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Do you swim alone?
I never swim alone.15 Votes - [16.3%]
I swim alone near the shore where I can touch.5 Votes - [5.43%]
I swim alone close to the shore even though I can't touch.12 Votes - [13.04%]
I swim alone wherever I want to swim.35 Votes - [38.04%]
Always4 Votes - [4.35%]
I sometimes swim offshore with a buddy watching onshore5 Votes - [5.43%]
I swim alone but with lifeguards on duty7 Votes - [7.61%]
Not only is it not a "good idea", it's a terrible idea.2 Votes - [2.17%]
I swim alone, yeahhh with nobody else...2 Votes - [2.17%]
Dq you have a death wish1 Votes - [1.09%]
I do if I need to get the swim in and nobody else does1 Votes - [1.09%]
only w/ a few hundred other swimers about 4xs/year. Safety first.1 Votes - [1.09%]
As alone as I can be in a swim lane of a semi-public pool2 Votes - [2.17%]

2008-05-12 5:39 PM

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: Do you swim alone?

I was talking to someone recently about OWS and the subject came up about where to swim. There are very few groups in the area that have organized OWS and the ones that do are quite a ways away. I told him that I swim at a lake that has a 2 mile circumference and at 5am is a very peaceful swim with nobody around. His eyes lit up and he could not believe that I would ever swim alone.

Therein lies the method behind starting this poll. I am interested in hearing peoples thoughts and experiences on the subject.

BTW - For the record, I am in no way recommending or endorsing the idea of swimming alone being a good idea. I know it is not a "good idea" but when you gotta swim, you gotta swim.

2008-05-12 5:42 PM
in reply to: #1397734

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Beautiful Sonoma County
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?

I don't usually swim alone, but only because the place where I do my OWS training has lifeguards.

I think there was one time last summer when I was there earlier than the lifeguards, but it wasn't a big deal because it's a pretty small swim lagoon (180 meters across), and I was the only person there.

I don't think I'd swim alone in a bigger lake.  And certainly NEVER in the ocean. 

2008-05-12 5:45 PM
in reply to: #1397734

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?

That option, though available, is not practical for me.  However, if getting to open water was as easy as getting to the pool.  I think I would swim alone and start in areas close enough to stand or within a couple strokes, get within standing areas.

However, once I started getting comfortable, I could easily see myself swimming wherever/whenever I wanted.

Just having someone there does not mean safety.  I have swam WAY out in the ocean while my wife looked on.  If I ran into any problems, there was little to nothing she could do anyway.

2008-05-12 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1397734

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?

This year I swim with a group on Friday mornings but the swims are short.

Last year I did most all of my long Open Water Swims alone and plan on doing more than a few of them alone again this year.

I swim parallel to shore during business hours for the Municipal Lifeguards and always make sure there are plenty of surfers out when I swim. I am usually just outside of the lineup (Where the surfers sit and wait for waves) and always wear a bright cap so the lifeguards can see me.

I have been followed by lifeguard jeeps on days when there is not much going on at the beach. (The lifeguards were bored) Quite a few of them know what I am training for and are always quick of offer some encouragement for my training.

Edited by WaterDog66 2008-05-12 5:47 PM
2008-05-12 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1397734

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Without house
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?
Ok, I'm a bit of a dork, and need some clarfication.  Is it considered swimming "alone" if there are lifeguards on duty at the lake?
2008-05-12 5:59 PM
in reply to: #1397734

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Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?

I have on occasion in the past.  Our LA Tri has a "group swim" but unless you set it up with someone, you will likely end up "alone", i.e., no one within a 100 yards or more.  I also scuba dive alone, I am used to being alone in the water, even off the beach.

It's funny, I used to feel pretty bullet proof in the water.  I was always in the first 2 or 3 in the LA Tri club getting out of the water.  I wasn't waiting for anyone, swimming relatively alone, a good 100-150 yards offshore.  I was at least willing to take the risks I was taking.  Funny how when something happens to you to shake that comfy little world up and throw some reality in your face, your perspective changes. 

After my IMAZ experience,  I won't swim alone again until I have done it a few times with someone and can regain my confidence.  If I had the vertigo I had at IMAZ and there were no surf, I could probably get in no problem.  If there was any appreciable surf (which we often have), I highly doubt that I could make it in without assistance.  If it was a lake, I would be less concerned, but still somewhat.

And I consider myself a good swimmer.  Sh** can happen to anyone. 

