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2014-09-11 10:25 AM

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Subject: Where were you.....

on Sept. 11. 2001?

I was working a second security job at a school for kids who have gotten expelled from their regular schools for violence.  My wife called and told me a plane had crashed into one of the world trade center buildings.  I told one of the teachers there and we found a TV to turn on.  Pretty quickly they had the kids watching the TV......and then the second plane hit and the announcer started talking about it being an attack on our country.  The kids started cheering.  I walked out.  I just laid the keys on the desk and left.....never went back.

I stopped on the way home and picked up Jr. from the babysitter. He was almost 4 and I spent the rest of the day in front of the TV watching the coverage and playing with him.

When my wife came home with the twins and we atarted working on dinner I looked over and saw that my son had built a "tower" out of some of his blocks and was "flying" a toy airplane around......then he crashed it into the tower he built. 

I cried.

I knew in that instance that my children would grow up in a time of war for our country.....and I'm never going to forget or forgive those who caused that to happen.


2014-09-11 10:48 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Where were you.....
I had just put my wife on a flight. Got home and turned on the TV. She called me and said her flight was being delayed and they wouldn't say why.
2014-09-11 11:06 AM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Chicago, IL
Subject: RE: Where were you.....

I'd lived in the US for about 10 months. I was sitting in my office in Boston. I worked in the travel industry.
I was one of the first in the office, before either tower was struck.

By the time most people arrived, both towers had been hit and everyone was crammed in a conference room watching the coverage, until we were told the building was being evacuated as a precautionary measure. I spent the remainder of the day in a bar.

My mum was flying across the Atlantic to visit me. She was en route when everything occurred. Her flight was re-routed to Halifax, NS, and she never made it to the US.

2014-09-11 11:07 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Where were you.....
Me and my then girlfriend (now wife) had just moved to Boston ~3 months prior. I was at work when someone told me a plane had flown into the World Trade Center. My first thought was what "idiot Cessna pilot managed to do that?" Didn't take long to find out it clearly wasn't a small plane. I was traveling a lot a the time, both domestic and international. I spent much of the first few hours fielding calls/email/texts from family checking where I was and refreshing the Yahoo news page consistently.

By the time we got a TV set up in the office, the first tower was gone. I had missed the news about it coming down and I remember looking at the live footage on TV and realizing only then, that there was no building behind the massive amount of smoke where it once stood. After the second fell, most everyone went home. Driving home was surreal. Beautiful fall day in New England, not a soul on the road. My wife and I pretty much watched TV the rest of the day. I don't remember us saying much of anything to each other.

2014-09-11 11:19 AM
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Sin City
Subject: RE: Where were you.....

That morning was our annual golf tournament in Denver Colorado so I was up early so almost caught it all from the beginning.  The first plane had hit maybe 15 minutes earlier and news was just coming in...  They were reporting it as an accident at that time...

I was watching live in the clubhouse when the second plane hit and IMMEDIATELY thought terrorism even though the media still was speculating about a broken transponder or something.




I can't continue...  I had another paragraph of what was happening that day and started to feel sick to my stomach about the people jumping and the buildings falling but deleted it - I basically watched it all.  I don't want to write anymore.  

Edited by Kido 2014-09-11 11:21 AM
2014-09-11 11:23 AM
in reply to: Kido

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Where were you.....

I was in my third year of university - living in residence just getting ready for class when a friend called me from across campus and told me to go watch the news right away.  

could not believe my eyes - and dreaded all that was to come as a result.  

2014-09-11 12:34 PM
in reply to: juniperjen

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Where were you.....

I had a friend from Italy staying with me and I put him on a plane on sep. 10 at night. As we drove across one of the bridges, he snapped one of the last photos ever taken of the wtc. His plane was late, but we left him at the airport thinking he'd be alright. I had no idea how late his plane was and so I freaked out when I saw the news the next morning, so I called him immediately and was relieved to hear that he had made it home ok.

2014-09-11 12:58 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Tacoma, Washington
Subject: RE: Where were you.....

