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2015-05-31 5:30 PM

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Trois-Rivieres, Quebec
Subject: My name is Frank and try to eat better

I have been training for 2 years full time now. I'm a retired 51 and I'm 5'4'' at 155 pound. I have around 25 pound to lose.

I have been training 6 times a week and 3 days a week is 2 training a day. I train around 2h00 everyday.

I have a personnal dietician and I follow here recommendation. I had 2 different personnal coach in that 2 years, but it didn't do good job properly so now I do my training alone with the BT custom training plan creator.

When I saw my dietician last time, she told me I was supposed to lose weight with the food I eat. The reality is that I have not lost a pound.

I did sprint triathlon in the moment and I check to do Olympic now. I did 2 half marathon. I'm slow a bit my half I did it in 2h12 so it's not fast but in the same time I run as if I was wearing a weight belt of 25 pounds everytime I do my training or competition.

The thing is all the time when I run my average HR is around 170 bpm. I did my half marathon last sunday and the average HR was 176 and my max was 186 bpm. When I was at 180 bpm I was able to speak short sentences with my spouse during the run. So I was not close to die. On my last sprint triathlon I average 165 bpm and I focus to tried to keep my HR low.

I was thinking to do a half Ironman at the end of summer but realy not sure now. My half was hard. I choke at 17km and my leg was not able to push more. So now I know that my stamina is not good enough. I have to do more long run and ride to be better.

When I did my LT test it was 173 bpm on running. My Zone 1: 120-132, Zone 2: 133-144, Zone 3: 144-156, Zone 4: 156-168, Zone 5: 168-180.

My last test was last year so I have to do another one. My coach never ask me to do another one so. Now I'm alone and I will do test at every 2 month or something like that.

My heart rate quickly and easily mounted to 160 bpm. To remain at 120 or 130 I should almost walk.

So why I don't lose fat, weight ?

My diet is not the amount of calories, my dietician ask me to fill a log and I have to take 10 protein a day, 7 carbs, 3 fruits, all vegetable I want and less sugar I can 0.

Some said you HR is to high all the time to lose fat, you burn only Carb. Some other said I burn a lot of calories, so I'm supposed to lose fat. I don't know?

Can you help me and tell me what's up with that !


It will be a pleasure to read your comment, idea or experience about it.

2015-06-06 1:18 AM
in reply to: Frank50

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: My name is Frank and try to eat better
Not sure about the weight loss but it does sound like something is odd about your training. My LTHR for running is also 173-174, but I can't imagine running a half-marathon with an average HR of 176, averaging in the 170's for all my training, or having a conversation (other than "Call the medics, now!) with my HR at 180. If your LT test was correct, then you are mostly training in Zone 5, and racing a half-marathon in Zone 5. Does. Not. Compute. For comparison purposes, an easy run for me would be in Zone 2; tempo work in Zone 3, harder intervals in Zone 4. I don't normally even hit Zone 5 except in the latter stages of a race, if I get really overheated, or someone almost runs me over with a motorbike! I probably can run longer at a higher % of LT than most people as well--I'm 45 and have been running since I was ten, and in my younger days was a not-quite-elite runner (HM PB of 1:16, 2:43 marathon).

Possible your LT test is outdated, something is wrong with your monitor, or something is making your HR abnormally high when you train, even at lower intensities. I would make sure you are healthy, and if so, look into things like your hydration and caffeine consumption that could be jacking up your heart rate. If that's not the issue, then just slow down. If you have a Garmin, you can switch off the speed/distance function and just look at HR, so you don't get tempted to train too hard because you think you "should" be able to go faster. I think you'd find that your stamina would then improve and possibly weight would come off more easily as well, since you could tolerate longer workouts.

As far as weight loss, it's my understanding that longer, low-intensity exercise, is most useful for burning fat. If you are really doing all your training in Zones 4-5, then maybe that is part of the problem. Also, maybe you need to look at fat weight vs. muscle weight. From the avatar pic it looks like you are very muscular. Muscle weighs more than fat, so it's possible your body fat actually is quite low, particularly since that muscle is packed onto a compact frame. If you are doing a lot of strength training, you may be adding muscle while losing fat, thus breaking even.

Since you see a dietician that is probably the best person to advise about diet. To me, 10 servings of protein sounds like a lot except for maybe a body builder, but maybe that is grams or something??? Are you eating enough healthy fats? And being honest about diet, including liquid calories--I know for a lot of guys, beer is a big calorie source and can cancel out efforts at a healthy diet! (For women, more likely stuff like chocolate....)