Edited by ChrisM 2008-05-12 6:01 PM

2008-05-12 6:01 PM
in reply to: #1397776

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?

maggyruth - 2008-05-12 3:57 PM Ok, I'm a bit of a dork, and need some clarfication.  Is it considered swimming "alone" if there are lifeguards on duty at the lake?

Well, I don' think your a dork; Your one of the cool kids

I was confused by this also and I guess it is a personal decision. (As to what Swimming along constitutes)

By my way of thinking; swimming alone is sorta like the opening scene in Jaws where the drunk hippies strip off their clothes and stumble into the ocean under the moonlight. (Well, the guy actually passed out before he could get into the water if I remember correctly)

Seems like lifeguards, surfers, other swimmers are all part of the shared experience. If you get into trouble, they are gonna be there to help. (As a surfer, I have had several occasions to help swimmers who get into trouble with rip currents and such)

Edited by WaterDog66 2008-05-12 6:03 PM
2008-05-12 6:01 PM
in reply to: #1397734

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Extreme Veteran
Auckland, New Zealand
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?
Currently I only swim at the pool: however, in summer (November-April) time I will probably do some OWS's and more than likely be alone in the sea.
2008-05-12 6:31 PM
in reply to: #1397787

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?

ForrestGump - 2008-05-12 7:01 PM Currently I only swim at the pool: however, in summer (November-April) time I will probably do some OWS's and more than likely be alone in the sea.

I don't know if I could do the alone in the sea part. I have swam across the center of the lake and felt like bait. That is with knowing there isn't anything bigger than a 3 foot pike in the lake. You've got bigger kahuna's than I!

2008-05-12 7:21 PM
in reply to: #1397734

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Extreme Veteran
Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?
I know that it isn't recommended to swim alone but I frequently do so. There are precautions that I take to make it safer. It is in a cove in the lake where speedboats don't venture and within 20 yards from the shore I can still touch the bottom. From the starting point it is 750 yds to one end - perfect for training.

Now if it was the ocean with unpredictable currents and other unknowns I think that I'd have to bring support.
2008-05-12 7:41 PM
in reply to: #1397734

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?
When I used to swim alone in the ocean I would always do it when the lifeguards were on duty and I made sure they saw me. Frequently I'd let the one at the beginning of my swim know where I was going to confirm their attention.

I do swim by myself at the local lake, but I try to make sure someone on shore knows I'm out there. I think the scariest part of lake swimming is those *&%#& drunken idiots on jet skis.

2008-05-12 7:59 PM
in reply to: #1397734

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Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?

This topic has been on my mind lately as the water is warming up. I will be doing 90+ minutes open water swims for my IM training. My friends that I swim with don't swim that long so I'm not sure what I will do.

I do a number of things:

1.Bring my husband, he watches me and works as he is in sales. He'll ask me to tell him exactly where I am so if I have an issue he can call 911. Reality I would probably be in sad shape if they had to come and help me..just makes me feel safer.

2. Some state parks have roped off swimming section with lifeguards. This is my favorite method as I swim as long as I want from one end to the other, my kids can play/swim and my husband usually makes a picnic/bbq dinner. I just found this place late last summer. I would like to be able to go during the day by myself and not disrupt my family to get a long swim in.

3. I'll swim along the shore where I can stand up and one shallow pond I do a tri in I'll swim across back and forth. I did this once after my tri team had a swim but a tri member saw me and watched me until I made it back (I'm slow) and it made me feel safe and cared for but I wanted to hurry up.

4. The group swims I know of folks swim maybe 30' which isn't so helpful when I need to swim 3x that long.

I just ordered a rescue can from Kiefers and I'll swim with it dragging behind me just as another layer of security and safety.

2008-05-12 8:29 PM
in reply to: #1397734

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?
For me, I would never swim alone.  I'm not a great swimmer so this kind of goes without saying.  Although even if I was better, I can't see myself going for an OWS with no one else around.
2008-05-12 8:43 PM
in reply to: #1397734

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Virginia Beach, VA
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?
I try to always find people to swim with, or I get my husband to come along and watch from shore if possible, but if I need to do an OWS and I have to go alone I will. I try to swim parallel to shore so I'm not too far away. There are usually people hanging out on the beach during the day; I'd like to think someone would help me out if I needed it.
2008-05-12 8:53 PM
in reply to: #1397734

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Evergreen, CO
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?
My husband always swims with me and keeps fairly close by.  He's such a sweetie!
2008-05-12 8:55 PM
in reply to: #1397831

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Extreme Veteran
Auckland, New Zealand
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?

