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2008-08-17 9:42 PM

Subject: [RANT] I hate gymnastics

Yeah, yeah, I know that they are amazing athletes, that none of us can do the amazing tumbling feats that they do even in our dreams, blah, blah blah.  But how did it come to this?  Why does gymnastics dominate the coverage so?  There must be a decent historical/political/economic/cultural explanation here, but I don't know what it is, AND I'M SICK OF IT!  We're watching guys do somersaults for the umpteenth day in a row and meanwhile the triathlon doesn't get so much as a mention on TV, and the online covereage is available only to those blessed with a recent model computer.  If I meet any NBC execs on the street I'm gonna throttle them.

Rant over. 

2008-08-17 9:49 PM
in reply to: #1609479

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Durham, North Carolina
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics

I love gymnastics!

They show it because there is probably a much higher viewer population for that, but also because they can show a performance it takes a couple of minutes .... the triathlon takes what, a couple of hours?

But I do agree they should cover it mre and talk about it.  Just like the did with the women's marathon I watched, they can pan to the event and cover it for a few minutes or whenever something significant happens, then break away and cover some more gymnastics or whatever ... then a few minutes later come back and check in on the triathlon, etc .... and it would be esp. entertaining and informative to cover some of the transitions ... I would certainly love to learn something from that.


2008-08-17 9:54 PM
in reply to: #1609479

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Chapel Hill, NC
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
I have watched very little of the olympics. I'll tape it on DVD and zip through to see some of the swimming. I could care less about gymnastics or beach volleyball. I also am disappointed that they didn't show any triathlon tonight.

Also, way too much commentary and sideline stories!

PS: sometimes Versus shows triathlons on TV. Here's one coming up....


Go to this page, and search for Triathlon, selecting Anytime for the day dropdown.

Edited by keyone 2008-08-17 9:59 PM
2008-08-17 9:58 PM
in reply to: #1609479

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Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics

wait. I'm watching the olympics right now (in GA). They aren't showing any of the tri tonight? It's on the program!!!

 im gonna be mad if thats true...


but it's all about ratings, you know that.

2008-08-17 10:01 PM
in reply to: #1609479

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Brandon, MS
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics

It's a TV friendly sport and gets huge ratings.  That's why they show it. 

Can you actually imagine the uproar if they showed triathlon instead of gymnastics?

2008-08-18 7:28 AM
in reply to: #1609496

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Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
klowman - 2008-08-17 10:49 PM

I love gymnastics!

They show it because there is probably a much higher viewer population for that, but also because they can show a performance it takes a couple of minutes .... the triathlon takes what, a couple of hours?

I agree but they spent a huge amount of time showing the women's marathon.  A 2hr + event and for those that don't run much be sooooo boring.  After the American hopeful fell out I would have thought there would be enough time to transition to cover more of something else.  It was completely boring and no American even close to medaling. 


2008-08-18 7:41 AM
in reply to: #1609479

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Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
I love the Olympics. I've actually watched a bit of table tennis and badminton. I could live without men's gymnastics, but the women's (little girls') competition is the big fan favorite, so they say. Track & Field is my main interest, but I love all of the drama and side stories of such a huge event. We all knew triathlon is a not on the radar screen of mainstream media, so we shouldn't be surprised that it isn't right now.
2008-08-18 7:43 AM
in reply to: #1609536

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Sneaky Slow
Herndon, VA,
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
sesh - 2008-08-17 11:01 PM

It's a TV friendly sport and gets huge ratings. That's why they show it.

Can you actually imagine the uproar if they showed triathlon instead of gymnastics?

X2.  It's not rocket science as to why certain sports get more TV time.

And others especially here might not agree with me, but triathlon is boring to watch on TV, at least for me.  It's like watching a baseball game... I'm interested in the result and like watching the 9th inning of a close game, but I can't sit through the whole thing. 

2008-08-18 8:02 AM
in reply to: #1609479

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Lake Norman, NC
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics

Gymnastics, track & field, diving - always been the "staple" of Olympic TV coverage.  It's amazing to see how much volleyball has grown and garned TV-time (the beach bikinis certainly help).  But some sports still get none at all such as table tennis (ping pong) - probably one of the biggest sports in China.  And my "other" sport, sailing.  Hardly any coverage at all.

Somethings just are what they are.


2008-08-18 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1609479

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Clio, MIchigan
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
Here's my public service announcement for the day.  Last night CBC  (canadian broadcast channel(?)) had the entire race on (i live in michigan).  Might be worthwile for those of us that live near canada to tune in for the mens race tonight or maybe cbc will have it online for those non-near canada BTer's.
2008-08-18 8:48 AM
in reply to: #1609479

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Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
mdickson68 - 2008-08-17 10:42 PM

Why does gymnastics dominate the coverage so? 

Because people like it.

2008-08-18 8:50 AM
in reply to: #1609479

Iron Donkey
, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
This thread should go to the COJ or Olympics watching forum.
2008-08-18 8:55 AM
in reply to: #1609479

Extreme Veteran
West Windsor, NJ
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
Gymnastics is one thing...but what about water polo. My god man. How much water polo can we watch in a given week.
2008-08-18 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1609479

Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics

Start with this view of the games.

The television coverage is not the product.  You, the viewing audience is the product.  The "consumers" are not you, the consumers are the advertising sponsors.  

