've watched on TV since I was a kid and able to go and see the event last year.

Secondary focus for the off season is improving my endurance and speed so I can be competative at the QTS distance and the Bribie long course distance next season.  Distances are, 400m, 15km, 4km, to 750m, 20km, 5km to 1000m, 28km, 8km.  O_O

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTOR: I've overcome my "lack" of swimming ability, I've overcome my lack of running ability.  I've put a lot of hard work in and I'm starting to see some results.    I'm now focusing on my off season training to achieve my goals next season.  Since I've finished racing for this season, I'll have plenty of time to help you with your goals!    I'd love to help people trying sprints or mini sprints for the first time. 

2008-04-23 3:20 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Slower Than You
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN
Oh hai thar.

I'm Brian/bcart1991. I could use some mentoring, basically to kick my butt if I start slacking on my workouts...

I was thinking about getting a coach, but they cost lots. I figure a mentor will be good, and if I get hooked on this sport, I can get a coach next year.

My first sprint tri is June 8th, and I plan on racing in 3 more, ending in October. Long-term plan? Not much, maybe move up to an olympic or HIM race next year.

I come from a sporting background (soccer, tennis, mtb, cycling) and I'm a strong cyclist and swimmer.

I hate running. I mean with a passion. I'll chase a ball around a field all weekend long, but when it comes to runnign for fitness, I just don't wanna do it.

Feel free to abuse me as you see fit.

2008-04-23 4:09 PM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN
Light-saber, can you make me love biking? I don't want to take mentor spots away from newbies (though to be honest, I've only done two sprints so it's not as if I'm fantastic), but seriously, the bike kinda scares the crap out of me.

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2008-04-23 4:10 PM
2008-04-23 5:01 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN
I would like to join your group too. I actually have my first sprint this weekend. (AAH!!) Started running regularly back in September (5k's here and there), then started swimming in December and biking in February. Don't care for the bike (my specific bike or biking in general) - but working through it.

A little about me --

I am a married mom of two who works full time. (Most of my workouts are at 5 in the morning) I really want to do well - but my main focus is not to get hurt or completely embarrass myself.

No competitive sports background - just highschool sports (15 years ago) and intermittant activity since.

Thanks for considering me!
2008-04-23 7:11 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Extreme Veteran
Brisbane QLD
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN
WElcome Aboard guys!   
2008-04-23 11:15 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN

Hey Maddy,

Can I play. Maybe you can help me keep on track for my off season as well. Not that I've had an on season for quite a few years. The season is so far away for us Aussies that I don't know how to maintain my focus til summer.

I'm actually not a complete Newbie either so I wouldn't want to take any of those spots but I've been away from the sport for such a long time.

Edited by bondgirl 2008-04-23 11:17 PM

2008-04-24 10:59 AM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN

Okay, since this group doesn't seem to be filling up fast, I guess I will take a bid for a spot. I really could use some non-biased folks to keep me in check. I have the VAMDDCBTTC to whoop my a$$ when I slack off, but I'd like to expand my horizons a bit 

A bit about me and my goals: I'm Chrissy, I'm 27 and I've been doing the tri-thing for almost a year now. Used to be a dancer, never into "sports", esp those of the gym-class variety - I can't hit a softball to save my life. Was a decent swimmer, though never competitively, but that has helped a little as it was one leg of the tri I didn't need to worry about! I bought a road bike last spring and decided to sign up for a sprint. Picked one 12 weeks out and...completed it, let's just say. Can't say I "raced" it  The bike course was VERY hilly and scary.

Beyond my first sprint, I've done one other, a 10K run and a 10-Miler. The 10-Miler was LOTS of fun and training for it really helped my runnning base.

My goals for this season are in my log, but in brief, I hope do some more sprints, my first Oly in September and the Marine Corps Marathon in late October. I'm confident in the swim (just need to train for speed and even longer distances), fairly solid on my run (I'm not fast, but I am consistent and speed will come with time), but I SUCK on the bike. It kinda scares me and so I sometimes find excuses to can bike workouts. I'm okay on trails that I know, but descents scare me as do sharp turns and I cannot climb to save my life. And riding in the road is something I only do during races, with the exception of neighborhoods and streets with slow-moving traffic. I really need to HTFU and get more T-I-T-S, but I could also use some tips and tricks, etc.  So bike needs to be a serious focus this spring/summer. I am supposed to do a century ride in mid-May, which is going to be downright painful, though we have the option of doing only 50 miles. In reality, I could probably complete most, if not the whole thing, but it'll take me all day But I really want to be on track long before my Oly in September, esp. so I can more fully concentrate on my mary plan when it gets harder late this summer.