Yesss... I hadn't quite thought about it like that.  Oh well I'll have to see whether there are any shart nets.  The Ocean Swim series (2.8km) goes across Auckland Harbour and there's been no incidents that I've heard of...

 Maybe I shouldn't swim alone so that I'm not the only target!!! LMAO!!

2008-05-12 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1397734

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?

don't really ever swim alone, unless it's close to shore....who would I stab if I saw a shark? 

2008-05-12 9:03 PM
in reply to: #1397734

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?

I have a strong competitive swimming background and feel very comfortable in the water. I don't see the difference in swimming alone at 5am as the sun rises with not a soul in sight and having the whole lake to myself and swimming with a group of 10 triathletes and being 200 or 300 yds in front of them. If I go under, I'm under. I figure that if something happened that I couldn't get to the shore I'm pretty much toast anyway. Kind of like a seasoned marathoner dropping dead during a race.

There are worse ways to go!

2008-05-12 9:30 PM
in reply to: #1398125

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Extreme Veteran
Podunk County, MN
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?

Since swimming across the lake by yourself was what we did, growing up (a goal I achieved at age 11, I think), I've never really been concerned swimming alone (in a lake... you ocean folks are a different breed).

 I will admit to getting the willies a couple of times, though, looking down and knowing that there was a lot of water under me.  And sometimes if there's a lot of boat traffic on the lake I get a bit nervous and end up doing a lot of head's up swimming.  It doesn't generally bother me, though. 

2008-05-12 9:38 PM
in reply to: #1397978

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?
KathyG - 2008-05-12 7:59 PM

I just ordered a rescue can from Kiefers and I'll swim with it dragging behind me just as another layer of security and safety.

That's a great idea.
2008-05-13 4:41 AM
in reply to: #1397745

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Ann Arbor, Michigan
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?

Just having someone there does not mean safety.  I have swam WAY out in the ocean while my wife looked on.  If I ran into any problems, there was little to nothing she could do anyway.

I agree with aikidoman here.  I did it a couple times last summer in a small, motorcraft inaccessible, lake.  It did kinda creep me out.  I mean there were other folks just hanging around but no one I knew and no lifeguards. 

That said, I believe there's inherent risk in all 3 sports.  My husband detests when I go out biking because of the idiots in cars.  As I'm about to venture to an outdoor track here at 6 a.m. I keep my wits about me, who knows what creepazoids are hanging around.  But it's not like I can wait to do a track workout till the rest of the world wakes up AND get to work on time.

2008-05-13 5:16 AM
in reply to: #1398433

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?
travljini - 2008-05-13 5:41 AM

Just having someone there does not mean safety. I have swam WAY out in the ocean while my wife looked on. If I ran into any problems, there was little to nothing she could do anyway.

I agree with aikidoman here. I did it a couple times last summer in a small, motorcraft inaccessible, lake. It did kinda creep me out. I mean there were other folks just hanging around but no one I knew and no lifeguards.

That said, I believe there's inherent risk in all 3 sports. My husband detests when I go out biking because of the idiots in cars. As I'm about to venture to an outdoor track here at 6 a.m. I keep my wits about me, who knows what creepazoids are hanging around. But it's not like I can wait to do a track workout till the rest of the world wakes up AND get to work on time.

If just having someone there does not mean safety, what does not having someone there mean? Just sayin'.

I think part of the thing that concerns me about this thread, is that in theory anyway, there are a lot of beginners and newbies reading it, and here we have a lot of people advocating doing OWS alone.

Edited by newleaf 2008-05-13 5:19 AM
2008-05-13 8:36 AM
in reply to: #1397734

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Extreme Veteran
Western MA
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?

I always try to find someone to go with me, either to swim or to watch from shore.  If I can't find someone (more often than not) I'll swim at a local pond that has lifeguards....they let me swim outside the roped area provided I don't go to far out.

I have real panic attacks when I'm alone, though, so I'd rather someone be in the water with me.  I like the swim can idea - I think I'm going to check out that website. (thanks KathyG)

2008-05-13 8:53 AM
in reply to: #1397734

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Boston, MA
Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?
yes in lake/ponds not in the ocean
2008-05-13 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1397734

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Subject: RE: Do you swim alone?
I have only swam completely alone 1 time and that was really short distance, in my wetsuit and right by shore.  I would have swam longer but the wind was bad and making alot of waves.  I have swam a few times with anywhere from 2-8 people but no kayak so realistacally noone to save me just to point out where I went down.  Really unless you have a kayak or a lifeguard with proper gear the people with you won't do much good as I have heard a person drowning gets crazy and hard to save.
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