General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Weird Sore Toe Rss Feed  
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2016-09-30 4:12 PM

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Subject: Weird Sore Toe
I can't figure this one out. At first it would come and go. Then it stayed sore for a number of days. Then it was so sore that I couldn't put any pressure on it and my whole foot swelled up. It slowly got better and went away but a slight pain comes back every once in a while. It's right at the ball of the big toe. It's sensitive to pressure (me pressing on it with my finger) but I can bend the toe without significant pain. Ibuprofen seemed to help some. Ice felt better when I put it on but didn't seem to help with the healing. Any ideas as to what it could be?

2016-09-30 6:14 PM
in reply to: b2run

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Eugene, Oregon
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Weird Sore Toe
Could be a bruise of some sort (if it's only lasted a week or two--should clear up by then) or if it's more persistent, something like a neuroma. That's not cancer--just a swelling from a nerve irritation. You can Google it. Might be triggered by your shoes, or even cleat position on the bike. I had a painful bout of this a few years ago. Not really sure what triggered it. Maybe a combo of cleat position putting pressure there and running shoes that were just a bit too small. I've found that even if you stick to the same brand/size/model, the fit profile changes a bit year to year and even if last year's version fit great, this year's could be a bit tight. Or maybe some shoes shrink if you get them wet a lot? In my case, the issue lasted several months but only gave me a few bad days when I couldn't run. The more annoying issue was that I couldn't run comfortably in my racing flats, and barefoot running really hurt, which made race transitions difficult. Was gradually able to alleviate it by moving up 1/2 size with shoes, getting roomier bike shoes as well, and moving my cleats further back, more toward mid-foot. Plus ibuprofen or some kind of topical anti-inflammatory, and ice.
2016-09-30 7:24 PM
in reply to: Hot Runner

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Subject: RE: Weird Sore Toe
Thanks. That might be it. I haven't changed biking shoes in years and my running shoes are well broken in. I guess I'll just hope it disappears and stays away. If it comes back, I'll call a toe truck.
2016-10-03 1:39 PM
in reply to: b2run

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Weird Sore Toe

Two things based on symptoms I can think off based on recent experiences; Metatarsalgia or Morton's Neuroma (had this). 

For Metatarsalgia my doc said it was most common at the first metatarsal head just behind the big toe but can occur in the entire region of the metatarsals and made sure to rule it out when I had my initial neuroma diagnosis.  Things like stepping on a rock, jumping, worn-out shoes, etc., can lead to issues.  Heck my wife when she's running a lot develops thick a callous on the ball of her feet and she'll develop a nuisance pain.  She'll use a pumice stone to control the issue.

A neuroma is likely between the 2nd and 3rd (mine) or most likely between 3rd and 4th toes.  I had developed a severe case of this last year and had surgery to cut the darn thing out as it eventually was affecting my walking gait.  I did not have a lot of swelling with it, only on the top was where I could tell.  I could run with the neuroma without pain most of the time, but hurt every other time I wasn't running. Worst was the stabbing pain I'd get laying in bed at night, it would wake me at times.

IMHO, I'd see a foot doc and get it x-rayed for piece of mind.


2016-10-03 3:37 PM
in reply to: b2run

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Kailua, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Weird Sore Toe
it could also be a stress fracture in your toe
2016-10-03 9:27 PM
in reply to: metafizx

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Subject: RE: Weird Sore Toe
I'd considered stress fracture but I don't think it would come and go.

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General Discussion Triathlon Talk » Weird Sore Toe Rss Feed  

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2006-02-10 6:54 PM element
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date : September 25, 2009
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I got a new pair of the same size / brand of shoes and started running on them. On my left foot, the toe next to the big toe starts to get a little painful and goes numb after the first 1-3 miles.
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date : April 2, 2006
author : AMSSM
comments : 0
I have been noticing a pain in my left foot on my longer runs. It is focused on the ball part of my foot, almost a burning type sensation. Typically wiggling my toes around will get it to subside.