2008-04-24 5:13 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN

Hey Wurkit gurl,

I'm in a similar boat to you. I have a pretty good(not great) swim and a solid run but my ride has always let me down.

I'm Tammie, a 46yo married, stay at home mother to a 7 yo son. I've done some enticers, a few sprints and 1 olympic distance but that was nearly 5 years ago. My ride in the OD was 3rd last or something in my age group where as my swim and run were MOP(swim even a bit better)...and I ran with a calf injury!

I too am afraid of descents and cornering and riding on the road. Currently I do most of my riding on the trainer or trail on my mountain bike.So I need to focus on my bike and HTFU.

I was going to maybe play with a couple of enticers and maybe a sprint later in the year. I'm in Australia so Ive got a bit of time til the tri season here. But, a friend has talked me into doing a couple of Olympic distance races to try an qualify for the Age Group Worlds that are going too be in the Gold coast in 2009.

My swim and run time can get me there but if my bike stays the same I won't qualify. So I need to do some work...never have before just winged it in the past.

So help, support, encouragement and tips will be much appreciated and something to keep me focused during the winter months here is much needed.

2008-04-24 8:22 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN
I'll jump on the bandwagon when it comes to biking weakness. I mostly ride on my trainer and have only ventured outside a few times. Any suggestions or tips when it comes to riding would be greatly appreciated. I have my first sprint this weekend and my biggest fear is the bike leg - not the physical exertion part of it, but being in the midst of other riders who actually know what they're doing. I would feel awful if my ignorance and inexperience caused a problem for someone else.
2008-04-25 7:19 AM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN
Awesome - we can be the "We Are Awesome, But Can't Bike Worth a Crap - Please Fix Us!" mentee group
2008-04-25 8:27 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN

I'd love a spot if you're still open.

I'm a 36 year old stay-at-home of two girls (11 months and 2). I started training this year to lose the baby weight. I have lost 17 pounds and have 33 more to go to reach my goal.

My workouts are at 5:00 am before anyone is awake. I've been pretty consistent and am currently on one of the beginner tri programs. I plan on doing my first sprint in August. I did Danskin about two years ago after the first baby, but have not really been active since then. I can't wait to get back into a race.

I love to ride, am just now starting to run, and am a really weak swimmer. I could really use some advice on how not to drown.

Hope to be part of the team. Thanks!


2008-04-25 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1360660

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN

swise - 2008-04-24 9:22 PM I'll jump on the bandwagon when it comes to biking weakness. I mostly ride on my trainer and have only ventured outside a few times. Any suggestions or tips when it comes to riding would be greatly appreciated. I have my first sprint this weekend and my biggest fear is the bike leg - not the physical exertion part of it, but being in the midst of other riders who actually know what they're doing. I would feel awful if my ignorance and inexperience caused a problem for someone else.

I understand your fear. Riding on the roads kinda freaks me out, but more because of cars. I haven't had any problems in the races I've done, because the super-fast people just go around you. Stay really far to the right and you won't get in their way.

2008-04-25 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1349986

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Springfield, Illinois
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN

If there is still room, I'd like to jump in if I could. I started in another April mentor group, but after reading the profiles of members here, you guys seem like a better fit. Is that wrong of me? I'm usually not so fickle!! Hope the other group understands...

If you will have me, here's a little about myself: Working mom of two, married 12 yrs. Come from a non-athletic background, but have been running for 6 yrs. I volunteered at a Tri-fest last summer and have been rolling around the idea of doing a triathlon ever since. I am in full-blown obsession mode now and currently training for a July 27th Sprint, my first!! The only fear I have is the swim. I've been taking swim lessons since January and have seen some progress, although not what I had hoped.

I struggled with weight issues most of my adult life. I saw 200 libs on the scale one day and decided enough was enough. I quit a stressful job, started my own business, had a few kids, and started walking and running.  I lost 80 lbs the first year and have pretty much kept it off since. I started weight training about a year ago with a trainer. Mostly to make me a stronger runner. I bought a used Trek bike in January. Have been out on the actual road only 2x.

I need inspiration, motivation and group comraderie. Seems like you guys could provide that. What do you say? Can I play too?

