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2008-08-21 7:39 PM


Subject: What's in/on your fuel belt?
Just wondering what you guys put in your flasks on your fuel belt (if you use them).  I got one as a gift with 2 8oz flasks.  I sweat a ton and always having difficulty staying hydrated.  But, the flasks seem kinda' small for fluids (but large for gel).  Just wondering!  Thanks.

Edited by drjay 2008-08-21 7:40 PM

2008-08-21 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1620045

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Resident Curmudgeon
The Road Back
Gold member
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?

I have a four-bottle ( 7-oz, which I fill with Gatorade) belt that I use on my long runs, but even then I'm limited to a 8- or 9-mile loop before I have to refill or exchange the bottles. Not sure what you can do with a two-bottle model.

Recently upgraded to one with four 10-oz bottles, haven't used it yet...

2008-08-21 7:46 PM
in reply to: #1620045

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Chapel Hill, NC
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
I put plain water or water mixed with NUUN (electrolyte stuff). I have the Terminator belt ~ holds six 7 ounce bottles, equaling 42 ounces. On a really hot day, that will last me about 75 minutes because I have a high sweat rate.
2008-08-21 7:57 PM
in reply to: #1620045

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Riverside, IL
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
I'm glad somebody asked this question, as I too, have a 2-bottle fuel belt that I recently purchased and wasn't sure how to use it properly. At first, I had thought about buying the Amphipod, which is a contoured handheld bottle. But I reconsidered my choice because I really dislike holding something in my hands while running. However, upon trying on my new fuel belt...I noticed that it takes quite a bit of muscling to get those bottles out of the elastic grip...can't imagine how difficult it will be getting it back in..without breaking stride. Any tips on this?

Edited by nscrbug 2008-08-21 7:57 PM
2008-08-21 8:00 PM
in reply to: #1620045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
I have 10oz Nathan bottles - 4 when I take them all with me. My normal route has a couple of refill spots, so I usually just take 2 with me. I start with Gatorade and top off with water the first couple of times. Then switch to Nuun tablets or plain water on later refills.
2008-08-21 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1620045

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Wylie, TX
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
I have a four bottle belt. I only put water in my bottles. I can usually go for 60 minutes with four bottles on a hot day. For long runs, I'll do a loop and refill at home and carry a gel flask to practice fueling. I tried super concentrated gatorade in one bottle and the rest with water, but my stomach did not like that idea very much.

2008-08-21 8:06 PM
in reply to: #1620045

NorCal, near Lake Tahoe, Ca
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
I have 4 8oz bottles on an Amphipod belt. I have water in 2 and Infinit in 2.
2008-08-21 8:29 PM
in reply to: #1620045

Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
I have an amphipod with four 8oz bottles, but I run with just two unless I'm running over 2 hours.  I normally put accelerade in one, and water in the other.  (I think that many people consider accelerade a recovery drink, but I like it during a run.  I like infinit also.
2008-08-21 8:38 PM
in reply to: #1620045

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Wisconsin near the Twin Cities metro
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
I just recently got the Fuel Belt Helium 2 bottle version.  I then bought extra bottles, but they were the 10 oz bottles Fuel Belt makes.  So, carrying the 2 x 10oz is the same as a single bike bottle size.  I'll be using the 2 bottle Helium on the run for IM WI and will put Infinit in them and supplement with water at aid stations.  I'll stash 2 more bottles of Infinit in special needs.   I've used this system in my last 2 HIM and love it - you barely even know you're wearing it.

Edited by Birkierunner 2008-08-21 8:39 PM
2008-08-21 8:41 PM
in reply to: #1620045

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Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
Almost exactly what Birkie just said.
2008-08-21 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1620072

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DC Metro, slowly working my way to NC
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?

nscrbug - 2008-08-21 8:57 PM I'm glad somebody asked this question, as I too, have a 2-bottle fuel belt that I recently purchased and wasn't sure how to use it properly. At first, I had thought about buying the Amphipod, which is a contoured handheld bottle. But I reconsidered my choice because I really dislike holding something in my hands while running. However, upon trying on my new fuel belt...I noticed that it takes quite a bit of muscling to get those bottles out of the elastic grip...can't imagine how difficult it will be getting it back in..without breaking stride. Any tips on this?

After you've used it a few times, it gets much easier to get the bottles in and out of the belt.  I don't use the little extra loop at the top of each holder - they stay put just fine without them.

As to the original question, I have mine filled 50/50 gatorade and water.  I usually fill them w/gatorade the night before and freeze them and then put the water in before heading out.

2008-08-21 8:57 PM
in reply to: #1620045

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Binghamton, NY
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?