I was at work when people walking in (arriving later than I -- this is the west coast) were asking if I'd heard. The first plan had hit. Some one brought in a little black-and-white TV, and we got it tuned in just as the second plane hit.

I was just dazed. Gutted.

And then the buildings pancaked into rubble.

No one got any work done that day. I remember reading on a forum (Rage Against the Machine site -- was linked on another forum) people all saying how we deserved it, and it was such a good thing for us... I was raging myself, against anyone who would think such a thing. I'm glad that no one around me had echoed those sentiments -- I would have strangled them.

I had a road trip to Portland that night, very little sleep. But I woke the next day calmed, at least a little. Then I saw the images. The rage hit me all over again.

To this day I can't see those images. That anger is still there. I wished I could have gone there to help dig...

2014-09-11 1:35 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Rio Rancho, NM
Subject: RE: Where were you.....

I was in the kitchen getting breakfast for my kids as they got ready for school. My then-11-year-old was watching TV and said "Mommy a plane crashed in to a building". His brother and I then joined him watching as the other plane hit. My boys attended a parochial school so I called the principal and asked his thoughts about bringing the kids to school. He said he'd like to keep things "normal" so I took them in. I think he and I both knew "normal" was about to change. I then went to work where I learned that a dear friend had lost her battle with cancer. Not a day I like to recall.

2014-09-11 2:07 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Where were you.....
I was in college sleeping when the first plane hit. My gf at the time called me up to tell me what happened. I got up turned on the tv and saw the 2nd plane hit. I did not go to my classes at all that day I could not stop watching CNN.
2014-09-11 2:11 PM
in reply to: rrrunner

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Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Where were you.....

I was in my Sophomore year in high school, in History class.  The teacher came in from the teachers lounge and said we are going to watch history unfold, and that's what we did.  I was 15 at the time.  I knew at that time that things would be different in the world.  There was a certain innocence that was lost on that day.  Growing up in a more rural setting I was pretty naive to the world around me. 



2014-09-11 2:20 PM
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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Where were you.....

I was almost at work when my wife called to tell me about a plane hitting the 1st tower.  Got to work and turned on a cracker-jack little 13" black and white tv to see what was going on.  Saw the 2nd plane hit and then it was clear what was happening.  I had an early doctor's appointment and was in the waiting room watching the coverage when the 1st tower collapsed.  My sister and her husband were on a plane from Austin to Seattle at the time of the attack and were diverted to St. Louis.  It took them 5 days to get back to Austin because there were no rental cars and the Amtrack train stopped several times due to perceived threats and safety concerns.

Two nights ago, My 11 year old had to interview someone about 9/11.  She asked me the assigned 5 questions and then I sat her and her sister down to tell them about that day, how it has impacted me and our country.  My eye's still fill with tears when I think about it or, worse, when I see videos of the planes hitting or the towers falling.


Edited by Hook'em 2014-09-11 2:22 PM
2014-09-11 3:16 PM
in reply to: Hook'em

Subject: RE: Where were you.....
On an out of town project in a hospital in Washington, DC. Within sight of the Pentagon. I'm at work now, so I can't write much more right now, nor could I really find the right words to sum any of the next few weeks up.
2014-09-11 3:46 PM
in reply to: danimal123

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Subject: RE: Where were you.....

I was driving to college classes (I went part-time during the day as an adult), listening to the Howard Stern show and heard it all happen live.  He and Robin reported it live as they were seeing it, from the first plane, thinking it was somehow an accident, to the second when it became clear it was no accident.  I arrived to my class and the kids had the coverage on the TV in the room.  The (psychology) professor came in, turned it off, and held class without a mention of what was going on. 

2014-09-11 6:03 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Where were you.....

Originally posted by Left Brain

on Sept. 11. 2001?

I was working a second security job at a school for kids who have gotten expelled from their regular schools for violence.  My wife called and told me a plane had crashed into one of the world trade center buildings.  I told one of the teachers there and we found a TV to turn on.  Pretty quickly they had the kids watching the TV......and then the second plane hit and the announcer started talking about it being an attack on our country.  The kids started cheering.  I walked out.  I just laid the keys on the desk and left.....never went back.