Finally, maybe that weight is just what's right for your body and what your genetics dictate, even it doesn't fit with your ideal. I'm in the opposite situation-- spent most of my life trying to get a few more curves and muscles onto a wiry 5'7", 115-120 pound frame. When I moved from running to tri in my 40's, I really tried to "bulk up" as it was embarrassing to line up with all those buff women, and my light weight is a real liability on the bike. It's gotten to the point where, except for keeping up strength training because I like feeling strong, I've just given up trying to change my body. I'm really strong for my size, eat a healthy diet, enjoy foods I like, and do the sports I enjoy to the best of my ability. If people want to tease me about having the "body of a middle school student" etc.., that's their problem.
2015-11-18 9:11 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Trois-Rivieres, Quebec
Subject: RE: My name is Frank and try to eat better

Thanks for your comment I realy appreciate it. I have a Garmin to check my HR in my training. The thing is If I want to stay in the 156 zone, who supposed to be my zone 2 I realy don't run fast. I diid a check with a doctor for my heart if everything was ok and yes. I don't have heart problem.. I don't drink alcool and caféine because I don't like the taste of it. I drink but may be not enought but I think not to bad. After 15 minutes warm up my HR go to 170 and stay there easly. When I was Young I went to 200 fast. I know I'm faty and have to loose weight. Now I do my training in zone 1 and 2. My end zone 2 is 156 so and my LTHR is 172 my max is 182. I did it last month. My best friend, a realy great runner, told me for him it's impossible to run a half at 176 average. My garmin told me my average. I had 2 garmin and both one said the same average. So I don't know why but I run at a realy high HR all the time. But now I tried to stay mostly at 156 and less.

2015-11-19 7:12 AM
in reply to: Frank50

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Exton, PA
Subject: RE: My name is Frank and try to eat better
heart rates are different for everyone.

I ran a 1/2 marathon for training purposes 3 weeks ago. I was just running it easy and having a good time, did a lot of talking during the run. My average heart for that run was 170. I have a friend that would fall over if he ever hit a 170 heart.

As for weight lose, dropping 25 lbs from where you sounds excessive. This depends on how much muscle mass you have. If your that worried about your weight you may want to have you %fat checked, that is a better indicator if you should be losing weight or not.

For example: I'm 5"-8" at about 165lbs, according to a BMI calculator I'm just in the overweight category. Checking body fat % I'm at about 11%- well below what any Dr would consider unhealthy.
2015-11-19 10:06 AM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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New user
Subject: RE: My name is Frank and try to eat better
Originally posted by Hot Runner

As far as weight loss, it's my understanding that longer, low-intensity exercise, is most useful for burning fat. If you are really doing all your training in Zones 4-5, then maybe that is part of the problem.

You have to slow down, and keep running in Z2 to build a strong base. Yes you will have to walk some parts and you'll get sick and tired of hearing your Garmin beep when you enter zone 3, but keep at it and you'll see that over time, as short as a couple of weeks, you'll be able to run faster while always having your heartrate in Z2. Off season is a perfect time to do this.

I also have a normally high heart rate when I run. My maxHR is around 193, my zone 2 is 144-156. It was a frustrating and humbling experience to "run" in Z2, but I kept at it and the speed came. I also lost some weight even though it was not my goal. When I was training by running too fast, I was also burning carbs like crazy and being a tall muscular girl (5'9, 158 lbs) I hit the wall often and suffered from hypoglycemia even during short runs. So I was eating more carbs by fear of fading during the run. Do you experience this?

Lâche pas la patate!
2015-11-19 11:48 AM
in reply to: Frank50

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Subject: RE: My name is Frank and try to eat better

Originally posted by Frank50

So why I don't lose fat, weight ?

My diet is not the amount of calories, my dietician ask me to fill a log and I have to take 10 protein a day, 7 carbs, 3 fruits, all vegetable I want and less sugar I can 0.

I would suggest for at least a short time, maybe a week or two, you try your best to count all the calories you take in.  Be honest about it and log might shock you how much you are actually taking in.  I personally don't count calories, but I have done it enough times where I have a good understanding of how much 2000 or 2500 calories is.  Before I started counting...I was sometimes eating 3500-4000 per day and not even thinking I ate bad.

Some said you HR is to high all the time to lose fat, you burn only Carb. Some other said I burn a lot of calories, so I'm supposed to lose fat. I don't know?

While true that you burn a higher percentage of calories from fat at lower efforts, you also burn less calories overall at lower don't use this as a reason as to why you are losing weight.

Just for examples sake, these are not accurate figures...I just made them up to illustrate a point.