2008-04-25 1:01 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN
Can I join too? ;-)

I was part of a January mentor group and enjoyed the extra motivation ... and this seems like the group for me because my cycling sucks!
I'm comfortable with my running, and very comfortable with my pool swimming (OWS is a different story altogether tho). My plan for the off-season was to make cycling my strongest of the three - let's just say that plan didn't come together very well.

This is my second year doing tri's, I'm doing a few sprints this year, along with a few 10K's ... and my "big race" is my first Olympic distance in August.

About me - I am currently working full-time and going to school full-time, but I'm quitting my job next month to take a risk and open my own home-based business in June (I'm a Holistic Nutritionist) ... so I'm already anticipating how easy it's going to be to lose motivation to train what with everything else going on. Yikes!

Train on, folks ...


PS: Jenni I swear I am not stalking you!
2008-04-25 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1362069

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN

SpiritFire - 2008-04-25 2:01 PM Can I join too? ;-) I was part of a January mentor group and enjoyed the extra motivation ... and this seems like the group for me because my cycling sucks! I'm comfortable with my running, and very comfortable with my pool swimming (OWS is a different story altogether tho).

Can I ask what freaks you out about OWS??

2008-04-25 2:10 PM
in reply to: #1362116

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN
wurkit_gurl - 2008-04-25 11:16 AM

SpiritFire - 2008-04-25 2:01 PM Can I join too? ;-) I was part of a January mentor group and enjoyed the extra motivation ... and this seems like the group for me because my cycling sucks! I'm comfortable with my running, and very comfortable with my pool swimming (OWS is a different story altogether tho).

Can I ask what freaks you out about OWS??

In a nutshell - my limited experience swimming ...

OK the story goes like this: I just started on my tri journey last year, and as of Jan 2007 I had NEVER been in a pool other than to splash around the hot tub, and was actually quite scared of water. I took swimming lessons and worked hard - and got to be able to swim short laps fairly comfortably.
My first tri (June 2007) was a pool swim and it went very well - I had a great time and was hooked! But my second tri was an ocean-swim in early August ... because my first race had gone so well I sort of slacked off training and only put the wetsuit on once or twice to wade around in a lake prior to the OWS race ... I mean if I was trained for the race in June, surely I was trained for the race 6 weeks later, right? I made the rookie mistake of not being prepared - and as a result I had a panic attack in the cold choppy water and had to DNF.

I learned my lesson - I've been swimming a lot this winter and feel very at home in the water, routinely pass people in my lane and have had strangers ask advice on form and breathing - so I must look like I know what I'm doing! ... I just need time in my wetsuit and in the waves.
(But I have an OWS tri in 4 weeks!)

Now if only I could get that good on my bike ... ;-)

2008-04-25 3:32 PM
in reply to: #1362321

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN

SpiritFire - 2008-04-25 3:10 PM In a nutshell - my limited experience swimming ... OK the story goes like this: I just started on my tri journey last year, and as of Jan 2007 I had NEVER been in a pool other than to splash around the hot tub, and was actually quite scared of water. I took swimming lessons and worked hard - and got to be able to swim short laps fairly comfortably. My first tri (June 2007) was a pool swim and it went very well - I had a great time and was hooked! But my second tri was an ocean-swim in early August ... because my first race had gone so well I sort of slacked off training and only put the wetsuit on once or twice to wade around in a lake prior to the OWS race ... I mean if I was trained for the race in June, surely I was trained for the race 6 weeks later, right? I made the rookie mistake of not being prepared - and as a result I had a panic attack in the cold choppy water and had to DNF. I learned my lesson - I've been swimming a lot this winter and feel very at home in the water, routinely pass people in my lane and have had strangers ask advice on form and breathing - so I must look like I know what I'm doing! ... I just need time in my wetsuit and in the waves. (But I have an OWS tri in 4 weeks!) Now if only I could get that good on my bike ... ;-)

I see...I know a lot of people are freaked about OWS. I personally am okay with lakes and rivers, though I think doing a tri in the ocean (or a bay) would freak me out because I have an irrational fear of sharks. But little lake swims are actually kind of nice. Definitely get in as many OWS as you can, to get more used to it. The more used to the water you are, the more comfortable you will feel, in general. I spent my entire childhood at the town pool and in swimming lessons, so the water itself doesn't bother me. It's the things in the water - but as long as I stay out of the ocean and bodies of water in Florida (where there are alligators), I am probably good  Though I'm sure there will be a race somewhere that will be in the ocean that I will want to do - or the bay, around here.