I stopped on the way home and picked up Jr. from the babysitter. He was almost 4 and I spent the rest of the day in front of the TV watching the coverage and playing with him.

When my wife came home with the twins and we atarted working on dinner I looked over and saw that my son had built a "tower" out of some of his blocks and was "flying" a toy airplane around......then he crashed it into the tower he built. 

I cried.

I knew in that instance that my children would grow up in a time of war for our country.....and I'm never going to forget or forgive those who caused that to happen.


Speaking of cheering, one of the scenes I will NEVER forget during that whole time was this:


I have nothing against true Islam.  I have nothing against Palestine.  But THIS woman (with the missing tooth)?  THOSE individual men they show?  To this day I want to confront them and ask how they could celebrate the death of innocents.  I STILL get angry seeing it.  I'm not trying to stir up hatred against a nation or group - just a handful of hateful people they show.

On the other side - not to push a corporation that does it's thing for advertising...  I saw this live and will never forget it.  STILL makes me well up..



2014-09-11 6:36 PM
in reply to: Kido

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Subject: RE: Where were you.....

Originally posted by Kido

Originally posted by Left Brain

on Sept. 11. 2001?

I was working a second security job at a school for kids who have gotten expelled from their regular schools for violence.  My wife called and told me a plane had crashed into one of the world trade center buildings.  I told one of the teachers there and we found a TV to turn on.  Pretty quickly they had the kids watching the TV......and then the second plane hit and the announcer started talking about it being an attack on our country.  The kids started cheering.  I walked out.  I just laid the keys on the desk and left.....never went back.

I stopped on the way home and picked up Jr. from the babysitter. He was almost 4 and I spent the rest of the day in front of the TV watching the coverage and playing with him.

When my wife came home with the twins and we atarted working on dinner I looked over and saw that my son had built a "tower" out of some of his blocks and was "flying" a toy airplane around......then he crashed it into the tower he built. 

I cried.

I knew in that instance that my children would grow up in a time of war for our country.....and I'm never going to forget or forgive those who caused that to happen.


Speaking of cheering, one of the scenes I will NEVER forget during that whole time was this:


I have nothing against true Islam.  I have nothing against Palestine.  But THIS woman (with the missing tooth)?  THOSE individual men they show?  To this day I want to confront them and ask how they could celebrate the death of innocents.  I STILL get angry seeing it.  I'm not trying to stir up hatred against a nation or group - just a handful of hateful people they show.

On the other side - not to push a corporation that does it's thing for advertising...  I saw this live and will never forget it.  STILL makes me well up..



Yeah, I have never watched a video of people cheering since I saw it the first time.(and didn't open your link)  I don't want to hate anyone if I don't have to.......but that pushed my limit for sure.  I remember it vividly.........sick.

2014-09-11 6:41 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Where were you.....

I don't blame you...  I haven't gone back to find it in all these years.  I did a Google search to see if what I remember would come up or if it was my "imagination".  Nope, popped right up, exactly like I remembered, and still gets me mad.


On the touching side...

HD version of "my" Clydesdales!  (I grew up in STL...)


2014-09-11 7:23 PM
in reply to: Kido

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Subject: RE: Where were you.....

Originally posted by Kido

I don't blame you...  I haven't gone back to find it in all these years.  I did a Google search to see if what I remember would come up or if it was my "imagination".  Nope, popped right up, exactly like I remembered, and still gets me mad.


On the touching side...

HD version of "my" Clydesdales!  (I grew up in STL...)


Yep, the Ad folks at AB were top notch back then!  I know you enjoyed it in your years here.  Sadly, not so much anymore.

2014-09-11 7:30 PM
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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Where were you.....
I may have posted this before, but I was in my office on 40th street. Here's what I wrote that evening:

September 11th, 2001

At about 2pm, my office, on 40th street and 5th avenue closed, and, with no subways running, I had to walk home to Cobble Hill, Brooklyn, a distance of about 6 miles.
There was virtually no traffic on the streets, no taxis, no cars or buses. Occasionally, an emergency vehicle or military vehicle would roar downtown, lights flashing and siren wailing, or, surreally, a vehicle would make its way uptown covered in an inch of dust, trailing a cloud of ash as it made its way uptown. Some of these vehicles were damaged with dents or broken windows, or with occupants covered with dust.