1 hour of easy (lower HR running), may burn off 50% calories from fat, but only 500 calories overall.  250 from fat, 250 from other sources.

1 hour of harder running (higher HR running), may burn off 40% calories from fat, but 700 calories overall.  280 from fat, 420 from other sources.

I'm not saying that you should always train high intensity and higher HR...just that the answer to losing fat is not to go easy all the time.

2015-11-19 12:43 PM
in reply to: Frank50

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Calgary, AB
Silver member
Subject: RE: My name is Frank and try to eat better
How many calories did you give yourself for the half-marathon? I found I was giving myself too many calories for long runs and bikes and have had to start tracking most meals on myfitnesspal to get things under control.

I'm 5'7" and when I was 200+ lbs I was fat and got down to 175 for an IM and said "That's good enough, don't want to be too skinny". Then after a few years got into the high 160s - was sure that was enough. It's muscle, BMI is crap, etc etc etc. Then low 160s, now low 150s and I still could shed 5-8 lbs. In the end, go by the mirror, pictures, and race performance.

I avg close to 160 for a HM and 166 for a 10k so you're not totally out in left field for heart rate. A lot of training runs are under 135 though.

2015-11-19 2:27 PM
in reply to: isabella969

Subject: RE: My name is Frank and try to eat better
Originally posted by isabella969

Originally posted by Hot Runner

As far as weight loss, it's my understanding that longer, low-intensity exercise, is most useful for burning fat. If you are really doing all your training in Zones 4-5, then maybe that is part of the problem.

You have to slow down, and keep running in Z2 to build a strong base. Yes you will have to walk some parts and you'll get sick and tired of hearing your Garmin beep when you enter zone 3, but keep at it and you'll see that over time, as short as a couple of weeks, you'll be able to run faster while always having your heartrate in Z2. Off season is a perfect time to do this.

I also have a normally high heart rate when I run. My maxHR is around 193, my zone 2 is 144-156. It was a frustrating and humbling experience to "run" in Z2, but I kept at it and the speed came. I also lost some weight even though it was not my goal. When I was training by running too fast, I was also burning carbs like crazy and being a tall muscular girl (5'9, 158 lbs) I hit the wall often and suffered from hypoglycemia even during short runs. So I was eating more carbs by fear of fading during the run. Do you experience this?

Lâche pas la patate!

In reference back to the "useful for burning fat" portion of the post. It is debatable if longer, low-intensity is "most useful for burning fat." What is more accurate would be that you burn a higher percentage of fat for fuel at this intensity level.
2015-11-20 3:11 PM
in reply to: Frank50

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: My name is Frank and try to eat better
Originally posted by Frank50

Thanks for your comment I realy appreciate it. I have a Garmin to check my HR in my training. The thing is If I want to stay in the 156 zone, who supposed to be my zone 2 I realy don't run fast. I diid a check with a doctor for my heart if everything was ok and yes. I don't have heart problem.. I don't drink alcool and caféine because I don't like the taste of it. I drink but may be not enought but I think not to bad. After 15 minutes warm up my HR go to 170 and stay there easly. When I was Young I went to 200 fast. I know I'm faty and have to loose weight. Now I do my training in zone 1 and 2. My end zone 2 is 156 so and my LTHR is 172 my max is 182. I did it last month. My best friend, a realy great runner, told me for him it's impossible to run a half at 176 average. My garmin told me my average. I had 2 garmin and both one said the same average. So I don't know why but I run at a realy high HR all the time. But now I tried to stay mostly at 156 and less.

Salut Frank,

there are two topics in this thread and while they are a bit related, I think too much of a link has been made between the two.

For your weight it's mostly about calories in and calories out. Yes, there are factors such as the type of foods and timing that will make a difference, as will things like your basic metabolic rates, but it is mostly about calorie deficit/surplus. For this I would suggest you log for 2 weeks everything in an app like myfitnesspal and then analyze the results. This is the best way to see if you are under estimating your calories or overestimating the calories burned during a workout.

For the HR, you do want to train in the appropriate zone to get the changes you seek and avoid injury. Those may be strength, aerobic, endurance, threshold.....but for your weight loss it's mostly calories in - calories out, if negative, you lose weight. Burning 400 calories at low intensity/fat fueled will not cause you to lose more weight than 500 calories at high intensity/glycogen fueled. Just because a particular intensity fuels more from fat does not mean you will lose more weight(fat) by training there.

Again, start with myfitnesspal get some data and go at it in a more systematic way. Once you get myfitnesspal tuned it is really good for weight loss.

That's my experience

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