2008-04-25 3:43 PM
in reply to: #1362561

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN
I too have a horrible fear of sharks ... and after what happened today in San Diego, I just feel horrible. ;-(
But it's not a fear of the water, it's just lack of experience.

I know all I need is OWS practice ... a large part of my issue too is that I don't know many people here (just moved here last year) and I know I shouldn't go OWS alone ... and since I'm currently a shift worker, it's really hard for me to find a tri club with a schedule that works for me.

I'm not above blatent whining on the British Columbia pages of BT though ... ;-)
2008-04-25 4:02 PM
in reply to: #1362590

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN

SpiritFire - 2008-04-25 4:43 PM I too have a horrible fear of sharks ... and after what happened today in San Diego, I just feel horrible. ;-( But it's not a fear of the water, it's just lack of experience. I know all I need is OWS practice ... a large part of my issue too is that I don't know many people here (just moved here last year) and I know I shouldn't go OWS alone ... and since I'm currently a shift worker, it's really hard for me to find a tri club with a schedule that works for me. I'm not above blatent whining on the British Columbia pages of BT though ... ;-)

No, I feel you. There isn't a whole lot of OWS to be had in the DC area either, as far as lakes go. The ones that are open to it, aren't exactly in my backyard. And yeah, be safe and don't go alone

And to add - go and whine on the BC page - the people I train with locally, I met through this site! We are the unofficial VAMDDCBTTC (that would be the VA/MD/DC Beginner Triathlete Triathlon Club)

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2008-04-25 4:03 PM
2008-04-25 5:17 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN

Hey there!  Room for one more?

My name is Emily and I just completed my first sprint last weekend.  I was part of one of the winter mentor groups and loved having some folks looking over my shoulder - kept me from slacking off too often.

About me: I'm 30 years old and work in a chemistry lab for a pharmaceutical firm.  I come from an athletic background.  Swimming, softball, and basketball in high school.  Rugby in college.  Then I started in with the lazy and the bad habits.  Lots of beer, cigarettes, and unhealthy diet.  Back in August of '07 a co-worker challenged me to train with her for a sprint distance triathlon in June.  I gave up the smoking, started running, dug out the bike, and got back in the pool.  I enjoyed the training so much, I ended up signing up for a pool sprint tri in April.  I survived the first one and now I'm hooked.

Goals:  Swim and run are coming along nicely.  My summer goal is to be all about the bike.  I've decided on an Olympic distance race in September as my ultimate goal for the year.  My A race.  Oh yeah - and I need to do some open water swimming at some point.  First tri with an open water swim is in June - it would be lovely to not drown and to be able to sight well enough so that I don't get lost.


2008-04-25 6:04 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN

Room for another?

I'm also a scientist.  I manage an LCMS lab in Colorado.  My oldest daughter is named after my hometown of Madison, WI, and is called "Maddy" for short.  I have a tough time with names, so at least I could remember my mentor's name

Yes, and triathlons.  I have done all of zero.  I have some physical challenges overall and especially with running.  Swimming is very new to me also.  Basically what I'm saying is that I need alot of help   My first triathlon is a sprint in Boulder on June 15th.

I hope there is room for me...I look forward to getting to know you all better  

2008-04-25 7:29 PM
in reply to: #1349986

Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN
Our fearless leader had better show up and close this thread before she ends up with too many mentees!
2008-04-25 7:32 PM
in reply to: #1362948

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN

wurkit_gurl - 2008-04-25 7:29 PM Our fearless leader had better show up and close this thread before she ends up with too many mentees!

Her Blog says she's on holidays til next week sometime. I was concerned about that also. Is there a way to temporarily close it til she gets back?

2008-04-25 7:53 PM
in reply to: #1362069

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Springfield, Illinois
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN
PS: Jenni I swear I am not stalking you!
Oh my gosh I laughed so hard! You have no idea how funny that is. My friend and I have a little (also funny) running joke about this very thing. Anyway, its good to see a familiar face. And Andria, too! Hi, Andria!Looks like a contingent of chicks and one dude. Got some cyclists, swimmers, runners and I have a sympathetic pal in core workouts! I'm gonna like it here. As far as closing the thead, maybe we could contact the moderator and see if they have access to change the heading??
2008-04-25 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1349986

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Eltham North, Victoria
Subject: RE: light_sabe_r's group is OPEN
I asked "Ron" in the instructions thread if the group can be closed until she gets back. See if that works.
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