Although there were thousands of people making their way home, mosty uptown away from the carnage, but many, like me heading dowtown, almost no one spoke. Everyone seemed distracted, and with their minds elsewhere. Eye contact, a rarity in New York, was oddly common, and comforting, rather than disconcerting.
All along the route, churches and schools had been opened as shelters and were offering water and cookies, and sometimes towels or dust masks to passersby. Once or twice, a person coming uptown, away from the blast would offer his mask to a person walking dowtown towards the World Trade Center. Many restaurants also had tables set up offering drinks to the throngs as they wandered toward the ever-growing plume of black smoke that rose up where the towers used to be. I also saw office workers who had literally dragged teir water coolers into the street to offer water, and a couple of individual families and kids pouring drinks out of coolers, or jugs, or in one case, a big soup pot set up on a card table.

Bars are packed to the rafters, all heads swiveled up at the tv’s. Information, companionship, booze. These are the three things that no New Yorker can seem to have enough of today.

Hastily-printed signs posted everywhere in English, Spanish, Korean, and Chinese urge anyone who can to go to the nearest hospital to give blood.

The cloud of smoke is impossible to describe in terms you can understand. It soars a thousand feet in the air, and stretches across the East River almost to the horizon. It smells acrid, like a house fire. The scent of burning paper is unmistakeable.

At the Manhattan Bridge, an enormous convoy of heavy equipment roared across the bridge toward the blast site further downtown. The red cross has a last water stop before we have to crossthe mile-long span of bridge into Brooklyn. The Twin Towers should be looming overhead, now, but they are gone, replaced only by billowing dust and smoke.

There are thousands of people, all walks of life, walking across the bridge. Cops stand about every 200 feet or so, politely offering encouragement to anyone who seems to be laboring. Kids have lifted elderly people and a guy on crutches onto their bikes to walk them across the span. The thick cloud of smoke obscured the hot afternoon sun, ironically easing the passage across the bridge.

In my neighborhod, smoke hangs in the air like fog, though the sun is bright. The acrid odor is stronger here. Cars have noticible layers of ash on them. Most disturbing are the hundreds of sheets of office paper scattered around in the gutter. Some are blank, but many are memos, e-mails, pages of reports that, only hours ago were being written or reviewed by their unsuspecting authors. Some have burned edges. The World Trade Center is (was) over a mile away, yet the papers are everywhere. Some memos have the author’s name on them. The mind reels.
All of my close friends, thank God, are accounted for. My phone rings off the hook. Friends, relatives, co-workers checking in. I have nothing but good news to tell them. My heart aches for those who have tragic news, or worse, no news at all to report.

It’s hard to get my head around the idea that, when I wake up tomorrow, those two giants of the New York Skyline are gone. Vanished. Typical New Yorker that I am, I never went to the top. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that the opportunity would disappear.

The “City that Never Sleeps” is eerily silent. There are no cars on the streets outside, or planes overhead. The Empire State Bulding is black, the lights turned off in mourning..There is an enourmous black hole at the base of Manhattan. You cannot imagine…

Edited by jmk-brooklyn 2014-09-11 7:31 PM
2014-09-11 7:43 PM
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Subject: RE: Where were you.....

jmk - I was hoping you'd post.  I read it twice, so far......thank you! 

Tonight I will read it to my children.

Edited by Left Brain 2014-09-11 7:44 PM
2014-09-11 7:54 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Where were you.....

Thanks for that jmk that was a powerful read.

2014-09-11 8:27 PM
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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Where were you.....
Thanks Justin & LB.

The part that gets me the most all these years later is the part about the signs asking people to give blood. There was a MASSIVE emergency blood drive all over the city, and every ER in Manhattan was on high alert with every doctor and nurse called into work. And at some point as the evening wore on, everyone figured out that the ambulances weren't coming and that there would be no one to save.