The Olympics is simply the mechanism for NBC (provider) to give access for its sponsors (buyers) to its product (viewers).

NBC only cares about events that will increase the desirability of its product to its buyers.  Therefore, you will never see much triathlon.  This is also how you end up with 6 minutes coverage of a women's TT, even when an American wins.  (Water polo is a bit of head scratcher, since 2/3 of the game is below the water and not seen.)


2008-08-18 10:23 AM
in reply to: #1609479

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Extreme Veteran
Wausau WI
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
I don't think NBC is doing that bad of a job. Between NBC, MCNBC, USA and the internet we are getting to see a lot of the Olympics. I don't remember ever getting to see this much.
2008-08-18 10:59 AM
in reply to: #1610081

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Canton, Michigan
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
Shortyy - 2008-08-18 9:46 AM

Here's my public service announcement for the day. Last night CBC (canadian broadcast channel(?)) had the entire race on (i live in michigan). Might be worthwile for those of us that live near canada to tune in for the mens race tonight or maybe cbc will have it online for those non-near canada BTer's.

CBC Rules! By far the best olympic coverage around these parts. They even had the womens Tri on again this morning around 6. Wish I wasn't so tired last night I would've stayed up. I may stay up tonight to get the CBC coverage.

I used the DVR for all the NBC coverage throughout the night and have absolutely no tri coverage. And missed its replay that was just on.

2008-08-18 11:06 AM
in reply to: #1609526

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Dothan, Al
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
latrina - 2008-08-17 9:58 PM

wait. I'm watching the olympics right now (in GA). They aren't showing any of the tri tonight? It's on the program!!!

 im gonna be mad if thats true...


but it's all about ratings, you know that.


Pleas ebe careful...all those Russian Tanks and stuff....SCARY!!!


2008-08-18 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1609479

Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics

If you watch the Olympics at any time other than prime time, there is hardly any gymnastics on at all.  I worked from home last week due to a back issue, and all day long it was pretty much swimming preliminaries, volleyball, water polo, whitewater kayak (awesome), and a little bit of track&field prelims. And they did cover the entire women's marathon live on Friday (although super late for the east coasters).

2008-08-18 12:10 PM
in reply to: #1609479

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Harrisburg, PA
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
As long as they keep the womens' beach volleyball...
2008-08-18 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1609919

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Fishers, IN
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
You know you are right, the Olympic coverage is not sufficiently dynamic.  There is no reason why they should not be more responsive for their consumer or their sponsors/advertisers.   I think relative to the day we are in, as one of the worst Olympic coverages.  Part of it being a half a world away but the other part being more about the announcers than the sports!  Who gives a damn whether or not the chick ate the scorpion off the stick!  I would think sponsors would be more restrictive regarding when and where things are covered.  I am not going to buy beach volley ball glasses no matter what!
2008-08-18 12:26 PM
in reply to: #1610107

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Mountain View, CA
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
JohnAgs3 - 2008-08-18 6:55 AM

Gymnastics is one thing...but what about water polo. My god man. How much water polo can we watch in a given week.

I'll take polo over synchronized diving.

2008-08-18 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1609479

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Albuquerque, New Mexico
Bronze member
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics
mdickson68 - 2008-08-17 9:42 PM

Yeah, yeah, I know that they are amazing athletes, that none of us can do the amazing tumbling feats that they do even in our dreams, blah, blah blah.  But how did it come to this?  Why does gymnastics dominate the coverage so? There must be a decent historical/political/economic/cultural explanation here, but I don't know what it is

Yup.  The simple answer is viewership.  But why is viewership so high? 

Because a very large segment of the population gets sucked into the soap-opera that is gymnastics (and diving) in the summer olympics and figure skating in the winter olympics.  It's easy for the network to generate drama and controversy over whether an athlete's performance does/doesn't subjectively meet the expectations of the judges (and to a lesser extent, the viewing audience). 

Edited by McFuzz 2008-08-18 1:08 PM
2008-08-18 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1609479

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics

Great athletes and amazing individuals, no doubt.

But any "sport" that the winner is JUDGED by a group of people and awarded subjective points for their performance is just bogus.

C'mon, the Chinese athlete fell on her azz in the vault finals, is crying because she knows she f'ed up bigtime and still gets bronze????  WTF??

2008-08-18 2:14 PM
in reply to: #1610817

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Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics

puellasolis - 2008-08-18 1:26 PM
JohnAgs3 - 2008-08-18 6:55 AM Gymnastics is one thing...but what about water polo. My god man. How much water polo can we watch in a given week.
I'll take polo over synchronized diving.

x2  At least when I'm watching polo and some guy disappears, I can just imagine what just happened.  In synchro diving, I could care less if on eof them rotates to the right a little.  Last night they had the women's finals of 3m springboard, and the Americans were getting crushed.  I mentioned to my wife, I wish I was there and a multi-millionaire, so I could offer one of the Americans $50k to do a can-opener on their final dive, since they were not going to medal anyway.  I'd have been happy with a watermelon or cannon-ball as well.  THAT would have been worth watching.


2008-08-18 3:20 PM
in reply to: #1611153

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Cycling Guru
Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: [RANT] I hate gymnastics

Oh, and it gets even better with the results from the uneven bar final today ........ wait until you see THAT tonight .........

F-cking unreal.  Talk about a bullsh-t system of judging.  Just one more reason the "sport" should not be in the Olympics.

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