I have a Nathan that holds 4 10 oz bottles. I dilute 6 gels to 10 oz with water in one flask, Gatorade Endurance in the other 3 flasks and carry a 24 oz bottle with water. I take a mouthful of gel approx every 2 miles or 15-20 minutes with a mouthful of water, Gatorade in between gels. On shorter runs I'll leave 2 flasks at home and just use the gel flask and 1 Gatorade flask with a smaller water bottle.

I bring fuel on every run over 30 minutes. I know it's overkill but when I'm training for HIM's and IM's I'll be taking nutrition in from the start of the run so I like to practice that.

2008-08-21 9:10 PM
in reply to: #1620045

Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?

I have the 4 8-oz bottle fuel belt. Kinda wishing I had gotten the 6-bottle one now, since mary training in hot weather means I suck down a lot more water than normal. (But I have a 20-oz handheld Ultimate Direction bottle that someone got me) So far for long runs, I've been using 2 bottles of water and 2 bottles of water with Nu'un for extra electrolytes (since it's hot and I apparently have really salty sweat), and then using gels for fuels as necessary, depending on the distance. Longest run so far completed was 12 miles (been having hip issues), so we'll see what happens when I get to 20!

That's just me, and I'm still new at all of this, so experimenting a little, still. 

Edited by wurkit_gurl 2008-08-21 9:11 PM
2008-08-21 9:17 PM
in reply to: #1620045

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Fountain Hills, AZ
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
Simple. For runs under 10-12 miles I go water in one, G.E. in another and a gel in the pouch to take with the water. If I run over 14 miles, I double that up.
2008-08-22 7:24 AM
in reply to: #1620045

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Atlanta, Ga
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?

I just got a FuelBelt Helium 4 bottle type.  I put Infinit in 3 of them (24 oz) and water in the 4th.  During my 90 min run yesterday i went through most of the infinit.

Still trying to decide if I'm going this route for IM MOO or NOT.

2008-08-22 7:54 AM
in reply to: #1620598

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Lafayette, IN
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
Marvarnett - 2008-08-22 7:24 AM

I just got a FuelBelt Helium 4 bottle type.  I put Infinit in 3 of them (24 oz) and water in the 4th.  During my 90 min run yesterday i went through most of the infinit.

Still trying to decide if I'm going this route for IM MOO or NOT.

X2.  INfinit in 2 of them, or GE sometimes, and water in 2 for runs.  I sometimes get my wife to meet me at 6 miles to reload me if I am running 12 or more.  I run slow (9+ min pace) and sweat heavy!

2008-08-22 8:22 AM
in reply to: #1620045

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Fulton, MD
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
I've got the 6 bottle Fuel Belt.  It came with 8oz bottles, but I bought the larger 10oz bottles from (they fit perfectly in the belt).  It doesn't seem like much typing it out, but the additional 12 oz on long runs can come in handy.
2008-08-22 9:32 AM
in reply to: #1620045

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
I have the amphipod with 4 bottles, 8 oz each.  I fill 3 with regular-strength Gatorade, and one with water to wash down gels.  I carry 2-3 GU in the little pouch, not in a flask.  I also sometimes will have my cell phone or digital camera in the pouch, depending on the occasion.
2008-08-22 9:53 AM
in reply to: #1620180

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Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
my route is extremely boring as I run a mile loop around the Y track as my daughter does gymnastics 3 days/ belt req'd as I stash bottles in the palm trees. For races I have used the water stations...I do have 2 camelback alterra's that hold 28 oz each, but my wife grabs 'em for her use....
2008-08-22 10:42 AM
in reply to: #1620045

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Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?

Here's mine:


2008-08-22 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1621241

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Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
I have the 4 8-oz bottle fuel belt. 2 water and 2 GUO2.

2008-08-22 11:50 AM
in reply to: #1620045

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New user

Northridge, Ca
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?

I use the Amphipod belt with 4 - 8oz bottles. Usually do 2 water and 2 gatorade, 1 gu packet in the pouch.


2008-08-22 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1620045

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Nashville, TN
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
hammer gel and accelerade in separate bottles.

2008-08-22 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1620045

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Flagstaff and Phoenix, AZ
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?

I have the 4-bottle FuelBelt Helium. For long trail runs (60-90 min), I mix Hammer Gel with water and carry that in 3 bottles. The 4th bottle, with the top cut off, holds my cell phone, secured by duct tape. Haven't been able to find a good pouch for it...

Since I usually run by myself way out in the woods I don't mind the extra weight in exchange for the sense of security. I also carry maze and my ID and insurance cards.

On road runs, I stash water bottles on the way or run loops around my neighborhood and refuel on my front porch.

2008-08-22 2:41 PM
in reply to: #1621241

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Folsom (Sacramento), CA
Subject: RE: What's in/on your fuel belt?
Scout7 - 2008-08-22 8:42 AM

Here's mine:



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