Edited by jmk-brooklyn 2014-09-11 8:32 PM
2014-09-11 8:35 PM
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Subject: RE: Where were you.....

I read your post to my kids after we had finally gathered for dinner from the day of work, school, cross country, swimming, and horse club.  It was pretty cool......I got the usual sideways glances that I always get when I tell them I have something for them to hear.......I LOVE being the corny old dad when I get the chance.     There was some banter and looking at their cell phones when I started......and it quickly ended.  They sat silently as I read your words, and even put their phones down.  One of the twins said, "he was there?"......like she had never really put a person in that context.....it's just a story to them, history.

Nice work!  Thanks again!

Edited by Left Brain 2014-09-11 8:40 PM
2014-09-11 9:15 PM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Where were you.....
Originally posted by Left Brain

I read your post to my kids after we had finally gathered for dinner from the day of work, school, cross country, swimming, and horse club.  It was pretty cool......I got the usual sideways glances that I always get when I tell them I have something for them to hear.......I LOVE being the corny old dad when I get the chance.     There was some banter and looking at their cell phones when I started......and it quickly ended.  They sat silently as I read your words, and even put their phones down.  One of the twins said, "he was there?"......like she had never really put a person in that context.....it's just a story to them, history.

Nice work!  Thanks again!

Thanks so much. That means a lot.

I may never win a Pulitzer, but one day I can tell my kid that once, something I wrote got a teenager to put down his phone. :D

2014-09-12 6:46 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Where were you.....
I was just falling asleep in my apartment in Beijing, China (teaching in an international school there) when the phone rang. It was a parent asking me if school would be cancelled tomorrow. I told her I had no idea why it would be, then she realized I didn't know. She told me that a plane had hit the second tower and it was clearly a terrorist attack. Chinese media did not cover the attacks till several hours later as the editor who had to give the final approval for the story could not be reached, and I didn't have CNN or Internet at the time. (Lived in local housing and it wasn't allowed, only in expat compounds.) At some point while I was on the phone with her, one of the towers collapsed, and I heard her family screaming in the background. Called our head of school, who also didn't know, and pretty much everyone else I knew who didn't have CNN. Oddly, my first thought about who could have done it was tha maybe it was China--there had been some kind of recent conflict and I thought maybe some nationalist hothead had comandeered some planes.

We never did cancel school--It was one of the worst days of my teaching career. A bunch of journalists showed up at school the next morning and managed to corral some of our kids, trying to get them to comment. Some kids didn't know what had happened yet, or didn't even really speak much English. I told them the reporters they would need to get permission from the office (knew they wouldn't give it) but they ignored me, so I just told the kids to run with me to the classroom. We went in and locked the door, let security deal with the journalists. Needless to say, it was a tough day. We finally got coverage but only in Chinese, and I didn't let the kids watch very long as it was the same scene, over and over. I let them do whatever they felt like that day--we watched a little TV, talked for a while about it, read a story, did some art, had a prayer/silent time, did some yoga. Security managed to get the journalists off campus but they accosted some kids on the way home. One of my 4th graders lived on a college campus where her parents taught and she was surrounded by students telling her that they felt happy about the attacks, that the US deserved it, etc. That just made me sick, not just that they would be happy about so much human suffering, but that they would choose to share that sentiment with a nine year old.

A little later, when more was known about the attackers, we had a current events day and one of my students made the comment, "I could live to be 120 and I will never understand how that man could believe he was going to Heaven." I'll never forget that, or that even my weakest Chinese students that year (current events had to be in both Chinese and English, to the best of the "reporter's" ability) were able to fluently produce phrases like "terrorist" and "suicide bomber". I felt a deep sense of sorrow that these kids would have to grow up in such a violent and troubled world.

Over the next few months, the TV's in our compound somehow began to receive CNN, usually with sound only, or occasionally a grainy black and white image. So many of those media moments, from the endless replays of collapsing towers to Bush saying "mission accomplished" after landing the aircraft carrier, were in that eery disembodied voice, or those ghostly images. I feel like I missed a huge part of my country's history in a way, and returned to a country that would never be the same.
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