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2016-01-05 11:33 AM

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: Oregon Terrorists

Why are these guys not being talked about here?  They've mounted an assault on US soil, why haven't we responded with appropriate force to quell this rebellion?


2016-01-05 12:51 PM
in reply to: 0

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Minnetonka, Minnesota
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists
No actual force required, or maybe appropriate force could be defined as:

Cut gas, electricity, water and block access in and see how they fare through the winter. Let anyone out and arrest them for breaking and entering and/or trespass, etc.

Edited by ejshowers 2016-01-05 12:52 PM
2016-01-05 12:52 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists
Originally posted by dmiller5

Why are these guys not being talked about here?  They've mounted an assault on US soil, why haven't we responded with appropriate force to quell this rebellion?


I assume you're being tongue in cheek?

I think the answer is that so far, they aren't a threat to anyone, and no one's taking their "armed rebellion" very seriously. ABC noted that "there was no sign of law enforcement in the area, and local police said they had no intention of going to the scene, not even to keep watch on the militia".

I think everyone pretty much assumes that they'll get bored and go home once they feel their point is being made. If they try to stay there for too long, or become disruptive or damage private or federal property, I assume they'll be charged with crimes. I hope they're not dumb enough to try to take up arms against the local LE or NG. That will end badly. For them.

It reminds me a little of the Occupy Wall Street demonstration of a few years ago. A bunch of people moved in, set up tents etc and other than the fact that they were loud and messy weren't really posing any danger to people to property, so LE just kind of left them alone. As soon as enough of them started to hassle passersby, vandalize property, and there were reports of drug dealing and assaults within the shantytown, the NYPD moved in decisively and busted it up.

The big difference here is that OWS didn't have guns, so, at whatever point LE decides they've had enough and the protesters need to go, it's going to be more difficult and potentially more dangerous than rousting a bunch of smelly college kids.
2016-01-05 1:32 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists
That said, I do get a little concerned about the degree to which some (not all) of the GOP presidential candidates are outspokenly supportive of people who openly break federal law in a way that appeals to their conservative values (and, more importantly, their conservative base).

When Cliven Bundy refused to pay grazing fees on the federal land he occupied, he got support, or at least sympathy, from Huckabee, Ben Carson, Rand Paul, Trump, and especially Cruz who denounced the government using "the jackboot of authoritarianism" for having the temerity to enforce the law.

Likewise, several of the same candidates rushed to defend Kim Davis, despite the fact that she chose to defy federal law and refuse to issue marriage certificates to same sex couples. Again, Cruz spoke the loudest, calling her jailing "judicial tyranny" and said that Davis was operating "under G-d's authority".

Rubio is famous for saying that if law is in conflict with the Bible, "G-d's rules always win". That's a chilling statement to hear from a presidential candidate if you don't happen to worship his particular G-d. Again, if someone can explain the difference between what he's saying and Sharia Law, I'd like to hear it, because it sounds the same to me.

Kasisch has really been one of the few GOP voices in support of federal law in this instance. He said, through a spokesman, that he could suggest, "a good federal compound for Bundy and his gang: a US penitentiary."

lastly, always entertaining, the other day Cruz said in a tv ad protesting illegal immigration, "The rule of law wasn't made to be broken." But, not surprisingly, it seems like what he means is, "the rules of law that I personally support." He clearly didn't have a problem with the rules of law being broken by Davis and Bundy.

2016-01-05 1:40 PM
in reply to: jmk-brooklyn

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists

If they were muslim, they'd be dead by now.

right or wrong, that's the truth.


I was being tongue in cheek, but at the same time why can a cop shoot a black man who is unarmed but they consider a threat, but they aren't going to shoot these white folks who TOOK A FEDERAL FACILITY BY FORCE, WITH GUNS.

not that they should necessarily shoot either, but the disparity is jarring.

2016-01-05 3:17 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Deep in the Heart of Texas
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists

Originally posted by dmiller5

If they were muslim, they'd be dead by now.

right or wrong, that's the truth.


I was being tongue in cheek, but at the same time why can a cop shoot a black man who is unarmed but they consider a threat, but they aren't going to shoot these white folks who TOOK A FEDERAL FACILITY BY FORCE, WITH GUNS.

not that they should necessarily shoot either, but the disparity is jarring.

