Subject: RE: 7.21.13 Super Sunday and I'M BACK! Traveling also. It involved about two weeks of bike touring so I did get in plenty of time in the saddle, but all of it slow at Mom's pace, hauling lots of junk on a heavy touring bike. (I did get it up the last 5 miles of Ventoux, though! ) In 26 days, I think I ran eight times and swam five. Gained five pounds, probably mostly due to beer and olive oil consumption. (Trip included France, Italy, Austria, and Slovenia, plus a few days in Amsterdam. ) Highly recommend the intersecting area of Austria/Slovenia/Italy for anyone interested in a trication. If more disciplined than me and if you took a road bike, you could really get in top shape there for all three sports.
OMG I have a sprint tri on Saturday and not at all ready. Did an hour run this AM. Have to get in some OWS at the race site so I can figure out whether I need a wetsuit or not, and take Red Rover out for a spin to get used to riding him again. No high hopes for the race but hope to at least avert drowning or crashing. |