General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Race Day special needs 70.3 Rss Feed  
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2015-04-23 2:47 PM

Subject: Race Day special needs 70.3
Would it be "illegal" or uncool if I stasted bottles of coconut water along the bike and run course for myself? I can't stomach the sports drinks provided and can't carry that much on my bike/person. I will have 2 bottles of it on my bike and some at T2. But wondering if this is allowed

2015-04-23 3:20 PM
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Subject: RE: Race Day special needs 70.3

This has come up before and there has been debate about whether it's "outside assistance" ("but I am giving it to myself") or "littering" ("I am going to pick it up").  I'll leave to others to cite to specific rules, but it's certainly in the category of uncool and not in the spirit of racing, and I would personally argue illegal as it gives you an advantage other racers don't have, who limit themselves to aid stations.

I guess I'd ask you what would happen if everyone did what you propose, stashing bottles all over the course.  

You'll get differing opinions I am sure, and I have no doubt some will say "do what you want."  This site seems to have devolved alarmingly into acceptance of selfish, I-do-what-I-want and blatantly illegal behavior (not specifically referring to your post), so i doubt I'll be surprised at the responses (sorry, taking my vent out on your post       )

Edited by ChrisM 2015-04-23 3:21 PM
2015-04-23 3:26 PM
in reply to: HonoluluAngel

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Subject: RE: Race Day special needs 70.3
2015-04-23 4:58 PM
in reply to: #5110344

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Extreme Veteran
Acworth, GA
Subject: RE: Race Day special needs 70.3
Why not just carry the bottles on your bike? Two behind the seat, one on the frame and a bottle on the bars. Should be enough don't you think?

I would not recommend leaving bottles on the course. What will you do with the empties because if you just leave them in the same spot, then that would definately be considered littering.
Plus what would you do if you show up and the full ones aren't there? No fluids !
2015-04-23 6:55 PM
in reply to: HonoluluAngel

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Race Day special needs 70.3
As others have said, you could probably modify your bike setup to carry more bottles. If the avatar pic is your current bike, you can put two on the frame. A behind the seat mount would allow you to take two more. If you have aerobars, you can also mount a bottle there. If that's not enough, you could always put a bottle in your jersey and then discard it in a bottle exchange area. I train/race in similar conditions to Hawaii, and that should be enough to get you through a 70.3. If not, it's pretty easy to squeeze more water into an aerobottle, or exchange an empty for a full (of water). The others can be coconut water if you want. I'm also very picky about what I drink (can't stand sweet stuff) and this is basically my setup (except that I'll have Nuun, not coconut water) for long rides and an upcoming 70.3 in Vietnam. As for the run, maybe carry the bottle of coconut water in a hydration pack, then just take the water on the course? If needed, you could take both a waist pack and a handheld bottle.

I know people stash fluids and snacks for training sometimes, but I wouldn't do it in a race. Aside from the legality issues, you'd be in trouble if the stuff disappeared, was tampered with, or went bad sitting out in the heat.
2015-04-23 7:47 PM
in reply to: HonoluluAngel

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Subject: RE: Race Day special needs 70.3

I see that Honu 70.3 is in your race log, so I'm just going to tell you NO...end of story.  I could go deep into why the locals would not appreciate it if they saw you doing this, so just trust me on this one.

Furthermore, the bike course is pretty much rolling through barren lava fields.  Unless you really know the road, the chances of you placing a water bottle and then being able to find it is pretty slim....especially when you have hundreds of other athletes around you.  Everything looks the same.  There are no trees to stash it under in the shade.  You would literally need to put the bottle into the lava field...out in the sun.

I think there are much better solutions you could come up with.  Bottles in your jersey pockets, camelbak, rear bottle holders, etc.

2015-04-24 11:52 AM
in reply to: ratherbeswimming

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Great White North
Subject: RE: Race Day special needs 70.3
Originally posted by ratherbeswimming

A quick search led me to both coconut water powder, and coconut water concentrate. These may allow you to use on-course fluids (water!) and mix as you go.

Please do NOT stash bottles on the course

2015-05-11 6:23 PM
in reply to: Mc Q

Subject: RE: Race Day special needs 70.3
Thanks everybody, will look into the concentrate although I may not have enough time to find/order it prior to my race in a few weeks. I will not hide anything on the course, after reading the posts on here and slow twitch I come to the same conclusion that it is not cool.

Since my intolerance to gatorade is not medically ordained, I can't resort to "special needs" such as a diabetic needing insulin on the course. So I will have to suck it up and pray no problems, if it results in another DNF so be it. I will try my best with what I can carry or what is available.
2015-05-12 9:02 AM
in reply to: HonoluluAngel

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Camp Hill, Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Race Day special needs 70.3

Originally posted by HonoluluAngel Thanks everybody, will look into the concentrate although I may not have enough time to find/order it prior to my race in a few weeks. I will not hide anything on the course, after reading the posts on here and slow twitch I come to the same conclusion that it is not cool. Since my intolerance to gatorade is not medically ordained, I can't resort to "special needs" such as a diabetic needing insulin on the course. So I will have to suck it up and pray no problems, if it results in another DNF so be it. I will try my best with what I can carry or what is available.

Since your logs aren't public, I have to make some assumptions, but reading your posts and race reports, I suspect that your issues aren't lack of fueling, or the wrong fuel.  Rather, they are likely a combination of inadequate/inefficient training, racing too hard for your fitness level, and trying to force consumption of fuel beyond what your body can digest.


2015-05-12 2:18 PM
in reply to: HonoluluAngel

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Subject: RE: Race Day special needs 70.3

Maybe give Skratch or Osmo a try.  Pretty easy to find the individual packets at most bike or running shops.  They are much more mild flavored and use natural ingredients.  Many who have had GI issues with Gatorade have gone to these types of products for electrolyte replacement.

Of course you could always try electrolyte tablets and water...and just get your calories elsewhere.

2015-05-12 10:42 PM
in reply to: TriMyBest

Subject: RE: Race Day special needs 70.3
Yeah I don't train enough and I'm inefficient

2015-05-13 6:48 AM
in reply to: HonoluluAngel

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Race Day special needs 70.3
Originally posted by HonoluluAngel

Yeah I don't train enough and I'm inefficient

For medical reasons (diabetic) I cannot use the Gatorade or Perform stuff. So the only thing I can trust on the course is water. Anything else I take in the form of solids since they can be transported quite easily. The trick is to find the solids that work for you.

Good luck.
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