Are we talking about Islamic terrorists wanting to add Burns, Oregon to the Caliphate?  If so, they'd be dispatched in short order.

They didn't take anything by force - they walked into a empty building.  If these yahoos had tried to take a federal courthouse, irs building, post office, etc., then they would have been stopped.  They are hanging out in BFE Oregon 30 miles from anyone, they have enough food to last a week or so, the electricity will be cut off, it's 10 degrees outside, AND they are not considered a threat to anyone.

Disparity requires similarly situated circumstances.  Hyperbole is jarring.

BTW, I'm not defending these thugs, I'm defending the reasoned response.

2016-01-05 4:08 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists

Originally posted by dmiller5

Why are these guys not being talked about here?  They've mounted an assault on US soil, why haven't we responded with appropriate force to quell this rebellion?


Cuz if we ignore them, maybe they'll slither quietly back from under the rocks which they came

Cut the power and the water and convince the media to stay away i.e. stop putting microphones in front of these idiots zealots.

2016-01-05 11:58 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists

That crew has the collective IQ of a sack of hammers........I don't care if we drop a bomb down the chimney, or leave them alone to wallow in their own dumbshitness....makes me no difference.

The world can always use a few less morons.


Edited by Left Brain 2016-01-06 12:04 AM
2016-01-06 9:19 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Chicago, Illinois
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists
I just like how they want food and supplies delivered to them potentially via USPS.

United States has been invaded and territory lost. Thanks Obama.

2016-01-06 9:29 AM
in reply to: chirunner134

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Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists

Originally posted by chirunner134 I just like how they want food and supplies delivered to them potentially via USPS. 

Yeah.....I guess I better wait to see how that plays out before I decide who the dumb "crew" is.

2016-01-08 10:23 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists
Originally posted by Left Brain

That crew has the collective IQ of a sack of hammers........I don't care if we drop a bomb down the chimney, or leave them alone to wallow in their own dumbshitness....makes me no difference.

The world can always use a few less morons.


Dumbshitness. I think you made that word up.

2016-01-08 12:58 PM
in reply to: mdg2003

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Stevens Point, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists

Originally posted by mdg2003
Originally posted by Left Brain

That crew has the collective IQ of a sack of hammers........I don't care if we drop a bomb down the chimney, or leave them alone to wallow in their own dumbshitness....makes me no difference.

The world can always use a few less morons.


Dumbshitness. I think you made that word up.

How many submissions do you need to Webster to make it official?  I think LB just created my new favorite word =)

2016-01-18 12:18 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Across the river from Memphis, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists
Found This...

Percent of land owned by the federal government. No wonder Westerners think this is a big issue and Easterners can’t understand why this is a problem.

(Fed Land.jpg)

Fed Land.jpg (33KB - 3 downloads)
2016-01-26 11:59 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists

One should take assurance of safe passage with a grain of salt...

2016-01-27 8:56 AM
in reply to: SevenZulu

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Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists

Driving to get food is no way to hold down the takeover of a Federal building. LMAO

2016-01-27 9:18 AM
in reply to: Left Brain

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Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists
Well, one of them is dead.

2016-10-27 10:43 PM
in reply to: dmiller5

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Sunny Southern Cal
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists

All seven acquitted.  Next, a Nevada jury needs to do the same.

2016-10-28 6:46 PM
in reply to: SevenZulu

, California
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists

Originally posted by SevenZulu

All seven acquitted.  Next, a Nevada jury needs to do the same.

I guess they shouldn't mind if a bunch of people with guns squat on their ranches for Thanksgiving.

2016-10-28 9:40 PM
in reply to: #5159488

New user
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists
"If they were Muslim, they would be dead by now." Lol. Conservative -phobe? Or maybe "bitch please. " D Miller, that's a huge stretch. 1/10
2016-10-28 9:44 PM
in reply to: #5203328

New user
Subject: RE: Oregon Terrorists
Of course they want food and water delivered to them. They saw Ferguson and Baltimore on TV. Stupid Redneck s.
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